Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 13, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, April 13, 1944
lone Boy Scouts
Engaged in Waste
Paper Campaign
Some of the boys of the lone Boy
Scout troop are very busy gather
ing scrap paper. Among them are
Clifford and Steward Aldrich and
David and Joel Barnett. The first
Scout hike was made on Saturday
when David and Joel Barnett, Da
vid Gordon, Kenneth otts and
Stewart and Cifford Aldrich accom
panied Scout Master DeBoer two
miles up Willow creek.
Roy Brashears of! Wiley Colo
brother-in-law oil Mrs. Dale Ray
spent several days visiting the Rays
in lone and other relatives in Hep
pner and Hermiston. This was Mr.
Brashears first visit here in 36 years
On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Ray and
Mr. Brashears drove to Lyle to vis
it Mrs. Ray's children, William and
Claude Brashears and Mrs. Agatha
A large van arrived. last Tuesday
from Ashland with the B. C. For
sythe furniture. The Forsythes will
move into one of Art Stefani's
houses as soon as it is completed.
The high school students held
their annual wiener roast on Rhea
i-reek Wednesday evening after
which they all attended the movie
in Heppner. All reported a fine
Rev. H. N. Waddell was pleasantly
surprised on Wednesday evening,
April 5, when a number of mem
bers of the Co-operative church
gathered to help celebrate his birth
day. Cpl Marion Krebs of Cecil left
Friday March 31 for Camp Sill,
Okla. where he entered cadet of
ficers training. Marion was among
C9 chosen from 200 for this training.
He was unable to attend the gradu
ation of his wife, Mary Ellen Drink
water Krebs, at Oregon State col
lege where she received a B. A.
degree on April 3.
lone friends of the Merle Blake
.'amily were shocked and grieved at
the accidental death of their young
bon Bob, in the Oswego lake.
Mrs. Horace Holcomb and daugh
ter Joan of Vanport City .spent their
piaster vacation in lone visiting Mr.
Holcomb, superintendent of the lone
schools. They returned to Vanport
Miss Alice K. Nichoson who has
been in the Arlington railroad sta
tion the last week will relieve the
operator at Mosier for several days
.ais week.
The lone ball teams, high school
and oldsters met again Sunday. Th.
score this time was 14 to9.The01d
te;s are doing better.
John Eubanks has bought the
tract of land known as the Juday
place from Laxton McMurray. The
Eubanks plan to build a home there
and farm the land.
Mrs. Joe Hawks- and children,
Lois and Allen of Condon spent Eas
ter Sunday with Mrs. Hawks par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linn.
Del bert Emert received painful in
juries last Tuesday when he was
thrown from a horse which then
fell on him. He was taken to Pen
dleton Wednesday where the x-ray
showed a broken rib and severe
bruises. He was reported resting
easier and expects to return home
this week.
Mrs. Ida Graybill spent Easter
week-end with her children in
Mrs. Mary Swanson suffered a
sprained wrist last Friday when
she fell at her home.
Guests at the home of Rev. and
Mrs.' Waddell were Mrs. Fred Kratz--burg
and small daughter Freda and
their son Richard, all of Nyssa.
A very attractive and ippropriate
Easter window display arranged
in the window of P. J. Linn's shop
by the ladies of the Full Gospel
mission, attracted a great deal of
attention during last week.
Hie many lone friends of Rev. J.
L. Jones, former pastor of the lone
Congregational church were sad
dened by his death in Portland on
April 6.
Rev. H. N. Waddell left Monday
to attend the annual convocation of
ministers of the Cong; egational
church, held at Nelscott, ' Ore.
Pvt Paul V. Rietmann, son of Mr.
and Mirs. Omar Rietmann, arrived
at his home Monday morning for a
14-day furough. Paul is in 'training
at Camp Atterbury, Ind,
Mrs E. M. Baker will entertain
the H. E. club of Willows grange
at her home on April 21. It will be
an all day meeting with pot luck
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Crabtree and
granddaughter Carolyn Crabtree re
turned to Salem after spending three
weeks with their daughters, Mrs.
Lewis Halvorsen and Mrs. Archie
Munkers. Mr. Crabtree has been
here for eight weeks.
Ameca club will meet at the home
of Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen, April 19.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Heliker return
ed Monday from The Dalles where
they spent five days.
The Baptist church and Full Gos
pel mission held their Easter exer
cises together last Sunday morning
at the Baptist church, A very pleas
ant program was given. At this time
How Grapefruit
Got Its Name
Seed for the first grapefruit planted in
the United States was brought from
Spain. The early fruit was large, coarse
and bitter. Our present grapefruit is
100 percent American. We have vari
ous sizes and delicious flavors.
Grapefruit got its name because
of its tendency to grow in clusters '
like grapes. It is one of our best
sources of vitamin G the anti
scurvy vitamin.
We also have a full line of sweet oran
ges in various sizes. Come in and take
some home with you.
Central Market
the superintendent of the Baptist
Sunday school presented Mrs. Fran
ces Odem with a five point Bible
certificate and a nice book was also
given her for learning the books of
the ' Bible. Ten Commandments,
beatitudes, twenty-third psalm and
the Lrd's Prayer...
Mr. and Mrs. Foster Odem had as
their dinner guests last Sunday,
Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Stephens and
Jimmy and Mr. and Mrs. J. A
There wil be a meeting at the
Masonic hall, next Wednesday after,
nooon for Rod Cross sewing. The
meeting is open to the public and
all women are urged to attend.
Arfyoi'Jjx to Mrs. Dixon Srrath
president, the regular meeting of
lone P.-T.A. will be held at 8 p. m.
next Wednesday evening.
Mr and Mrs. W. B Rice spent
several days last week in The Dalles
where they met their son Delbert
who had come north on business. He
has recently received a medical
discharge from the army end plans
to continue his work at Modesto
College, Modesto Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Clell Rea and four
sons made a' short busines trip to
Portland leaving Sunday eveninr
and returning Monday evening
Billy Gorger and Wallace Co a!
Portland spent Easter vacation at
the Henry Gorger home. They ar
rived Thursday morning April 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Gorger and Betty re
turned to Portland with them Tues
day. Walter Roberts and Onar Riet
mann were The Dalles visitors on
Many lone friends attended the
funeral of C. W. McNamer at Hepp
ner Friday morning.
Melvin Brady, son of Mr. and Mrs
Ralph Ledibctter, v. ho is stationed
at Bremerton is visiting relatives
and friends in lone.
Army day was observed by sev
eral lone citizens who, displayed
large flags be "ore their homes.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the Republican nomi
nation io:- tho oT-'ice of Sheriff of
Io. row county Oregon, subject to
the will of the Republican voters.
v.?. S'L" 1G33 Chev. pickup.
Cool co"d!t'on. Inquire Standard
0" -tPtion o" Dr. W. H. Rock
well's residence. 3c
fiomrlieie I sitw Joe Marsh
Matt Doorly Versus
tho Tomato
Matt Doorly's skin broke out In
a rash last week. He finally ad
mitted to Doc Hollister he'd
eaten twelve tomatoes in a row
just the day before.
"Shucks," said Doc, "That's all
that's the matter with you. That
kind of eating would turn any
body red."
8 nw Ifatt hm not only cut
at all tomatoes for himself.
He's forbidden his family to eat
tomatoes. And won't even have
them fn the house. Says'toma
toes are anti-social and ought to
be prohibited by law.
Funny how some people rush
off to extremes like that. They
take a wholesome thing and
overdo it till it disagrees with
them-or maybe find they don't
happen to like it-and then they
want it banned for everybody.
From where I sit, folks ought
to realize there's a middle
ground in erwything-a middle
ground of moderation on the one
hand . . . and tolerance for our
neighbors on the other.
No. 82 of a Series
Copyright, 1944, Brewing Industry Foundation
nN yAS1 t K-est suited 1 the
VJ production of timber, trees are being SfgiSS
planted, protected, grown, and harvested ' kfOSSA
. like any other crop. ; ,
Long past is the period when forests 0f&J0Mt
were cut to provide fields for agriculture. JMSSSSM
This is no longer necessary and the land .
now classified as forestland can be kept
intact for the purpose of growing more "Jffl
We are in an era of managed forestry, -SifeSiS
and the forest industries, looking ahead, tS3'SSffl
plan for the continuous production of V
We have learned that trees are a crop j lfllMilll
and, as such, can keep on producing use- j HSf'IIJI i
ful harvests for the future. " . jj j P 3 j
Kinzua Pine Mills Co.