Heppner Gazette Times, November 4, 1943 7 Classified : and . Legal : Advertising Want Ads FOR SALE One hydraulio hoist with dump body for wheat pur SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY John J. Glavey, Plaintiff, vs. thence east 12 rods; thence south NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL 80 rods to the point of begin- PROPERTY BY EXECUTRIX ning. paid lands being in section . 4 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executor and execu- poses. Phone 36F45, Art Stefani. Jane Doe Tayleur, the unknown 17tf heirs of John Copple, deceased, A. Henriksen, also known as Al Henriksen, Merritt C. Griswold, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or inter est in the real estate described in the Complaint herein, Defendants. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE FENDANTS: Jane Doe Tayleur; the linVtvram heirc of John Connie, de'- FOR SALE 60 tens alfalfa hay; 1 ceaged A Henriksen, also known FREE! If excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges tion, Heartburn, Belching. Bloat ing. Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Humphreys Drug Company. MAYTAG SERVICE Work, parts and oil. All work guaranteed sat isfactory. W. G. Roberts, at Clark ranch, Heppner 18tfc 'ttu u ,v v,o. slum to an order duly made and trix of the estate of B. B. Kelley, The northeast quarter of the Court of the deceased, have filed with the Coun- northeast quarter . the west half of n for- omw Coun. Court of state of Oregon of the east half, the east half of Noyembe for Morrow County fteir final ac the west half, andtte northwest 1943 ed, executrix count of their administration of quarter of the northwest quarter rf Jennie de estate of deceasedi of section 11. ceased, will from and after the court has .fixed Monday, the 6th 5? T f q?fr 1 ! 4th day of December 1943, at the day of December 1943, at the hour norAeast quarter the southeast . office q Jog j at of WM O,dock in forenoon of quarter of the northwest quarter n for and sfjid day flt C(unty the west half of the northwest at fe for room at fte Court House at Hepp. quarter and the northeast quar- folowin described real pr0. ner, Oregon, as the, time and place ter of the southeast quarter of ,wMC,4 rtf hearin obiection to said final section 12; in township 5 south ' rv rw mml and the settlement of said estate and all persons) having ob- Ksnna 97 Fjiot nf tho. Willam- . .. -. ffon. to-wit: ette Meridian, Morrow UJunty, ' ... n.ar. rtf StM, wt1nns are herebv're- regn- tion six (6) in Township two quired to file the same with said And that plaintiff is such owner in (2) South, Range 24 East of court on or before the time fixed fee of said land free from any right, Willamette Meridian. for said hearing. FOR SALE Brood cows, mostly , i . title, estate, lien or interest of de- ;j u mA anWfr in tvj a ,Kii.;hvl this - parries unknown claiming tuiy ngiii., : ; ' """ awu aiu j.uai f 'ra ' u ft T title, estate, lien or interest in the " COntirmaUon by the county court 4& d f November 1943. registered Jersey bull. Vern C. Brown, lone, Ore 28-31p as Al Henriksen, Merritt C. Gris wold, and also all other persons or Bailey ranch, 9 miles estgte degcribed m Com. That defendants, or any one or 0f the State of Oregon for Morrow northwest of lone. Ph. lone 38F3. WANTED Studio couch, at Gazette Times office. plaint herein: more of defendants has no right, County. Inquire IN THE NAME OF THE STATE title, estate, lien or interest in saia Dated . and nrst puDiisnea mis OF OREGON land or in any part thereoi; ana 4th day ox November lau. You are hereby required to ap- that defendants and each of defend- BESSIE EVERSON. 29tfc LULU I. BROCKSCHINK, I Executrix HARRY SHERMAN. 32-36 , Executor NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT n t n t . i 1 1 .1. rurL rvrt.L.rii rveEisxerea momugn- - - ... . . i i bred voung stallion- chestnut' sor- aT and e Complaint ants ueir neirs ana assigns, oe per- 236 Executrix bred young staiuon, cnestnut sor- petually restrained and enjoined : rel. uentie, suitable tor lady a sad- 4 frxm asoertailng or claiming N0TICE GF SALE OF COUNTY Notice i9 hereby given that the Lvveid? weeks from the date of the first right, title, estate, lien or interest PROPERTY TTm' Y ,addres3 W. H. Aitrey, Riverside. ... . , , thernf , of Flovd N Adams, deceased, has Pendleton Ore. 30-31p Publication of this Summons and if in said land or m any part thereof, Ry &n QRmR QF THE ged r final account with you fail to so appear and answer adverse to plaintitt. COUNTY COURT, dated Novem- County Court of the State of Ore- GOOD TABLE SQUASH for sale. for want thereof, Plaintiff will ap- This summons is served upon you 3 1943 j am authorized and g0n, for the County of Morrow, Ralph Butler, 4 miles below py to Court for the relief by publication thereof for four sue- directed to advertifle and sell at and said Court has set as the Cecil. 3c pound at ranch. prayed for and demanded in said cessive weeks in the Heppner Ga- public auction at not less- than the time and place of hearing on and two oat it n,,,m.r Ti,0 u,r Aov rt P. T. . .... i j- fv. . final settlement of said final ac- X' WAV. UX 1 1 III Wilt vjutrixxijr huL, V Vl 1 tlll t L, lu-wil. ZJCLLC: Xlllic, kfjr viuw w- rrUnUTlU.Il 1 price IltJIt'lil OCl Ul i . J 1T J TVT 1 Qll- 1 Ql O The Southealt Quarter of Sec- at xi;CK) A. M. of said day at the tion 6, West Half and South- Court House in Morrow County, ea?t Quarter of Section 8, West Oregon. All persons having objec trif nt MnriWrf OnaHpr nf tions to raid final account must Section 17, East Half of Section fiSbTijS "ffS IB. an in xwwunho long yearling; also 6 brood sows. A decree the plaintiff is the own- Sweek, Judge of the Court above E. W. Mover. Heppner. 31-32c er in fee of the following described named which said order was made FOR SALE'29 Model A Ford gear 1-d, to-wit: and dated the 20th daj r oJ : October The east halt, the east halt ot aim uir ud w uic iu puu- the southwest quarter, and the lication of this Summons is the southeast quarter of the North- 2th day ot October, case and clutch. Lee Cantwell. 31p FOR SALE 5-room house in Hep pner. Mrs. John HealyT 31-32p WANTED Second hand Model A or Chevrolet coupe N. D. Bailey. 31tfc FOR RENT Strictly modern apart ment in two or three weeks; no children. O. M. Yeager. 31-33c west, quarter; also Commencing at the Northeast, corner of the northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter, run ning thence south to the south- east corner of the Northeast NOTICE OF SALE OF ALFRED F. CUNHA, Post Office Address, Pendleton, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff. l-Hui in -, -.ii in.lo of Range 27, East of the Will- ' etuel M ADAMS, amette Meridian in Mbrrow 28-32 Executrix County, Oregon, for the mini- ; - mum price oi !()1.50 per acre, cash. School district No. 26-51 will re- quarter of the Northwest quar- COUNTY PROPERTY ESTRAYED Hereford cow and calf; sow branded BU on left side, also a Z. Claude Busch ke. 31-32c Legal Notices THEREFORE, I will on the 4th ceive bid's for the sale of the dav of December, 1943 at the hour Pleasant Point school house, dis- ter; thence west to the southwest By Virtue of an Order of the 0f io:00 A. M., at the front door trict No. 48. Bids will be opened at corner of the Northeast quarter County Court, dated October 14th, 0f the Court House in Heppner, 8 o'clock p. m. Monday, Nov. 15, of the Northwest quarter; thence 1943, I am authorized and directed Oregon, Fell said property to the 1943 at Pine City school house, in a Northeasterly direction to to advertise and sell at public auc- highest and best bidder. Board reserves right to reject any the point of beginning; all being tion, the following described prop- JOHN H. FUITEN, or all bids. inSeCtlrJ2V JA t erty at not less than the minimum Momw 0regm 33.33 Fay Finch, clerk. NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER of the County Court, dated October 1st. 1943. I am authorized and di rected to advertise and sell at pub lic auction, the following described property at not less than the mini mum price herein set forth: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block , Sperry's Second Ad dition to the City of lone, Mor row County, for the minimum price of $150.00, cash. All of Section 10, Township 1, North, Ranffe 25, East of the half of the Southwest quarter of section 23; The south half of section 24; The North half of the North half, the South half of the Northwest quarter and the Northwest quarter of the south west quarter of section 25 The South Half of Lots 1, 2. 3. and 4 in Block 3, Sperry's 3rd Addition to the City of lone, Morrow County, Oregon for the minimum price of $20 00 Cash. THEREFORE, I will on the 20th OUR DEMOCRACY by Mat The east half of the Northeast . . M , f . , f quarter, the Southwest quarter &e Qomt -n H 0re. gon sell said property to the high est and best bidder. JOHN H. FUITEN, Sheriff P. T.. Morrow Co., Oregon. 30-34 Willamette Meridian in Morrow 0f secti0n 26; of the Northeast quarter, the southeast quarter of the North west quarter, the west half of the northwest quarter, the south west quarter, and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter Countv. Oreeon lor the mini mum price of $840.00, cash. THEREFORE, I will on the 6th day of November, 1943. at the hour of 10:00 A. M., at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Ore gon sell said property to the high est and best bidder. JOHN H. FUITEN SHERIFF, P. T., MORROW COUN TY, OREGON. The east half, the east half of the northwest quarter, the north NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Administratrix of the estate of W. T. Matlock, deceased, has filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, her Final Account of her Administration of said estate, and that Laid Court has set Monday, the 22nd day of November, 1943, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. in the forenoon of said day at the County Court room at the Court House at Heppner. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objec tions to said Final Account and the settlement of said estate, and all persons having objections to said Final Account or the settlement of said Estate are hereby required to file the same with said Court on or before tJie time set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 21st day of October, 1943. RETTA BIBBE . ' 30 :j,4 Administratrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the east quarter of the southwest undersigned was duly appointed by quarter, also: Commencing at the lne county, wun 01 uie own ui southeast corner of the south- Oregon for Morrow County, admin- eart quarter of the southwest istratrix of the estate of II. V. quarter, running thence north to Smouse, deceased, and all persons the northeast corner of the south h!?vinS claims aSainst the estate J east quarter of the southwest Id deceased are hereby required quarter, thence west to the to Present the same duly verified northwest corner of the south- Bs required by law, to the under- signed administratrix, at tne law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 14th day of October, 1943. ANNE C. SMOUSE, Administratrix Illi'BiErM ", P east quarter of the southwest quarter; thence in a southeast erly direction to the point of be ginning; all being in section 27; The northeast quarter of sec tion 34; The southwest quarter of the northwest quarter; the southwest 29-33 quarter, the west half of the southeast quarter and the "south- SALE OF east quarter of the southeast LSTRAYED ANIMALS quarter of section 35; Notice is hereby given by vir- All in township 4 south range tue of the laws of the state of 27 east of the Willamette Me- Oregon that I have taken up the rjan, hereinafter described animal at The northwest quarter of the my place eight miles north of lone, southwest quarter of section 1; Oregon, and that I will on Friday, Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, and the November 5, 1943, beginning at 2 south half of the north half, the o'clock p. m., sell the same to the southwest quarter, and the west highest and best bidder for cash in half of the southeast quarter of hand, subject to the right of re- opMion 2- demption of the owner or owners- Commencing at the . southeast Said animal is described as follows: , corner of the northeast quarter One gray stallion; no visible , of section 3, running thence west brands. 12 rods; thence north 80 rods; 30-32 W. T. DOHERTY wm ft m &W I'iWmlMffM i;,m hi w h I 1 1 I Ife ) OCTOBER. 28,1886.-THE LIBEdTy-LOVINQ PEOPLE OF FRANCE PRESENTED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE THIS SYMBOL OF FREEDOM. 0CT08ER.,I943. THE STATUE OF LIBERTY THE LIBERTY-LOVING PEOPLES I OF THE ENTIRE WORLD. I