2 Heppner Gazette Times, March 16, 1944 Lexington Soldiers Picture Appears in National Magazine By Mrs. Ruth McMillan Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dinges re ceived a V-mail letter the past week from their son SjSgt Danny Dinges who recently arrived in England. To quote Danny's letter in part: "It is most gratifyiing to see the wonderful job that the Ameri can Red Cross is doing here. They certainly deserve lots of credit. The scenery is magnificent and the cli mate is similar to home." In March 6th edition of Life magazine is a photograph of a pro cession of American soldiers march ing along in training somewhere in England. Mr. and Mrs. Dinges were thrilled to find their son Danny in the foreground. .The Dalles. Those on the sick list the past week were Mrs. W. F. Barnett, Mrs. Charles Breshears, Mrs. Kenneth Marshall and Mrs. Laura Scott. Mr and Mrs. J. D. Kirk of Ukiah were visitors Friday at the George Allyn home. . John Padbarg, father of Orris Padberg, who recently underwent a major operation in Good Samari tan hospital in Portland is reported to be making satisfactory recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Winkle of Arlington are visitors at the Bill Van Winkle home. Mr and Mrs. Ladd Sherman and daughters arrived Thursday to visit at the C. C. Carmichael home. Mr. Sherman has been employed ar Herlong, Calif., at the ordnane de pot and is going into service soon. Mrs. Sherman is Mrs. Carmichael's niece. Bill (Miller of Spokane recently arrived to join the staff of mechan ics employed at Jackson Implement company. Miller's family will come as soon as a house can be located. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Mikesell of Toppenish, Wash., Mrs. James Point er of Selah, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gray of Stanfield, vis ited their mother, Mrs. Nettie Davis over the week-end. Jean Barnhouse, daughter of Mrs. Eula Barnhouse, received a bad cut on her forehead when she fell from her tricycle this last week. She was taken to Heppner to a physician. Two stitches were taken to close the wound. The Red Cross drive is progress ing on schedule and will probably be completed this week. From all indications Lexington community will exceed its quota. Mrs. Belle Leathers left for her home in Portland Thursday after visiting her son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carmichael several weeks. Loyal Parker, Lexington Co-operative manager made a business trip to Walla Walla this week. Mrs. Ralph Jackson and daugh ters Marcia and Carol spent the week-end here from their home in VISIT IN WALLA WALLA A group cif Heppner women spent Saturday in Walla Walla at the home of Lt. and Mrs. Fred Allisnn. Those making the trip were Mrs.' James Valentine, Mrs. F. W. Turn er, Mrs. Eona Turner and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson and daughter, Marylou Allison twins were the object of much admiration by the visitors. ,,,, iiihi iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimni WANT ai job where every hour you work is an hour that helps win the war? Want a job that gives you a chrnce to increase your skill, or learn a new one? A job that gives you new experiences, new friends? Then join the Women's Army Corps and take over a vital job in the Army? For full details about the WAC, apply at any U. S. Army Recruiting Station. Or write: The Adjutant General, 4115 Munitions Bldg., Washington, 25, D. C. (Women in essential war industry must have rcler.se from their employer or the U. S. Employment Service). I,,,H , ,111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIMII ST. PATRICK'S DANCE ELKS HALL Music: Men About Town Adm.: Men $1; Tax 10c; Total $1.10 Ladies 25c, tax included SATURDAY, MARCH 18 Good Quality Goes a Long Way in selling itself We specialize in quality and quantity takes care of it self. Our experience has proved it is important to stock fast-moving high quality items. Why have the same thing for breakfast every morning when you can get a wide range of variety at our store from cereals to fruits and pancake flours of amost every descrip tion; hams, bacon and eggs. Select your breakfast on the basis of vitamin content. Remember we have a full line of high grade meats of all kinds at all times. We worried once because the wolf might visit you and me; But now we'd like to have a chance to catch him ration free. vvvvv Central Market POINTS Y AND Z EXPIRE MARCH 20 Point and Money Saver Items PIG HOCKS Point Free. Pound - - 21c BREAST OF VEAL Grade A. 3 points and pound 23c PORK ROASTS 2 points and pound - - - - 31c PURE LARD Point Free. 4 pounds for - - - 90c BEEF SHORT RIBS Grade A. 4 points and pound 23.c SLICED BACON 1 point and pound - - - - 39c VVVVV Order Your Easter Ham S URE, it's a doodle a forester's doodle but there's nothing funny about it. To a forester, trees add up to things men can use homes, paper, fabiics, plastics, even food.. But a forest, plus fire, is less than nothing, because many years of planning, of growing, of forest management, have gone up in smoke. A forester fears lightning, for it sets many fires. But more than lightning, he fears man. Man starts nine forest fires for every one caused by lightning. It's a personal problem. It's your problem. It's our problem. For if all of us were to control our carelessness, the nation would be richer by $40,000,000 a year, out annual forest fire toll. All 0$ Hi PAY fat &iedt tiel - - - modi a$ ul can PREVENT tltem Kinzua Pine Mills Company JUH'IL