Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 16, 1943, Image 1

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Our Men
In Service
O. G. Crawford, Editor
Heppner Gazette Times, '
Heppner, Oregon;
"Hello" from a Heppherian! ,
I want to thank you for the is
sues I've received of the Gazette
Times. Even though the "old home
town" and I have been strangers
these past few years, there is much
of interest in the local paper. Es
pecially now. with myself and so
many others in the service, I enjoy
reading of the whereabouts and ac
tivities of those I know.
As you probably know, when
the war began I resigned my coach
ing position in Phoenix, Arizona,
and soon afterward went overseas
for the war department. When my
baTtoX sTats for a mon.
ven to set into the service itself
was too great to resist. So once
. again I resigned and applied for a
commission in the navy.
Now they are making a navigator
of me. It's a great life, and from
looks of things here, those little
sons of Nippon are in for a terrific
pasting before long. When we com
plete our training here it seems
certain that we will receive an im
mediate assignment in transport
service (in the Pacific probably) or
at an advanced Pacific air base, or
aboard an aircraft carrier. We
should finish here in late February,
1 Trt.u ai. n5M, raw
IVltTL kjuuil JUOll VJX-lfc -I .
Akers while in Panama. Both were
well and doing a good job for
Uncle Sam.
Also called both Clifford Driscoll
and Marshall Fell while in Wash
ington, D. C, but the navy gives
a fellow very little time for social
calls these days.
Glad to read that HHS lads are
still playing good football. Incident
ally, "my boys" won the Arizona
state' championship in my final
coaching season, two days before
Pearl Harbor.
Well, both aerology and naviga
tion are calling for a bit of study,
so Til say "so long and thanks
again." Good luck!!
Sincerely, 1
Ensign, USNR
Tied (Palltmateer
imSormed his
mother; Echo Palmateen, that he
is now stationed at San Diego
with a utility squadron.
Mrs. Mary Thomson received a
telegram this week from Ellis
Thomson advising her that he had
arrived in New York after spend-
in g a year in Africa. He plans to
spend the holidays in Toronto, Can
nada with relatives of his father.
James Stotts arrived home Fri
day for a visit with his father, Uri
ah Stotts. James, wounded in Al
aska, has been a patient at the mil
itary hospital in Vancouver, Wash,
for several months . A brother,
Henry Stotts, is a prisoner of war
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Aiken had
three letetrs from their son, Sgt.
Joo Aiken, the past week. Joe
in Sicily with a headquarters de
tachment. He saw plenty of ser
vice in the Sicilian campaign and
although the campaign has been
moved to the Italian mainland
Henry Aiken Jr., "Dubby" to all
his friends, left Friday for Man
hattan, Kan., to resume his studies
at Manhattan State college where
he is being trained under the A.
F. T. program. "Dub" had four
days at home with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Aiken.
Countv Agent C. D. Conrad is at
tending the county agents' confer-
Corvallis this week. He
left Monday and expects to return
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, December T6, 1943
'Not Guilty Is
Jury Verdict in
Robinson Case
q r- j I nrnu-
pTOTe railS TO rrOVe
AcCUSed Man Killed
Elk in Question
The jury serving on the Roy
Robinson case brought in a ver
dict of not guilty at 4:55 this"
evening. Robinson was charg
ed with wasting elk meat but
the state failed' to convince
the jury1 that he had even
killed the animals.
At a late hour this afternoon the
jury on the case of the State of
Oregon vs. Roy Robinson had failed
to reach an agreement and there
was considerable speculation over
the prospect of no decision. The
. case opened Wednesday immediate
dosing of the state v.
Victor Colin Ireland
charged with
rape involving
was handed
minor girl, and
the jury this
The case against Earll January,
held over from a previous term,
was dismissed when it was learned
that January had made restitution
for all stock involved in the charge.
. Ireland was acquitted.
ta P:0ir. Ruw-fc of Ppndleton
uZ.ZZ .t M ten. of court.
" " ,
Patrons, Teachers
Plan Organization
Steps were taken Tuesday night
to organize a Parent-Teacher assoc-
'iation unit in Heppner. At a meet
ing held at the high school building
a committee was named to arrange
1 . 3 kit.. JA4-i.le fnr on nr.
ganization meeting to be held early
' January. Mrs. Stephen Thomp-
o, m aA will
be assisted by Mrs. Gene Ferguson
i - i nrjii.
. ,i m.. j .
Meeting with the group Tuesday
evening and assisting in formulating mK Ui & J a member of Uncle Sam's fighting
organization plans was Mrs. B. C. eevn weeks to the day. foroe) where party
Forsythe of lone, director of the Funeral arrangements are being Mrs. Ferguson's uncle. J. G. Craw
high school divsion of 1 the state withheld pending word from two ford, and Mrs. Crawford They re-P-TA.
' sons, Reece and Merle, both of port ajj Texas relatives in good
About 12 women of the commu- whom spent extended leaves at health except Mrs. Vaiwter Parker services at 9 a. m. at lone and re
nity were invited by Supt. George home operating the market. Reese and daughter Cecelia whom they turn to Heppner for a 10:30 a. m.
Corwin to attend the meeting ana
assist in the organization plans.
Services Held for
Willie E. Mikesell
Services were held this afternoon
at the Phelps Funeral Home chapel
for W. E. Mikesell whose death oc-
curred Tuesday. O. Wendell neroi-
son, pastor of the Church , of Christ,
officiating and Mrs Lucille Walker
sang two numbers. Interment was in
nepp ;
jvir. MiKeseu naa oeen in iiuiiB
11 IidU ut-cn ui laiuB
health for a number of years and
had suffered several strokes. One
rf the mifffred about a month
ago, led to his demise.
Willie Eugene Mikesell was born
in Missouri more than 71 years ago.
He came with hi? parents to Morrow
county at the age of 11 and had
been a continuous resident here. He
acquired 160 acres of land just
south of Hepraner city limi(s
where he and his faithful wife
raised their family and maintained
a comfortable home.
The widow and three children
Loren was with 'his father when
the end came.
Members of Rhea Creek grange
Will hold their annual Christmas
party at the hall at 8 p! m. Dec. 21.
There will be an exchange of gifts.
Members attending Pomona at
Boardman were Mr. and Mrs. Henrv
Baker. Mr. and Mr. Orian Wright
Mrs. Hannah Anderson Mrs. Alice
Anderson Oscar Peterson and Mrs.
Georee Corwin and son Steven
RnW macjfpr rf Tihf&
Creek grange and county deputy,
no nntv mt
Good Neighbor Policy Put Into
Effect When Farm House Burns
A realistic good neighbor policy
was put into effect in the Lexing-
ton farm belt this week when
neighbors came to the rescue of the
T- 1 " TTT-11 f 1 1 1
fcsne wauier ramuy anu saveu
xnem hardship. Fire destroyed
WaUcer home, the former Neil
White house in me unarxes mar-
quardt holdings, at about 10 o'clock
Sunday morning. Mrs, Walker, her
invalid mother and the children
were in the house at the time and
Walker was out in the field. A hea-
vy fog blanketed the region so
that neither Walker nor nearby
neighbors knew anything about
the blaze until it was all over. Mrs.
WaJker and tne children carntx
came 1
a good many things out of the
house bu"t these were destroyed.
As soon as their plight was made
known a neighbor took his big
truck out and began gathering in
VirmBotinilrt fiimishinffts try fit m a
. T "
new! home whidh Mr. Marquardt
is arranging for them. Bedroom
suites. Amine and livine room iur-
niture, linoleum, clothing and a Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wallace
sum of money which may reach an(j son Johnnie and Walter Wal
$250 was the result of the canvass. iace ieft for Hubbard Saturday to
visit a few days with relatives.
The Ladies Aid held their annual Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dinges are
bazaar Wednesday and it was well spending several days in Grants.
attended. A pot luck dinner was
enjoyed at noon and the drawing of
uie ficivc ai
J.1 n'n
Clifford Yarnell held the lucky
Mrs. Minnie Leach Cicero, a vis-
itor here from Finlay Okla. left by
A. E. Burkenbine
Called by Death
A heart attack proved fatal to A.
E. Burkenbine, proprietor of the
rieppner maru, .
idace tan morning. Th attack
struck about 4 a.- m. and death fol-
lowed immediately He was first in-
valided home after suffering a se-
vre attack at the market the morn-
vere aiiaos ai iumwi, ulv .
is au oeae out. xvienca
whereabouts were unknown to the
family today. The other sons, Lloyd
and Albert, are at home.
An obituary will be given next
for service in the army were Tom
Fraters, son of Mr. and Mrs. rranK
Fraters of Eight Mile; Ray Coblantz,
e , , , n - Wo1
rr.,1 i rw or,A rVvT-nf1iii! Wal.
DuPuy was manager of Dick-
Variety store a few years ago
and' Coblantz also worked here.
' The past week-end was a happy
occasion for Dr. and Mrs. A. D.
McMurdo when two of their sons,
with their wives, joined them
untt uie ldim ,?u ""
on, bcott was uname 10 oe present
Lt. and Mrs. Ted McMurdo and Lt.
and Mrs Bernard McMurdo were
home. The former came from Los
Angeles where Ted has just finish-
ed a course in meteorology at UC
LA and is on his way to a South
Carolina station. Bernard is in the
dental service of the great navy
hospital at Farragut '
Miss Kathryn Parker was hostess
to the teachers of the Heppner
school Sunday evenmg at tne home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S.
Parker. A bountiful supper was en-
of joyed by teachers, nusnanas ana
wives, following which carols were
suns for a time and the balance
the evening was taken up with vis-
it.ini Twentv quests were present,
stage. Friday for a visit with her
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. James Leach,
Those who shopped in Pendleton
f . .
during tne past week were Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Hunt and family, Mrs.
Otto Ruhl and son Norman. Mrs.
Alonzo Henderson, Alex Hunt and
son Elwood, and Mr. and Mrs.
Newt O'Harra.
Albert Edwards A. S. left for his
station at Farragut Thursday after
a 15 day leave, going by way of
Spokane. He was accompanied by
his mother, Mrs. Lon Edwards and
his brother Clyde who will enlist
in the navv while in Spokane.
Claude White is seriously ill at
the home of his mother, Mrs. Sarah
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hunt and
-son Dean and Kenneth Way are
spending the week in Portland and
rvranvm CiUr lro VHn TJnt
VigUJl i.t.V. .ULkCl llUUt OL-
companied them to Portland after
visiling relatives and friends here
fnr D,rral Aa .
pass w;th their son-in-law
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ack-
1 -lit.
jen ana daughter.
Tetter and daughter
Estelle spent the week-end in The
Dalles where Mrs. Ledbetter is ill
a hospital.
After covering a territory ' em
bracing nearly two-thirds of the
country, Mr. and Mrs. James Val
entine and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fer
guson returned to Heppner Tues
day evening. Their original desti
nation was Chicago via Rochester
Minn. Reaching Chicago they ob-
transportation to Texas
,i, w1
, , ... .... . v
ed by a visit with their son Kay,
were unable to see because of their
illness. The J. G. Crawfords live at
Arlington, Tex., where they have a
small acreage and the head of the
family works off surplus energy
taking care of his garden and poul
Seal Sale Passes
$600 Mark to Date
Seal sales in the county had pass-
ed the ?WH) mark the past week-
end, returns checked over by the
, . ,, v A
AT V A TTniieo
vealed 1 his is short of the goal set
by the county committee but it is
exected that when
all funds are
turned in the quota and possibly
more will be reaced. Mrs. House
urges everyone to respond, doubly
if necessary, to meet the obligation
placed upon the asociation in tu-
berculosis control work throughout
the country.
1U11". " .""j
tuoercuiosu association are raised
wholly from small individual con-
tributions, every gift counts, the
chairman points out. After the
county has raised more than eight
cents per capita, 75 percent of the
gross amount is retained here to
carry on association work.
S. H. Shannon is quite ill today
following a light stroke last,night.
An effort was being made this
morning to contact his grandson,
Billy Cochell, who has just returned
to an American port from overseas
executive, win oe a guest.
Practice session of the Music
of Study club's chorus have been re
cessed until Jan. 4, accorduig to the
director. Mrs. O. G. Crawford.
Volume 60, Number 38
Holiday Season
- r n i i i j j
i o oeneraiaea
In Verse, Song
Churches, Schools
Arrange Programs
For Ensuing Week
Christmas is not far away, so
close, that church and school pro
grams commemorating the birth
of Christ have been announced for
the ensuing week. Most of the
churches of the county will present
Sunday school and choir programs
tliis coming Sunday, while schools
are preparing to present their pro
grams just prior to the close of ac
tivities preceding the holidays.
O. Wendell Herbison, pastor of
the 'Church of Christ, announces
that regular Christmas services
11. 1 1 . 1
wm nela, e . ay
DLec- 19" At e HS service the
allu uulcla wlJi
small concert. There will be regu
lar Christian Endeavor meetings in
the evening, followed by a modern
play by the younger people, the
theme being "Even as much as ye
did it unto the least of these ye
did it unto me." There will be a
children's program at the Bible
school hour.
The Methodist Sunday school will
occupy the evening hour, beginning
at 7:30 p. m., according to Benrue
Howe, pastor. A general program
of song and verse has been arrang
ed. There will also be a sound film.
Services announced for the holi
day period at All Saints Episcopal
church include a church- school
program at 9:45 a. ra. Sunday. In
the evening the choir will lead in a
carol service in which the audience
will be asked to participate. The
regular Christmas eve service will
be held at 10 p. m. Friday, Dec 24
at which time there will be spec-
lal music and observance of Holy
. J
High mass will be celebrated at
St. Patrick's Catholic church at mid
night Dec. 24 On Christmas day Fa
ther Francis McCormick will hold
Christmas exercises will be held
during the Sunday school hour at
the Assembly of God church in
Announcement comes from lone
that the Baptist church will pre
sent a Christmas program at 11 a.
m. to which the public has been
cordially invited The Co-operative
church of lone has chosen the e ve
nulg hour to present the Sunday
school exercises.
A Dreholidav urogram, has been
j i tt .1 1
prepareu oy uie xieppuer suiwm
and will be presented Wednesday
night at the school gynrnasiumi An
outline of the program will be
found elewhere in this issue.
Boy Scouts Visit
Mountains Saturday
Ten Boy Scouts accompanied by
Scoutmaster John Fuiten. asistant
Scoutmaster O. Wendell Herbison
and George Corwin, troop commit
teeman, visited the mountains Sat
urday afternoon. They drove to the
McCaleb cabin where dinner
prepared to give some- of the boys
cooking experience. Later a short
hike was taken into the timber. The
party returned to town that eve
ning. A Court of Honor will be held
Tuesday night, Dec 21 the Lexing
ton' high school. There will be in-
duction of tenderfeet and awarding
ol badges, including two lirst class
one star and one merit. R. D. Mc
Dermott. Blue Mountain Council
Arrangements have been made
- with the woodworkers union to use
that local's hall as a scout meeting
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