Heppner Gazette Times, June 15, 1944 5 CHURCHES ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL Archdeacon Neville Blunt Church School 9:45 a. m. Mornirg worship 11 o'clock CHURCH OF CHRIST O. Wendell Herbison, Pastor Bible school 9:45. A class for ev ery aj?e. Morning worship 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. 'Evening service, 8 o'clock. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Beanie Howe, Minister SUNDA Y June 18: Divine worship aT 11 a. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: You can get along with a wood en kg, but you can't get along with a wooden head. In cider that your brain may he kdht clear you must keep your body fit and well. That cannot be done if one drinks li quor. Dr. Charles Mayo. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis MeCormack Pastoi Schedule of Services: Her-nner: Sunday mass at 9 a. m. on the 1st and 3rd Sundavs; at 10:30 a. m. on the 2nd and, 4th. lone: 10:30 a- m. on the 1st and 3rd; 9:00 a. m- on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Week day mass at 8 a. m. First Friday at 7:30 a. m. Confessions: Saturdays. 7:30 p. m. to 8:00 p- m. Sundays 8:15 a. m. to 8:55 a. m. CHURCH oflONE COOPERATIVE H. N. Waddell, Pastor Bible schooL 10 a. m. Worship service 11 a. m. Preaching service at 8 p. m. at Lexington. Tuesday 8 p. m. Bible study Thursday 2 p. m. Union aid meeting. "Blessed is the man that walk eth not in the counsel of the ungod ly But his delight is in the law of the Lord." Come to church. UNSIGHTLY MARKS EASILY " ' REMOVED FROM LINOLEUM Blame the war for the black youths marks apearing Radio Electronics Course Available An opportunity for .both youths marks apearing on floors from and men to enlist in the navy's ra- rubber roles and heels, suggests dio technician program and receive Lois A. Lutz, extension specialist m thorough training in radar and ra- home management at Oregon State dio electronics was announced by college, who then tells what to do Grace Turner civilian navy recruit- to get rid of them. ing representative in Heppner. The carbon black in rubber, that Those qualifying will be trained ca,ufes mks has been mcreas- in the navy's high frequency radio rf rubber sJort!f ' tZ- o r,iw,,,m ton as it makes rubber more durable. cfhnAic tmt q minimum nr r.PTi months. They will be enlisted, or inconvenience it causes is just J - - rre nf fhncjo thino's that imvi hanti ftreaks are cleaned off. Use of li quid wax will do both operations at once. Miss Lutz advises removing the marks at least once a week, as they are harder to take off the longer they remain on the floor. D7JVES TO PORTLAND Mit Leta Humphreys drove to Portland Tuesday on a short busi ness trip. She was accompanied to the city by MLiS. Frances. Weaver rnd .returning will bring her sister, Miss Evelyn Humphreys home. Ev elyn will accompany her father to Rockaway for a vacation. inducted as seamen first class and be promoted to petty officer third class in five months and to first or second class petty officer upon completion of the course. The av erage !pay during training is ap proximately $75 a month, with all expenses paid. Anyone from 17V2 to 5OV2 yev. one or. those tnings tnat civilians must put up with if they are to have rubber footwear at all. These black marks may be re moved with liquid wax, turpentine, or cleaning fluid, says Miss Lutz. The grease solvents, such as carbon tetrachloride, or turpentine, remove wax from the floor along with the black marks, hence a recoating of of. age who can pass a simple test wax is necessary after the spots 01 in elementary high school matne matics and physics is qualified for assignment. Men who have receiv ed their orders to report for pve induction physical are not eligible but men who have already taken their physical and been assigned to the navy "pool" may take it prior to induction. VISITING BENGES Mrs. O. M. Bengston and child ren of Medford are visiting at the home of Mrs. Bengston's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Benge v MRS. LETRACE MARRIES IDAHO MAN SUNDAY fA wedding of" interest to Hepp ner was solemnized Sunday, June 11, in the Elpiscopal church at La Grande when Mrs. Neva Letrace of Heppner became the bride of Mr. 1 John Routson of Weiser, Ida., Rev. Clarence Kopp, rector, officiating. The ceremony was performed at 1 o'clock p. m. in the preserce of rel atives and a few invited guests. The couple will make their home at Weiser. . . Attending .tiie wedding from Heppner were Mr. and Mrs. E. Le trace Mr. and Mrs. Orian Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parsegan and Louis Letrace. 7:15 p.m. LOWELL THOMAS NEWS TIME DON LEE-MUTUAL Standard of California w E are pleased with the many friends we 1 Wive made housewives who have exclaimed over the nutritional qualities of all our meals. Menus arc carefully planned to give you good, wholesome, nu tritious foods. Breakfasts to give a mill or farm worker "something to work on." Lunches arc , always appe tizing. Dinners are always a treat for hungry families. YOU'RE ALWAYS WEL COME. Come in soon! HEPPNER CAFE Woman to help in office. Steady for right person. Call between 6 and 8 p. m. Dr. W. H. Rockwell ust as our fighting men must double their efforts to win, so must we on the home front double ori efforts to pay for winning. Every person must put tvvic --' much into War Bonds than ever before, during the Fiftii War Loan Drive. If our fighting men can fight twice as hard ... we can buy twice as much! Wilson's Men's Wear AUCTION Registered Herefords H. L. Johnson ranch 11 miles N.W. of CONDON Tuesday, June 20 2 o'clock p. m. 1 4 cows; 14 calves; heifers-2 three-year-e'ds, 5 two-year-olds, 1 ycari:ng; t.wo yearling hulls. Ernd of these cows cams from the Reese !"crn n arid Sid Seale Herds and the rest were raised on my ranch, are mostly out of Real Prince D. 184th by Real Prince Domino 33d. One calf was sired br- Sid Scab's herd bull Beau Real and the remainder by Champion Donald, a of Donald Domino 16th and Bonny Catherine, a grand champion cow and f h dom of a number of champion bulls. H. L. JOHNSON, Owner V. R. RUNNION, Auctioneer a They are grateful for everything the telephone operators are doing to get them a Long Distance line to home. They will thank you, too, if you leave the Long Distance wires from seven to ten for the service men. That is the best time many of them have to cafl. Buy War Bonds for Victory THE PACIFIC TELEPHONI AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 4 West Willow," Telephone 5