Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 13, 1944, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 Heppner Gazette Times, April 13, 1944
Victory Gardeners
Have Variety Spuds
To Choose From
Victory gardeners planning to
grow potatoes have a fairly large
number of varieties from which to
choose, so can select the kinds best
suited to each locality and to fam
ily tastes, says County Agent C. D.
Conrad. It will pay victory garden
ers to buy either certified or war
approved seed to help avoid disease,
but garden specialists in this state
do not recommend seed treatment
for such small lots.
Amount needed depends on many
factors, but a rough way of figur
ing is that 10 pounds of potatoes
cut into pieces wieghing xk ounces
each will plant a row 100 feet long
with hills 12 inches apart. The ac
tual distance between hills might be
more or less than 12 inches, de
pending on moisture available.
Potatoes may be safely planted
directly after cutting if soil is warm
and damp, and are always damaged
if allowed to dry out in the sun or
wind. Professionals suberize (heal
cut surfaces) on the seed by damp-
ening the cut potatoes and storing
a few days before planting. Blocky
pieces about IV2 to 2 ounces in size
give best stands.
Chester Otis, assistant extension
farm crop specialist at O. S. C, has
made the following .brief summary
of the most common varities avail
able in this state:
Bliss Triumph Early, round red,
excellent cooker, good both east
and west of mountains, seed sup
plies somewhat limited.
Irish Cobbler Early, round, good
quality, white, seed supplies limited.
Earfjest-of-IAU Early, round to
oblong, white, good cooking quality.
White Rose Early, large size,
white, heavy yielder, fair quality,
aubject to disease.
Katidin Early or late, round
white, good quality, with resistance
to some mosaic diseases.
Burbank Late, long white, stan
dard for western Oregon, plenty of
good seed, fine quality.
Netted Gems Late, long, russet,
best in eastern Oregon, excellent
Land Use Committee Four-H Club Active
Best quality blotting paper i smaller to suit your needs. Gaaett
19x24 sheet for desk covers or cut Times printery.
Checking Postwar
Labor Demands
A determination of the number
of servicemen and returning war
workers that Morrow county agri
culture can take care of following
the war will be made by members
of the Morfow county land use
committee during the next few
weeks as a result of an (agricultur
al planning meeting held in Hepp
ner the latter part of March.
'Each land use committeeman will
contact his neighbors to find out
what that neighbor's plans are for
the post-war period and how many
men that ranch will employ. After
some 30 committeemen have work
ed on this phase of the program for
a few weeks, such figures will be
combined with estimates on the
number of men that will be needed
for carrying out community and
county ; agricultural construction
projects such as rural electrifica
tion, irrigation, drainage and soil
conservation. Such figures will be
turned over to the state post-war
re-adjustment and development
Joe Devine and R. B. Rice were
elected by the land use planning
committee at their March meeting
to serve on the county council of
the state readjustment and devel
opment committee.
George Peck was elected as
chairman of the committee to re
place the late Henry Smouse who
had served in that capacity for
several years.
Eight Mile came through nobly in
the recent Red Cross drive and we
your committee wish to thank each
and everyone who helped to make
this splendid record.
Mrs. Walter Becket
Mrs. Ben Anderson
At Camp Wetmore
By Mru. Harold Kirk ham
4-H club activities have started
for the school children of the camp,
with Mrs. Dean Moore teaching
sewing and Mrs. Pprtwood, the
camp teacher, instructing the health
clasa A food sale was put on by
the children and did so well that
an apron sale was held a few weeks
ago in the Camp Wetmore store.
Articles made by the children in
their sewing class and aprons made
by the women in camp helped make
the sale a success. Money taken in
from these sales will be uined over
to the 4-H club.
The past week a salvage commit
tee made up of school children has
been collecting salvage and mak
ing arrangements to send these ar
ticles to the Kinzua salvage center.
The children made their collections
each Friday after school. Mrs. L. N.
Provo has been helping with the
bundling and tieing of wastepaper
and ciins.
Mrs. Luther Hall and infant dau
ghter have been guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hall the past
few weeks. Mrs. Hall's husband, un
able to accompany his wife and
baby, is awaiting call for overseas
Algy Taylor left Monday for Ca
nada to be with his mother who is
seriously ilL
A week of wind and rain was ter
minated Friday night by a light
snowfall. Light frosts during the
week stopped the planting of lawns
and flowers, but Camp Fivers are
looking forward to some warm
weather soon.
Mrs. H. S. Taylor writes from
San Diego, Calif, that a baby girl,
Karen Ann, was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Taylor on March 12.
Lester is in the naval training sta
tion at San Diego and his mother is
visiting them.
A sense of humor pays dividends.
7Jhe head of a brass works in Los
Ajngeles found that out recently.
Failing to get any response to his
ppeal to the War Production Board
for relief from a mandatory order
Uiat affected his business, he sent a
telegraphic prayer that brought an
instant reply. This was the prayer:
"Our father who art in Washing
ton, hallowed be thy name. Thy or
; ers come, thy will is done, out
West as it is in Washington. Give
13 this day our authorization, and
1 ermit us to operate so we may
.jrgive those who close our plants
; -gainst us. Please do not add to the
..urdships but deliver us from the
cd tape, for you have the power
10 keep our country in glory; for
mer and ever, Amen." Contri
l ated.
A tent is being erected on the
Lucas lots south of the "Standard
Oil station on Main street where a
Full Gospel revival meeting will be
conducted by Evangelist W. L.
Butcher and wife starting 7:30 p.
m.,April 23. Meetings every night
except Monday. The 'local churches
are invited to cooperate. The pub
lic is cordially invited.
Roger Thomas has been transfer
red from the local state police dis
trict to Lake view and he and Mrs.
Thomas left Wednesday for south
ern Oregon. Roger will report first
at Klamath Falls to get his assign
ment to the Lake county job. Mrs.
Thomas will remain here until June
1 to complete her work as countv
health nurse.
for United States
(Short Term)
A Vigilant
Servant of
the Meople
Paid adv. Spragu for U. S. Senator Commlttw
Rty B. Early, Morgan Building, Portland, Oregon
To the Scout Leaders
Of Morrow County.
You have done a splendid job the past
year. The people of the county are go
ing to prove to you that they are behind
you 100 percent by supporting your
council in- your financial campaign
Heppner Bakery
Paint Up and
Look Pretty ....
Regular Kalsomine
Washable Kal somine
Semi-gloss Paint '
Wall paper Cleaner
Patching Plaster
Dic-a-doo Paint Cleaner
Lumber Company
of mry f:m DOLLAR'
II IT n tl
1 1 1 il I ff IV
W wf
An Ii
1 J '
What of the Future?
Our country's future will be no brighter than the type
of leaders we develop. The youth of today will be the
leaders of tomorrow. They should have the best train
ing that it is within our power to give. In the Boy
Scouts we have an opportunity to train boys at little
cost-but they do need funds to carry on their pro
gram . . . We have an opportunity to assist by giving
generously to the Blue Mountain Council fund. The
campaign opens Monday and continues through
Wedesday, April 19.
Ferauson Motor Co.