Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 16, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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2 Heppner Gazette Times, September 16, 1943
McMurray Brothers
Travel Together
Thru World War II
land where they have bought a boys who left from Heppner last We've got Axis to grind,
home. Willard Blake will make his Friday to report for service at Fort Defense Bonds and Stamps,
home with them after a short visit Douglas, Utah.
with the Kenneth Blakes at Hepp- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Swanson
ner. . and son of Portland spent a few
Buy To buy, sell or trads, use the G-T
advertising columns.
Lax ton McMurray received news
Pete Cannon returned home Wed- d.avs in lone last week visiting Mr.
nesday after a visit at the homes of Swanson's mother, Mrs. Mary
his brother Truman at Gresham Swanson.
and his sister, Mrs. Marvin Hughes An auto acddent occurred at the
of Portland. east end Main last Sunday
Mrs. Garland Swanson and small ,on Arivim t-v m. Olen
-- m returned home from, Pendleton vrrn Hardman and S C Sal.
recently of his two nephews, Will- . . . Farrens of Hantaan and b. u sal
lam .! Wavne McMurray of Mul- TJ1 TWl u of lone collided, Mrs. Darren
Ian. Ida. The sons of Mrs. Clarence her MiUeri
A. McMurray who are now in the bumed is still
United States armys air force in in Hood
China, have managed to she to- hogpitaL Griffith and
gether through thick and thin for daughter Lfodstrom vLcit-
many a year. Now their exploits timeg
in the air over China, Burma and
India have been recognized by the Mr& WaIter rbyns daugh.
awards to both of an air medal for Wima ft ,Wednealay to
wntsmif-iKvu.0, flvine achievements as ... . , , ...
pilots They are in the command of T , i T' T a dent! Mra DeUa Nance commerce;
puois.iney are in uf ed on Saturday to visit there T t, ti;i, j r0 r.
u aiiiv a v j cui, ja igii u emu, j-vo-jt wui
was uninjured but her car was
badly damaged. Mr. Salter suffer
red a slight injury to his chest and
small damage to his car.
Miss Polly Petty of Seattle is
visiting friends and relatives in
School began Monday Sept. 13
with the following teachers in
charge: Howard Stiles. , superinten-
Gen. Claire L. Chenault They en-
listed together in Jan.. 1942, trained
together at Merced. Calif., and
eether received their wings and
nMt n it TT:ityM TVmor kvnfri
The social meeting of the Topic and eighth d&g ade m.
club met at the home of Mrs. Carl
cipal; Mrs. Gladys Ely, fifth and
getner receivea meir wi Feldman Kriday afternoon. Five 7' 7Za Kulhr T inT
""f tables of bridge were played- Mem- JSfAtl
Deis present were ivsaames Mary Helen firgt
Swanson, Charles Swanson, Martin
Miss Eva Swanson left Monday
Cotter- Penney Agnes Wil- evening frwn -pendleton or an ex.
cox. Omar Rietmann. C. W. Swan
tended trip east.
flying school in California in Sep
tembor, 1942.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hawk and fam
ily of Condon were week-end vis
itors last week at the home of Mrs.
Hawk's parents Mr. and Mrs. P. J.
Miss Helen Mason returned to her ,',,, . t,. '
home at Prineville Wednesday of ;s "e Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen and Mrs.
Elmer Griffith. Echo usu.j.. t nr
Etelbert Emert and a going away
party for Miss Eva Swanson wrich
Continued on Page Eight
son; guests: Mesdames Dell Ward, The will meet
L. E. Dick, Bert Maam, Earl Blake, flt E M Bflker
Jessie Benefield, Ella Davidson, c4...j o A 10
T;t j
last week after making an extended Mesdameg
visit with relatives here.
Mrs- Blaine Blackwell and dau
ghter Donna Jean of Salem have
been visiting Mrs. Blackwell's mo
ther, Mrs. Ida Fletcher. They re
turned home Saturday.
Mrs. Fred Mankin and Mrs. Bert
Mason drove to Spokane last Tues
Pelmateer, Algott Lundell, Carl
Feldman and Cleo Drake, Those
receiving high were Mrs. Wilcox
and Mrs. Ward, low, Mrs. Benefield
and Mrs. Carlson.
Ellis Pettyjohns are moving from
the Ada Cannon ranch above Hard-
man to the Seymore -Wilson ranch
Mail Overseas Gifts NOW
Heart Shield New Testaments
Sewing Kits An . indispensable item
Duffel Kit Holds all necessary toilet articles. In genuine
leather or khaki
Writing Kits For all branches of the service. Make it
easy for them to write
Money Belts. Shoe Shining Kits, Pocket Games, Pocket
Books, Special Soap for Servicemen, Candied Fruit, Shaving
Products, and many other articles for that Christmas Package
Humphreys Drug Co.
day returning Thursday. Mrs. Grace west of Ione. Marion Palmers, who
Misner accompanied them aa far as were on Wilson ranch have
her home at Thornton, Wash. moved to the ranch they recently
Mrs. Carl Feldman entertained bought from Noah Pettyjohn on
0. E. & social dub at her home Rhea cheek.
Wednesday afternoon last week. Mrs. Regina Miller and daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Reno have Lena of Salem are visiting at the
moved into Mrs. Pauline Boyer's home of Mr. and Mrs. Garland
house. Swanson. Mrs. Miller is the mother
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Blake and dau- of Mrs. Swanson.
jhter Arleta left Monday for Port- Paul Rietmann was among the
S A j J?
Ton Just can't bny a better
tire than the famous
Firestone DeLuxe
Champion it's packed with
thousands of extra miles
and it's so tough and
rugged that it can he
recapped time after time.
Come In and let us help
you make application for
a rationing certificate
and when you buy, buy the
best, Firestone!
No Rationing Certificate Required
For longest mileage and guaranteed
quality, have your tires recapped by
the Firestone Factory-Controlled Method
. t . no rationing certificate is required.
Factory-trained experts will do the Job.
Rosewall Motor Co.
ai the Ralph Butler Ranch
4 miles below Cecil, Oregon
Beginning at 1:00 p. m.
7 Milk Cows; 1 purebred Guernsey Bull, subject to registration
8 Brood Sows, bred to farrow about October 1
55 Shoats; 30 Gelts old enough to breed. All hogs purebred 01C-
not registered
1 Boar, 2 years old 1 Boar, five months old
50 head of Feeder Pigs-80 to 100 pounds each
1 Farmall Tractor, McCormick-Deering power takeoff Fl 2
o o
Terms: GASH!