Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 10, 1944, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, February 10, 1944
lone School Sets
Stage for Bond Rally
Saturday Evening
The lone grade pupils will pre
sent a victory program Saturday
evening, Feb. 12 to promote the sale
of bonds in the Fourth War Bond
drive. If you have already pur
chased a bond come and buy an
extra one. The PTA will serve re
preshments of pie and coffee after
the program, the proceeds to be
used to assist the high school in
buying a public address system.
The regular meeting of Willows
grange Home Ea club will be held
at the home of Mrs Clara Ransier
Friday, Feb. 18 with an all-day
meeting and a pot luck dinner at
Mrs. Bert Mason returned home
from Portand Wednesday of last
week after a month's visit at the
home of her son Dorr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lundell and
family of Milwaukie arrived Wed
nesday for a visit .with relatives
and friends here.
Henry Gorger made a trip to
Pendleton last week for a medical
check-up. He was accompanied by
Mrs Gorger and Roy Lindstrom
who drove the car for them.
The lone high team was winner
in a double header Monday eve
ning defeating both the Town team
33 to 28 and the Heppner town
team 31 to 30. Tuesday evening the
girls of lone high school won the
volley ball game from the Umatilla
girls playing off a 27 to 27 tie with
a 31 to 18 victory. Friday evening
lone was again victorious when the
grade team defeated the Lexington
grade team 27 to 15 and the high
school team won 44 to 14 from Lex
ington high. It was Ione's lucky
Wednesday evening the lone
high school students honored H. M.
Stiles with a farewell party at the
school house.
Mrs. E. R. Lundell was hostess at
her home for the lone PNG club
Friday afternoon. Eleven members
and two visitors were present. Elec
tion' of officers was held with the
following taking offhe: Mrs. Ernest
Heliker; Miss Eva Swahson vice,
president and Mrs Hary Swanson,
There will be a pot luck dinner
followed by the PTA meeting at
the school house Wednesday, Feb
19 at 6:30 p m. Mrs Alfred Clough
of Arlington, district vice president,
of the Oregon PTA and Mrs Anne
Thomas, Morrow county health
nurse will be speakers.
Lloyd Morgan had the misfortune
to injure his left foot in the lone
Town-High game Monday evening.
He is now traveling on crutches
Pfc and Mrs Richard Lundell are
here on 15 day leave, visiting their
parents, Mr and Mrs E R Lundell
and Mr and Mrs M J Fitzpa trick,
Mrs R M Meikel who has been
visiting at the home of her uncle
Laxton McMurray, left Monday for
her home in Missoula, Mont where
she will assume her new position
as night supervisor at the St Pat
rick hospital there.
Clarence Brenner of Portland, a
former lone trucker who has been
employed at the recently destroyed
Iron Fireman Co ia visiting in lone.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Roundy left
for La Grande last week where Mr
Roundy has (become a partner in
an electric store.
Elroy Ellis, returned from Cali
fornia this week. He had received a
medical discharge from the army.
Due to an error in the Gazette
Times last week Mrs Victor Riet
mann instead of Mrs Victor Peter
son of The Dalles was reported to
have received an injury to her
knee. Mrs. Peterson is reported im
proving. Mr and Mrs Howard Eubanks
left for Portland last week when
Howard was called to take a phy-
Can you Use
a typewriter?
CAN YOU do clerical work
or accounting? Have you
ever worked in a store? Can
you drive a car?
The Army needs all kinds
of skills in the WAC. There's
a chance for you to improve
a skill you already have, or
learn one you'll find useful
all your life
Today find out about the
opportunities that await you
in the WAC the important
job, the interesting life, the
chance to serve your country
, in a vital way.
APPLY at the nearest. US
Army Recruiting Station
(your local post office will
give you the address)). Or
write: The Adjutant General,
Room 4415, Munitions Build
ing, Washington, D. C.
That is good advice
to which we add:
Buy it here and you will save both
stamps and money.
The reason quality goods are both
healthful and economical.
Central Market:
sical examination.
Mathew Ball received a slight in
jury to his foot when a pile of sacks
of wheat fell on it at the warehouse
where he is working.
The February study meeting of
the Topic club will be held at the
Hugh Smith home, Friday Feb. 11
at 2:30 p m. The hostesses are Mes
dames Smith, Henry Gorger, Cleo
Drake and Echo Pamateer. The
book "So Little Time" by John P.
Marquand will be reviewed.
Mrs Henry Clark left Sunday for
a short visit in Pendleton after
which she will then go to Portland
for medical attention.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Griffith of
Morgan returned Sunday from a
visit to the Puget sound country.
Evangelist Earl Miller will hold
meetings at the lone Cooperative
church for two weeks beginning
Feb. 27. He comes here under the
"99" Men's organization of the
Oregon Christian church.
Mr and Mrs Charles Carl were
The Dalles visitors Tuesday.
Rev Waddell and family and Da
vid Gordon attended the Christian
Endeavor meeting at the Church of
Christ in Heppner last Sunday
Judy and Alice Kay small dau
ghters of Mr. and Mrs Dorr Mason
of Portland are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs Lewis Hal-vorsen.
The blackboard in the rationing
office is growing more popular as
people learn the convenience of this
method of contacting cars and pas
sengers to outside points. General
use of the board will lessen the dif
ficulties confronting the mileage
board in the matter of gasoline al
lowances, it is stated. It is growing
more difficult by the day to make
the limited supply meet the most
pressing demands.
Frank Connor is improving, ac
cording to word brought from Pen
dleton the first of the week by
Mrs Connor who visited him Mon
day. Frank is in the hospital
Gua Nikander is in San Francisco
this week on a stock buying trip
for the Case Furniture company.
He is attending the San Francisco,
buyers' market.
R. B. Noble and family are leav
ing this week-end for Chicago
where Mrs. Noble and the children
will make their home. His draft
number has been called He has
been employed at the Zinter ranch.
Mrs. Henry Perkins and niece,.
Patricia Gardner were Pendleton vis
itors Monday. They were accom
panied on the trip by Mrs. Joe
Hughes and son Joe who went to.
get their glasses changed.
Apron Sale
The Altar Society of St. Patrick's
Church will hold an Apron Sale at
the Pacific Power and Light Com
pany office
February, 18 and 19
22i esssSi
SuRE; wood can take it.
Right now, it's doing its biggest job in history. Its lumber
housing tens of millions of soldiers, sailors, marines and war workers,
Its plywood is in swift bombers and in more types of construction
than can be mentioned. Its structural timbers have gone into great
factories and vast hangars. Its cellulose
provides the paper and plastics for
myriads of war uses.
Grueling tests of war are preparing
wood for its greatest job in peace. We
will end this war with the most serious
housing shortage in our history, and,
as soon as the conflict ends, wood will
go to. work to provide the homes we
Kinzua Pine Mills Company