Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 09, 1943, Image 1

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Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, December 9, 1943
Volume 60, Number 37
Mrs. America
Meets the War
Oranges by the Pound
Ocupational Driving
Fewer Electric Bulbs
Secondhand Ceilings
Lumber Concerns
Carry on Despite
Many Handicaps
Grain Products, Inc.
Switches Business
Center to Heppner
Great Virgil Gives
Capacity Audience
Round of Thrills
It is a safe assumption that
scores of Morrow county people are
War and Postwar
Share Spotlight
At Wheat Meeting
li you've been wonder'jng why
your fruit' dealer is beginning to
price citrus fruits by the pound
when you always bought them by
the dozen, here's the reason why.
It's much simpler for both the deal
er and the customer to price or
anges, for example, by the pound
Log Deckings Will
Provide Material
For Winter Sawing
Continuation of 3A
Recommended by
League Committee
Wartime activities on eastern
Oregon farms shared with postwar
ter of interest at
meeting of the
dent Millard Eakin of Grass Val
ley, the members agreed that no
thing is more important than the
Heppner will be the headquart
ers of Grain Products, Inc. hence
forth, folowing'a decision made by today trying to figure out how the
the board of directors in annual Great Virgil and his assistant, Ju-
meeting at Arlington Monday. Ar- lie, made their lightning-like
lington has been the official head- change in the last scene of their
quarters since organization of the big evening's entertanment at the
concern early in 1942, but since high school gymnasium "Wednesday
Heppner is to be the site of the evening. It is likewise safe to as-
alcohol plant and all business will sume that no less than 100 percent
Lumber mills operating on tim- center here it was deemed, advis- of us will be wrong and that none
ber within the Heppner district of able to make it the official head- of us will consent to be locked and
the Umatilla National forest are quarters. ' roped in a trunk with the idea that tn ntAr nt interest at
. l ,. r iTi i J: .. i i tit:i 1 o
rather than set a ceiling price for carrying on .u ruecuon or oi-w ami we ui s uui u.. u
. ... riir on 1 hiiTtianlxr nnssmlp riurin? dnn rf mmnanw affairs c aimed the will ura imnt.ii.m in Vw nnnsfvi in a
dS wrage Pritt o 1hese troublous war days. This is attention of the directors and stock- tightly nailed and roped box- not Eastern Oregon Wheat league held
roD1, ' Am, nrZtmi i aunnt the opinion of Fred Wehmeyer, holders Monday. All directors were unless we have run out of ration ft The Dalles last week-end. Fol-
f lowins? the advice given bv Presi-
cmoii eiM dt,j kk trt en pnts for a Kinzua Pine Mills company has W, Nish of Mikkalo who found it getting no more.
dozen of the largest 5,000,000 feet of logs decked at its necessary to resign due to the press eYe are several
B ' ramn Fivo The cor.-manv recentlv nf nfhor rlntips F.arl Rlake of HeD- 1 ...1 uui
ww. . - v . - x yuy& W11U tjujuauiy v,aji , Jiguic - , -
"PVrvm V10 nupstinns f"nmint into - UJ nJJ;t! i fi nfift flfwi ..Mnr. ninnni T5c?Vi'o niafo . .i i a i socedv winninjj ox mis war, dux
. m o puiuiAKu mi dixu-iiancii u,v.v,v.v. ijuei woo cicri. Leu. i iiioix n. n ftQTfp magician exiracxcQ , t .
the U.PA it would appear tnat many fee 0f government timber which It was revealed at the meeting
women volunteering ior unpaid war can Ke readily cut and hauled to that the Carver plant is making a various and sundry other
jobs apparently misunderstand that the camp where it is loaded on to successful run on fruit alcohol pro- piaces but it was done right be
any driving for this type of work cars amj. shunted down to the big duction. While affairs connected fore their eyes arl(j the looks of sur
would be classified as occupational mm at Kinzua. with the Heppner plant were trans- nriso anri nst.ornat.mn hplned to
under the mileage rationing regu- a. construction crew is engaged acted there is nothing for publics- a Cana,citv crowd in hieh Eood elected president and Lloyd Smith
lation. So any motorist using her m building five or six miles of tion at this time, stated C. D. Con- humor. The lad who unwittingly Condon, vice president. Charles W.
car in volunteer work such as Red hard-surfaced road from the end rad. secretary. trie(j to get away with a clothes Smith, state county agent leader
Cross or civilian defense must use 0f the present juncton of the , 0 cl0thes'and a live duck long-time secretary- treasurer,
60 miles from her own "A" book Camp Five road with the Heppner- pOrtrCSS Exhibited to boot didn't look more surprised was continued in that position. The
before she would ba qualified to Spray highway east to a rich belt u , , than Kenneth Turner who under- new county executive committee
apply for a supplemental ration. If, 0f pine; Upon completion of this Here Wednesday. went ag0ny of having his head members are Ted Smith, lone, E.
however, the amount of driving for stretch of road it will be possible Not a little interest was created topped 0ff in a guillotine only to - Borthwick, Antelope; Jim Bea-
the volunteer job exceeds 60 miles to haul the year around, and with here Wednesday morning when gn(j he hadn't lost that important mer- Umatilla county; H. R. Weath-
a month, applications may then be the company's selective cutting the Flying Fortress dismantled at member of his body. erford, Arlington; Herbert Root,
made for a sUDrjlemental ration to svstem it. is exnected that timber Harfiman durinf? the nast week was . .... ..... Wasco: Thomas Lampkin, North
be used together with the occupa- for the mill from this area will be temporarily on exhibition near the . ,m, T? ,!?.a,ffJ", v, . Powder (for Union county); Oscar
tional allotment of the "A" book, available for many years. Ferguson Motor dompany garage. ju,,i ni- i
tt o tt. a tt T . u rrt. ..j j . it s aouDUUi ii iiiue gins
uncie ocini uu-ea xna. nurciu-a neppiier uuimuei xnuiaiiy nan ine Duuy, wing ujiu uiic mj- much interested especially if
vo g,t easy uii ci.cvliiv.- iignt iugo jj noi, oeen uumg au ciuiit. ior were oruugiit ui lurauav mgiu
that it is none too early to plan
the magician
meeting m oney from their ears, hair ..mouth, " ia ;i""c J't J
laking a shoed various and sundrv other for e Postwar adjustments wluch
are bound to allect the Loiumoia
basin wheat farmer.
Roy Forman, Antelope, was
- , - . , . , i. rowaer iior union couniy;; uwu
Wy-severing stunt but w
tful if little girls will be
Entermille, Baker county
of their kind lis the victim.
limiting Christmas lighting decora- Wehmeyer states. At present there and were under guard until the , . 1c i n jl0. farmer now on the AAA staff in
x: ! u or,J : 1 nnAnnn tt x 1 i, tn naiI uozen uiue giris wno wiuiess , .v.
J t,r;n i,n rvf Vircffll's nssistant wasnmgton. expressed me opinion
last night wffl have no appetite for that, despite the delay in announc-
suich exhibitions,
ing loan rates and price supports
tions to a tree in the home and is approximately l.OOU.UOU teet crew of mechanics was ready to
foregoing any exterior lighting ef- decked at the mill; 2,000,000 feet take the big ship on to Pendleton,
fects. In this way, the WPB says the decked at the Shaw creek camp, Front and rear cages had been re
supply of light bulbs which is not with an additional 500,000 feet at moved but the rest of the body
at top peak these days will spread the Johnson creek camp. The com- was intact yuues w' 7? a would be satisfactory to the grow-
."in kottiii' on A IcwrfrrrMfxr rwn cumTl- ronir alert Viae riTvrVn coA 3 000 000 tu pArfrocc ma n frvrvWl lflnH- nun-dl reading was an outstanding ... j r , x.
tion also will be conserved. feet of government timber to as- mg at Hardman early last week, "Auurg ux U1C evcj"j-
T , , ., e iu i for next year, the 1944 farm prkes
Juhe's exhibition of phographic ' '. . t.
The book of the coming year may
sure a regular run.
Down on Rubber
era He warned wheat men not to
expect indefinite continuation of the
present unlimited demand for
wheat as the present high consump
tion is accounted for mostly by the
use of large supplies Hot animal
There is no idle talk regarding feeding and alcohol production,
the rubber situation, according to both of which are subsidized pro
J. H. Hedrick, representative of the grams.
three major committees of
srsvi wn r ri isu a.v .
... Willi 1 UC7L. W1L11 d. LiVUU Ul UUWVLtg II I . -. u-l M m .
Eastern Star, who urges all lodge of the week for Seattle to be w!th ,t J -
i; . l!i.j.l- J l. .4
doing uiue ikuiidgc, uui iwu uc .
j i i,oi,i,4 .nf 'Kor'Qiico I riickprc ber Low
T. V v Ta .; Vr POTLUCK DINNER SLATED it is impossible to take off on soft
1t there shouldn t be any scarcity A uck Mm P was Jn
of readmg material as long as au- for ewningj 10 for
Vinrc wmA thrniich with mflntl- . . -i j
A mT - a Pst worthy matrons and husbands back m the air soon,
scripts. The WPB has indicated that pagt flnd wives.
any curtailment of prmt paper for nomxs Benge gecretary Tq SEATTLE transportation division of the OPA
book pubishers in 1944 won t cut past ctab of Q. M. Yeager left the first f The
down on the number of books. . R. , nll i-j-. of the week for Seattle to be with l.Z.l i.t- t, the lei
However, the paper to be used wiU -pTe eSe to atW e func- her daughter who is to submit to a bng Thurs r?,13 ,
r"?!! bf.onW promptly at 6 serioo She expects to be trdJ 77?" r!
page and narrower margins w u flt jc hall,
conserve paper. So the books should ZZ
be lighter in weight.
Concentrated soups still require
ration points although the OPA
has removed rationing restrictions
from ready-to-serve soups. And.
here's why. Because of government
restrictions on the use of tin, only
concentrated soups can be packed
by manufacturers. So in order to
move the canned ready-to-serve
soups, which are out for the dura
tion, the OPA made this type point
free. Incidentally, canned sauer
kraut is another civilian war cas
ualtyno more for the duration
except for military uses.
With sales of used household
goods increasing now that manu
facturers are turning out war ma
terials instead of furnishings for
Mrs. America's home, here's a re
minder. Secondhand goods are cov
ered by price ceilings to' protect
shoppers from boing overcharged
because of a great demand for mer
chandise. A seller of used house
hold goods cannot ask more than
three-fourths of the ceiling price
on the brand new item if it is in
"good condition" that is, if it is
reasonable, clean and can be used
without any further repair at the
time of sale. However, if any re
pair or parts are needed before
the article can be used, the second
hand merchandise can be sold for
only one-third of the new price.
Here's a tip to Christmas shop
pers. You cannot be charged for
Pacific Northwest and the move
Here's a tip to Christmas shop-
You cannot be charged, tor
gone two months.
Its Santas
WE'VE never asked
Santa Claus what
his favorite charity Is,
but we'd bet the old fel
low would chuckle:
"Why, Christmas Seals,
of course I"
You see, these little
Seals give the greatest
gift of all health, life it
self. As long as Santa can
remember, the American
people have made this a
part of their Christmas
giving in depression
and prosperity, in peace
time and war.
This vear our needs are
doubly' great because a
wartime rise in tubercu
losis must be prevented.
So, make sure that every
letter and package car
ried by Santa is stamped
with your Christmas gift
to mankind and please
send in your contribution
liedricK arams and land use favored "the
strictest continuation of the AAA as an or-
tire situation is critical,
declared, and only the
economy will permit continuance ganization experienced and set up
oi operation neeaea to carry on to help with adjustments in agri
industrial enterprises essential to cultural production, whether the
conduct of the war. adjustments be for greater or less-
oevenry percent; or au ures maae nroduction "
It also favored the continuation
go to the armed forces it was point
asII rvn wfttnrt v- nr to
".r .r.rr1 ZZZ of the Commodity Credit corpora
new ones if old tires have not been x. j . I ,
. ' tion and h-einstatement of federt
Several dealers of the
present, including
(reinstatement of federal
crop insurance with some changes.
Sinice vrnrvri ri vro pavs TinMF.
Moore and O H Thompson. Irrigon; TQWN ANNIVERSARY VISrr
in. xx. jiunaeii, one, .cmiier uuia,
Lexington Oil Coop; Clarence Rose
wall and Charles Vaughn, Heppner;
F. W. Turner, tire inspector, D. E.
Numerous townspeople were out
Tuesday afternoon watching a P
38 circle the hills and cross back
fleet owners and loggers.
The National, Stale and Local
Tubereuloi.li Aiwelitlene ir
Hit United State.
Hudson, Orral Wright and several iorih over the town. Used to
r lying ronreasea it was iaui
exciting to watch the swift double-
CIIANGE I GALLONAGE bodied, "bird' annihilate distance
MADE ON B, C, CARDS and respond with such ease to the
Many car drivers lidding B and whim of the pilot.
C cards still are not aware of the Wednesday morning it was learn
change in gallonage under the new ed that the pilot was none other
cards. All coupons bearing B2 orC2 than Lt." Norton King, former
are eligible for five gallons of gas- Heppner boy now stationed at El
oline. Holders of B and C cards, ensburg, Wash. Norton was mak
without the numeral 2, may buy ing a routine flight and dropped
only three gallons of gasoline per over to pay the old home town a
coupon. short visit. It did not occur to him
Another change not noted by that he entered the service on
many vehicle operators is the fact Dec. 7, 1942, or that it was Pearl
that since Doc. 1 no certificate is Harbor day until well on his way
required for recapping, reports the back to the home port, but he had
local office of the rationing' board, gotten a good look at the old fa-
miliar hills and the little town
LEGION AUXILIARY nestled among them.
Mrs, Harold Cohn and Mrs.
Harry Tamblyn will be hostesses WOMEN'S' AUXILIARY
Monday evening to the American Regular meeting of the Women's
Legion auxiliary at the Cohn home, auxiliary of All Saints Ejpiscopal
There will be a gift exchange as church will be held at 2:30 p. m,
this is the annual Christmas party. Friday, Dec. 10 at the parish house.
Continued on Page Eight