6 Heppner Gazette Times, June 8, 1944 Irrigon News Notes By MBS. J. A. SHOTTN Sam Umiker and daughter Kath leen arrived home Monday after a few days spent at Castle Rock. Mrs. G. E. Reiman and daughter Roberta and Mrs. J. Bartel and son Elder of Dryden Wash, visited their brother, E. R. Schneider and family over the week-end leaving Monday. Betty Acock and Lois Markham cadet nurses stationed at La Grande, came home June 1 and left Monday after visiting with their parents, the C. W. Acock and Harry Smith families. Betty, was also in The Dalles for a short time with her sister, Mrs. Merry Allen. Mrs. Wm. Graybeal arrived home Sunday from the Ordnance hospital where she was operated on for appendicitis. Grace Haney got back from Spo kane Monday where she visited her mother, Mrs. Mildred Haney. and brother Wesley. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gaharding were Irrigon visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Doris Gollvhom and son Wayne spent Sunday with her pa- Of Livestock rents, the A. H. Jacksons of Hepp ner. Schedule VI Summary of Estimates of Expenditures, Receipts and Available Cash Balances, and Tax Levies ESTIMATION OF TAX Bond Inter- Special Im- LEVY Total All General est and provement (1) Funds Fund Total Siinking Fund Total '' (2) Sch.edH Fund Total Sched.V Sohed. Ill Total estimated expenditures $ 57,490.40 $ 52,290.40 $ 2,200.001 1$ 3,000.00 DEDUCT: " . Total estimated receipts and available cash balances (Schedule I) -.. 33,230.00 33,230.00 Amount necessary to balance the budget 24,260.40 19,000.40 Total Estimated Tax levies for ensuing fiscal year 24,260.40 ' Analyses of estimated tax levies: III Amount inside 6 limitation 22,060.40 I Amount outside 6 limitation 2,200.00 INDEBTEDNESS 1. Amount of bonded indebtedness (include all ne gotiable interest-bearing warrants issued un der section 111-1016, 'O. . C. L. A.) 4. Total Indebtedness (sum of items 1, 2, 3).... $8,000.00 $8,000.00 Dated this May 24, 1944. Signed: Bonnie B. McQintock District Clerk Leta M. Humphreys Chairman, Board of Directors Approved by Budget Committee May 24, M44. Signed: Virginia Roeewall Jos. J. Nys Secretary, Budget Committee Chairman, Budget Committee Shortage of Feed Forces Reduction Calvert is the Union Pacific agent Farmers Urqed tO at Ordnance where they have been ij. . i ki located since the first of Novem- Make LODOr Needs The statewide program ,ber, 1942. He was agent at Joseph lnftwn nf ftffsVrt for 24 years and it was there that ,xnuyyn VITICe for re- the Calverts and Crawfords became Farmers of Morrow county have duction. of livestock numbers on friends. been asked to cooterate in makine The Earl Connells spent Sunday Oregon farms in view of prospec- : ; their expected labor needs known evening in Boardman with the Gene tive feed supplies was supplement- MOVE TO MEDiFORD immediately to the county farm la- Lewis family. e(j recently bv War Foods Admin- Ralnh Wilson is nrenarine tr bor emolovment office sn that ar- Teen-age boys .and girls, working both as individuals and in organ ized groups, will provide the big gest potential farm labor supply in Morrow county this year, Rice said. Farmers needing one, two, a half dozen, or more boys or girls for seasonal work in crop harvest ing or for full-time summer work may make their needs known at yiwv oiuiui KUl. d MUdll uiewe Ul lSt.rat.Or V arvin .lonps. acrnrrtma tn mnvo hio familv in TVTorltnrH mVioro rrrifTpmpnts mav Ko marlo irx tra . ... tSdtaJIJ'w COUnty C- COnrad' tHey dUratin PSSible farm W01'ker n XmenT ie" bei' mad?, ri Ji, ',DesPite e ased wMe he is in Service' lh' mce' Mo.rw. couMy Women will also be available in " a"- feed Droduction and the imnnrt.s nf " iarm labor assistant said tins week, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sodders and most communities. all the ifpprl that rvilr tranonnrt a IN N LAYLSLKti TVio 1T , ,( , . " ..xwx ivvy lailll XUJL uuun, xc ua tion facilities woud Mr, and Mrs. R L. Benge drove office at i ivr p hTi - lS n0t enough feed t0 suPflv t0 Fand Sunday where they the wokers it can to help harvest sister, Mrs. raul riaberiein and la- the m"y- hnvP " .Tonp Tt ,;n u u ;uj i, t ' .-ui ciop workers this year and many vy ixi kt iic- aw a v Liicy vwiicu at ur jiuiiic ui qo iai ui auvaiitc eta uuaMUic uic Mrs. Frank needs of both full-time and season- Heppner is recruiting all . , , , ., . i . i i i . informed through the schools in most instances of the necessity for have," Jones said, mr. ana ivirs.- narvey warner cessary to adjust our livestock and Mrs. Benge's sister, went to Hermiston Thursday. They poultry numbers to the available Baird of Newberg. brought Estlier and Beth home. The feed supplies.. The balancing of girlg had been visiting their grand- livestock and feed supplies will be parents and attending the church in the real interest of the livestock school there. . produrers themselves. They are the Donna Moore of The Dalles spent orly ones who can accomplish it." a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Si- This year's food production ob nice Moore. jectives for Gregn suggest the Paula Haberlein and Lucile Jones gfeate't reduction in beef cattle, are home for their summer vaca- F r three successive years Oregon tion from Marylhurst college where farmers have increaced the num they spent their freshman year. ber oi beef cattle dailT and Johnny Sweringen, S2c, left last hcgs- Conrad savs' and current feed Thursday after spending a few days EU?Plles m Seneral are not adequ with his parents the J. O. Swerin- at3 to msure a sound feeding pro gens and Mrs. Grace Foster of Her- P13"1- - - -- . mis ton. Mrs. Ed Houghton and son Bruce are back from Kelso, Wash where she has been visiting her people. She will now return to her home in New Jersey. The Ernest Bediwells of Ontario al helpers, Rice explained. of them are in the fields. signing up for work f, ., : , ,, . -., CLEARANCE SPECIALS "IjEVIL" TURNS ORCIIARDIST Lauren Corwin, erstwhile print ers devil at the Gazette Times, hes gene to Hood River to spend tha summer on his grandfather's farm. Contrary to the general as sumption, their arf pociA r1fvi1s and the Roy Bediwells of Sunny- and Lauren is one of them. side came to Emery Bediwells Tues o day and remained until Thursday. OLD FRIENDS MEET Mrs. Jack Smith had a major Sunday caillers at the O. G. operation Tuesday and seem to be Crawford residence were Mr. and getting along nicely. Mrs. E. M. Calvert of Ordnance. i The Whole Family WilS Love It! Enriched Bread from HEPPNER BAKERY Children "go for it" in their lunch boxes or for in-between meal snacks the whole family enjoys it any hour, and it sure goes over as a "meat stretcher" . Here is your opportunity to save substantially on wanted mer chandise. -Every item sharply reduced for quick sale. Don't wait as quantities are limited. WOMEN'S SUMMER COATS 100 percent wool fleece! Beautifully styled! CLEARANCE Q QQ PRICE .J WOMEN'S DRESS HATS Large selection of styles and colors! Straws, Felts CLEARANCE 1 AA PRICE W WOMEN'S STRIPED SPORT SHIRTS Just the thing for summer sports wear! CLEARANCE Cf PRICE WOMEN'S PRINT SKIRTS Bright colored florals! Just right for summer wear! CLEARANCE PRICE 1.00 ZIPPER CLOSING FURLOUGH BAGS Don't miss this value! Just a few left! CLEARANCE Cfl PRICE WOMEN'S SUITS Just three at this price! CLEARANCE 1 J QQ PRICE 14,77 WOMAN'S PURSES Don't miss this bargain! CLEARANCE 9 C PRICE J FLOUR SQUARES Slightly soiled, damaged CLEARANCE 1 7 PRICE 1 4 SUN GLASSES Clip on styles! CLEARANCE 1 A PRICE 1 u BOB PINS Plastic grip type! CLEARANCE PRICE Card .5 HAIR PINS Plastic crimp style! CLEARANCE PRICE Card .5 HOUSE FROCKS Better quality prints! CLEARANCE 1 Cf PRICE y. C. PNNV CO J f AC, WOMEN'S PRINT HOUSE COATS Variety of styles and colors. VALUES! CLEARANCE PRICE 1.50 CHILDREN'S SUMMER COATS Just four left, so don't wait ' get yours now! CLEARANCE. 3 QQ PRICE 77 WOMEN'S WHITE 1 BLOUSES Fine Broadcloth! Share in this Bargain! CLEARANCE I Crt PRICE I.JV PRINTED ART WORK SKIRTS Beuatiful Dirndl type summer skirts! CLEARANCE PRICE .50 MISSES SPORT BERETS Grand assortment of Beanies, Berets, Softies CLEARANCE C PRICE WHITE SLACKS For boys and girls .50 CLEARANCE PRICE