Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 13, 1944, Page 7, Image 7

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    Heppner Gazette Times, January 13, 1944 7
Classified . and Legal : Advertising
Want Ads
for in the complaint herein, namely. NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY
that the defendants be required to PROPERTY
ner, Oregon. Any objections to said nile court
final account must be filed with Anne M. Thomas, Co. nurse
A G-T-want ad will do wonders
if you have anything to .sell, trad
or excnange. Results e,rerv time.
WANTED Homes for puppies.
Good sheep dogs. A. V. Wright.
FOR RENT Partly furnished Apt.
No children. O. M. Yeager. 42-3c
come into Court and answer plaint- - t ortwr mr thi? said Court on or before said date. Lucy E Rodgers, Supt. $6.50;
! x -j u.i Dy virtue 01 dii ut ixxci . , ,. , , t . iU : c :i tan 07
uis compwim ana bwue w.ic, C0UNTY COURT, dated January
title, estate, lien or interest they or j am authorized and direct.
nyof them have or assert in, to or gd tQ advertise and sell at publio
upon the following described realty
to -wit:
The West half of Section 26,
Township 2 North, Range 26, E.
W. M., Morrow County, Oregon.
or anv tiart thereof, adverse to
auction at not less than the mini
mum price herein set forth:
Dated and first published this
13th day of January, 1944.
FOR SALE Gasoline iron and plaintiff and his fee simple interest
lamp. Phone 18F24. 42-3c and etate therein; that the Court
FOR SALE AC model M tractor; shall examine into the claims
feeder and weaner pigs. W. G. which the defendants or any of
Seehafer. lone. 42-45p them may make adverse to plaint
iffs interest in and to said real
Supt. mileage $60.37
John H Fuiten, sheriff
Pacific Stationery & Pr. Co.,
Pac Tel & Tel Co., current
Dent of Aeri. Dist sealer
Noti is herebv eiven bv virtue T ..1.. tt .
of SEy4 of Section 28, the WV2 nf tue ,aw. of the sTate of Oregon 7 ? f 7
t tti t c0(; 90 uQ Tvru. f , . Oregon, Market, court house
of EV2 of Section 29, the N of t j have taken the hereinafter p p & right Co
NWy4, SEV4 of NWV4 and SWV desc,rbed animal at tmy place Z 8 '
LSeCtT Sv of Muth f Hppner' 0l'eg0n' and th3t L D Neill, county court
NEy4 of Section 33 and N of T m on Friday January 28, 1944, j0hnson county court
NEV4 and SEV4 df NEV4 of Sec- t . . llr of 10 0-clock . m. sell ff ohnso n, county court
iuyu iviuyei, jmi
Tvrvnrrc of sat.f of
The SE of SEi4 and SW of ESTrAYEI; ANIMALS
SWV4 of Section 27, the say
FOR SALE One registered Poland
China boar, age 15 mos. and one
OIC boar age 10 mos. A. M. Ed
wards. Lexington. Ph. 35F5. 39?
property and pass upon the same;
that the Court will definitely de
clare, after such examination that
none of the defendants have any
right, title, estate. lien or interest
in. to or upon said real property
or any part thereof and will fur-
FREE! If Excess acid causes you
pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges
tion, Heartburn. Belching, Bloating,
Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, and decree that so far
Udga. at Humphreys Ltfug lo bs lhe defendants erd each and ail
of them are concerned the plaintiff
FOR SALE Cookstove and heat- is the owner in fee simple of said
ing stove, Lee Cantwell. 42p real property and of the entire title
HOUSE FOR SALE-For particu- hereto; and for such other and
lars phone 5F6. 39tfc father relief as shall in equity be
- meet and to justice appertain.
FOR SALE Brood cows, mostly JMs is published pur-
Herefords; also one large saddle suant to n order of tne Honorable
OA in rTrnrr4orlT- CIV fhl . , 1 f
Z:f:: e.sam.e to, mgnest maaer ior Huston Grocery, jail
ouuui, iiangc u, um. cacn ln nanci, subject to tne ngnt 01
lamette Meridian; and redemption by the owner or own-
The NWy4 of Section 32; Ey2 of- ers Said animai is described as
NE14, SWy4 of NEi4 and NWy4 f0nows.
of SEyi of Section 34 and NV2
of Section 36 in Township four boar h0g,
(4) South, Range za nast 01 wu- 42.44
C W Barlow. Co. Clerk, cur
rent expense
Heppner Gazette Times, Of.
P,.K $234(1: Sunt. 34.50
One two-year old Chester White Firgt Nat Bank Portland
witbhnldino' tax
ttT 11 "
A. w. uammeu
lamette Meridian;
All of Section 36, except the COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS
SWVi of SWy4 thereof, in FOR DECEMBER 1943
Township four (4) South, Range The minutes of November 1943
29 East of Willamette! Men- term m reaJ approved,
di331! Tho Cnnrt orders that the fol-
men con-
horse. Bailev ranch, 9 miles
northwest of lone. Ph- lone 38F3.
FOR SALE 5-room house full base
rnent; 3 lots, 150x100; barn for
cow; small chicken house. In Lex
ington. $600 cash. Inquire B. H.
. Peck. Lex. or Henry G Peck,
Rte. 1, Hermiston, Ore.
Bert Jolmson, County Judge of
Morrow County, Oregon, made in
the absence of the Circvjh Court
Judge, and which said order1 was
made and entered in the matter
herein on the 10th day of January,
1944, and directs that this summons
be published for a period of four
consecutive weeks in the Heppner
FOR SALE Good Table Squash, Gazette Times, a newspaper of gen-
sweet as sugar, 3c pound at ranch eral circulation as delined by O.C.
The SWy4 of Section 31, N of , ul tn
r . c ' U1, ;m' 7 nected with the county road works:
fLV S1Uf1'?n!l Harold Sherer, foreman and who
the Willamette Meridian; &ho doeg extrg WQrk after
-I,?, xo , ZZy regular working hours, $8.50 per H E Yaniell Circuit Court
or WV4 ana o ow- dgy; pgtrol drye caterpillar and Johan Circuit
dozer operators and shop mechan- Court
ics, $7.00 per day; truck drivers, furc Petersen Circuit Court
Siate Ind:. Accident Com.,
sheriff $5.50; sheriff salary
$0.30; deputy salary $0.30
Ecit Johnson, Judge, General
Chas. B. Cox, Assessor
Paul Smith, Circuit Court,
M Orlena Suddarth, Cir
cuit Court
Fred J Nichoson, Circuit
of Section 17, WV2 of NWy4 and
SEy4 of NWy4 of Section 18;
SEi4 of NEy4 of Section 20, N1
fin -Tic Aar arA nthpr hflnerS. r-nnlr C PnrUi. Pirr-nit Pnnrt
of SWiA and SWy4 of NWy4 of IfZ 7. X "
4 miles below Cecil. Ralph cut
ler. 24tfc
Hats, Coats, Suits and Dresses.
Curran's Ready-to-Wear.
ESTRAYED About six weeks ago,
L. A. Sec. 1-609 and 1-610, and
wlich said order directs that the
fiist publication of summons be
made on Thursday, the 13th day of
January. 1944.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
3-year-old Herelord bull branded pOEt0ffice Address: Lock Box 275
ID on right hip. Lake Beckner, Athena, Oregon.
Eigth Mile, Ore. phone liX i. 41-4p
FOR SALE 600-egg electric incu- PROPERTY
bator, Super Hatcher. Call 632 af- By o an qrdER OF THE
tcr 4 P- m- 41"C COUNTY COURT, dated December
LOST Shaeffer fountain pen, 3rd, 1943, I am authorized and di-blank-
vu ih silver trim. Call 1065. rected to advertise and sell at pub-
FOR SALE Small range stove.
Carl Breeding or call 35F41, Lex
ington Ore. 41-2p
Legal Notices
C. Vogler. Jr.,
Michael Sepanek and
Sepanek, his wife;
The unknown heirs
the above named
41-2p c auction at not less than the mi
nimum price herein set iorth:
The East 14.42 feet of the Wy2
of Ey2 of Lots 6 and 7 in Block
10 of the Town of Lexington,
Morrow County, Oregon, for the
minimum price of $40.00, cash.
Lots 8. 9, and 10 in Block 25
Section 21 in Township five (5)
South, Range 29 East of the Wil
lamette Meridian;
wy2 of Nwy4 and Mwy4 of swy4
of Section 4 in Township six
(6) South, Range 23 East of Wil
lamette Meridian;
NEy4 of NEV4 of Section 5,
Township six (6) South Range
28 East of the Willamette Meri
dian; and Ey2, and Wy2 of Wy2
of Section 16, in Township six
(6) South, Range 28 East of the
Willamette Meridian;
All of Section 16, Lot 16 of Sec
tion 31, and SE'4 of Section 32
in Township six (6) South,
Range 29 East of the Willamette
Meridian for the minimum price
of $5,000 cash.
Lots 25 and 26 in Block 7 in the
City of Boardman for the mini
mum price of $15.00 cash.
Ny2 of SEy4, Sy2 of NE ex
cept 2 acres in Section 3, Town
ship one (1) North, Range 25
East of the Willamette Meridian
$5.50 per day; Chas. Williams, care- Foster T Collins Circuit Court
taker, $90.00 per month. This order jchn Harvey Snyder Circuit
is effective as of November 1st, 1913 Court
and will continue until further or- George Fichter, Circuit
der of this Court Court
The (fourt signed Agreement of Fleanor Rose Perkins Circuit
Sale to Otheo G. Crawford and Vi- Court
ola D. Crawford for the following Luther II. Perkins, Circuit
property, to-wit: Court
The West 38 feet of Lot 5 and Flossie Coats Circuit Court
the East 61 feet of Lot 6 in Block Ella Parker Circuit Court
2 of the City of Heppner, Morrow l E Dick Jr Circuit Court
County, Oregon: except that part Clyde H Tannehill Circuit
now leased and occupied by the Court
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Harold Sherer Circuit Court
Company and more particularly Loui;, Bcrgevin, Circuit
described as follows: Beginning Court
at a point 94 feet West from the Qris Padberg Circuit Court
Southeast corner of Block 2 of f C Frederickson Circuit
the original Town (now City) of Court
Heppner, Morrow County. Ore- Harvey Bauman Circuit
gon, running thence North 66 Court
feet; thence West 10 feet; thence Vernon Munkers Circuit
South 27 feet, 9 inches; thence Court
West 11 feet, 5 inches; thence Kinard McDaniel Circuit
South 38 feet, 3 inches; thence Court
East 21 feet, 5 inches to the place c. E. Carlson Circuit Court
rf KrrinnincT T? T T3irw-rr Pirnnif rVvi 1 rf
for the minimum price of $1.00 for gum ' of Hundred Lee Howell, Circuit Court
per acre, 20 percent down, bal- Twenty DoUars cash and balance in Haro,d Cohn circuU C(mrt
five equal annual installments of Flora D Nys Circuit Court
ance on contract.
THEREFORE, I will on the
$256.00 each.
Sadie Sig&bee Circuit Court
lown 01 i.exingxon, morrow . The Court orders the amount of Leoria S. Instone Circuit
County. Oregon and Lots 4 to of 10:00 A. M. at the front door of 4,UrS, tn i,. TatlsfprrPfi frnm the n,t
10 inclusive, in Block 24, South- .the Court House in Heppner, Ore- M' . ' T ;wns. t. ihf, neneral tt n to,, ri,it rv,w
T,.!i J :-1-i V, V,iU ' "
Road Fund. Leo Gorger Circuit Court
Bertha C.
west of the Railroad right of gon, seli said property to the high
way, in Penland's Addition to est and best bidder.
the Town of Lexington, Mor- JOHN H. FUITEN
row County, Oregon, for the mi- 41-45 Sheriff and Tax Collector
nimum price of $60.00 cash.
Lot 8 in Block 1, of Cluff s 2nd
Addition to the City of lone,
Notice is hereby given that the
Morrow County, Oregon, for the undersigned were duly appointed y
minimum price of $10.00 cash. the county Court of the State
THEREFORE, I will on the 8th of Oregon for Morrow County ad
day of January, 1944, at the hour ministrators of the estate of Sarah
rrf m-nrt a ivt n tho fmnt dnnr C. White deceased, and all persons
Also all other persons or parties f House -n Heppner having claims against the estate of
unnnown, claiming any usm., 0rpe.on seii Drotoertv to the said deceased are hereby required
-- . 1 1 ., ... , , ....,
to preseni me same amy veruiea
of each of
that may be deceased;
title, estate, Hen of interest in Wghest and UMer
tne real estate cescnueu ui uio
complaint herein,
TO: Michael Sepanek and Bertha
Seriff, Morrow County, Oregon.
to said administrators at the law
office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner,
Oregon, within six months from
the date hereof.
Dated and first published this
C. Sepanek, his wife; The unknown NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT
heirs of each of the above named Notice is hereby given that the 13th day of January 1944.
defendants tnat may De aeceaseu, undersigned administratrix of the
Also all other persons or parties estate of Sarah M. Stamp, deceased,
unknown claiming any right, title, has filed her final account with the
estate lien or interest in the real County Court of the State of Ore-
estate described in the complaint, gon for Morrow County and that
. ov TYR'VFismANT- saio- Court has fixed Monday, Jan-
OF OREGON vou end each ot you n .
am Viprphv reouired to appear and x nann Qc iha tate ot uaniei U. bun
answpr the comolaint filed against timo anA nlao. for hearing obiec- ed, has filed her final account with Letha Rippee, Supt. Asst.
you in the above entitled suit with- tions to said final account and the the County Court of the State of J. O. Archer, janitor salary
in four weeks from the date of the settlement of said estate and . all Oregon for the County of Morrow, Dr. A D McMurdo, Phys Sal
4V11C enmmnns persons havins objections thereto
J II NL UU 1JI1V-C1 llVll JJ. Ulw -
42-46 Administrators
Notice is hereby given that the
uncEersignied, executrix of the es-
Summer. deceas-
The Court orders the publication ym j Smethurst Circuit
and sale of the following county Court
property: Albert Schunk Circuit Court
The East 14.42 feet of the W Silas C Salter Circuit Court
of Ey2 of Lots 6 and 7 in Block Wilbur Gourley Circuit Court 13.80
10 of the Town of Lexington, paul O'Meara Circuit Court 15.60
Morrow County, Oregon, for the Lewis Batty Circuit Court 16.80
minimum price of $40.00, cash. Charles Vaughn Circuit Court 3.20
Lots 8, 9. and 10 in Block 25 of D A Wilson Circuit Court 3.20
Penland's Addition to the Town Ora McDaniel Circuit Court 6.00
of Lexington, Morrow County, Eva Robinson Circuit Court 10.40
Oregon and Lots 4 to 10 inclusive J c Morgan Circuit Court 9.40
in Block 24, Southwest of the Foster T Collins Circuit Court 9.00
Railroad right of way, in Pen- George Fichter Circuit Court 8.00
land's Addition to the Town of Blanche Perkins Circuit
Lexinton, Morrow County, Ore- Court 9.20
gon, for the minimum price of Luther H. Perkins Circuit
$60.00, cash. Court 9.20
Lot 8 in Block 1, of Cluff's 2nd Eleanor Rose Landreth Cir-
Addition to the City of lone, cult Court 9.20
Morrow County, Oregon, for the Mrs Fred Lucas Circuit Court 9.75
minimum price of $10.00, cash. R. B. Rice, Circuit Court 6.00
WARRANTS DRAWN ON Orville W. Cutsforth, Bang's
GENERAL FUND Disease Control 8.00
Edna Hughes, deputy salary $122.81 Earl Gordon, Court House 3.58
P. A. Mollahan, deputy sal. 156.46 Beit Johnson Judge Aid to
110.40 Dependent Children 42.80
110.40 Bert Johnson Judge Old Age
50.00 Assistance 326.20
90.40 Bert Johnson Judge Blind
25.00 Assistance 7.00
25.00 Association of Oregon
Rita Mclntyre, office clerk
Marie Barlow, deputy salary
and said Court has set as the time Susie W. Miller, Ct Rep
. . t.nK.UiT vfln 11 i vril n f i d tho CSma 1 1 P 1 " J f ' 1 TT , . i r T 1 71 l T Pin il Inn
and VOU will take notice that it you mc 11C1CUJ ii-Muiivu ana piace 01 nearing on ana iuim liidsieiu v-re&un vviieai, i-ieugue, wunnca
fail to appear and answer said com- n oto before the settlement of said final account, Adv. (emergency) 20.00 WARRANTS DRAWN ON
nln)nt nr otherwise olead thereto 5edJSr JS v,i Monday, the 6th day of March, 1944, J O Hager, justice court 74.45 GENERAL ROAD FUND
r . . JJWieu unu mot uixuiiaiiv-u uua . , . ttt r t:..
,:A f mo tho n aintitt tor t-, i into at xu:uu t. ivi. oi saia uay, in uie y vy uia. a&hessw
within said time, the plaintiff for mh dav of December 1943.
want thereof will apply to the above GRACE SHOUN,
entitled Court for the relief prayed 40-44 Administratrix
13.10 l N Morgan
County Court Room of the Mor- J O Turner, civilian defense 25.00 Chas Williams
row County Court House in Hepp- Children's Farm Home, juve- Continued on Pago Eight