Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 23, 1944, Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, March 23, 1944 3
4-H Garden Club
Organized Friday
Night at Lexington
By Mrs. Ruth McMillaa
A 4-H garden club was organized
Friday night at the school house by
Clifford Conrad, county agent. Mrs.
Adolph Majeske was appointed club
leader, Faye Cutsforth, president;
Helmuth Hermann, vice president;
Elizabeth Edwards, secretary, and
-Jean Ranch, song leader and re
porter. There were 13 members en
rolled. Rev. H. N. Waddell, pastor of lone
Co-operative church will hold ser
vices each Sunday at 7:30 p. m. in
the Lexington Church of Christ.
Everyone is urged to come and
bring a friend.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Patterson and
son arrived Thursday from Salem
to work on the Benge ranch near
Lexington. Mrs. Patterson is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Buchanan. Patterson was recently
granted a medical discharge from
the U. S. army.
Patty OfHarra left Saturday for
Eugene where she is taking a course
in nursing at the University of Ore
gon. She spent the spring vacation
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Newt O'Harra.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wilcox pur
chased the Glover Peck house for
merly occupied by the Richard
Schoonover family. The Schoonov
rs have moved into the Ralph
Scott home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buchanan
received a V-mail letter Friday
from their son Pvt Clarence Buch
anan telling of his safe arrival some
where overseas.
Leonard Loos of Spokane recent
ly arrived to join the staff of mech
anics at Jackson Implement Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smethurst and
daughter Betty drove to Hermiston
on business Saturday.
Bill Miller, new mechanic at
Jackson Implement Co. has pur
chased the Phillips house this week
and will move his family here soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Way returned
from Portland the first of the week
where they have been receiving
medical attention for some time.
They have both improved consid
erably in health.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Barrett of .
Portland are guests this week at the
Clark Jackson home.
Rowen C. May drove to Spokane
on business this week. A carpenter
will arrive soon to start remodeling
the house the Mays recently pur
chased from Mrs. Lou Broadley.
Delbert Hiatt, who has been em
ployed for some time at Morrow
County Grain Growers has resign
de and left for Portland with his
son Donnie, to reside.
for their army post Saturday from
Mrs. Lillian Aldrich and Mrs.
Nora Wilson were in Heppner last
Mrs. Ruth Umiker and a crowd
of high school students took Dave
Allen to Heppner Wednesday.
Cpl Evan Good writes to his aunt,
Mrs. George Russell that he is in
Italy and is well and very busy.
The Walker Telephone Line Co.
crew will leave Irrigon Monday for
Fleck Orchard where they will con
tinue their work.
Mr. and Mrs. Jurink and Mr. La
terquist who work on the railroad
Neighbors of Mrs. J. A. Graybeal
section are moving to' The Dalles,
had a stork shower for Mrs. Jack
McFall Wednesday evening. She re
ceived some lovely presents and a
real pleasant evening was enjoyed.
Grandma Graybeal is quite ill at
her home.
Mrs. Etta Stoddard of Payette,
Ida. is visiting her granddaughter,
Mrs. Otto Myers.
Mrs. Dave Steagall and Howard
Gollyhorn visited Patterson, Wash.,
Pvt Wm. Voile is home from
Camp Roberts, Calif., spending a
week of his furlough with his par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Voile.
Sinice Moore was a Pendleton
visitor Monday.
Fred Adams, Mrs. E. Rucher and
Mrs. Grace O'Brien were Pendle
ton visitors Thursday.
To Health
Under wartime conditions simpli
city of diet becomes essential. Most
homemakers are carrying additional
responsibiities and find less time for
meal planning. In meeting such con
ditions casserole cookery is the de
light of the homemaker with imag
ination and food sense. Although
this is the oldest form of cookery,
the meal-in-one recipes "are a boon
to present war-time cookery.
Two "don'ts" in cassefole cook
ery don't put too many flavors in
to one combination. The perfect
casserole dish is not made by com
bining all the left-overs in the re
frigerator. And don't make too
much so there is a left-over of the
left-overs. And, of course, do bring
the casserole to the table piping
hot, with the bubbling contents at
teir savory best.
Potatoes, macaroni, spaghetti, rice
and noodles are all plentiful and
are good basic foods for casserole
combinations. While dairy products
are not on the list of abundant
foods, there will be the usual am
ount for everyone if we use them
wisely. And they are being used
American Girls Help Start Bombing Missions
Eight trained hands three ptirs of them feminine
unite at one station on the Chevrolet assembly line pro
ducing one of the great fighting weapons of this war, the
rVtt It Whitney aircraft engine which powers America's
-known bombers and cargo planes. Capably supplying
"manpower" to back up the armies of ths United Nation,
hundreds of women are at work in this plant, which is
one of 17 In Chevrolet's nation-wide manufacturing
system geared into the Pratt & Whitney aircraft engine
wisely when combined with any of
these foods to make a tasty casse
role dish.
The foods that are in greater
abundance during various periods
of the year are featured as the Vic
tory Food specials. Cabbage la tke
victory food selection through
March and is plentiful into April.
Cabbage is an excellent source
of Vitamin C, Bl and B2 and is also
rich in calcium, phosphorus and
iron. By using this vegetable freely
now, homemakers will be taking
the pressure off of less plentiful
foods and will be serving their fa
milies a food important for its vi
tamins and minerals.
A golden cheese sauce adds ap
petite appeal to a casserole of cab
bage and such a combination is
filling enough to be served as a
luncheon main dish.
Cabbage Casserole Style
Alternate layers of shredded cab
bage, dotted with butter, and cheese
sauce or creamy whte sauce, bread
or cracker crumbs. Top with grated'
cheese. Bake.
L. W. Briggs and daughters Opal
and Mrs. Ray Taylor were Pendle
ton callers Friday where they went
for glasses.
man's leg injured several months
ago. They were accompanied by
Mrs. Lorena Marquardl
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Harshman
drove to Portland Sunday for a
medical checkup on Mrs. Harsh -
Mrs. E R. Huston ia ill at her
home, suffering from high bloood
pressure. She has been ordered to
remain in bed for a month.
Because it ia being held over for
the film -"With the Marines at Ta
longer showing in Portland theaters,
rawa" has had to be cancelled from
the program of the Star theater.
The picture was scheduled to be
shown Sunday and Monday, March
26 and 27. The management has
promised to bring it here at a later
date, probably during June.
I am going to sell at public auction at the County Court
House in Pendleton, Oregon on Monday, May 1, 1944, at the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M., the well known Hid-a-way Springs
resort in this County near, or in the vicinity of Ukiah, Oregon,
consisting of approximately 1240 acres. This is a well known
summer resort with an abundance of deer and elk in season
and near many good trout fishing streams.
If you are interested in purchasing this property I will be
pleased to have you present and submit your bid. If you
find it inconvenient to be here at said time and wish to make
a bid, you may do so by enclosing a cashier's check represent
ing 15 percent of your bid and mail to me here in Pendleton
before the date of sale in order that your bid may be opened
and read there and then, and if you are the successful bidder
you will be promptly notified accordingly.
W. H. MORRISON, Receiver
Irrigon News Notes
Billy Allen from lone spent Sun
day with has mother, Mrs. H. W.
Grim and family.
Adren Allen left for The Dalles
Sunday to work on a hotel that is
being built.
Frank Brace of Hermiston was
down to Irrigon looking after pro--perty
Mrs. Lena Bell Lenz was operated
upon for appendicitis Monday at
the Ordnance hospital. She is get
ting along nicely.
The R. E. Forbes family are mov
ing to Hermiston and are having
Mr. Forbes' arm treated
Mr. Knighton will move on to his
place that the Forbes family have
Lester Sites drives the school bus
which Mrs. Athol Haddox has been
Mrs. Vivian Finie left for her
home in Texas Friday after spend
ing some time wilh her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles McFall and Mrs.
Jack McFall who is visiting here.
Miss Lois Markham and Betty
Acock were called Friday to be ca
det nurses. They left for Hot Lake
Sunday. They started their college
work at La Grande Monday. They
hove credits enough to finish high
school. Betty was one of the highest
in the state.
Wm. Rutledge and Joe Wilson left
A good cup of coffee is the
perfect complement to a sat
isfying meal. Our food is
good, well cooked, and taste
ful; our service is prompt and
we are pleased to servo yon.
Dae to shortage of help, we
remain closed all day on
Try our meatless meals ev
ery Friday.
Lost her Heart to
Diamond Rings
(jems for Lady oAmerica
The rich simplicity of Design, Superior craftsmanship,
the Prize Beauties of the popular priced field.
" Your first glance leaves you with a lasting impression
of its sparkling smartness ... A large stock from which
to choose your particular needs.