Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 13, 1944, Image 1

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Pinckney Chosen
To Head C of C
For Ensuing Year'
Choice of Directors
Made at Dinner
Meeting Monday
B. C. Pinckney was chosen by the
board of directors of the Heppner
chamber of commerce Tuesday eve
ning to' serve as president of the
organization for the ensuing year.
This is the third time Pinckney
has been elected to this poition, he
having been president the first two
years of the club's existence.
Election of directors was held at
the luncheon meeting at the
Elkhorn restaurant Monday noon.
At that time Lee Howell, Dr. L. D.
Tibbies, P. W. Mahoney, B C Pinck
ney and W C Rosewall were elected.
The directors select the president
from their group and met Tuesday
evening for that purpose. Other of
ficers chosen Tuesday evening were
Lee Howell, first vice president, K.
A. House, second vice president; F.
W. Turner, secretary and House,
Postwar planning occupied the
attention of the, directors Tuesday
evening and to get some action on
this highly important matter. Presi
dent Pinckney named a committee
to study the subject and make a re
port to the entire group at an early
date. O. G. Crawford, Lee Howell
and Blaine Elliott were assigned the
Other committees will be named
at an early date and "Pinck" prom
ises an active year.
Archdeacon and Mrs. Neville
Blunt, Mrs. Mabel Hughes and Mrs.
O. G. Crawford were in Pendleton
Tuesday afternoon and Wednes
day attending the semi-annual
council meeting of ,the Missionary
district of Eastern Oregon of the
Episcopal church. Mrs. Hughes is
president of the Womens' Service
league and she and Mrs. Crawford
are members of the council. Clergy
from all over the district were in
Two members of the Pickering
family have been home the past
week on leave from their respec
tive camps. A. E. Pickering, steam
fitter first class in the "seabees",
came from Camp Perry, Williams
burg, Va., to be with Mrs. Picker
ing and the family for a few days,
and his son, Merle C. Pickering,
baker 2c of Camp Farragut, was
fortunate in securing leave at the
same time. There are two other
members of the Pickering family in
other branches of the service.'
Bill W. Biddie recently gradu
ated from 'pilot's school at Doug
las, Ariz., accordirfg to his mother,
Mrs. Vernon Brown. Graduation
took place on Jan'. 7 and Bill was
ccmmissioned second lieutenant in
the United States army air force.
Lt. Biddie arrived home Wednes
day for a short visit, after which he
will resume- training as a bomber
Gary Keith is the name given to
their 0V4 pound son born at Walla
Walla General hospital Jan. 5 by
Cpl and Mrs, Guy Moore. The fa
ther is a member of the army air
corps and is in England. The mother
makes her home with her parents,
' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Logsdon, at Ath
ena. Logsdon at one time made his
home here while employed in a lo
cal meat market.
Russell K. Miller of Boardman
was tranacting business in Heppner
Mondaj(. This of$ce acknowledges
a pleasant call
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, January ,1 31 944
Blood Bank Here
Awaits Action of
War Department
Establishment of a branch blood
bank in Heppner must await defi
nite action by the war department,
according to Mrs. Madge Brown, re
presenting the district blood bank
at Portland, who spoke to some 50
Morrow county people at the Elks
hall Saturday afternoon. It had been
announced tha t a branch station
would be established here and Mrs.
Brown came to discuss the taking
of blood and what is being done to
ward meeting the increased demand
placed upon the area.
Persons between the ages of 18
and 60 are classified as eligible to
give blood. Those younger than 18
must have parental or guardian
consent. Not acceptable as donors
are people suffering from heart ail
ment, diabetes, tuberculosis, having
had malaria in the past 15 years,
lheumatic fever, a major operation
within six months or within three
months of a minor operation, within
a month of the flu. Donors sign up
for five pints of blood per year to
be taken in five separate periods.
People likely to have occasion to
be in Portland several times during
the year were urged to visit the
blood bank at 17th and Alder, just
above Multnomah stadium and ar
range for donations at the center.
Information relative to the local
bank will be given as fast as the
Portland authorities learn what is to
be done.
Youth Seriously
Injured in Wreck
Howard Pettyjohn, ' Heppner high
scjiool 'student is in the hospital
at. The Dalles recovering from in
juries suetained' in) an automobile
wreck which happened on the high
way between Condon and Heppner
Friday night. Pettyjohn was in a
car driven by Gene Cutsforth of
Lexington and the boys, accom
panied by Archie Padberg and Joe
McLaughlin, were returning from a
basketball game at Condon.
The accident occurred it is
stated, when young Cutsforth en
deavored to pass another car. In so
doing he ran out on the shoulder
of the highway and struck a cul
vert hole upsetting the car. The
passengers were badily shaken up
and Pettyjohn suffered three frac
tured ribs and a broken arm as
well as a bad gash on the forehead.
Joe- McLaughlin got off with a gash
on the forehead while the other
two escaped with minor bruises.
Some difficulty was experienced
in ohtsi'iing medical assistance and
the following morning Don Strait,
agricultural instructor at Heppner
high school, took young Pettyjohn
to The Dalles where he was goven
medical attention and advised to
remain in the hospital for a week.
The Cutsforth car was badly
Dick Building Purchased This Weefr by
Building Housing
Ford Agency Taken
Over by Rosewall
New Owner Plans
Expansion When
War Has Ended
One of the most important deals
of recent months was consummated
Monday when W. C. Rosewall, pro
prietor of the Rosewall garage, took
over the building housing his busi
ness and the Heppner cafe, making
the purchase from Mr. and Mrs, L.
E. Dick, Jr. Decision to sell was
prompted by Mr. Dick's leaving to
enter miitary service.
Built by L. E. Dick Sr. in 1937,
the building was first occupied by
tatives in the county. Later, the
Milson & Bannister, Ford represen
rgency passed into the hands of La
tourelle & Pettyjohn, who ran the
business for a fhort time. In 1939,
W. C. Rosewall joined Emory Gen
try in the Ford agency and took
the building and plant and in May
1941 Rosewall bought his partner's
interest.Since that time he and Mrs.
Rosewall have managed the busi
nes and built it up to a point where
plant expansion is badly needed.
This will be possible when materials
are available for the lot extends
beyond the limits of the present
building and besides Rosewall owns
the property to the Chase street line
except for a lot or two belonging
to Dr. A. D. McMurdo
"We have been here five ' years
and know Heppner is a good busi
ness point," Mr. Rosewall stated.
"Not knowing what the rental sit
uation may be following the war
we thought it a good idea to own
cur own building and are satisfied
we have made a wise move. When
we get ready to - expand we can do
so and that is what we plan to do
as soon as materials are available."
Mary E. Becket, lliy2 So. Rowan
Ave., Los Angeles, has written this
newspaper regarding the passing of
George W. Utt. 85, at White Me
morial hospital, Los Angeles, Jan. 2.
Ss.v icesl were held from the El
dred Robinson chapel with inter
ment in Evergreen cemetery.
George W. Utt was born Jan. 2,
1859, near Hold'en. Mo., departing
this life on his 85th birthday. At
the age of 21 years he came west
by covered wagon to Weston. Six
years later he moved to a farm
nine miles south of lone where he
engaged in wheat growing for many
years. About 35 years ago he
moved to California to better his
father's health. He has lived in
Belvidere, East Los Angeles, the
past 32 years where he leaves many
friends to mourn his passing.
Corwin's Mustangs
Braced to Grapple
Arlington Honkers
Flushed with victory over the
Condon Blue Devils in the first
Wheat League conference game of
the season, Supt-Coach George
Corwin's Mustangs are chafing at
the bit to grapple with the Arling
ton Honkers on the local floor Fri
day evening. Arlington always puts
up a hot fight and now that the
o; snoixue ajB Xairi paods umo
Mustangs know something of their
learn what the boys from the banks
of the Columbia have to offer.
The Mustangs took Condon quite
handily last Friday evening, corn
ing out on the long end of a 33 to
24 score. Ulrich's batting eye was
cccountable for 23 of the points,
which can be considered a fair eve
ning's work on anybody's team. He
crine close to matching the total
Condon score and will be the lad the
Honkers will try to stop.
In two preliminary games the
Heppner "B" squad won a thrilling
overtime game from Condon, 37 to
3.5. Skip Connor, half-pint forward
on the Heppner squad, accounted
for 19 points. It was Heppner night,
for Jim Barratt's graders trounced
the Condon grade school quint 29
11, with Padberg and Skuzeski the
big guns in the attack.
Funeral services were held in The
Dalles Jan. 4 for Mrs. Roy A. Mun
kers, whose death occurred there
Jan. 2. Interment was made Jan. 6
in the cemetery at Canyon City
V-r,!de her parents, John and Emily
; Jessie Elizabeth Ridgeway was
born March 28, 1884 in Lebanon,
Ore. She received her schooling in
Heppner, lating moving with her
p:i!onts to Monument. On Sept. 4,
1914 she was united in marriage to
E y A. Munkers and they made
th cir home in the Monument com
munity. Four years ago she became
seriously ill and spent most of this
time in hospitals and nursing homes
away Irom Monument. In June 1943
they moved to The Dalles where
they were residing at the time of
her death. Surviving are the hus
band, Roy A. Munkers, and four
brothers, Charles E. Ridgeway. John
Day; William H. Ridgeway, Port
land; Earl H. Ridgeway, Dayville,
and Harvey W. Ridgeway, Terre
bonne;! one uncle. John McFerrin
of Portland and three aunts, Grace
Hughes, Ida McFerrin and Minnie
Gaunt, all of Heppner, besides a
large number of nieces and neph
ews, of which six young men were
her pallbearers.
Mifs Clarobcll Adams loft Sunday
for Corvailis to resume her studies
at Oregon State college after spend
ing a week's vacation with her mo
ther, Mrs. Floyd Adams.
Mrs. Lavcrne Hams took her
baby to Portland Monday for med
ical treatment.
W. C Rosewall
Volume 60, Number 42 o
T -
County Share of
Fourth War Loan
Set at $98,700'
All-out Drive to
Reach Goal Seen
By Committee
Morrow county's share of the na
tion's fourth war loan of $14,000'000
000 has been fixed at $298,700. This
is considerably less than the third
war loan quota but in the minds of
the war finance committee it will
be far more of a task to raise than
the one coming during the fall.
In a meeting called by Co-chairmen,
P. W. Mahoney and B. C.
Pinckney Monday evening it devel
oped that while the total sum to
be raised s less than the third war
loan there is more to be taken up
bv individuals than in that loan.
Tliis isa fact the committtee wish
es to stress upn the public for it
is fxpect.td that many more people
will make purchases this time than
in the past.
By comparison with the third
campaign when the "E" bonds quo
ta was $158,800 the fourth loan
quota is $168,200. F and G series in
the third was $30,200; in the fourth
it is $G2,900. Olher series in the
third, $32,500 fourth $21,(500. The
big change is noticeable in corpor
ation r.llctments. In the third loan it
was $155,300 whereas in the fourth
it has been dropped tc $4G,000. In
dividuals are expecetd to make vp
the difference.
Attention of purchasers is called
to the fact that C bonds are being
offered in denominations of $100,
$500 and $1,000. These bonds may
be applied on payment of taxes
and it is hoped that a good many
investors will take there bonds.
Organization work will be Car
ried on after the same pattern em
ployed in the third campaign. It is
planned to call the workers togeth
er for a sales school and Saturday
afternoon, Jan. 22 has been selected
as the date. This will defer the op
ening of the campaign here but is
expected to shorten the work. Ma
honey and Pinckney will conduct
the school, probably at the city
Area Placed Under
Fuel Emergency
Residents of this district will have
to acclimate themselves to- colder
temperatures in business houses
and homes tin succeeding months.
According to information received
at the local rationing office, users
of fuel oil will shortly experience
a sharp curtailment of that com
modity regardless of allotments al
ready made.
Heavy withdrawals of Pacific
coast area supplies of fuel oil as
well as gasoline and motor oils for
use of the fighting forces in the
Pacific area makes it necessary to
place further restrictions on civil
ian consumption. Vital industries
dependent upon oil for heat will be
protected but Mr. John Citizen will
just have to do his durndest and be
fatisfird wilh whatever he can get.
E. L. "Bud" Ilanon, lineman for
the Heppner division of the Paci
iic Power & Light company for
fcvtral years, has been transferred
to Pasco and left today for that
point. His family will move there
as soon as living quarters are ob
tained. The new lineman, a Mr.
Robinson, is expec.ed to arrive to
day from Everett, Wash. Robinson
is a former employe of the PP&L
and was one of the "gang" who
threw Ken House in jail at Mos
cow, Ida., the day he was married.
The newcomers will occupy the
Shively residence being vacated by
the Hanlons.