2 Heppner Gazette Times, December 2, 1943 Lexington News By Mrs. Ruth McMillan Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell and son Roger visited in Forest Grove the past week with another son Donald. U. S. navy, who is sta tioned at Tongue Point. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smethurst and daughter Betty spent Thanksgiv ing in Kinzua with Mrs. Smeth urst's brotheir-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Phillips and daughter Jessalyn. Albert Edwards, AS from Farra gut naval training station is spend ing his leave with his parents. Mr. lath fell over pinning him under neath. He was rushed to Pendleton, accompanied by his wife and daughter. Don Miller and Roy Fredrickson left Friday for Spokane to be ex amined for the army. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Isom bought a place west of Umatilla. They in tend to make their home there. The Fred Adams' well finished Thursday and the pump was in stalled Tuesday. Miss Ellen Miller, student nurse of Pasco, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, the Henry Millers. Mrs. Florence Grider and son Marion spent Thanksgiving with the Millers. The Sinice Moore family had BONDS OVER AMERICA and Mrs. Lon Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marquardt Thanksgiving dinner with his par and daughter Majo, left for Port- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Moore land last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Peck. Mrs. Bill Van Winkle and daughter, Mrs. Herman Green, made up a party who left Monday for a visit in Portland and Salem. Thanksgiving day was quietly observed here with family dinners being the incentive. The Lawrence Palmer home was the scene of a family reunion. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Harrison and sons of Bon neville, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Pal mer and children of Rhea creek, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Palmer and children of Hardman and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Palmer and child ren of Lexington. Mrs. Etta Hunt of Portland is visiting relatives and friends in and around Lexington. Edith and Jerrine Edwards ar rived Monday from Palo Alto, Cal if., to spend the holidays with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lon wards. of Hermiston. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Allen and son of Arlington spent Thanksgiv ing with relatives in Irrigon. Miss Jane Goodman of Hood River spent the holidays with rel atives in Irrigon. Grace Haney of Heppner spent the holidays at home with her mo ther, Mrs. Mildred Haney and bro ther Wesley. Mr. and Mrs. William Wheeler are visiting the Win. Gollyhorn family. F. E. Foilbes is slightly, better according to Mrs. Forbes who re turned from Pendleton Tuesday but he is in a very serious condition. Mary L. Swanson Margaret Morgan This cupola .-capped tower on the state cap itol at Lincoln looks out upon one of our important grain and livestock states. Its founders came from the corners of the world and built a great commonwealth. Corr.Sicr's Pride 1 Hit''. j III JE Keep feiericsa Sole; Buy Wot Bonds In Europe too, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Belgi um, Holland, France, Norway and other countries were striving for better, more peace ful days and then Aus tria spawned Adolf Hitler. Ask to see our new writing kits. Gazette Times printery. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT done" from the Supreme Master; In memory of Blanche Bristow an(j Whereas, she having been a who died Oct. 25, 1943. tme flnd faithful gister of our Mys. Once again Death has summoned . , ,. , , ., , j a sister Rebekah and the golden tl0 order' therefore, be it resolved, gateway to the eternal city has op- That Bunch Grass Rebekah lodge ened to welcome her home. She has No. 91 of lone, in testimony of her completed her work in the minis- loss tenders to the family of the tering to the wants of the afflicted, deceased sister our sincere condo in shfrMintJ Utfht unto rlarkpnpd lence in this deep affliction' and ..i- v: , j j xi. that a rrvnv nf t.hesp resolutions be rr tt i '11. e auuia aiiu m uinitiuifc; juy imiu. luc - On.c c ; j c u ,.,J sent t.r the familv. Castle Rock Saturday and he and f . J,, , ,.. I(TIT Tr., TT ,., Mrs. Umiker left for Pendleton has receivea the plaudit. Well Vida Hehker .- A good cup of coffee is the perfect complement to a sat isfying meal. Our food is good, well cooked, and taste ful; our service is prompt and we are pleased to serve you. Due to shortage of help we remain closed all day Thursdays. on Try our meatless meals ev ery Friday. HEPPNER CAFE returning that night. Sinice Moore arrived home from Portland Tuesday. Lt. Carl' Steward arrived Thurs- Ed- day to visit his mother Mrs. Emma Steward. He left Saturday to re- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Breeding are turn to s station in Arizona. the parents of an eight pound son, Fred Albert, born at their home Tuesday. Nov. 23. S. G. McMillan, Mrs. Lou Brad ley. Mrs. Earl Warner, and Mrs. Eula Barnhouse and daughter Jean returned Sunday after spending the holidays in Portand. Otto Leathers of Vancoujvter, Wash., is visiting his mothed. Mrs. Belle Leathers and his sister, Mrs. C. C. Carmichael. Mr. and Mrs. Newt O'Harra went to Eugene to have Thanksgiving with their daughter Patty. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulden of Arlington were here on Friday. Mrs. Frank Munkers, who has been quite ill the past week was taken to a hospital in The Dalles Saturday. RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE In memory of Brother John Clark whom the silent messenger of denth has removed from our midst to the grand lodge above. Whereas this lodge feels the loss of our be loved brother and friend; There fore, be it resolved That the mem bers of this lodge hereby extend our heartfelt sympathy to the rel atives of our late brother in this hour of bereavement and commend them to the loving care of Him who doeth all things well. Resolved visiting relatives ff f fiunchlfass Rf " draped in mourning for a period of 30 days, a copy of these resolutions be sent to the relatives of the de parted brother, and a copy be spread on the minutes of this IRRIGON NEWS lodge. By MBS. J. A. SHOTIT Miss Kathleen Poulson was a Portland visitor arriving hpme Monday. Miss Paula Haberlein and Miss Lucille Jones of Marylhurst college spent their vacation in Irrigon with the Haberlein and Jones families. R. E. Forbes was badly hurt Sat urday at the U. O. D. when some Vida Heliker Mary Swanson Margaret Morgan iiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiin IIIIIIHIIIIItlllHIIIIIlllHirilllltlllMlllllllllllllliltlllllllll' ii il II Call 23 Heppner Call 1611 lone FOR GENERAL HAULING Two trucks and one trailer available to go any place, any time. Livestock transportation and Heavy Machine Haulinq Our Specialty. CARLOAD OF STOCK At ONE TRIP Insured Carrier You Call We Haul HEPPNER - IONE - PORTLAND Freight Line Call Heppner : Clyde Nutting : Successor to Holub Truck Line lone I (fpAUL BUNYAN", legendary hero of the lumber camps, has swung his gleaming ax at the Axis to add new chap ters to his saga. Once again America's mighty forests have answered the call of the nation. In peace or war Bunyan has always served his country well. In peace his industry provides wood for homes, schools, churches, and newspapers. In war Paul's disciples step up their pace to produce materials for ships, planes, barracks. Imbued with the pioneer spirit necessary to win this war, a half million Bunyans are "delivering the woods"! . Ki mzua Pine Mills C o. J