Heppner Gazette Times, April 13, 19443 Lexington Graders Entertain in Real Chinese Fashion By Mrs.' Rath McMillan A Chinese program complete' with costumes, coolies and jinrickisha, was presented Wednesday afternoor by the third, fourth and fifth grades with their mothers as their guests. Mrs. Verle Frederickson and Mrs. Don Romine were in charge. There were short talks by the pu pils on various phases of Chinese life and a clever drill was given. The room was decorated with the Chinese motif and Chinese water lilies, camellias, hyacinths and daf fodils were beautifully arranged Dainty refreshments were served consisting of cookies and real Chi nese tea, through the courtesy of Edward Chinn of Heppner. Mrs. E. B. Jensen and Mrs Elmer Hunt poured. S 2c Melvin Brady arrived Tues day from Bremerton on a 15-day leave and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ledbetter and sister Estelle. Another sister. Mrs. Vernon Christopherson of Donald Ore. arrived this week. Seaman Brady has seen service Ihe last ten months in the South Picific war theatre. Mr. and Mrs. ManiU (hay and sons returned the first of the week from Mt. Shasta Calif., where they were called .by the death of Mrs. Gray's father, Elmer Barnes. Mrs. Adiolph Majeske received a badly sprained ankle recently when she tripped and fell at her, home. , Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wickersham and family of Portland are visiting Mrs. Wickersham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duvall. Mrs. George AJlyn was called to Portland this week by the serious jlhiess of her son Louis. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Attebury. who are employed in a war plant in Portland, spent the -week-end with their children at the Geoige Allyn home. Mrs. Gaily Matahill m 1 sou, Mrs. Mildred Gelbrich and their mothei, Mrs. Howard Slate, all of Bend, spent the past week at the Kenneth Marshall and Nettie Davis 'homes. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Doherty and family of . Connell, ' Wash, were week-end guests at the Cliff Doher ty home. Mrs. Paul Nichols of Corvallis, formrly of Lexington, received word from the war department this week that her son Billy Burchell is miss ing in action over Germany. Mis. Ralph Jackson and daught ers, Marcie and Carol spent the week-end with Mrs. Jackson's mo ther, Mrs. Laura Scott. Mrs. Clifford Yarnell and little .daughter, Robin, are ill at their home with scarlet fever. Mrs. Claude Hill and children of Portland spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Mc millan. Mrs Hill's husband is sta tioned with the armed forces in San Diego, Calif. Mrs. Bethyl Ballard Taylor of Salem, who taught in the Lexing ton school about ?.r urn 9go was calling on her nidi) Ilia U here Sunday. Miss Edith Edwards arrived Sat urday evening from Spokane where she is attending business college, to spend her Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lon Edwards. Mrs. Rose Benton of Portland' was visiting her many friends in Lex ington Sunday. Joe, Cay and Bert Thornburg left for Spokane Monday having been called there by the critical illness of their brother Ernest. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Steagall have moved into the Booher house. Mrs. Steagall recently returned from Le banon where she visited several days with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Strickler. Carl Whillock and daughter San dra spent Monday in Spray with his mother, Mrs. Venie Anderson. Mr. and Mrs Gene Gray were here from Stanfield this week-end to vis it their sorw-in-law and daughtv, Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Ruhl. After a day of overcast skies, Lexington was hit by a deluge of rain Tuesday which left lakes and debris in the streets. Closing Exercises at Irrig on School Set For Early in May By MBS. J. A. SXOTTN . . Baccalaureate- services will be held April 30 with Rev. Schneider . c: hing the sermon. Commence ment is scheduled for May 1. . i . Robin Maaske, president of Eastern Oregon College of Educa tion, La Grande will be the princi pal speaker. ' The Roy Bediwells of Sunnyside, Wash, spent the weekend with the '- ue:y Bediwells, Roy's parents. Arden Allen was a Heppner vis itor Wednesday. Leslie Rucker spent 24 hours with his parents, the Elmer Ruck es. He is a cadet in the flying corps at Pullman, Wash. Leroy Minnick arrived home Monday from Farragut. Idaho. The Minnicks held open house for him the following evening. Johnny McElroy is in service for Uncle Sam stationed at Santiago. Irrigon raised $67.75 in the recent Red Cross drive. Miss Luella Minnick arrived home from La Grande Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Acock arrived from Monte! a Saturday and spent Easter 'with ds jrenf the C W Acock s. fl ' h fci Shoemaker Cain., Monaay. The Sinice Moores have fixed up their yard, fencing it and painting both houses, thus greatly improv ing the Jooks of their property. Mr. and Mrs. Sinice Moore and family went to Pasco for Easter with his brother. George Reed" who has been visiting at the Moore home left for Condon Saturday. Rav. and Mrs. Bick of Kenni wick have been preaching and sing ing in the Pentecostal church for the last 10 days They and the E. R Schneiders left for La Grande to attend a convention there. Jared White has ben quite il1 with rt eumatism. He Is slightly bet ter nt liis. wri!'ny D.tUt Uil.ju.1 is L m from the valley where he has been working. Mrs. Maynard Hoagland was taken to the Ordnance hospital Monday afternoon. Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Mike Hindley are caring for the live little 1 daughters while she is away. Mrs. Walter Grider, Mrs. George Brown end the Brandons of Board man were Walla Walla visitors Tuesday. Mrs. George Linn will teach in Heppner next year. She is teaching in Irrigon this year. Miss June Goodman has returned from Hood River where she has been attending school. Mrs. Russell McCoy is her sister here. Mrs. Earl Leach reports her fa ther Vernon Jones is improved. He has had quite a long sick spell. A WORD OF APrRI CIATION Words fail me at a time like this, but I do want the good people of Morrow county to know how deeply I appreciate their kindness and un derstanding in my hour of sorrow. It is an ' occasion of this .kind that makes one realize the value of friends. Knowledge of this fact will aid and comfort me in the trying' days ahead. There were several floral tributes which did not bear the names of the senders. It will not be possible for me to thank these people personally and I wish to express my heartfelt thanksat this time. It is not going to be easy for me to carry on the business, but your continued loyalty and friendship will lighten my burden. It will be my purpose to extend the same courtesies and kindly treatment that always characterizsd Mr. Mc Namer's business dealings and won for him the respect of the commu nity. 'He lived in his house." Mrs. C. W. McNamer FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination for the office of Sheriff of Morrow county, subject to fhe 'vill of the republican voters, at the primary nominating election Friday, May 19, 1944. P. A. MOLLAHAN People of Lexington: We are prou'd of our Boy Scout troop, the growth it has made during the past year and the advancement the boys have made in Scout lore. It is our privi lege to assist the Scouts in a substantial way by'subscribing generously to the Blue Mountain Council fund when the campaign opens Monday, April 17. Lexington always does its share we will not fall down on this important matter. vvvvv C. C. Carmichael Lexington, Oregon WE are pleased with the many friends we Wive made housewives who have exclaimed over the nutritional qualities of all our meals. Menus are carefully . planned to give you good, wholesome,' nu- . tritious foods. Breakfasts to give a mill or farm worker "som4lhin to' work on." Lunches arc always appe tizing. Dinners are always a treat for hungry families. YOU'RE ALWAYS WEL COME. Come in soon! HEPPNER CAFE Scouting Builds Self-Rel lance Self-reliance of the individual is the thing that strengthens a democracy. That's why the training given our youth by the Boy Scout movement has a dis tinct bearing upon the future of our nation. If we back the youth in their training now we will have less to worry about in the future management of governmental affairs. Let's be liberal wfth our money when the campaign for Boy Scout funds opens next Monday. Bert Mason lone, Oregon One Good Turn Deserves Another A Boy Scout is taught that he should do at least one good deed each day. He is taught to be thoughtful of others, his elders in particular. This is but one phase of the training a Scout receives, yet that alone is worth far more than it costs to give a boy the entire Scout program. We can do something toward this splendid youth training program by giving of our means to the annual Blue Mountain Scout Council fund. We can do no less than show our appreciation for what the Scouts are accomplishing in training themselves for good citizens Lexington Oil Co-Operative