Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 30, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, March 30, 1944
Boy Scout Troop
Reorganized First
Of Week at lone
A meeting was held at the home
troop. Rev. Ralph DeBoer was se
lected as scout master with Rev.
Waddell as assistant. The following
men formed the citizens commit
leave Tuesday for a visit in Cali- MRS. REDDING HONOREE
fornia. She will be accompanied Mrs. Jarvis A. Chaffee and Mrs.
from Portland by her sister, Mr. Edna Turner were hostesses Satur-
Hazel Beers of Estacada. They will day evening at a pinochle party gi-
visit at the home of their uncle and ven in honor of Mrs. Ola Redding
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Githens who left Tuesday for Portland en-
of Berkeley, and with A. M. M. 2c route to Rhode Island to spend the
Ted Palmateer, at Moffitt Field. summer with her son and family,
Mrs. Valjean Swale of Pendleton the Dallas Wards.
e O w l i 11 Tvr L. OO In,. i& &PC11U-Ui o. lew U-try ai j.v.ijr r UUI WdC HI pi-Cl y , Willi
i . -uix clark home during e absence of Mrs. F. E. Parker and F. W. Turner
plans to reorganize a Boy Scout , hir5, ty. firrt nri and Mrs
Ronald McCa.be, son of Mr. and F. W. Turner and Joe Devine the
Mrs. Clifford McCabe, was taken to low score honors.
St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton Mrs. Redding was favored with a
tee: Ray Barnett, chairman, Ralph st week when he was threatened going-away gift.
Aldrich, E. Markham Baker and with pneumonia.
Omar Rietmann. Eleven boys be- Kenneth Smouse has . moved his CARD OF THANKS
tween the ages of 12 and 15 years family from Portland to the ranch "We wish to thank our neighbors
have been signed up and more are wnere they plan to make their and friends for their, assistance,
expected. home while Mr. Smouse manages words of sympathy and many kind
Mrs. Elmo McMillan of Salem is fre ranch for his mother. ly acts during our bereavement; anJ
visiting her " mother, Mrs. Mary "Wm. Clark was a Vancouver for the many beautful floral tri
Swanson. Wash, visitor last week, leaving on butes.
Mrs. Henry Clark is reported un- Wednesday and returning Satur
der treatment in the Good Samari- day. v
tan hospital in Portland. David J Rietmann spent the
Little Lila (Toni) Botts was tak- week-end visiting relatives and
en to The Dalies Saturday where friends in lone. Davis is , taking
she will be under the doctor's care navv training at Farragut.
for a while. Gene Graybil left the first of the
Mr. and- Mrs. John Turner of week to visit relatives in Baker.
Baker are visiting Mrs. Turner's Tilman Beckner shipped 120 hogs
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank En- to Portland Sunday,
gleman. Mrs. Lana Padberg had as week-
Mrs. E. M. Baker was hostess at end guests, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
her home to the O. E. S. social club Wood, Mrs. Valdus McKinzey and
Paying tribute to its
fighting men who fell
on foreign fields dur
ing World War I, In
diana has erected at its
capital of Indianapolis
this striking War
Hoosier Monument
Your War Memorial;
17. S. War Bonds
C. N. McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Pointer, Dan McLaughlin, GM3c,
Pfc James McLaughlin. John Mc
Lauehlin. . S2c. Pvt. Hugh Mc
Laughlin, USMC, Virginia Mc
Laughlin, Joe McLaughlin, Bob- TWO GRANDCHILDREN
bie McLaughlin, Herbert McLau- m md Mrs Pat Heaiy announce
ghlin, Sally McLaughlin Michael grandchildren
McLaughlin, Terry McLaughlin,
and Mrs. Catherine Doherty and monih one a 1,0171 March
family. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Daggett,
the former Lib Healy, and the other,
a girl, born March 28 to Major and
Our dead have left
their own memorials;
the starved and hound
ed people of captive
Europe can do little
more than hope and
pray, but to free Amer
icans is left the choice
of their own future.
Mrs. Lucy Rodgers reports that
she has been conducting a reading
survey of the schools of the coun
ty and has completed the work in
all schools with the exception of
wHnHav aftprnmn. During the rw nr r w r a HERE FROM GOLDENDALE
afternoon the ladies completed an fumily dinner on Sunday included , ta t Jfranf.1: n0t T" , , Henoner. Eieht Mile and Balm
u pj r.co Qriri r,ar- nr j m ii -o j aenaaie, wasn., are m neppner ior Mrs. na uurcneu. ine curcneii 1 ' "
afghan for the Red Cross and part- Mr. and Mrs. Terrell Benge and 4, ' , ' - . , , . A CA A4. . , Fnrw Sv,fi nns tmmA Wmvement
ly finished anoither. children of Heppner and Mr. and
The P. N. G. club met at the Mrs. Darrell Padberg and daugh
home of Mrs. Milton Morgan Fri- ter of lone. : '
day afternoon. Fifteen members The junior class of lone high
and two visitors were present. It sdhool sponsored an' "Amateur
was decided to serve dinner. on el- Hour" contest at' the high school
ection day in May. Saturday night. Harold Boner, prin-
Preparations for Easter services pal of the grade school acted as
are being made by the members of announcer. The program was very
the Co-Operative church. The plans entertaining. The freshmen with
include a sunrise service with their skit, "Forget Me Not,'' star
breakfast at the E. M. Baker ranch, ring Arthur Bergstrom, won first
morning exercises at the church place; second' honors going to Bib
from 10 to 12 and special even- Rietmann for his clarinet solo, and
ing program at 8:00 p. m. third place ended in a tie between
There will be special Communion Betty and Faye Baker, singing, and
service Wednesday, April. 5, at the Eunice Peterson reading "Spitin ".
Christian church 7:30 to 8:00 p. m. The school band led by Supt. Hoi
Last Sunday evening a number comb presented several numbers
of young people met at the Chris- while the ballots were being count
tian church to organize a Christian ed. The judges were Omar Riet
Endeavor society. mann, Oscar Peterson and Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lieuallen have Helen Lindsay,
completed a deal with A. E. Stef- Mrs. B. C. Forsythe returned
ani to purchase the former Bulard Monday evening from a business
building in which the Victory cafe trip to Ashland. While she was in
is located. The Leiuallens will con- Ashland she was the guest of
tinue in business there. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Briscoe. Mr.
Mrs. Clarence Brenner and son Briscoe was superintendent of the
Gary returned to Portland after a Ashland school system for many
visit of several days in lone. years. Mrs. Jack Forsythe returned
Mrs. Echo Palmateer plans to with her.
Mrs. Owen French
pital in Pendleton.
in the scliools visited.
Have You Thought
About that Easter Ham?
We want to remind you that Easter is
but 1 0 days away and you wi 1 1 want a
Swiff Premium or Armour Star Ham
only three points per pound.
Fresh Produce
GARDEN SEEDS Cabbage and onion
plants Start your Victory Garden
;j Complete line of Sea Foods.
Fresh Salmon at its best.
Central Market
;h)2 oojoi'.)".
RETREATING soldiers burn every
thing behind them. They realize
it will take years to rebuild communi
ties . . . decades to regrow forests.
They must lose natural resources to
win the war.
IN AMERICA, we are not retreat
ing, yet hundreds of thousands of
acres of growing timber are burned
annually. Most forest fires are the
result of carelessness, or incendiarism.
Both types can be stopped before they
REMEMBER, Timber is one of our
most important of war materials . . .
it replaces metal sorely needed for
actual fighting tools and fills myriad
other uses. We need our forests to
help "ktp 'tm flying."
HELP THE AXIS do your bit ard
see that your neighbor does his in
keeping fire out of the woods.
Kinzua Pine Mills Co.
mmt, . - ,T1vnk "V-X B
I 112 Tirr ifii- i)
-i?oi:ji ioi Lwy i .'iu wool w.-;i -o; atjciosoj
,?'i'i.) ' -A