Heppner Gazette Times, May 25, 1944 3 baby were Irrigon Stanfield Sunday. visitors from Irrigon News Notes By MBS. J. A. SHOXT Gliffford Rucker S2c is home from Farragut to stay until June 2 with his family the Elmer Ruckers. Mrs. E. R. Schneider and daugh ter Darlene arrived home Friday night. Darlene has finis ihed a terra of school. Mrs. Henry Miler returned from a few days visit in Grand view with relatives and friends. She took her two daughters up there for the summeTv Mrs. 'Mildred Tshantz left Thurs day for Lancaster Calif, to join her husband there. She has been here lor some weeks with her mother, Mrs. Irwin Pierson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Geore Linn were Boardman visitors Wednesday. Robert Larson of Kennewick is spending a few days in Irrigon. In spitie of the cool weather the and tvilned bymail to the afalfla fieddS 100K very m. families. Candidates for the military aca- phine Falconer, Rozella Mae Ade- county, according to Mrs. Lucy Mrs Ernest Stephens and daugh- demy must be between the ages of linie Meinen, Carl Delbert Miles, Rodgers, county superintendent Mudred Lucile Mmer, jNorman nnwmv ..,ftvT Clarence Nelson. Marvin Laverne , 7 ter Jrnet and Marshall Markham 17 and 22 at the date of admission, were PendHeton visitors Thursday. ADrjiicants for both schools must Mrs. Maud Henderson has rent- be high school seniors or graduates Carpenter, cd and moved into the John Voile 0f hi school, or college students. District 35, lone: Betty Ann Ball, house. The civil service will hold compe- Martin Gene Bauernfeind, James John Fredrickson and Freda and tftiv wtmrinattans Jivlv 29 1U4 Robert Botts, Louis A. Carlson, farmers are getting ready for har vest in the meantime, irrigating and cultivating the row crops. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Umiker arriv al home from Portland Saturday. Mrs NeUie Netter, who operated ed the better;" he said, Saturday, May 27, was proclaimed Poppy Day in Heppner by Mayor J. O. Turner in a proclamation is used this week. The Mayor called AU boys interested should write n uman Hubbard Robert day by wearing memorial poppwe f tt T" Jepsen, Gaylord Hugh Salter, Rich- f J ln ell Stockman, House Office Build- j n , en tlieir lives in the nations de- , . . 7 ard tXale fanerman. ing, Washington, D. C. rww i w Mil- PiA,nf fense. The proclamation stated: "Whereas, the United States ef America is again being forced to crush powerful enemies Becking to eKtahhah their tyranny over the District 1, Heppner: Ann Harriet world, and Ball. Carol Marie Buschke, Morgan Whereas, the vourat men of Mor- The following 8th grade pupils Connor, Juliet Joan Corwin, Calvin Trw County are again offering their this have been issued elementary school D. Cox, Donald A. DuBois, Bever- iiv m the nation's service, and morning by the board to all fuel diplomas by the state department ley Jean Elliott, Yvonne Hastings, Whereas, the memory of those oil users in this area, Mbllahan said. ' education. These diplomas entitle Joan Hisler, Gladwin E. Hudson, wh have given their lives is cher- The sooner these forms are filled "em " enier any ragn scncoi in Maylis Johnson, William J. K.en- ished by us all and is an insptra- ney, Doyle Key, Robert J. Kilken- on to us all in these grave days, ny, Robert L. Lovgren, Bill Lynch, FUEL OIL RENEWALS MUST BE RETURNED IMMEDIATELY Householders of Morrow county W6re urged today by P. A. Molla han, chairman of the local OPA war price and rationing board, to return their next season's fuel oil renewal forms as promptly as possible. Forms were mailed out Eighth Graders of Courtly Receive Covered Diplomas ard Dale Sherman. District 31 Eight Mile: Richard AUstott, Clinton Batty, Harry Green and Kenneth Green. District 42 Balm Fork: Loveta Ea telle Samson. this state. board," he added, "the sooner we District 12, Lexington: Cara Sue can begin processing them and is- Ledbetter, Elizabeth Amy Smet- suing oil ration coupons. We would hurst, Albert C. May. like to have the .forms returned w n. James within seven days.. doXi Rink White, 'because it nocrlv. Thev brought Mr. Munnich "back with them for election. Charles Gianini spent the week end at the Roy Minnich home re turning to his station at Spokane Sunday evening. Lavonne McMillan, Dorothy Faye Whereas, their service and sacxi Matteson, Robert Moulton, Albert fice is symbolized by the memorial Motley, Corabelle Lee Nutting, poppy of the American Legion and Buster Padberg, Herval R. Petty- American Legion auxiliary, now Harriet Smith, Jack Ellsworth pf C 'T -j werew, aTmi i niii wv Jack Ployhar. James Plumondore, I, J. 0. Turner, mayor of the city e,j-ouis i. nuc&er, nm wu- ht,. t-i. rwu n -Di -c it j i i c,. Theodbre virday, May 27, 1944, to be Poppy Bever- day in the city of Heppner, and ley Ann Yocom, Shirley Yocom. urge all citizens to observe the to Conroy, Wed- uu""s ure sujih"! ui-cy cue owe "uum uumuincui, uicueinje rTipus not reEiaing in a standard oy oy wtsuui uic urcuiviu to give consumers oeuer service juiian uiaerson, iaye iuciue Jiar- high school district may enter any py in nonor or tne men wno uieu throughout the heating year be- wood, Maxine Elaine Ely, Berna- standard hi:Gh school in the state for America in the battles of World dine Ruth Emmerson, Reba Del- and their tuition is paid by the War I and World War II. the Store during mra.. unu - - 1U1 rred Horner LeRoy Schneider, T ?A V sence. left with her children for her part of their next season's supply . ' , A1aotr, n' Charles Fredrick Ross, Portland Sunday. or neating ou lmmecuateiy. wnen ,,,, - , - - ojcuizesiti, rxuoa iviae inorpe, hctme near Mrs. Roy Minnich and daughter dealers make their first deliveries Luella went up Dean Voile. cause it will help them solve their pressing manpower and delivery problems. More important, filling consumers' tanks early will add ap preciably to dealers' storage capa- Vred Smith S2c has notified has t d therebv allow more oil to father, Jack Smith, of his New York he brought in now for use next address for overseas. winter." Mrs. Harvey Warner took two of The new re-application form Con ner daughters, Esther and Beth to tains only six simple questions Hermiston Monday. They will stay which the board needs answered in with their grandparents, the Boul- order to renew rations for pivate wares and attend the church school dwellings for next year, and is to for the two weeks' term. be filled out only by those persons Ralph Acock arrived home from whose oil ration last year was for . Stockman to Fill Academy Vacancies Congressman Lowell Stockman will have a vacancy at the U. S. Naval academy, Annapolis, Md. for the class beginning July 1, 1945. An unexpected vacancy has oc- return to Morrow county and both curred at the U. S. Military acade will teach in Boardman where Linn my, West Point, N. Yior the class will be superintendent. beginning July 1, 1945. W. A. Willard of Biggs was a Candidates for the naval academy business visitor in Irrigon Friday as must be not less than 17 nor more was Roy Stamp of Heppner. He than 21 years of age on April first visited his sisters, Mrs. W. C. Acock of calendar year (1945) in and Mrs. J. A. Shoun and their which they enter the academy. the hosnital at Pasco Monday. Mrs. AHie Haberleim and Mr. and Mrs. Ora Thompson were in Pen dleton Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Linn and son Kent left for Los Angeles and vicinity where they will visit her sister, Mrs. Omar Johnson of Or lando Beach and work in a defense plant until school begins. They will Z4i IS Ml DATE Many of today's graduates have their immediate future planned for them by Uncle Sam in the'armed forces, in factories or on farms. Whatever your plans, we say Luck and Good Fortune to the Class of 1944! wvvv Wil son s men s W ear PAINT INSIDE or OUTSIDE Now is a good time to do your re-decoratingand a good time to make a selection of paints from our stock. KEMTONE will make your interior decorating a complete success. You can do your own painting with Kemtone. BRUSHES Synthetic war brushes the first brushes we've been able to get. We just have a limited assortment of sizes. Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co. Our Best Wishes to the Members of the Class of 1944 We are now wider variety of able to offer a flavors in our Ice Creams Scotty's Super Creamed zSaottj i