Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 15, 1944, Image 1

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1944 Rodeo Called
Off Tuesday Evening
By Assn. Directors
No Further Shows
Here if Heppner
Not Interested
"If the business men and people
of Heppner don't want a rodeo, the
Rodeo association most certainty
does not want to force a show on
them this year or any other time."
That was the unanimous expression
of members of the association at a
meeting held Tuesday, evening for
the purpose of calling off the 1944
rodeo. Cancellation was voted after
a review of steps taken to put the
grounds in shape, contracting for
show stock and numerous other
items connected with putting on a
In summing up the objections to
staging the show, it was the opin
ion of the directors that the most
serious factor is that of housing.
They are convinced the people Methodist chu.,ch ,at 10 0-clock a. A copy of the Flathead Courrier, hotel. Xo &e sheriff he was sons for ug the people to back
could be fed -but admitted that m. Frid3y. Mr. Gay passed away at putfuihed at Poison, Mont., receiv- ty out on ,eave to make g lmle up the boys who are turning the
housing facilities are- scarce, i he me famiy residence m north Hep. od by R. I. Thompson, contained mon which to pay a fine enemy homeward on aU fronts. The
fact that attendance would be large, Jner pho,lt 3 p m Tuesday a,ter an news of the passing of P. C. Crest and get himse out f jail T band was a snappy military organ
assuring the success from a finan- extended illness . well at his home in that city the state ice he is a tJt offender iUon and not only played in the
aal standpoint, did not lessen their Eo,n 1Q mo at Gay previous week. Funeral services with a record requiring three evening but gave a short street
worry over taking care of the rand, on Rhea c .e2ki he was w;Te held Friday, May 19 at the sheets of record to accommo. performance in the afternoon,
crowd. However, it was pointed out son of Henry and jriorence Bennett Retz chapel in Poison with inter- date his of offenes against Chairman Mahoney stated Wed
that the last day is usually the pay- Gay) pioneers or the county. Lester ment in Lakeview cemetery. lawg of states running from' Texas nesday morning that if the people
off and the bulk of the crowd would spent entire life in this vicinity, Mr. Cresweil was born in 1861 in to North Dakota, to the state of will hurry in and buy bonds before
not have to seek housing. As to the assisting With operation of the ranch years a resident of Heppner. He Wrshington and on down the line or by June 20 there will, be no so
matter of feeding the visitors, the until it was disposed of and since Eugene, Oregon and was for many and to Texas Ml m a Udtation. "We know we will have
directors were sure that enough that time at various pursuits. In operated a stock ranch on upper period of 54 years SQ to buy th and it will be easier
unrationed meats could be ac- recent years has devoted much Willow creek and was for a num- sentences it would require on all concerned' if it is done on a
quired to meet the demand. People of his time to taking care of his her of years city marshal of Hepp- an addin machhie to arrive at a voluntary basis," the chairman said.
eataioi o mmBurgjuuiu.uw,,
one official stated!. .
There was same discussion Ot
stagmg tne snow eisewnere m
i i t i
wunty, mm uie. poumvy uv a
ranch rodeo will be held. It is un-
derstood that one ranch has enough
irtock for a show and also good
5orrals and a natural setting for
a crowd. This would be a one-day
W' a f -n
miy uuu wimavicu w
be paid by the association and a
tender of assistance from Heppner
business men will be politely "re-
fused, the directors indicated. This
may include reimbursing Peal &
Tucker for the show stock, as well
as for repairs 'on the grounds, but
the association wul clear its dooks
and turn the rodeo back to the cm-
zens of Heppner to do as they see
tit with it
Committee to Meet
At Thompson Home
Mrs. Ralph' Thompson
of the. Morrow county chapter of
the Blue Mountain Camp and Hos-
pital Council, will be hostess to the
members of the committee and all
sohcitors who are assisting in the
current drive for funds, baturday
Willow creek. ' The ireeting is
scheduled to start at 2:30 and will
be followed with a tea.
Special guest of the afternoon
will be Mrs. Ralph Reser of Walla
Walla, secretary of Blue Mountain
council, who will discuss the pres-
ent fund campaign and general
features of the work carried on by
the camp and hospital group.
VISITING HERE return to GI' fare." '
Sgt. Raymond Bosworth and Mrs. Charles will leave Saturday en
Bosworth are visiting tliis week route to pick up orders for return
with Mrs. Bosworth's parents, Mr. ing overseas, A brother, First Lt.
and Mrs. Merle Kirk. They came Herb Davidson, is a flight officer
from Tampa, ria., ana me sergeant
T-n i ,1 . i
will report to Camp McCoy.
Flight Officer Dan Maynard was
in Heppner the past week visiting John M. Skuzeski, Flc son of june 8 at Woodburn and weighed ,y F. Majeske, Herman F. Wallace and
his wife and her parents, Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. John Skuzeski of nine pounds, nine and one-half REID2ARSAL CANCELLED Delbert T. Vinson, Lexington and
Mrs. J. F. Davis. He was commis- Heppner, is a member of the Gyro ounces. The Parkers were residents The choral club practice sched- James P. Healy, Jack L. Van Win
sioned at Nashville and left here Compass softball team at Treasure 0f Heppner the past year while Mr. uled for Monday evening, June 19 kle and Floyd Worden of Hepp
Saturday for Brownsville, Tex., Island which recently won the base Parker served as principal of the has been cancelled. Next rehearsal ner. James C. Denney of Pasco was
where he will be stationed tern- championship. The play started high schoool. He expects to be call- will be announced later when more accepted through the Morrow coun
porarily. with 23 teams. ed up for training soon. music arrives. ty selective service board.
' .i. w wacmswfMtsTpuvw :I; j
1 BOND SERIES Sit , 1. CSS 0 JS 100 t 11 ;
Lifetime Resident
Of County Passes
Fune;5.: serVicss for Lestar Eu-
Bene Cav. CS. will hp htAA fro-n tn.o
agc1 molher..H3 was one of a fa-
milv of six children, of whom one
cicW Mrc W A T?i0nr.V, unA tViro
' .
""'i " "-"
brothers, Albert B., Walter H. and
Henry Le0i all of Heppner, togeth-
er with the mother, survive. In ad-
dition there are three nieces, Mrs.
Cornett Green and Mrs. James Es-
tes of Heppner and Pearl Gay, dan-
ghter of Leo, and two nephews,
BiUy Frendl 01 U- Sl navy and
iviace oay or tne u. s. army.'
rv,w of bombardment and straf.
y the enemy get on one's
nerves and members of the armed
fOTCes wno undergo this constant
din w uncertainty for any length
tim arp entitled to and eener-
11 receive a 30ldav furloueh or
leave so they can get entirely away
jrom wai ana its horrors, na
rrvisi od the lads Pet iust as far
U as Lv can
For the pit three weeks Sgt.
Charles Howard Uavidson has been
. - . t i i
Helping, the home folks on the big
ranch out south of lone. He is one
of the boys taking a 30-day fur-
lough to get away from it all
1v'i" "
is a veteran ot the Anzio beach
head campaign ana Knows what
a member of a searchlight oper-
ations unit which means that he
has bsen in the thick of things.
' "They certainly are giving us the
best equipment to work with,"
Charles stated. ''The best .in th
world, I think. But we have to bet
by on canned rood ive certainly
been trying to catch up on fresh
beef and pork since coming home,
which makes it a little easier to
l ..1 n:. f
somewnere over mere, ins lamuy
has not heard from, him in nine
months. '
Oregon, Thursday, June
Former Heppher
Resident Passes
iPoiSOn, Mont.
ncr. saving nere m iau, lor mon-
tana, he lived first at Butte and
Forsvthe and. in 1911 settled down
inat is a T.niirnrvnan jaitptcn or tup
. . . . i .
at-Poison. Inuring his residence In
roison in tne early aays or the city,
Mr. Cresweil (or Oregon Pete, as
he was known by many residents)
operated a dray line before the ad-
vent of the automobile. He had
been ill for some time previous to
Ua P388111 on 11
ourvivors inciuae nis wiaow, wno
uvea m xuiauii, ivvu uauums uua.
Arthur Guyard of Portland and
Mrs. lvT. P. Russell of Missnulfl! one
son, Joseph Cresweil of Torrey,
Utah, and four grand children. His
wife and daughtetrs were at his
.bedside when he died.
Judge Calvin L. Sweek came over
flom Pendleton Monday morning to
court- when he arrived he round
the only cases on the docket were
two birth certificates. He issued
1 Ki roriiiir'itoo oni raimvio1 nvmo
. .
William Greener of Hardman has
arranged for a sale of livestock anl
. . i t
Th,rc,rlHVjime 22 Greener has
, , , ,
counts for selling the stock. V. R.
Runnion will do the auctioning,
which will begin at 10 a. m. A free
lunch at noon will be a' feature of
the sale.
- -
Patrons of School District No. 1
, , , , , ,
nual school be heU at
2 o'clock p. m. Monday, June 19, at
the Heppner city hall One board
member and the clerk are to be
elected, besides voting on tie bud
cnt. .inH rana,PTlncf snrh orhor nils-
get and transacting such other bus
iness- as
may come before the
R w .aran , r
Susan Ann is the name given to
their new daughter by Mr. and Mrs.
ivan Parker. The child was born
15, 1944
County Prisoner
On French Leave
To the passerby he was a painter
j.t: i t a -t iu ti
Bomewhat acc-jrate total of time
j s u t :i
. . ., , . . . . ..
Aiiai is a uiLunuiiaii sjvt
CTiminal record of one Semm
uel E Ajn who was picked
-m Heppner June 5 on a
char hdd CQUnfy jaU
on & sentence of $20 fme and $30
days fa jaJL Pleased to work for
money fte took .-Frencl leave
and county officials are not worry-
mg &xmt present whereabouts,
Mr. nnrl Mrs F. R .Tonspn anA
children left Lexington Saturday
for western Washington where they
will visit relatives for several
""r' . ' . " T,
a scnooi posiuon aitnougn ne nas
several good prospects under con
sideration. He will attend summer
school at the University of Oregon,
. --,,.,,
iviiuiv rivwui r-wi-n
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Thrmas have
returned ' to 2?ePIner fm hf?"
- v ifw wiicic xiixruiaa w ao iojs ui xvl
state Douce nor a monui or so. w-
ness forced him to give up the Lake
county job and he is looking for a
new location.
Archdeacon and Mrs
lUUiUtnwii 'Vf uiv
-r- i , i ri iit i 1 e j -
unl 1U weonesuay ior ove to
attend the annual adult conference
of ,ne east91'n Oregon diocese of
lhe Episcopal church. The annual
convocation wil open , Friday morn-
ing. Mrs. Percy Hughes is presi-
dent of the Church Women's Ser-
vice league and wul depart lor Uove
Thursday morning
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Jones have
received WQrd jrom thdr s pfs
Donald Jones, that he has been
- transferred from Ellingt.on Field,
. . .
Tex. to LeMoore, Calif.
Halranal -u,if0r Mr nJ w
T tt.u .h rr i
jiouis nan. ajj nr vanmnvpr. was!..
TTall oil ff Van rr iimr Wao
M . v.M
fTll e.JL.5fy. '
, . r i i. n
Volume 61, Number 12 s r
Soldiers and Band
Add Zest to 5th
War Loan Drive
Kick-off Program
Attracts Buyers
On Opening Night
With the assistance of five sol
diers and the 25-piece band from
the Walla Walla airbase, Chairman
P. W. Mahoney and his war finance
committee got off to a good start,
on the Fifth War Loan campaign
Saturday evening. Srles made that
evening were satisfactory to the of
ficials and up to noon Wednesday
had reached a total ol $63,800, or
approximately 18 percent of the
quota of $356,000.
A good crowd turned out to hear
the stories of the soldiers who have
returned from the front and the
band music, both of which wre
well received. Each soldier has had
plenty of experience with German,
anA Ton snj , AumtoUJ i.nlil -
Large investors are more prompt
tvar, M in,,
-i -u j ..J.-.L ii ...:ri i-i !
yuui aiurau wuox uiey wm um.e ui
each succeeding issue. It will be
the large number of small purchas-
eS that will come in late and create
a traXfic jam it contended by the
committee. Right now it is essen-
tial that gasoline and tires be con-
served and the committee is urging
more buying and less driving aa the
campaign progresses.
Troop 61 Holds
Goilft Of HonOT
By Carl Thorpe
The Boy Scouts had a Court of
Honor Monday evening in
Methodist hlaemmt
B. C. Pinckney gave a talk on
j Q Turner taJked of
and the, mmmimltv. Judo. Rrt
c -
Johnson spoke of the Scout and
" -
Bennett and Donald
- ""j
Second class badges were award-
ed to Koss rlcJcenng, can ihorpe
and Jimmie UrwicK.
Merit badges were awarded to
duu,, ,ra. nv.r:M.
a t
jjonaid ruppee tor swimming.
Carter House and Lauren Cor-
win received their service stars,
New registration cards were is-
sued to all the scouts.
Parents were invited and a good-
ly number were present.
Refreshments of ice c.eam ann
cookies were served.
Latest group of Morrow county
men to be accepted for service
W1U1 uie
armed forces includes
three for the navy and nine for the
Oualuying tor the navy were
Marshall Lovgren, Donald E. Gree-
nuD and Kenneth C. Klineer. For
, , ,
i me armv. iov Hi. oaii. jr. ui ooaiu-
man: BiU J. Bruce of lone: Eugene