Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 13, 1944, Image 1

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Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, April 13, 1944
In Service
Mr and Mrs. E. E. Gilliam enjoy
ed a visit Monday night with Mrs.
Gilliam's brother, ChiefCS William
Merrill Perry, arid his son Dan-ell
of Baker. Merrill Perry has recent-
ly returned from the far north
where he saw 20 months service in
tke Aleutians.
l.isinvi!XiLi i armor Kami
Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lundell have
a nn Pfo
received, wora rrom weir son, m.
James Wallace Lundell, that he has
Deen transierrea to Australia irum
New Guinea. Wallace is with the
teletype maintenance division of
the signal corps.
Lyle.Cox, AMMlc,
Heppner Monday to
arrived in
visit at the
home of his father, Elbert S. Cox.
Lyle's outfit arrived at a Califor
nia port a few weeks ago after a
long campaign in the South Pacific.
P.-T: A. Posts $50
Scholarship Fund
Some member of the 1944 grad-
uating class of Heppner high school
will receive a $50 scholarship fund
ifi he or she decides to take up
mv ioin4rcr Thio wjt dHdpd
'cav"" .
at the meeting of the Parent-Teach-
er association Wednesday evening
when that sum was
alarming decrease
voted An
in teachers
prompted the action.
C. D. Conrad gave a talk on 4-ti
V- mT slirlAs to illustrate
-VU.UItS TVi muu'.,
salient points. Supt. George Corwin
devoted a few minutes to a discus-
ted a few minutes to a discus-
of state support for education,
; f ffir rpsnlted in
Election of olticers resuixea m
. 11 1
roiiimin thp oToun that has been
-w.-.j3 ' o tr
servmg smce organization 01
local chapter, Mrs. Stephen Thomp-
son, president; Mrs. Harvey Miller,
nf0cy0nf Mr OrvillP Smith,
; 1: f u
secretary, and Everett Smith, treas
VJiv,v. jva.uv..., - '
Installation of off icers occupied the
regular session of the Women of
& . . . . 7
Woodcraft Monday evening at their
t : iu rijjfn,,,,, 1,-11 Tha
UUcUtClD Ul U1C WUUlQll"VO Jiaw,
,mr,i's nntivitifv, nnpnpH with a
potluck supper at 6:30 and following
the installation ceremonies an hour
or so was devoted to playing games,
The following officers were in-
stalled by Doris Gaily: Letha Rip-
pee. past guardian neighbor; Melba
Quaickenbush, guardian neighbor;
Sadie Hulbert, adviser; Rosa How
ell, clerk; Clara Sprinkel, banker;
Letha Archer, magician; Lola Ben
nett, attendant; Elma Hiatt, captain
of the guards; Doris Gaily, musician;
Sadie Hulbert, Elma Hiatt and Lola
Bennett, managers; Rosa Howell,
correspondent, and Anna Brown,
flag bearer.
Mrs. J. G Cowins and mother.
Mrs. George Allyn of Lexington,
drove to Portland Saturday in re-
sponse to word of the serious ill
ness of a brother and son, Lewis
Allyn. Lewis fell from a hotel win-
dow severd week ago suffering se-
nous injuries from which he was
apparently recovering. His condi-
tion was slightly improved when
the women left Tuesday.
J. J. Wightman was brought to
town the first of the week from
th Vrmfh nlaee where he had
, , ,
been seriously ill
lui seveiu uajfo.
Preparations are being made to take
t j t- 1.1 i x .J:1 An
mm 10 roruanu ior nicoauax vaiv.
FjiUvin iiucknum ana lamer, ru
Bucknum, left today for Portland
and Salem on a business mission,
Retununc Sunday they will bring
? S riJmpSlS to TSeSS
Former School Head
Here Dies in Ohio
News of the death of Hamilton H.
Hoffman, former Heppner school
superintendent,' reached Heppner
last week-end. He passed away
March 13 at Canal Winchester, Orio.
Tnis news might not have reached
here had Heironer lodge No. 358
B. P. O. E not been searching for
Mr. Hoffman to apprise him of the
fact that he had been elected to
honorary life membership in the
order. '
Hoffman came to Heppner about
1910 as superintendent of schools,
. v. ,
tr remained here six or seven
" A,ntt wWWu m. tu nroR.
rr " "T s ;t rr, r.
nt hnrA edifice was erected. He
was exalted jgr 0f the Elks lodge
three successive terms and was one
of the .best informed members in ings plan. More than 90 percent of
this district. His last visit to Hepp- the workers, 95 to be exact, are in
ner was in 1942 and since that time vesting 12 percent of their earniings
had not kept the ' lodge informed it was revealed by Col. A, S. By
about his address. Information re- ers, commandant at the depot.
garding his death came from a sis-
ter residing m Uluo.
Gas Questionnaire
Should Be Filled Out
The local office of the OPA has
mailed out questionnaires to farm
ers using non-highway gas and has
not been getting the response de-
o ..
sired. This is disappointing and adds
to the work of the office force, it
is stated. This information is neces-
sarv in order to complete the es-
. , .
timate for Oie county's require-
mentsand the board urges all those
receiving the blanks to nil out ana
turn them in as quickly as possible.
There appears nothing compn-
catea aoom tne quesuonnaue-nuw
manv acres do vou farm? how many,
" "
acres in summer fallow? how how
many acres in wheat? how many m
many acres in wheat; now many in
hay, etc. It is pointed out that non-
hishwav eas users " will be ding
i : i .... 1 1 i-kA Hainrt
mgnway gas ula
themselves a favor as well as the
,j;.,;v nffia hxr ottonriincf tn this
, .
& -
duty promptly. It is impossible to
issue the gas you need without so
, , , , . ... ,5
Ernest Thornburgh died
morning at Spokane, according to
information contained in a message
imvAiKi.Av v o
sent to relatives at Heppner. He had
been ill for some time and the ill-
e.uj u:i JriM
ness reauieu a uiuku
thp rtast week. Ills cousin, dames
Mover, who retuirned Wednesday
from Spokane, reported that there
was no nope tor nis recoveiy.
Deceased was a native ol Lx-
Mrs. Floyd Adams was fairly
walking on air today. She had re
ceived word that her daughter
Clara Belle, made five A's and one
B in the recent mid-term exami-
nations at Oregon State college
where she 13 mf 'J0 ln secreutanal
irMmvn ixi poim avii
Mrs. E. ' E. Gilliam, Mrs. Charles
Vaughn and Mrs. Leo Perry left
Wednesday morning for Portland to
s(pend a week or 10 days.
f ter Zjr dSr,
day from Pendleton. Her sister,
rs. en gge t, ana u-y -
v . J Unm. C,r,.v.J oir Vt A-r hue
",uoJ'' 1V- '
band havinS shipped out.
Mr. and Mrs. Oral Wright took
their two daughters to Pendleton
Tuesday for medical advice. The
, , u j ci rQr anA
ina nave iiaui avow"
whooping cough during the winter,
fv-.rvA .,-1-, ; -.V. U-.ir Viiiro nrtf rv-rvT7orof
xiom i UiCJr iiD,t
umi v ouiiiii
Mrs. Roy Johnson of Pendleton
was a guest the first ot the weeK
at the home of her: sister. Mrs.
Chris Brown. Mrs. Johnson return-
Hardest Fighting
Ahead, Senator
Holman Declares
Ordnance Workers
Urged to Keep Up
Splendid Record
Monday was "T-flag" day at the
uronance uepm. wnen
several hundred workers and nu-
. .x , , , . ,
merous invited Quests assembled to
, fll. roici nf tu.
sen ted hv the United States
treasury in recognition of the de-
pots co-operattion in the war sav-
The program, starting at 3:45., in
eluded music by the nermiston
high school band group singing of
"God Bless America," "War Bonds
and Oregon," an address by Elwain
H. Greenwood, representing the
w , v .. n
ed States Senator RAfus C. Holman;
introduction of McCaw , hospital
sprvinp mpn' nrpspntntmn ni Rprvine
jffice Service com-
mand; acceptance A &
. . a , ,ia.
outers raising oi nag, aiiu ouii
The m
lU ct. wror-
i.rit 1 1 i.it-'K lit
Station KWRC,
speaker, and member of the senate
military affairs committee and
ine appropriations commiuee, swt-
ed that he was
only the senate
1 mat ne was represemiiiK nut
riniv 1 riH shiim h iriri 'i iithm 1 1 i.hh. 11111.
the entire congress, lve come here
. . . j ,
lo oi aise vou aiiui 10 exLeiiu to vou
- -
&e thanks of the FederaL congress.
Your dollars, make it possible to
sMPPly the men and equipment to
Ldu 011 tiicr wai. xj ul jic wcimai
that we have just begun to fight
and that casualties up to the pres-
ent will be light compared to what
will be suffered when the big of-
iensive really opens up. The com
mitlee estimated losses will run to
tnnnnn W rv,0r.
oower ouueet as drawn up pians lor
" -
1,000,000 men as replacements
the year ending June 30, 1944
The senator said we have stopped
being pushed around arid have
stepped .forward enough to gain a
toehold, ,but we have not yet begun
to fight as we will know the war
in the next twelve months. He
warned that it is a terrible mistake
to be lulled into a feeling of secur-
jty that victory is already in the
bag. He noted that it has only been
within the last year that the wes-
tern part of the country has not
oeen exposea to oomoing
Judge Carl Chambers of Umatilla
county was master of ceremonies.
Members of Lexington grange
will gather at the hall Sunday noon
top amapaie a pou
velT and" aotS nSdtS
about cleaning up the
to participate in a potluck dinner,
there ,
a good turnout as tne commixtee
works on the t heory that many.
hands make light work.
Word" was received in Heppner
this morning of the death of Oscar
c.Lr. nr u
Schafer of Monument. He passed
wv-j "
vices wiu oc iicxu. at iuuhujikui
day. He was a pioneer sheepman of
uiai sctuuu,
Mrs. Virgil Hatfield and
son from Portland are visitin-g nt
the home of Mrs. Hatfield's parents,
Family Experiences
Misfortunes of War
War still is what Sherman termed
it back in the Civil war days. At
least that is the opinion of a Hepp
ner family. Cleo Gardner, called up
for his physical examination, re
ported at Seattle, taking his family
to Yakima to visit relatives for a
day or so. All returned home
Thursday and prepared to break up
housekeeping for the duration.
TTiv crJrl tViir hnmp SntiirHinv tn
Vernon shipped
househoid goods to California and
tv,. ,0j ty.a
otherwise prepared to move in the
, , ,
weeK or.lwo .Detwen e
tion and induction. Monday, th
Monday, the
draft board notified Cleo that he is
not to be inducted now because he
is 32 years old.
Further complications arose. Mrs. ing. April 17 and continue through
Gardner came down with scarlet Wednesday. Heretofore only Hepp
fever and she and their two little . , , . ,
girls who had the disease earlier, ner has passed for funds
are now in quarantine at the home but this year, with the addition of
of her sister, Mrs. Ahna Perkins, troops at lone and Boardman, the
HarrWr entire countv will be solicited to
his m leaym
today for California, with Chico as
as tlieir destination.
Grange Asks Return
To Standard Time
By Marjorie B&Yer
was held at Rhea creek grange had
on ApW1 1 with a good attendance.
. , . .. ,
inuring tne ousiness meeting juur
res0luLn7were adopted. One rcc-
ommended &at farm gas and uel
rationing be handled by the farm
transport? tion committee. Anouier
i.. i-.-ji-j C. .u.
resolution recommended changes in
e slaughtering of livestock. It re
, ,
commended that Oregon return to
were made rfin the sale
. , ,
, A verv- interesting program was
presented .by the lecturer. Alice
uitauiiLtru. ,Uy uic itrti-uici.
- . - . .
Anderson. Judge Bert Johnson gave
on ve serJ.ce
t .
IctlCOl, 'LLCVClOUJlXCiita 111 U1C aKlltUl"
1 r ij , .
tural field and Henry Baker gave
enlightening fads regarding gas ra
:..; , ci,u ij 1
or?.,A . wjnfL, trrnnt,M
. u
;inr? musical niimhArs wpro oiupn Kv
and musical numbers were given by
, 1 '
lhe deRree to 14
. ,
TV,t npvt Pnm(ma K holA at
Willows grange on July 1.
Runnion Auctions
Set for Saturday
Official opening of the Runnion
Sales Yard in Heppner is scheduled
. . . , ...
in. ixain or siiine uie saie will go
on, Runnion announces for he has
comfortable qufirters to accommo-
date a good sized crowd.
Listings indicate that there will
be ample livestock and equipment
on hand to meet the reauirements
Gf almost any buyer. Frank S. Par-
ker wii be on hand to inspect
brands, while Runnion will cry the featured events. The Court of Hon
sales and Harry Dinges will act as or will be held at the camporee.
deTK Cubs in Heppner, under the
of and Mrs Norman'
Gilman, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Gilman, were united
m mamage Monday( Aprll 10 at
Lewiston, Idaho. The ceremony was
nprfnrmjH at 830 rt m IWrc Pnrlnfnr
' - i- j
Thomson, sister of the groom, who
drove north to meet her husband,
on boot leave from Camp Farragut,
drove to Lewiston to attend the
wedding and she and hei husband
accompanied th newlywcds home
A T1,o,, ,,11 .
They will make their home in Hep-
; fm hM . ft busv
r "
Miss Leta Humphreys left today school. He would prefer a principal
baby for Chicago and other points east on coach but if a good principal can be
a three-weeks vacation, u is ex
pected she will visit Lt Rose Lieb
a three-weeks vacation. It is ex
Volume 61 , Number 3
Three-Day Drive
For Scout Funds
To Start Monday
County Asked to
Aid in Financing
Council Activities
Everything is in readiness for tke
annual three-day campaign te
. . . .
raise funds for the Blue Mountain
Scout council. This drive is
charge of Blaine E. Isom, local fi
nance chairman, and will be
launched first thing Monday, morn-
raise this mstrcts are th
W"" Duaget,
Membership in the Boy Scouts of
America has more than doubled in
the county during the past year. To
day there are 95 boys enrolled in
four troops, one Sea Scout Ship
and one Cub Pack. It is the goal of
the Scout leaders to again double
membership during the coming
year. This growth undoubtedly has
been due to the concerted efforts of
i , i j j l aD u.,m.
Jjf gS taff
!? " fTr. 1!! ,!
wuuu uucc vi"
has spent one week each month in
the area organizing, training leaders
and planning activities for the
Scouts. Kenneth Hicken'iottom is
the assistant Scout executive as
signed to this territory.
Scout leaders tire aiming to com
plete organization of the entire
onfisPan program of Scouting dur
ing the next year. Udner this pro
gram a boy will join the Cubs at
the age of nine and carry on in
this home-centered activity until
he is 12, when he will join the
Scout troop. Three years of ex-
tensive work and fun in the trooo
. will qualify him to become a mem-
me ;enlor &ccnlts' eltner as
ber of the
ot.i 01 uic
an Air &cout, an explorer or a oea
Scout- At present in the county
there is one Senior unit and one
Cub Pack. As soon as books and
Gihiir niaterials are available, oth-
er Packs and Senior units will be
A Court of Honor, a camparee, a
newspaper salvage campaign and
two camps are included in the im-
mediate plans of Morrow county
' .
wciaLcjjaci omvogc vxnnimii uic
last of April. A camporee, with all
troops participating, will be held at
McCaleb's cabin on Willow creek
early in May. This will be an event
open to the public and the Scouts
will participate on a competitive
basjsi. Firemaking, signalling, first
aid, and commando tactics will be
leadership of Father Francis Mc
Cormick will continue to meet
during the summer and will have
TO.rifPDO Annl,n
i 1 " " Ti TT
Supt. George Corwin announced
today that two grade teachers had
slSnea contracts to teacn in tne to
031 scho1 next year- M"- Phoebe
Romine, who is at present employed
in the Lexington school, and Mrs.
Rubv Linn. Irrigon teacher, have
signified their intention of joining
the Heppner staff.
Corwin is on a hunt for a prin
cipal and one teacher for the high
- obtained some other arrangement
- otrtainea some otner arrangement
- wdl be made regarding the coach-
ing job.
ate here from a recent illness.
ed to her home today.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Instone