2 Heppner Gazettejjrnes, Noyember4,J943 IONE NEWS NOTES became critical. It will be necessary a well near the Adams store. for her to remain there for treat- Sinice Moore has infection in his ment before an operation is ad- face near his eye that has closed By MBS. OMAR BUETMANW visable. his; eye. On Wednesday evening of last The Past Noble Grand club of Gjen O'Brien will week the young people of the com- lone has scheduled a silver tea for take ' to Menlo Wash munity gave a party at the grange Nov. 13 at the I. O. O. F. halL In Mra O'Brien ha been hall for Jimmy Barnett, Donaid Pe- addition to the tea there will be yng jr family, terson and Donald Butcher who a gale cf fancy work and cooked ' left Friday for Spokane to report foods. Mrs- ma Steward accm- for service. Mr. and Mrs. Norton Lundell of v e O Bnens to Portland Mrs. Loren Hale spent a day last Log Angeles arrived Thursday to where she will visit her children, week at Hermiston visiting her bro- visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs Walter Agee of Umatilla ther and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Heliker and Mr. and Mrs. wa.3 an Irrigon visitor Tuesday. Fred McMurray. Mrs. Hale returned E. R. Lundell. Norton has been Miss Heibert and Miss Stubben to her home at Albany Wednesday, granted a month's leave of absence dick left Tuesday after three weeks Mrs. Aky Peck and three child- from his work to regain his health, in Irrigon after about three weeks ren of Eugene were visitors at the Mrs, Lana Padberg has been ill in which they taught Bible lessons home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. for several days with the flu. She and preached and (?ang at the Ed Buschke of Morgan last week jg now quite a bit better and spent church here. while Mr. Peck was hunting in the the week-end with her daughter, June Goodman left for her home mountains. Mrs. Terrell Benge of Lexington. at Hood River Tuesday modning Mr. and Mrs. Lester Goodrich a group of friends gathered at after visiting at the Russell McCoy and son Lyle Washington spent a the home of Rev. and Mrs. Joseph home. days visiting Mrs. Goodrich's par- Stephens Friday evening. A pot Mrg Cedl kft for ents, Mr and Mrs. Dale Ray luck dinner was enjoyed and the Portland Tuesday after ting A two -day teacher institute was evening was spent playing games j-wci in Irrigon. held in lone Oct. 29 and 30. About followed by hym and prayer. The T . ,T 40 teachers attended the sessions, brout gifts to their host J Moore returned Tuesday The ladies of the Maranatha served and hostess. Those attending were Memphis, Tenn. He says the a luncheon Friday noon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Aldrich and tr and buses are so crowded Mrs. Wm. Seehafer who under- Harold Gibson; Mr. and xt ls hard to keeP Zom& went an operation at Pendleton at Mrs. Wm. Zinter and family, Mr. Mr- an& Mrs. Adren Allen and the St. Anthony hospital recently and Mrs. Alfred Troedson and Donna Marie were Walla Walla reported well on the road to re- granddaughter. Carol Odem. Mrs. visitors Monday. Mr. Alkn went covery. Ida Grabil and Mr. and Mrs. John to a physician there. Mesdames Howard Eubanks and Bryson. Mrs. J. R. Wood and small son John Eubanks entertained at a par- Mrs. Darrell Padberg and Mrs. RuU Frank visited with her pa ty for Mr. and Mrs Charles Carl- Terrell Benge spent Saturday shop- rents the F. C. Fredericksons Sat son Saturday evening -at the home ping in Pendleton. urday. They live 'across the river, of Mr. and Mrs John Eubanks The Billy Gorger and Wallace Cox of R R a few occasion was the second wedding Calgary, Canada, a classmate of with hia ffsbee at D den Wash anniversary of the Carlsons. Those Billyhs at Columbia Prep school, jje t Friday present were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd spent the week-end with Mr. and Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mrs. Henry Gorger. Billy's parents. ' Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Emert, Miss Eva Swanson, the honor mnirAkl urtir guests and the hosts IRRIGON NEWS Mrs. Mary Swanson returned late Friday evening from a two weeks Youth Experiences . visit in Portland and Salem. She ' accompanied her son Norman of Slight BlimS From Portland who is making a short ., i- visit in ione. Oil ignited Fire Mrs. John Turner returned to By MBS. J. A. SHOXTN her home in Baker on Thursday. Dale Moore, 11 years old nar- Her sister, Mrs. Vera Rietmann, rowly escaped a bad accident made the trip with her. Mrs. Riet- Thursday evening when pourining mann returned Sunday and Mrs. kerosene into the stove and the oil Turner left Tuesday for Tyler Tex. blazed up singeing his eyebrows where she will join her husband and hair and burning his face and who is in training at Camp Fannin, arms, but cauffng no blisters.. Word was received last week of Glen O'Brien,1 Charles Welles the death of Sherman Blackwell Acack Jr.. Raymond Coulter and of Canyon City. The Blackwell fam- Gus left for Hoppner last Thurs- ily was well known here. Surviving day to report for army duty. They him are three sisterts and .one wnt to Spokane where they are brother. Helen Long of Echo. Sylvia to report at Fort Douglas Utah Ford of Portland, Leona Calvin of about Nov. 19th excepting Charles Eugene and Blaine Blackwell of Acock who will go on with his Salem. work in the shop at the U. O. D. Mrs. Howard Eubanks received Donald Houghton spent a few Saturday from her husband that he days with his parent the Fred has been hospitalized in Portland. Hough tons leaving Thursday eve She left Sunday to be with him. ning for hi3 navy camp at Boulder Howard has been serving with the Colo. Merchant Marines. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shoun and Mrs. H. E. Yarnell was rushed granddaughter Judy were Heppner to the hospital in The Dalle late visitors last Wednesday. , Friday night when her condition Fred Adams and fton are drilling GUESTS OF TURNERS Mrs. Nellie Anderson of Portland and her daughter, Mrs Willis Roller of Palo Alto, Calif have been guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Turner. Mrs. Roller left to day to return to Palo Alto and Mrs. Anderson will remain the rest of the week. She may locate at The Dajles where she will be associat ed with an insurance and realty firm. Mrs. Eller Brock of Pendletoir accompanied Bishop Remington to Heppner Sunday and spent the day with her sister, Mrs. Josie Jones MOVE TO LOS ANGELES Word has been received that the J. V. Crawford family is now locat in Los" Angeles, to which point they recently moved from Portland. The state of their small son Jim's health is said to have prompted the move. Jasper has been employed on the Morning Oregonian since returning from Alaska. WEEK-END GUESTS Guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Nys from Friday to Sunday were Mr. Nys" daughter, Mrs. Frank Green berg, and Mis'g Joan Winslow of Portland. Mr. Nys -took the guests to Arlington Sunday afternoon to catch a bus' to the city. GOING TO IDAHO Mrs. C. C. Dunham will leave Friday evening for Couer d'Alene, Ida., where she will remain Several months to be near her husband. P. M. 2-c C. C. Dunham of Farra gut. He is in the hospital service at the big naval training station. A G-T want ad will do wonders if you have anything to sell, tradt or exchange. Results every dme. You'll save preci ous Ration Points ... if you eat din ner here at least a few times each week. We are closed all day Wednesday. Try our Meatless Meals Friday. HEPPNER CAFE K bibb NEED ATTENTION i V Children start school soon have their eyes checked now. Highly trained eye specialist with years of experience, is waiting to serve you. DJl. STRAM OrTQriETKIST -1. ICQ . o o n 11 1 s 225 Soufh Mam Pendleton, Oregon I Co. 403 OpAUL BUNYAN", legendary hero of the lumber camps, has swung his gleaming ax at the Axis to add new chap ters to his .saga. Once again America's mighty forests have answered the call of the nation. In peace or war Bunyan has always served his country well. In peace his industry provides wood for homes, schools, churches, and newspapers. In war Paul's disciples step up their pace to produce materials for ships, planes, barracks. Imbued with the pioneer spirit necessary to win this war, a half million Bunyans are "delivering the woods'.'! , Ki inzua Pine Mills Co.