Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 09, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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2 Heppner Gazette Times, December 9, 1943
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ely, Mr. ani
Mrs. Johan TroeSson, Mrs. Anne
Smouso and daughter Shirlee,
George Ely, W. D. Palmateer; from
faculty. Rev. Herbison. Father Mc
Cormick and Dr. Tibbies.
The menu was a varied and deli
cious one and the program consist
ed of speeches by- Herb Schunk,
Bob Runnion, Jack Edmondson, Dr.
Tibbies and Rev. Herbison. Father
McCormick gave the invocation.
STAFF Mr. Corwin was master of cere-
Merlyn Kirk monies- Other entertainment con
"Mrvloii Fereuson sisted of a piano solo by Marylou
Look over our boxes of fine sta
tionery for the service man still in
thaining.. A complete writing kit..
The ladies of the Union Ladies out of town were two brothers and
Aid have announced a silver tea their wives, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
be held at the Congregational Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
church rooms on Thursday after Crawford and daughter Shirley, and
noon. Dec. 16. They also will have an uncle, Earl Chilcote, all of Port-
a few articles of fancy work for land and a daughter, Mrs John Editor -.
sale. Voorhies of Walla Walla, and the Acwt Editor
Th dinner and reception on immediate members of the familv. Ferguson, a song by Jean Turner,
- - KJyKTi. I." J-K4 ..... r K-Muk -
Sunday for the new minister ofl Mrs. H. E. Yarnell returned home Asst. Sports Ed. ... Tad Miller an an accordion solo by Walt
the Co-Operative church. Rev. H. last week from The Dalles hospital story Writer Jean Turner Skuzeski
N. Waddell. was well attended and greatly improved from her recent Senior Interview ........ Betty Coxen GIRLS LEADERS IN SPORTS
a very enjoyable program was giv- operation. Gazette Times Rep Ray French , , lq vn1Whal1 team iour.
en in the afternoon. The Maranatha . v , , JU
irfiki urtur neyec. to lone last inursaay miei-
IRRIGON NEWS JUNNIORS WINNERS n00n to defeat the lone girls in two
IN INTERMURALS out of three eames. The score for
club was host for the occasion. .
Mrs. Edith Odom and daughter
Juanita of Salem were guests last
week at the Fostor Odom home at
Morgan. They spent Friday with
By MBS. J. A. SHOTTN The Juniors won the intermural the first game was 21 to 9 in favor
MiWr Han.r basketbal championship Thursday, of Heppner. lone took the second
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom in word that her father, F. E. Coolev W aMTO" fcor!, "ve,r f- ou. , TT f ,
lone, returning to their home Mon- of Spokane, is quite ill. " the sophomores. Paced by French back to take the third 21 to 19.
day. ' Grace Haney has retutmed home and Pickens who scored 14 and 12 A return match is scheduled for
The sale and card party at the from Heppner where she had been Pomts respectively, the winners 9 at the Heppner gymnasium.
Masonic hall Saturday realized staying with Mr. and Mrs. John were never m danger. T juniors SENI0R INTERVIEW
$51.25. Fuiten while attending school there. naa Previously posted a cc-m vie
Miss Eva Swanson and Carlton She entered school in Irrigon Tues- wry aver Ule semuis
Swanson left Saturdav to visit re!- dav mnminff Second place was won by
atives in Seattle. During Cot's ab- Mrs. David Steagall, Mrs. Henry seniors by their wins over
sence John Ransier will be in Miller and Mrs. Don Kennev were
charge of the Swanson grocery. Pendleton visitors Tuesday.
F. W. Sheriden left last week for Mr. and Mrs. E. R Schneider
Chicago where he will undergo a attended the Pentecostal fellow -
month's medical treatment for his ship meeting in Heppner Wednes-
foot which has been gjiving him day.
trouble for some time. . Mrs. Batie Rand was a Portland
The Masonic and Eastern Star visitor from Sunday to Thursday,
orders held election of officers on . Mr. Griffin has started his sec-
Dec. 1, with the following results: 0nd well in Irrigon on the Ernest 3, at 6:30 p. m. in the lunchroom. and Mrs. Pat Healy. Francis is sta-
After a busy exam week crowded
the with numerous events, the students
the have returned to their normal
freshmen 32-21, and the sopho- studies again.
mores 33-20. Heading the interview is Betty
Third place went to the sopho- Cunningham who has been an ac-
mores who bumped1 the freshmen tive member of the Class of '44
30-28. throughout her high school career.
Marking the end of the 1943 foot- VISITING PARENTS
ball season was a banquet given by Sgt. Frances Healy and wife are
the Home Economies girls on Dec. visiting the sergeant's parents, Mr.
Masons Walter Dobyns, W. fill.: Stephen lots. Thev' started Wed
Omar Rietmann, S. W.; Alex Huber nesday and had gone about 33
J. W.; Bert Johnson, secretary, and feet by Saturday morning when a
E. R. Lundell, treasurerl. Eastern beam fell striking him on the head
Star Mrs. Mildred Morgan, W. M.; several tmes when the plunger
George Ely, W. P.' Mrs. Dorothy Came down. He finally got out
Smith," A. M.; Alex Huber, A. P.; fro,m under it and left for Hermis
Mrs. Ruth Mason, secretary; Mrs. ton. He has not been back since.
Ruby Roberts, Treasurer; Mrs. The J. A. Shouns and Judy and
Katherine Lindstrom, associate Mrs. Luella Acock were Heppner
conductress. Joint installation will visitors Thursday. Ora Thompson
be held Friday, Dec. 17. also went to Heppner that day.
The Franklin Ely car was pretty Adren Allen left for Portland
well damaged last week when Del- Thursday taking Ora Acock back
bert Emert backed into it with his 0n his way to Oregon City. He had
truck. Mrs. Ely, driver of the car been visiting the C. W. Acock
at the time, escaped without injury family.
other than shock. Sam Umiker left for his job at
The Ralph Aldrich family moved Castle Rock after spending a week
into the Sarah Piggott house Sat- m Irrigon.
urday. They plan some renovating Mrs. Roy Minnick and daughter
and refinishing of the house. Mrs. Luella went to Pendleton Saturlay
Echo Palmateer moved into her returning Sunday,
house the same day it was vacated Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brace of
by the Aldriches. Mrs. Delia Nance Hermiston were Irrigon visitors
and sons will reman with Mrs. Pal- Sunday.
mateer. Sinice Moore has some traps set
Mr. and Mrs. Norton Lundell left and got two fine looking coyotes.
Saturday evening for their home in one Thursday and one Friday.
Loa Angles. They plan to visit a Mrs. Jack Hinkley and two chil
few days at the Frank Lundell dren and her mother-in-law started
home in Milwaukie before leaving back to Utah but all got ill in the"
Oregon. bus and were put in the hospital
Mrs. Laxton McMurray received at La Grande until the next morn
word from her nephew, David -Jng when they returned home.
Howe, of his arrival in England.
The Co-Operative church will BOOKKEEPER AWAY
give a Christmas program Sunday Mrs. Hubert Gaily has been in
evening. Dec. 19 at the Christian Portland this week where she ac
church. 1 cornpanied Mrs. Crocket Sprowles.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C Crawford She expects to return in time' to
celebrated their 35th wedding an- W.p with the Saturday rush in
niversary Dec. 5 at the home of the Central Market.
their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs.' Milton Morgan Jr. Guests A G-T want ad will do wondera
present were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred if you have anything to sell, trad
Troedson. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Ely. or exchange. Results every time.
Those attending were the squad, tioned at Fort Stevens.
. I
A good cup of coffee is the
perfect complement to a sat
isfying meaL Our food is
good, well cooked, and taste
ful; our service is prompt and
we are pleased to serve you.
Due to shortage of help we
remain closed all day on
Try our meatless meals ev
ery Friday.
Call 23 Heppner Call 1611 lone
Two trucks and one trailer available to go
any place, any time.
Livestock transportation and Heavy
Machine Hauling Our Specialty.
Insured Carrier
You Cell : We Haul
Freight Line
Heppner : Clyde Nutting : lone
Successor to
Holub Truck Line
5 c
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I IKE all other living things, trees have a youth, g
J maturity, and an old age.
Forest trees which give us our lumber, our pulpwood,
plywood, and countless other daily necessities, produce
most useful wood in their early and middle life.
Good forestry and good management calls for harvest
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valuable to the nation, creating a breeding place for
destructive insects and disease.
Good forest management creates a cycle of coodnuont
tree crops. That is the basis on which this company operate!
with an eye on today ... an eye on tomorrow.
Kinzua Pine Mills Co