Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 13, 1944, Page 4, Image 4

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    A Heppner Gazette Times, January 13, 1944
Heppner Gazette Times
Established March 30, 1883
Established November 18, 1897
Published Every Thursday by
aad entered at the Post Office at Heppner,
Oregon, as second-class matter.
O. G. CRAWFORD, Editor
One Year 82.50
Two Years 4.50
Three Year? 6.00
Six Months 1.25
Three Months : b5
Single Copies 05
Forest Resources of Oregon
A book of the above title has just been released
bythe Oregon State Board of Forestry, Salem and
the School of Forestry, Oregon State college.
These departments collaborated with the Pacific
Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station
in making a comprehensive survey of timber re
sources of the state and the book is probably the
most informative ever put out on this subject.
Governor Earl Snell wrote the foreword and in
hiis opening paragraph gives figures relative to
employment and financial returns wh'ich deveal
the extent to which the forests contribute to Ore
gon's wealth. "Oregon's wealth lies in her natural
resources and in the ability of her people to devel
op and use them," writes the governor. "These re
sources are of the land the soil, the water, the
grass, and the forests. The two dominant industries
of the state are forests and agriculture, both of
which capitalize on the organic productivity of the
soil and the climate to yield annual and periodic
crops. The mill value of lumber and allied indus
tries in Oregon totaled $227,000,000, according to
1942 estimates, and the value of agricultural pro
ducts sold, traded, or used by farm households to
taled $220,000,000. The summation of these two,
$447,000,000, amounts to a large proportion of
the state's annual business. In forest enterprises
alone, the 1940 census shows 52,797 workers
directly engaged in logging, sawmilling and asso
ciated industries. Adding to this figure the .number
in dependent service industries, it is found that
approximately 130,000 workers look to the forest
for a livelihood."
The trend of thought expressed throughout the
book is that Oregon, with one-fourth of the stand
ing timber of the nation, is dependent upon this
great resource for the major part of the state's
industrial enterprise. While lumber manufacture
has been in evidence in Oregon for nearly a cen
tury, it is only since 1938 that it has been the
leading state in that enterprise. Washington held
the position from 1905 to 1937, inclusive, with the
exception of 1914 when Louisiana led slightly'.
Since 1938 Oregon's lead has increased and in
view of the state's vast forest resource and the
increasing rate at which new sawmills are being
built, it seems certain that the center of the lum
ber industry will remain in the Willamette valley
for many years to come, the book points out. Pre
liminary statistics show that the sawmills in Ore
gon produced approximately 6.5 billion board feet
of lumber in 1942, amost a fifth of the total
volume produced in the nation.
These are interesting figures. They not only
show the great wealth created from our forests AUXILIARY MEETING
but point the way to greater enterprise in the
future. Wartime demands have fostered the build-
Surmounting the Capi
tol Dome at Washing
ton stands Crawford's
bronze statue of Free
dom, symbol of the
freedom and liberty our
government has guar
anteed to immigrant
and native citizen alike,
since the founding of
the Republic.
Home of Freedom
. J
Eeep America Free;
Buy War Bonds
In the capitals of con
quered Europe freedom
and liberty are hollow,
mocking words
mouthed by jackal pup
pets like Mussert, Quis
ling, Laval, Degrille
or LaureL
J. O. Peterson
Latest Jewelry and Gift Good
Watches . Clocks - Diamonds
Expert Watch and Jewelry
HepiMier. Oregon
A. D. McMurdo, M.D.
Trained Nurse Assistant
Office In Masonic Building
The Women's auxiliary of All Supt. George Corwin has sched-
Saints Episcopal church will meet uled the first meeting of the- Hepp
at 2:30 Friday afternoon at the ner Parent-Teachers association for
in of many new sawmills. When the war ends home of Mrs O. G. Crawford. Mrs. 8 o'cock p. -m. Wednesday, Jan. 26,
there will be a wave of reconstruction at home and Neville Blunt will be the assisting in the high school music room. The
, , . . . p . ... hostess and Mr. Mabel Hughes will program announcement will be
abroad. New materials, the products of wood, will fce leadej. made ater
be in demand and Oregon, with the greatest stand
of timber in all the nation, should cash in on this
advantage. There should be less shipping of coarse
timber to resaw plants in other sections of the
country and more manufacturing plants here.
Make Oregon the center of the timber industry.
The state already has reputable furniture factor
ies. Let's have more of them. Let's have more of
any type of factory that utiizes all of the tree
employs more people, brings more money to the
state and, above all, carries the Oregon brand on
nationally advertised goods.
An Unpleasant Task
Some People may think that the town marshal
enjoys shooting dogs, since he has so much of it
to do, but it is almost certain they are mistaken.
He does it because it is his duty, not because he
wants to. And his duty is created through the
throughtlessness of others.
A majority of the dogs taken up by the marshal
are those brought to town and left here by people
who have not the heart to put them to death. Some
of. them may belong to herders, while in. other
instances they are surplus pups for which ranchers
have no use. Whatever the source, too many of
the hapless little castaways find their way to town
where after shifting for themselves they are
eventually picked up and sent to the happy hunt
ing ground.
Dog licenses soon will be due and if you have
any affection for your canine don't neglect to
provide him with the protection a tag offers. From
a dollars and cents standpoint your mutt may not
be worth anything but if there is any of the milk
of human ..kindness in your veins you will not
permit him to be led away and shot for the sake
of a measly dollar.
No Explanations Needed
Daily papers, curtailed in use of newsprint, are
doing a fine job of giving the news. Some of the
features with which they spoiled their readers in
easier days have been shortened, if not omitted
altogether, but the news sections give good cover
age and from the standpoint of a humble country
journalist are more readable. There is no occa
sion for apology or explanation on the part of our
metropolitan brothers Tor they are filling the bill
while meeting an emergency over which they have
no control.
During strenuous times there is little time for
reading many of the features. Doubtless thous
ands of their readers have time for little more
than headline glancing after spending most of the
time looking at the comic strips. They mustn't
ever drop the comics for that would be removing
the last vestige of distinctive American art from
their columns. And the editorial page can not be
spared, either. Now we have 'it the news dis
patches and storiles from all over the world; the
upstate news; the daily articles by leading com
mentators; raido and theater news; current pic
tures and comic strips all in briefer form but in
sufficient volume to maintain reader interest and
in no wise lowering the high standard of our lead
ing metropolitan journals.
Blaine E. Isom
All-Kinds of
Phone 723
Heppner, Ore.
Dr. W. H. Rockwell
Physician & Surgeon
227 North Main St.
Office hours: 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m.
Exam free Ph. 522 Heppner, Or.
All kinds of carpenter work
Country work especially
Phone 1483
J. O. Turner
Phone 173
Hutel Heppner Building
Heppner, Oregon
Bod. Inj. Pr. Dam.
Class A 6.25 5.05
Class B 6.00 5.23
Class C 7.75 5.25
Morrow County
Abstract ts Title Co.
Office in New Peters Building
Phelps Funeral Home
Licensed Funeral Directors
Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore.
Dr. L. D. Tibbies
Physician & Surgeon
Rec. Phone 1162 Office Phone 492
Heppner City Council
Meets First Monday Each Month
Citizens having matters for dis
cussion, please bring before
kke CuaiL
J. O. TURNER, Mayor
Directors of
862 Phsoes 262
Jos. J. Nys
Peters Building, Willow Street
Heppner. Oregon
P. W. Mahoney
Heppner Hotel Building
Willow St. Entrance
THANKS FOR THE ADVICE! ally all the bureaucrats we have to Will you please use some of your
contend with are our friends and editorial space in the future to tell
Morgan, Ore.. Jan. a. neighbors in Morrow county of all us iust now the government should
Editor Gazette Times, political and religious beliefs, just be n and if it; appears that your
Dear Sir: pla;n everyday people trying to do Plan wiU increase prosperity and
Taking exception to the editorial the best they can, and if you would win the war quicker than the pre
policy of your paper, first I would ask them you would find that they sent government, we will all be
like to say you are taking in too don't appreciate your criticism. witn vou ani vou tae charge
much territory when you get into In your January 6th issue you at once, as I have no doubt you
the national field of politics. Almost quote not a few farmers as notjoe- culd take over a little job like that
every county in the United States ing satified with the government addition to printing your paper
has about such paper as the Ga- control. once a week.
zette Times, therefore I would
Yours very truly,
Morrow rnnntv'c' nrinninQl In-
think it should be the policy of come is fmm wW wh. . at .ha
your paper to sponsor the interets time this administration took over 0ME 0N FURLOlJGII
o :the people of Morrow county was worth thirty cents bushei
above all else, democrats and all, as when you coud find ft bu Just Pfc Key Ferguson is home on
they are subscribers and their dol- before Pearl Harbor it was net to furlough from Camp Wolters. Min-
lars will buy you just as much as the farmer ninety j wonder eral Wellj Texas His pamits and
any otiers. how rnany farmers wouldl be kft Mr and R B Fe Qn
The present government is at in Morrow county to kick about the and Marylou met him Wednesday
present occupied principally with government if it hadn't done some- in Pendleton " and he will have
trying to win the war, and practic- thing for them. about seven days at home
You Can Eat Your Points and Have
Them, Too!
Just drop in occasionally and have
one of our unexcelled Steak Dinners
and use the points saved to buy need
ed meats and fats for household use.
Open Daily 11 a. m. to 9 p. m.
Ellthorn Restaurant