Highways To Health CRUSTS AND CRUMBS Stale slices, dry crusts and other leftovers in the breadbox can make scores of delicious dishes yet often go into the garbage pail instead. In recent studies of food wastes in many cities, it has been shown that bread is the most wasted food in American kitchens. This is a cue for you to hunt up all the recipes you can find for bread stuffings, scalloped mixtures, desserts . . all sorts of delicious dishes using bread Or bread crumbs. Sliced bread that has become too hard for the table can be used to make one of several different toasts. For cinnamon toast, a breakfast favorite, toast slices of bread, butter lightly and sprinkle with a mixture of cinnamon and sugar in the fol lowing proportions 1 teaspoon cin namon and 2 tablespoons sugar, brown or white. Place for a moment under the broiler if you like. French toast is a grand alternate for Sunday morning pancakes. Mix 2 beaten eggs. 1 cup milk, A tea spoon salt. Dip bread into the mix ture. Drain and' fry on hot griddle, in skillet, or in sandwich grille. .Serve hot with sugar, jam, cinna mon, honey or sirup. Cheese toast is hearty enough foi a main dish. Lay slices of sharp cheese, salted and peppered, be tween slices of unbuttiered bread. Brown the sandwiches on both sides in butter in a heavy frying pan, cooking rather slowly until the cheese melts. Or toast bread, then place in deep dish. Cover with thin slices of cheese, sprinkle with a dash of mustard and a lititle papri ka, and pour a little top milk over the cheese and toast. Place in an oven until cheese melts. Crusts and other odds and ends of bread can make delicious bread puddings. Here is one variation. Bi'ked Lemon Pudding 1 cup dry bread crumbs; 2 cups milk; xk cup butter; V2 cup sugar; 2 egg yolks; 1 lemon; 2 egg whites; 4 tbsp sugar. Soak bread crumbs in milk for a half hour. Cream butter and sugar; add lightly beaten egg yolks, the juice and rind of a lemon, and the soaked crumbs and milk. Pour into buttered casserole and bake 20 min utes in a slow oven (325 deg.). Cover with maringue made by whipping the whites and folding in 4 tbsp sugar. Return to oven until brown. Mrs. America Meets the War Mrs. America would rather have the snap back in her girdle sooner than washing machines refrigerators and eledtric irons, accordjing to a War Production board survey. The check-up was made to find out what Mr. and Mrs. America miss most right now to help the Office of Civilian Requirements map out production requirements for 1944 The WPB already has revoked pro duction limitations on corsets, gird les and other foundation garments made from elastic fabric, the elastic thread to be used to be made from synthetic rubber. However, no great increase in the amount of these elastic-type garmens available will be noticed immediately, and it is not expected that all-rubber gar ments will be available for a few months. , NEWS for food budgeteers . . fresh sweet potatoes have been placed under price control to stop price rises dead in their tracks. Yam prices were "frozen" at the individual seller's highest price for the five-day period from Dec. 17 through Dec. 23, 1943. Thus the ceilings will vary according to the top price of individual merchants, but the upward trend in prices of fresh sweet potatoes has been nipped. OF SIX SETS of brown stamps five expired Jan. 1. only R remain ing good until Jan. 29. As for pro cessed foods, the green stamps D, E, and F in Book Four are good through Jan. 20. The green stamps G, H, and J, valid on Jan. 1, will run through Feb. 20. HERE'S good news ' for the ice man. The War Production Board plans to increase production of do mestic ice refrigerators by approxi mately 40,000 units in the first quarter of 1944, bringing the total for this period to 269,809 units. So it looks as if the new housekeepers will be able to find ice boxes during the coming year. MRS. AMERICA'S suggestion for all homemakers is to include the Home Front pledge in plans for the OUR DEMOCRACY- OLO SAY IMG- Snow is Nature's protective blanket, the thicker the cover, the heartier the roots,- i the greater. the supply of moisture for the spring growth, the more bountiful the harvest. - - - - " -TJ-L.-3' " " "" War bonds, life insurance, savings accounts are America's 'protective blanket" to oy, the more we save, t. ie greater, our, ASSURANCE OF f.Zs'--'eT ' "0&y AND OF OUR SECURITY " " year. The pledge is "I will pay no more than top legal prices. I will accept no rationed goods without giving up ration stamps." VISITING IN PORTLAND Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucas are tak ing a Vacation in Portland. They leit Sunday morning and wil1 be gone two weeks. In the meantime tlhe chamber oi commerce lunch eons are being held at the Elk horn restaurant. - yr---"r V, i, y , , M , . A number of Morrow county wool growers are attending the state con vention in The Dalles this weekend. F. W. Turner drove to Portland Wednesday taking a car down for repairs under insurance adjustment. Your Personal Representative Is Your JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Hats, Coats, Suits and Dresses Curran's Ready-to-Wear. I he mim I When you buy War Bonds your money goes into action at once. Where, we may never know. Maybe, as shown above, to equip a company of American Rangers marching up a railroad somewhers on the Mediter ranean. Whether they come back de pends upon the equipment we send. Give your dollars action: Buy More War Bons. Heppner Gazette Times, January 13,. 1944 5 Auxiliary Enjoys Exchange of Gifts About 25 members of the Morrow County Woolgrowers' auxiliary en joyed a belated Christmas gift ex change at the January meeting of the organization held Friday at the Lucas Place. New officers for the coming year were announced as follows: President, Mrs. Roy Neill; vice president, Mrs. Pat Mclntyre; secretary, Mrs. George Corwin, and treasurer, Mrs. K, A. House. Mrs Mclntyre was appointed delegate to the state woolgrowers' convention to be held Jan 14 and 15 at The Dalles. Work on an afghan for wounded soldiers is to be done at the Febru ary meeting, the date of which will be announced later, and Mrs. Neill has requested that anyone knowing the whereabouts of 165 blocks of wool suiting which has been miss ing since the November meeting, please notify her. iiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiMiiiiimitiiiiiiiiimiiiiiitiiiiiiiii Most of Your Friends Away? IF most of -your friends are away nowin the service dcing war jobs don't you feel left behind sometimes? Why not get in the midst of this war? Join the WAC! You can see new places, make new friends, learn in teresting things while you are doing vital work to speed victory. The Army needs your help urgently. This is your chance! For full details apply at fhc nearest U. S. Army Recruit office will give you the ad dress). Or write: The Adjut ant General, Room 4415, Mu nitions Building, Washington, D. C. nil i in i m i in Minimi in 1 1 him Him mm i mi i hi mi mumml Be Sure If Shows You at Your Best Fine papers for business letters as well as informal and formal notes. Headings and monograms to order. GAZETTE TIMES PRINTERY (7- Both canvas and leather have been limit ed very closely for civilian consumption . . . . labor is hard to get. To be assured of completion on repairs of drapers and grain aprons for this coming harvest we have been informed this work must be done very soon A center strap in your draper will increase the life of the draper several years, or small repairs now could avoid a delay. May we have your draper or grain apron at once so we might assure you of completion or obtaining a new one if needed for the coming year. VVVVV VVVVV Braideri Tractor and Equipment Company