8 Heppner Gazette Times, March 16, 1944 Pocket Size Books Wanted for Navy By Mrs. Raluli Thompson At the March meeting those were very happy over receiving DAIRY PAYMENTS HIGHER musical instilments, including tho FOK MARCH AND APRIL the-longed for drums. These were a Announcement cf continuation of gift or a loan from Pendleton field. d pToducUon payment pro These patients could use more baL: increased rates for March of sewed rags and cotton yarn for B , ., , , . , . . , ailan wort. olxA tn hear tW n,c mtinf Wu wisK fa fVianlr fhp ana April nns C-esn leieiveu u- the large day room for the enlisted Rhea Creek grange ladies for two AAA committee which issues pay men at Pasco Naval station had large boxes of sewed rags as well ments to county producers, 60 been completely furnished with ev- as their donation of $10 toward buy cents a hundredweight for whole erything necessary from the Walla ing ioe cream and cake for ihe Ap- milk and 8 cents a pound for but- air base, as the latter has ril birthday party at the Veterans teriat. been closed. More furniture is hospital Over 200 patients from ijj,e oour,ty committee is now re needed for the large sun rooms of McCaw have been transferred there ceivin? gppications for payments the four hospital wards at Pasco and the monthly birthday party nn V- rmdnrHnn February and !they are looting forward tio takes care of these boys as well as 0n Feteusry production, February, the day when they receive a small veterans from the first world war. Payments will be at the previously portable piano. We heard an appeal The Missionary society of the Lu- announced rates of 5 cents a hun for the small pocket sized novels theran church of Gooseberry is pro- dredweight for whole milk and 35 and mystery stories, not to be used viding this check for the May party cents a pound for butterfat. at Pasco station but to be packed at the hospital Iwo other cour- Tentelive f,'ans contemplate that "Alft! .the Slfts 10 a season reduction will be made in louieia. iiic navy naa given uiuaa used as prizes in ineir games. that no bound books could be sent as they take up too much space. Here is an opportunity for Mor row county people to give some thing these pilots, their crews and TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Clarence Medlock, "who has been an invalid for several years, was ta ken to Hermiston Monday for mechanics can enjoy while on these medical care. Mrs. Clara Gertson, the rates for the months of May through August, the committee has been informed. SUPERVISOR HERE Harlev Richardson, district sud- dangerous missions in tlie Pacific, accompanied bv Mrs. Medlock took erviscr for the OPA was a caller at The project of collecting these small him over. the local rationing office Wednesday books would be a good deed for Boy Scouts and for grade and high school students. Books may be left at the P. P. & L. Co. office in Hep pner and we will see they reach Pasco station. If sections wish to mail them direct, send them to J. N. Anderson, Red Cross Field Di rector, Pasco Naval Station, Pasco, Wash. Incidentally our county has a good start on this work as in Febru say we gave 35 of these books from Mrs. Pat Mclntyre and 24 from Mrs. Blaine Isom. We hear the patients at McCaw 'rom where I sit. Jy Joe Marsh For Dependable, Profitable Chicks buy "VIGORBILT" All breeders rigidly culled and bloodtested. New Hamp shire and White Leghorn chicks. Write jVigorbiit Hatchery! at Hermiston, Oregon, for prices and delivery dates. DO IT NOW! We had a real old-time church upper the other night Bert Childers played the fiddle, and the ladies brought refresh ments. Of course, we missed the boys who were away but an In all it was mighty pleasant Only bout note was Doe Ho Glnnla, "Shucks," says Doe, "we oughtn't to be enjoyin' ourselves when American soldiers are ever there fightln' a war." Now from where I ait, Doc's absolutely wrong. An of us are working overtime to help the war. We've got our worries .and troubles. It's a mighty good thing we can relax with a little wholesome enjoyment And I believe it's what the men over there would have us do . . . keep up the little friendly customs they remember like the evening get-togethers, hav ing a glass of beer with friends, and all the little pleasures they look forward to enjoying. STAR Reporter Friday-Saturday, March 17-18 Tumbling Tumbleweeds Another of the most popular Gene Autry-Smiey Burnette musical westerns brought back to keep you entertained while Gene is in the Army. Plus DOUGHBOYS IN IRELAND Kenny Baker, Jeff Donnell, Lynn Merrick A romantic story and some barracks comedy with a breath of Old Ire land added; there are song favorites including some of the'finest old Ir ish ballads and top songs from the modern Hit Parade. Sunday-Monday, March 19-20 Lassie Come Home Roddy McDowall, Dor.ald Crisp, Dame May Whitty, Edmund Gwenn, Nigel Bruce, Elsa Lan chester, Lassie Just a boy and his dog . . . from the pages of the late Major Eric Knight's great best-seller comes a great pic ture . . . deep, human and intense in a story you'll live and love. In Technicolor. Tuesday, March 21 Adventure in Iraq John Loder, Ruth Ford, Warren Douglas, Paul Cavanagh Mystery and intrigue in the trou ble spot of the Far East. Wednesday-Thursday, March 22-23 The Iron Major Pat O'Brien, Ruth Warrick, Robert Ryan The amazing life story of Frank Cavanaugh . . . tough, lovable, fighting American, . . . maker of heroes on gridiron and battlefield. "WelLSarge, I was thinking about calling the folks when I get off tonight" If you were away in camp, you'd know how much that call means. You can help the service men by not making any casual Long Distance calif between 7 and 10 at night. That's when most of them call and there'i a big rush on many circuits. "CIVI7T0 10 TO THI soma MEN" I GIVE MORS TO YOUR RfO CROSS HI PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY hMIVinrl:U:H 3311 UMI Jl J mYYlf L 1 in I k i -tu vii;:nuv q A See These Values, But . . . Buy War Bonds First! I L varnish Screen Esassniel I 2.98 3Hcpt. Sets dust-free in two to four Jet black. For both wooden I hours. Long-wearing, water- frame and wire screening. I resistant. ; Dries quickly V SIS modehn nut Keg. Z.ot Yalue SJyry9i, One coat covers almost any sL ' ' surface. Dries in one hour to ' luj' J" kauti'lu 'washable finish. ' Thin the Wall-Tone with f 'y water, apply with a brush xJJSSO or roll it on with a roller- NfM painter. Easy as 1, 8. l INTERIOR GLOSS 365 Gal. Leaves a smooth, beautiful glare-free finish. White and glorious colors. g - RAPID DRYING ENAMEL 7Qc One coat covers. Flows on smoothly and leaves a high H gloss finish. W I When You Get o Tire Rationing Certificate, Choose the Famous DELUXE CHAMPION TIRE Extra Mileage Extra Safety Extra Strength QUALITY RECAPPING By Foctory-Trotned Experts ! Rosewall Motor Co. 4 West Willow, Telephone 5 1