o 73 m o o cz nj w o r 73 H O r mamm Heppner Business Hounses to Remain Closed Over Fourth Majority to Take Advantage of 3-day Week-end Lay-off ' Thirty business houses of Hepp- ner have signified their intention to remain closed over the Fourth of July 26 of them from Saturday night to Wednesday morning, two of them Mondav and Tuesday only and two of them Tuesday or.lv. Scotty's will be open Sunday hci Of the latter four McAtee's and closed Monday and Tuesday, and the Heppner Cafe and the Elkhorn Restaurant will close Tuesday only, The three-day closing is being made to permit employer and em- loye alike a brief vacation, since the manpower shortage has, cur- tailed leaves from work. It will be u$ have leift the county for mili the last -opportunity before starting tary service. of the grain harvest for a general Wages paid in 1943 are prevail holiday and will permit those who ing this season and in the main can to take a long-postponed trip, are being accepted. One combine to catch up on their fishing, or. perhaps do a litttle yard cleaning ably above that being offered but back from Pasco naval station by 1,1 "c aul,.b department Irve man . and work in the garden. without call so far. ' a group of committee members who save his pocketbook, a It is possible that the nearby prospects have improved visited there as guests of the Red j . confident tint school suit of clothes 'an overcoat but mountains will atttract a goodly in the Pas week or two and while Cross field director and through the j ' ' f his mother left the house with no number and in this respect local there is nothing in sight to com kindness of Mrs. Fred Mankin in m jj; . of tenchers and hopc! Hung , more than her night gown officials state that the forest is at Pare wiih the tee previous sea- using her car. and a robe which Irve picked up its best right now. "I hope the sons, reports indicate good produe "Pasco air station is an opera- tion to oth?r maUers pertaining to IS were leaving. Neighbors people wil avail themselves of this tion in most sections of the county, tional base for the carrier arm of 1he EChooi ror a fcw -weeks. aroused by the calls for help- rushed opportunity -to spend a day or two Some grain growers state that the the fleet. Almost 50 percent of the Helen Esudello has been in nd carried out a refigerator and in the mountains," stated Ranger wheat has outgrown the weeds and mcn stationed there have returned eected as commercial teacher in a fcw other articles before the en Fred Wehmeyer. "They are at ih? stands look much better than from active sea duty to take fur- h hh s.hool She tauffht at Al- lire structure was in flames. Other their best now and I believe many pecpie wiij De surprised at wnat they will find. Of course, there is the usual word of caution about fire. That danger is ever present and we must always be on guard, especially now when there is : critical shortage of manpower and a corresponding shortage of lum- ber. Every precaution must be ta- - can't get enough fire fighters with- out drawing on the logging crews and when we do that we slow down tlie production of lumber iimwer which is so vital to the prose secution of Uie war. More crating and wood- en dox maienai is oeing usea now l j i i i than ever before and the flow of lumber to hirpins centers must ... must not be retarded the forest will bear these mmortant f( ; 1 u i j- i ill uuiiu elliu ue KUUU lUIt'bl- ers," he concluded. OVERNIGHT GUESTS Mrs. Ida Fell and Mrs. E'.ler CI "nCUf .&atYrday mgm guests oi ivirs. Josie Jones, the three ladies attending the out- door services and picnic dinner at Sunday. the heme of Mrs. Percy Hughes on Effects of Trashy Fallow on Wheat Observed by Farmers The effects of trashy fallow on same time placed the wheat down d their daughter, Mrs. Don Ro stand, quality and possible yield of jn the moisture where it came up mine, are enjoying a vacation in wheat was observed first hand by aboulj; 25 farmers on the Frank Anderson farm at a short evening tour June 21. The particular piece of ground under observation was a 35 acre tillage trial conducted by Joe Bel- vi A rlnck foot tvnp of imnlpmpnt anger, of the soil conservation ser- .had been used for both plowing and some of the cultivation which left all of the 1942 crop of stubble on the surface of the soil. The wheat on this trial is better than most of the wheat around, which, according to Belanger, is due probably more to the type of seeding implement than to the fact that the stubble was left on the surface. Because of the heavy amount of stubble, a deep furrow type of drill had to be used to dear the trash away which at the Heppner, Labor Supply Fair As Grain Harvest In County Nears Some Help From Outside ReDorted By Labor Office Labor is not plentiful in the sen , - - . that farmers may hire at will, but "' aic iainy weii sup- P accordinS to R. B. Rice, in charge of the farm labor office in Heppner. A few men are drifting in from the outside and more are ex- pected by the time grain cutting gets under way, which will prob- ably be about July 10. A great many jobs are being filled by grade school youngsters, both boys and girls, Rice stated, This help, augmented ,by hands irom tne outside will probably constitute the harvest force, since most youths of high school age and operator is asking a scalet consider- a tew weeks ago. Estimates as high ua u ua" alc lci"iKU some districts but in the main the ieid wul run ircm 30 bushels - down, in the opinion of those who have given the current crop some study. Showers earlier m the month and continued cool weather have combined to fill the heads and . pand the yield. LOUnTV dendS Nine AJn fur'ma Monfh men 'Wring VlOlim Nlne Morrow county young men - ' - - """"i n me l0rCeS- ,U! Ti ro onto ro,n tha nnmr cinr) tnni' t n a . - , i,, r, armv my lf 1 V T 1 . . '"" VVl on leguiar reauest.inff immediate inducti. 1 ' ieiii June lor active dutv witn the navy. Included were Walter J. Skuzeski, James G. Bavratt, Pat- rick R. O'Brien and Marshall Lov- ... m weaving on June a lor active duty with the army were Herbert D. Si.hunk, Robert M. Hoskins, Robert B. Crowell and Johnie C. Jackson. quickly and made a better start than seedlings next to it with a regular type drill. made It is not Belanger's contention that ejvertyonie should switch to the type of equipment that he ia using on the trial, even if this equipment was available. He feels that farmers should be pretty sure of the tyPe of equipment they need before they make a change, Similar trials are being carried on in other Columbia Basin coun- ties also in Morrow county on the Louis Bergevin and Lee Beckner farms. Another such trial has also been started on the Frank ,Ander- son farm making it possible for those with wind and water erosion problems to observe the effects of utilizing the stubble to the fullest extent for erosion control. Oregon, Thursday, June Bond Sales Reach 70 Percent County Quota Morrow county citizens will have to rally around the next few days if the $356,000, Fifth War Loan quota is to go over the tofp. To date, with only nine days' of the xampaign left, approximately 70 per cent of the quota has been taken and this by a comparatively few 1 " - " buyers, bond officials state. Unless us a urautu picn-up in pur- chases over this week-end the com- mittee will feel compelled to launch a house-to-house canvass, and it is strongly desired to avoid this step inasmuch as everybody is busy and it is somewhat of an imposi- tion on solicitors to ask them to take the field. The last check-up, made Wed- nesday showed $260,269 had been invested in the government secur- mes. rnis leaves more than yu,uuu County Committee Provides Articles For Pasco Station mis is a report oi lacts orougnt ther training and refresher courses. iNaiuraiiy tneir iamines rusn mere to greet them and , stay for their retention there." Many of these fa- milies are living under poor living conditions even paying $G0 a month for , basement rooms. "There seems to be 'nothing the iJl lit: IVitJUIlLHlII tlllllJ cl 1 1 ( 1 ilUhUILd council or county committees can do, about the miserable housing conditions but a few things have been done by our local 'group to make life a bit easier for the en- listed w sent thre unrin. Ao, . n roa; IL.:!. . uu w - m- 1 .. .. 1 . TM-ArtnitirtM unit I I tvin rm nn ifnn UUU1.L1U11 U111L Will 1 1 1 a TV C: . ail 11 1111 . , , .. . are needed; and a carpet sweeper. A , 1 1 l , , ' r M; Linnie Loudan of Condon. vvc BtIU lu UW Ilew retuIUiS and Part of wU1 8 to thc B" w Waves as thev have a Victrola but iust two recn PASTOR R.F.TlTUNF.n Mrs. George Corwin returned the cal Gamble Store, returned this ceived a b,0d transfusion yester r.t e u i, t,. v r ir. ...i u ua.V aiternoon. where she attended the conference of the Columbia district of the -Methodist church.. She brought word that Rev. Bennie Howe has been returned to the pastorate of the Heppner church for another year. Rev. Howe and Mrs. Howe western Oregon this week. ATTENDED CHURCH PICNIC Mrs. Cora Phplns of Pendleton yira of La Grande and Mrs. Phelp's granddaughter, Mar- cielle Miller of Idaho, attended the outdoor church services and picnic at the home of Mrs. Percy Hughes on Little Buttercreek Sunday. AUDITOR HERE D. W. Glasgow, former , manager of the Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc., is in the county this week auditing the books of the con- cern. Glasgow makes his home in Spokane. : PICNIC POSTPONED Due to the triple holiday the Eastern Star picnic scheduled for Sunday has been postponed 29, 1944 to be raised before July 8 if Mor- row is to be counted among the counties of the state attaining the quota during the campaign period, The Star theater bond premiere attracted upwards of 130 purchas- ers Tuesday evening A comolete return on the o - has not been submitted but it is mougni 10 nave represented mod- est sales largely. The audience felt well repaid by .the program the Abbott & Costello film, "Hit the Ice" and the vocal numbers by Mrs. Clyde Dunham, accompanied by Marylou Ferguson. Chairman P. W. Mahoney wishes to call attention to prospective purchasers that the Tax series C bonds will not be on'sale after July 8. This is the type that may be used to apply on paying iederai taxes, Teacher List Filled In Heppner Schoo! With the hiring of three teachers this week the positions .are all filled " .r T 1 sea ast year anj. comcf highly recommended. Mrs. Hettie Rhodes who taught last year at Dufur, has been elect- ed to teach English. She, too, is a perience. ' teacher of a number of years ex- The fourth grade position, made VclUdllL IJ V lilt: ItralLiJlei LlvJI I Ul 1VJ.1 a, William Davis, will be taught by Miss Elsie Jenny from Benchland, Mont. SISTER DIES IN PORTLAND u. ivx vv cu u i wi veu worn 1T HT TIT 1 1 .. .1 Saturday ot the passing of her sis- ter Mrs. Eudora Anderson, whose aeaui occurrea on mat aay. ser- i . i .1,1 rt vices were held Monrlav and inter-TE. " J - . ment was made in the Rose Citv : T il J ...ui, u t City chapter of the Order of Eas tern Star in charge. Mrs. Anderson i c cl l ti rrrl V.ir -irt,Vi4- n Vi 1 1 r v rri . . j . . . , . . :1J and one brother, Chance Wilson of Monument. Mis. Ward U.. 7aa a""" "U1 al"1 3 ' RETURNS FROM MONTANA rn.,U T onVintv, ,Mrno P tth 1- was called by the illness of his mother who is now improved. Don Winsfo-.v of thc Navy liv Ll. (iiundr. Frank M.irtinck w f&Vr- LET'S BUY 5TH.WAR LOAN BONDS TO BOMB THE ENEMY AND GIVE BALM TO OUR FIGHTING r Volume 61. Number 1'4 . H South Heppner Destroyed o o 73 73 n . c si In Midnight Fire Bennett Residence Reduced to Ashes; Very Little Saved Fire which apparently was start- ...... ii-iv.ii nppai ciiuy wu BUUl" ed by defective wiring comDletelv destroyed the home of Mrs. Ellen Bennett and her son Irve Bennett last night. The home was located in south Heppner, outside of the city limits and beyond the city water line. The fire department responded, taking the grass fire fighting equipment which aided materially in preventing spread of blaze to neighboring residences and property. li ve Bennett was awakened by the smell of smoke and got up to see where it was coming from. He discovered fire playing around the electric light wiring in the front room and going to the rear of the house discovered that the whole roof was ablaze. He called his mo- , ' , ' 1IW T ms T" Uer who got,. a"d went to Ae phone to notify the operator to neighbors rushed to the assistance OI iVi,s- Bennett who is past 92 vears ot aSe and aided her until ner omer son- d Bennett arrived W1U1 nis car ar"d took her to his nome- family and friends were busy todav making a new wardrobe for Mrs. BenniMit. aix Vincd years, is withstanding the sho,ck 1uiie well, . Tne 'm was turned in around 1 a. m. RETURNS HOME HT r mrS. uucy Kodgers returned Tuesday irom SeatUe Je where she spent several weeks helDin take care oi her dauchler-in-law. .Mra . (1. Riiflianan x.,Ur u 1 """"'I. W 1IU lliia lJt"-Il Kt . . nous v ill hut w imT.,i, u ,f nr.. t, i . , . . " MrS. TumCf GrOYelv m mm . III in Portland Report comes from St. Vinrwit'a U .:i.l . , . . I. uhP"ai m foruand that Mrs. F. W' Turner submitted to a maior operation Wednesday morning and is in a serious condition Slic Up to press time this afternoon no further word has come and friends and relatives alike are hoping for a cheering report very soon. Mr. Turner and Howard Swick, Mrs. Turner's nephew are in the city with her. v-anning v-iud Needs i t vaairionai Members A 'group of girls met with Mrs. CC. Dunham, 4-H club activities director, Wednesday evening in the county agent's office and formed a canning club. Merlene Miller was chosen president; Carol Miller, vice ' president; Beverly Yocum, secre tary, and Shirley Yocum, reporter. An effort is being made to inter est more girls of the community in this project, Division I canning, which requires only 25 quarts of fruit of two varieties. Girls inter ested should contact any of the of ficers or Mrs. Dunham, phone 882. FATHER SERIOUSLY ELL Mrs.. Nellie Anderson, proprietor , of Nell's Beauty Shop, was called to Portland the past week-end by the serious illness of her father. , W H O O r (A o m H