Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 16, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, September 16, 1943 3
for home Tuesday.
A few of the latest improvements
going on around Irrigon include
the following: J. O. Sweringen has
installed an electric pump instead
of a gasoline engine and is build
ing a house to cover it. H. W. Grim,
is building a laundry house. Adren
Allen is adding a bedroom. Mrs.
Nora Wilson is papering her house
and Glen O'Brien is piping water
down from the Isom weU.
Th? Paul Haberleins took Paula
down H.o Marylhurst where she
is st-iting to college. She finished
high t.:hool in May 1943- Betty
Acock accompanied them to Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Netter (Nellie
Leicht) of Aurora are the parents
of an 8-lb baby boy named Robert
William He was born Sept 8.
Avery Shoun left for Heppner
Don't travel, unless you have to.
is the advice given by Jason Biddle.
who came from his home at Delake
last week to look after business
interests in Morrow county. Bus
and rail lines are overworked and
on top of that, getting something to
eat along the line is difficult, he
states. Arriving at the bus terminal
in Portland. Biddle decided to get
something to eat. The depot cafe
was closed. He went a short dis
tance down the street where he
tew a lighted, sign and just as he
approached the door the proprietor
locked it. A little further he come
across a small lunch counter and
the only thing the lady operator
had in stock was some liver sau
sage. "That's just what I want,"
Biddle told her. He was glad to get
up to Morrow county where food
is readily obtainable.
County Agent C. D. Conrad of
Heppner was an Irrigon visitor
Paul Prouty, traveling church
man, and four musicians and sing
ers gave an excellent entertain
ment and a good sermon with ex
hibitions of Bible lessons at the
Presbyterian church Sunday morn
ing. Sinioe Moore and Tom Caldwell
went to Portland Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stephens
have had word from their son
Curtis of Portland that he has been
examined for the army. He is just
past 18.
Mrs. Dan Hill and baby and
Mrs. Tade and daughter Jody were
Pendleton visitors Saturday.
A. A. . Shoun of Oroville Calif,
spent three days with his brother.
J. A- Shoun and family. He left
Thursday for Spray to visit, a sis
ter, Mrs. Alice Asher.
Mrs. Leota Claridge was an Irri
gon visitor this last week.
We visited the Acock turkey
farm Friday and were surprised at
the size of the dark ones this year..
There are about 2800 turkeys and
the earliest ones look large enough
to shipt
Mrs. Ralph Boylen became quite
ill Thursday and was taken to a
Walla Walla hospital by Sam Umi
ker. Later, report stated that she
is getting along satisfactorily.
Mrs. Eva Reynolds is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Fred Adams and fam
ily. Robert Walker, Leroy Minnick
and Elton Frazier were Pendleton
viitors Thursday.
The Elmer Musgrave family of
Mt. Vernon visited the William
Gollyhorn family Monday leaving
If your car or truck has a T
sticker, or a Certificate of War
Necessity, or if it's a federal, state
or municipal vehicle you are still
entitled to credit card privileges.
Applications for Standard Credit
Cards may be obtained from . . .
LIE. Dick
Heppner, Ore.
Phone 622
j- tit) r$ttiuifP
Rent Day
Why Not
Pay Rent
To Yourself?
, For Particulars
Call on or Write
To the
First Federal
Savings and Loan
of Pendleton
148 Main St, Pendleton, Ore.
w a man . sl of mum. asui
America is all out for the
LET Adolph plug his cars to deaden
the sound of the bombs and the slash
ing of bayonets . . . he'll still ieel
their destruction.
He started a job much too big for
him, but not too big for us to finish . . .
and he knows we're on our way.
M V"4 .
He knows there's going to be an
invasion, and fears it. We know it, too,
but we also know that it must get its
start right here with our purchase of
For a successful invasion, every em
ployed American must invest at least
$150 during the Third War Loan.
Regular payroll deductions may be
included in this amount.
Your Business-Managed Power Systea