Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 11, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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Rev. Francis McCormack Pastoi
Schedule of Services:
Hemmer: Sunday mass at 9 a. m.
on the 1st and 3rd Sundays; at
10:30 a. m. on the 2nd and 4th.
lone: 10:30 a. m. on the 1st and
3rd; 9:00 a. m- on the 2nd and 4th
Week day mass at 8 a. m. First
Friday at 7:30 a. m.
Confessions: Saturdays. 7:30 p. m
to 8:00 p m. Sundays 8:15 a. m. to
8.55 a. m.
J. C. Stephens. Pastor
Sunday school, 10 a. m.
Morning service, 11 o'clock.
Evening service 8 p. m.
Wednesday night service 8 p. m.
Archdeacon Neville Blunt
Rogation Sunday
Church school 9:45 a. m.
Morning Prayer' 11 a. m.
Ascension dy, Thursday, May 18,
Holy Communion 7:30 a. m. and 10
a. m.
Bonnie Howe Minister 1
SUNDAY, May 14. Mothei's Day.
Divine worship at 11 a. m.
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.
Thursday evenings:
Bible , study and prayer at 7:15.
Choir rehearsal at 8:15 p. m.
The mother's' heart is the child's
O. Wendell Herbison, Pastor
Bible school 9:45. A class for ev
ery age. .
Morning worship 11 a. m.
Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m.
Evening service, 8 o'clock.
H. N. Waddell, Pastor
Bible school 10 a. m.
Worship service 11 a. m. Sermon,
Christ.' an Endeavor, 6:30 p. m
Preaching service at Lexington
8 p.m.
Tuesday 8 p. m. Bible sjudy and
prayer service. , rf
Thursday 2 p. m. Union aid
A friendly church extends a cor
dial welcome.
St Patrick's Catholic church was
the scene of a 9 o'clock a. m. wed
ding ceremony Saturday, May 6,
when Rev.. Father Francis McCor
mick read the ceremony uniting
M:ss Anna Marie Johnston and
George Davidson. The bride is. the.,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Johnston and the groom is the son
of Mrs. MafoeT Davidson ,
Miss Jean Turner , played the wed
ding march and the church choir
sang several numbers with Mrs. R.
C. Lawrence atvthe organ.
A wedding breakfsst was served
at the Lucas Place to members of
the bridal party and friends. Mrs.
Dick Sperry, sister of the bride, of
Portland and her daughter Nancy
were here for the , event, "t,
Both of the s contracting parties
are' graduates , of Heppner high
school. The groom has been work
ing in Portland for several weeks
but has returned to the county to
take up farm work near' Ione
In keeping with the policy of
providing people of this area with
the most ut-to-date scientific
equipment for the advancement of
better health, Dr. W. H Rockwell,
with offices on Main and Baltimore
streets has installed the most mod
ern equipment for the diagnosis
and treatment of gastro-intestinal
disorders. The application of this
drugless method of intestinal tbr
, apy is soothing, comforting and
permits searchers after health to
receive adequate treatment with
out loss of time from work.
Using oxygen as a positive agent
against toxic ; poisoning, this Tox
Elimination method, will now be
made available to the people of
this area. This instrument has been
used in other sections of the Unit
ed States for several years prior to
, its introduction in "" the Pacific
Northwest. The entire process is
drugless and non-surgical.
Heppner Gazette Times, May 11, 1944 5
Dr. Rockwell is most happy to an- 'tage of these .services may make
nounce a special health week on an appointment by telephone,
the following dates: May 15, 16, 17, had NICE TRIP"
18 and 19. Ihe services of a doctor j. A D McMurdo and niece,
specializing in gastro-intestinal the-. Marjorie simS) returned Sunday
rapy has been engaged for this per- evening from portland where they
iod. This doctor is a member of the t ajJ fa of fa
clinical staff of the Tox-Eliminator i Agron Educational founda-
laboratories of Los Angeles, Calif., tion Misg sims was present for' the
and will assist in all procedures and fa for fa $lj000
recommend suitable treatment u vitoaIp posted by Mr.
those who make arrangements for , m successful, she re
ports a fine trip and a fine time
while in Portland. Miss AnnabeUe
Wilkerson of Roosevelt high, Port
land, was the winner; Arthur Oh-
ing of Albany high, alternate and
this frpe examination during the
above mentioned dates. Dr. Rock
well is also extending his services
into the field1 of x-ray.
All persons wishing to take ad
vantage of this opportunity for a Jean Mcintosh of CorvaUis high,
second rTternate.
frpe examination and consultation
uritlmiit. fharee or obligation should
eet in touch with Dr. Rockwell GUEST OF HEALYS
immediately as the time is limited
tnd rapidf.y bang filled in advance
Mrs. Francis Healy is a guest at
the home of her husband's parents,
tt v, .noonionw n,F tVirtsp uhn Mr. and Mrs. Fat Heaiy. one ex-
aotjjo sjxaAupOH -iQ "poXopJuia sjb pects to rent an apartment and
will make appointments every eve- make her home here for the dura
ning during this special health tion as Francis is scheduled for ov
week. Those wishing to take advan-' erseas duty soon.
to City People . . . about
the fmm Situation
Wayne Mrse
It is time s.,n'.cone spoke frankly about
the oreani-c-d attemnt that is being
made to ; ;.i City People against
Patriotic Farmers. . .
I've seen this program go on in
Washington, D. C, and I'm seeing
it go on in our own State of Oregon.
It is time that the truth be told.
The New Deal is promoting the
idea that the farmer is to be con
sidered as a workman, entitled only
to wages ... not as the business man
that he is. It takes a sizeable invest
ment, depending on the type of
farm, to provide a unit that will give a
man full-time employment, Such an
investment certainly justifies the farmer
being considered as a business man.
CPA Incites Feeling
Against Farmers
I deplore the eiforls tn the part of
the Administration offices, in par
ticular the'OPA, to create a class
feeling between the city dweller and
the farmer. Reports are continuously
being circulated that the farmer is now
receiving two and three times the
amount for his crops as compared to
pre-war. This is bound to build an
antagonistic feeling against the farmer,
because it insinuates that he is profit
eering from the war. The same agen
cies which have the facilities to estimate
incomes also have the facilities and
know about the increase in the costs
of production of farm products. But
not one wprd of this is mentioned,
because it would make an entirely
different story.
Says Farmers Can't Quit
' There are many small business men
whose sales have nearly doubled, and
yet are operating at a loss, because
their costs have risen so high. But in
the case of a farmer, all you hear about
is the increase in sales nothing about
the increase in costs. Many a farmer
has been caught between the price
ceiling on farm products and the un
regulated increase in farm costs. One
Administration official has been heard
to state: "We cannot be concerned
about whether or not farmers stay in
business. We feel sure that enough
of them have so much invested in
buildings and equipment that they
cannot afford to quit even if they
operate at a loss during this period.
It would be cheaper for them to keep
operating than quit. Our only concern
can be that enough is produced.
Farm Costs Increase 3 Tm'es
Income One-Half
I'll give you an example. The gross
Income of the Grade A dairyman has
increased about 40 including the
Relief From Suffering
Scientific, Drugless, Non-Surgical Treatments
Including Consultation and Examination Without Charge or Obligation
Beginning Monday May 15, Thru Friday, May 19
If You Suffer
Distinguished Republican leader of
Oregon who was urged by many promi
nent farmers to become a candidate
for United States Senator.
federal subsidies he receives. Grain,
hay, straw, and labor, his biggest
items of cost, have doubled and in
some cases tripled. Since it takes 10 to
15 years to build a good dairy herd,
the dairyman can't just quit and wait
until things get better. He doesn't want
to quit ; it's his patriotic duty to stav on
the job even if it bankrupts him, which
has happened in many cases.
City Dwellers Will Pay
Fair Price
You city dwellers want to pay a fair
price for what you buy. You do not
want to be overcharged, and again,
you do not want anyone to be forced
to sell to you at below cost of produc
tion. But when city dwellers are con
stantly fed the information that pro
ducers are receiving two and three
times as much for what they buy as
previously, how can they help but
feel that the farmer is unpatriotic and
profiteering at a time when the farmer
actually is doing one of the biggest
and best, yet so far unrecognized jobs
of any group.
City People and Farmers
Must Cooperate
When this war is over we will need
ihe close cooperation of the city peopl
and the farmers. They must under
stand each other's problems and work
together because the prosperity of both
groups is dependent on the success
of the other.
Paid adr.. Mom for Sautor Oaainn
Ralph D. Moorat, Corbett Blag., Portland, On.
New Equipment Installed
w nionH ihai of all chronic
Hua. in most cases, to nollution of the blood
cVoom nt.r;Kiiimi Miiu nf which are constioation. improper
...inaiinn n,rar-airp1 kidnevs. ptc. In most cases a functional
disorder causes constipation. To aid in getting at the bottom
and basic cause of a large number of ailments that have hith-
L ofr,.rc nt all hrnnnhes of hcalins. I nave
enu rcMsieu u"? - , .
s inj i T.iriimi.fftr a remarkable new instrument
which has been used in other sections of the United States
for several years with remarkable results prior 10 us uiiruuui.-
tion in this area, . ,
the disease -nroducinff ma-
terials at their foundation head, together with naturopathy
u knj tr ctnn further damage and to rebuild the at-
llCJjpa wwj . " ...v. rt ,
r ... i 4 i .ndnrn ihnm tn nnrml. The- treatment IS
1 tt It'll JJitlia cl 1 u i v- vi.-wi " -
pleasant and not embarrassing. It is leak-proof and odor-proof
because the entire process takes place under water-tight and
airtight conditions. It has no disagreeable features whatsoever,
nothing that might ollend a person oi uie mii lasuuu
taste and sensitiveiess.
This Natural, Drugless Therapy Assists in
Accomplishing the Following:
1. Cleansing the colon, thoroughly and in a harmless manner.
2. Massaging the bowel and helping give necessary tone to
tissues involved.
3. Helps purify the blood stream; proved by microscopic
examination after treatments.
4. Assists in relieving rheumatic, arthritic and neuritic pain.
5. Helps reduce hypertension or . high blood pressure, thus
easing the work of the heart and freeing its cells, and the
brain, from undue strain. '
6. Helps lessen the extra burden which is thrown on the liver
and kidneys by improper elimination.
7. Assists in improving sinus and antrum complications.
8. Helps in re-establishing a normal peristalsis or natural
muscular activity of the intestines.
9. Assists in improving the complexion by assisting in elim
inating the causes of pollution of the blood stream,
10. Helps in preventing the hardening of the arteries, by min
imizing the deposits or calcium ana magnesium saiia uu
arterial wall.
Hollywood Tox-Eliminator Specialist Here
For This Health Week
We have engaged the services of this doctor-technician for
our Health Week. He is a member of the clinical staff of thei
Tox-Eliminator laboratory of Los Angeles, and is a specialist
in the manipulation of the Tox-Eliminator. This technician
will assist in all procedures during the week.
As we can handle only a limited number of consultations
and treatments per day, it is necessary that appointments be
made in rdvance. We suggest that you make your appointment
.as early as possible, as all available consultation periods will
be filled within a short time. TAKE ADVANTAGE TODAY
OF YOUR TROUBLE! If it should be necessary to employ
X-ray to assist in the diagnosis of your case, this service wjill
be available at a nominal fee.
Telephone Now for "FREE EXAMINATION" .Appointment!
For the convenience of those who are employed, and in order to make these services available to
L many possible, we will make appointments from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. daily during this special
health week.
Only Tox-Eliminator in Morrow County
Dr. W. H. Rockwell
Appendicitis (chronic)
Excessive Fatigue
Foul Breath
Gall Bladder
High or Low Blood
Irregular Heart
Kidney and Bladder
Liver Complications
Menopause Disturbance
Muddy and Pimply
Pruritus Ani
Sinus Trouble
Run Down Condition'
Shortness of Breath
Ulcers of Colon
Ulcerative Colitis
227 North Main St.
Over 23 Years of Successful Practice in Oregon
Phone 522