Heppner Gazette Times, April 6, 1944 3 Funeral Services for Mrs. Joseph Eskelson Held at Salem By Mrs. Ruth McMillan Funeral services were held at 1:30 p. m, Saturday. April 1 from the Rigdon chapel in Salem for Mrs." Mary Ann Eskelson who passed away at her home in Salem at the age of 85 years. 9 months and 10 days. Rev. Joseph Knotts officiated and interment was in Belcrest Me morial park. Mary Ann Phariss was, born June 7, 1859 in Petaloma, Calif. On June '7, 1882 she was married to Joseph Eskelson, in Butte City Montana. They lived in Weston, Ore. for a ehort time. In 1884 they moved to Morrow county and acquired a homestead near Lexington. In 1920 they moved to Salem and have since made their home there. She is survived by the following children, Nellie Palmer and Cleo Van Winkle, Lexington; Ethel Wil cox, Hermiston; Earl, Portland; Jo sie Frederickson, Kathryn, Daniel James, all of Salem; 32 grandchild ren and 22 great grandchildren. Her husband, passed away in 1943. A son, Orvell Eskelson, and a dau ghter, Rose Sprowle, have also pre ceded her in death. The Red Cross drive has been completed with Lexington commu nity turning in a total of $943 which exceeded the quota. Mrs. Vernon Munkers was chairman and was as sisted by Mrs. John McMillan. Walter Beebe of Portland ar rived the first of last week to start remodeling the house Mr. and Mrs. R. C. May recently purchased from Mrs. Lou 'Broadley. Mr. and Mrs. 'John Billingsley of Kinzua accompanied by Cleo Tripp are visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grant. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Crabtree and granddaughter Sharon Cratree of Salem are visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Munkers. The first Massie-Harris combine to be granted to Morrow county was shipped this week from the Oregon Grange wholesale in Port land to Heppner. J. F. McMillan of Lexington was the purchaser. Mrs. John Pieper is seriously ill at her home above town having suf fered a hard fall the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Phillips and daughter Jessalyn of Kinzua arrived Saturday for a visit at the Bill Smethurst home. Mrs. Smethurst and Mrs. Phillips are sisters. Edward Hunt, who has been in the armed services for several months arrived home Wednesday morning having been granted a 20 day leave because of the illness of his mother, Mrs. Alex Hunt. E. B. Jensen, principal of Lex ington school, attended the eastern Oregon teachers' association meet ing in Portland this week-end. He was accompanied by Mrs. Jensen. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Republican nomi nation for the office of Sheriff of Morrow county Oregon, subject to the will of the Republican voters. C. J. D. BAUMAN REBEKAH MEETING Stated meeting of Sans Souci Re bekar lodge will be held at 7:30 p. m. Friday, April 7. Mrs. Delia Dav idson, noble grand desires all offi cers end members to be present. Visiting members are welcome. assistance in our bereavement. fr K E. Adkins, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Adkins, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elder and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Adkins, Mr. and Mrs. Conser Adkins and family. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Adkins, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Records, Mr. and Mrs. Benton Walker, Mrs Bee Whitehead and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hill Dennis and family. James Moyer left Thursday morn ing for Rochester, Minn, to enter tha Mayo clinic for treatment. CARD OF THANKS Peggy Tamblyn and Frances WU- We wish to thank our former kinson, students at Oregon State neighbors and friends for their ex- college, are spending the Easter va pressions of sympathy and kindly cation at home. Lexington High School invites you to see how "Sadie of the U.S. A." breaks up a spy ring and saves the home town munitions plant. 8 P. M. FRIDAY, APRIL 14 Adults 35c : Hi School 25c : Grades 15c A good cup of coffee is the perfect complement to a sat isfying meal. Our food t good, well cooked, and lastr ful; our service is prompt an we are pleased to serve .vmi Due to shortage of Vi -' remain closed all 6u Thursdays. Try our meatless mcsiW i ery Friday. HEPPNER CAFE Audboifi) In SATURDAY, IL 15 Runnion S s Yards Beginning at I o'clock P. M. Sharp AT THE Consisting of All kinds of Livestock, Machinery, Farm Equipment, Household Goods and other items. Over IOO Head of Livestock Cows and Calves, Yearling Steers and Heifers, 2-yeer-old Steers and Heifers, several registered Hereford bulls from 1 to 3 years old, several head of good milk cows; several Sows and Pigs, some weaner and feeder pigs; some good broke Work Horses; several good Saddle Horses; 1 ,000 Cedar Posts; good 2-horse Trailer; Harness, Stock Saddle; 1 Rubber-tired Wagon, one low-wheeled Farm Wagon; 1 Telephone, wire; Hogwire, and a lot of other stuff not listed. All livestock must have brand inspection before being sold. A brand in spector will be on hand at the yard. Each owner pays his brand inspection BRING LIVESTOCK FRIDAY, OR SATURDAY MORNING DAY OF SALE Te rms: v CASH V. R. RUNNION, Auctioneer HARRY DINGES, Clerk . FRANK S. PARKER, Brand Inspector