Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 25, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, November 25, 1943
Girl Suffers Leg
Injury In Wreck
South of Lexington
Joyce Stalter was painfully in
jured in a wreck early Sunday
morning on the road south of Lex
ington. Pat Doherty's car driven
by Bobby Rietmann got out of
control when it struck a soft shoul
der and turned over in the road
Eighteen stitches were needed to
close the cut in Joyce's leg. Others
in the car were Pat Doherty, Eunice
Peterson, Delmer Crawford a-id
Matt Doherty. They were return
ing home from the dance at Lex
ington when the accident occurred.
The car was badly damaged.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Reno moved
to Wallowa recently. The Boyer
house they vacated will be occu
pied by the Noel Dobyn's family.
Mrs. Harvey Ring has been as
sisting with the cooking at the Vic
tory cafe.
P. T. A. held a meeting Friday
Ttfnv 1Q at the school house to
ter Eva left last Thursday for a sonic hall Saturday evening with
. i irr nc TT?T T rm'SJTTTP GROUP
were Ore hosts at a party their Prtlani uveis B. C J.
home last Friday evening. Those JJ bsing h -c?r last Mr. and Mrs Edmund Bristow of president of the Young People's
win 3 Donald Heliker circuit caused it to burn. It was a Mrs. Everett Keithley of Baker. meeting held in the home of Arch-
Noiton Lundell. Donald Weaker, w Qf Bl t
Howard Eubanks, K.lton Morgan P1 Wednesday, Other officers elected include Ca-
and the hosts. The November social meeting of mrs imon imig j u resident
ana uie u . s , embers preSent. rolvn Bergstrom, vice president
Mrs. Mary Swancon and daugh- uie icpic uud w. nia u. " " - . . at the nn nnHs Warden. secretary. Mr.
home of Mrs. Lloyd Morgan on Blunt will act as adviser to the
Dec. 14 when Christmas presents group and Mrs. E. K Gilliam will
will be exchanged. " . continue as recreation supervisor.
The. n F. S. and Masonic family A devotional meeting will be- beld
Others present were Messrs and pot-luck dinner wiil be at o au on me trura sunaay evening
Mesdames Cleo Drake, Clyde Den- Wednesday. Dec. 1 at the hall be- month and there . also will be a
fore the regular meeting of the or- business meeting each montn. .
Roy .Lindstrom, '"Tr .:7 ders. The card tartv (bridge and
01 Uovwic TQ,,ric TTalvm-n MJ,,luuu 4-.unucix, iwx t.x viv., - -
T7eV Rietmann Bert Mason, pmocme, . anosaie wm " SAFETY INSPECTOR NAMED
ArSSH inedS the Mesdames Agnes Wilcox, Martin day evening , De 4 also a e ,hdL EASXERN OREGON .
A reception was punnwi iur u- w Swanson Articles will be on sale at 6.30 and
new minister, Rev. Waddell and W- Sanson E kelson, Bedford, who has
family on Dec. at the Congrega- e Everybody is invited lb the sale rMS,
ticnal church with a pot-duck din- , t
ner at noon. The next meeting ot ,
couple of weeks visit in Portland
and Salem.
The Maranatha club met at the
apartment of Miss Helen Lindsay
Saturday afternoon. Members pres
ent were Mesdames E. M. Baker.
Ruby. Kincaid, Roy ,Lindstrom,
the hosts and hostesses Messrs and
Mesdames Charles Swanson, Car
land Swanson. Victor Rietmann,
Lloyd Morgan and Milton Morgan.
the club will be at the home of
Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen.
H. E Yarnell, Mr. and Mrs. Clif
ford Yarnell and Alton spent Sun
day in The Dalles visiting Mrs. Yar
nell. They found her slowly im
proving but still very weak.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralh Coats of Port
land were recent visitors at the
Wm. Seehafeir home.
spector of the accident prevention'
division of the state industrial acci-
r3.rvn Arv-imicciAr Viae KoOfl noClCfTHafl
miliar wcuiisiiii, 1511 o. riTro rnnm ctpii Ww? www.
Denney and Raymond Lundell, low u?r , t o 1 to 11115 territory by Robert Jwenden
and by guests, Mrs. Bert Mason md m- .and Mrs- G; of 1Sm director of the division.
uc vuiiixig oi uic iiwinc vi iNeison wui wont wim vjiio jtil-
Ray's parents, Mr and Mrs. Wil- cher, La Grande, the regular safety
liam Cowins, having come to spend inspector in this district for an in-
Thanksgivinig here. definite period. Nelson and Pitcher
m- have just completed a two-week's
CARD OF THANKS " intensive , training school at Salem.
w i m..i .VI,.... jpri This district is comprised of Gu-
Words cannot -express our deep T,rii..fl tt;,
auDreaation and sincere thanks . TVr ' t,
Norton Lundell high and Mrs. Nor
ton Lundell and Carlton Swanson,
low; and Jack high prize by Mrs.
Norton Lundell and Werner Riet
mann. The next meeting of the
club will be a study meeting Dec.
10 at the home of Mrs. Omar Rietmann
in our recent
IT 1VT Dnlrm Inft Mnnrlair fnr Nv.-
1NOV. 0 dl U1C 1IUUJV. jt ivj. liaiVl,! IClfc muiiuuj
Waddell in moving of the Bristow family here to at
raise funds for the hot lunches, his household goods and family to tend the funeral of E. J. Bristow offerings extended
president, lone. were mcs Frank Lansing, Mrs. W. bereavement.
, 1T , . , jn. towenson ana aaugnter rnyuis, me imistows
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eubanks Mr Mrs R &
left Saturday to spend a few days fe T M Wade aU of WaUg WeVe Ajds to Buy
; " " Walla, Mrs. Mabel Hillary of Van- Defense Bonds and Stamps.
Officers elected were
Mrs. Dixon Smith; vice president,
Miss Helen Lindsay; secretary
treasurer, Mrs. Roy Lindstrom. The
committees aipointed were hospi
tality, Mrs. Henry Peterson and
Mrs. Carl Bergstrom; publicity.
Mrs. Omar Rietmann and Mrs.
Franklin Ely; social, Mrs. Ruby
Kincaid, Mrs. J. C. Ransier and
Mrs. Victor Rietmann; program.
Mrs. E. M. Baker, Mrs. Foster
Odem and Mrs. Noel Dobyns; Mem
bership, Mrs Elmer Griffith, Mrs.
Echo Palmateer and Mrs. Martin
Bauernfiend; and the P. T. A. mem
ber on the city Christmas tree
comm(itteq, Mrs. Marikm Paimetr.
It was decided to hold an auction
sale on Deo. 15 to raise funds for
the hot lunches.
Visitors at ithe Hrry Munkers
home recently were Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Luarence of Moscow, Ida.
and Glen Sherer of Portland. Mrs.
Luarence is an aunt of Mrs.
Word was received recently of
the marriage of Miss Marianne
Corley and Edward Lapp of Port
land Nov. 3. Miss Corley is tlhe
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Coats of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R Lundell left
Saturday to visit their son and
daughter-in-law, Pfc. and Mrs.
Richard Lundell at Boise, Ida.
Rev. Paul A. Davies, superinten
dent of the Congregational confer
ence of Oregon gave a splendid
sermon at the Cooperative church
of lone last Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lundell
rt. .. Kerj wneelerj urant, jenerson, ue-
to our manv friends and neighbors --o,,, rwu Hor Mhw
Out of town relatives and friends for your expressions of kindness, an(j Umatilla counties.
sympathy and the beautiful floral 0ne phase of the enlarged pro
gram of the accident prevention
division is the increase of the field
staff from 11 to 21 inspectors.
Ask to see our new writing kits.
Gazette Times printery.
Ys, V S V l",f
You'll save preci
ous Ration Points
. . . if you eat din
ner here at least a
few .times each
Try our Meatless
Meals Friday.
We are closed all day every
" 'f.
'A : z -. '1
Children start
school soon
have their eyes
checked now.
Highly trained
eye specialist
with years of
serve you.
Stram Optical Co.
225 South Main
Pendleton, Oregon
I IKE all other living things, trees have a youth, ft
' maturity, and an old age.
Forest trees which give us our lumber, our pulpwood,
plywood, and countless other daily necessities, produce
most useful wood in their early and middle life.
Good forestry and good management calls for harvest
ing mature trees before decay sets in and makes them less
valuable to the nation, creating a breeding place for
destructive insects and disease.
Good forest management creates a cycle of contlnuouf
tree crops. That is the basis on which this company Operate!
with an eye on today ... an eye on tomorrow.
Pine Mills