Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 16, 1943, Image 1

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    ri C
1 O
Wightman Acquires
French Stock and
cident . near Spray Thursday, bept.
h..!nmah1 9. were held from the Hepipner
rfl niTlRni Church of Christ at 2 p. m. Sun
LHU,rmV"1 day. O. Wendell Herbison officiat
Ranch Eaumment
Move To Augment
Dairy Production,
New Owner States
A deal of considerable importance . Honorary pall bearers Sunday
was closed the past week-end when "J V
J. J. Wightman of the Alfalfa Lawn & McCurdy, Heptpner; Chad Hay
Dairy acquired the stock and equip- nes, Hifcboro and Earl Bryant,
ment of W. H. French- The ranch Spray. Active pallbearers were
proper- which French has been Victor Lovgren. Alfred Lovgren,
operating for a number of years Claude Buschke Arthur Hughes,
was sold by him to the Kinzua Pine Gary Hastings and Charles Haynes.
Mills Co about six years ago. The Born at Hardman Oct. 27, 1897,
mill company acquired valuable Ivan was the seventh child of Nich
timber holdings in the deal and not olas and Belle Leathers- He grad
neediing the hay land and other uated from Hardman high school
ranching facilities, granted French and throughout life was a reader
t-ermission to remain and operate of good literature. He also was an
his stock business. In recent years accomplished musician, his reputa
his health has been failing and he tion for beauty of tone and execu
has been obliged to spend much tion on clarinet and saxophone be
time away from tha olaee. inS widespread in the Vancouver
' Wightman has been dickering for area whfre he had. made his home
the French holdings for some time ""l yearn His willingness to
with a view to strengtening the
"aufit aW &
mountain ranch through a tie-in
with the mill company will provide Surviving are the mother, Mrs.
summer range for dry cows as well Belle Leathers, Portland; four bro
as permit expansion of the Alfalfa thers, Milt, Antcne, Ore., Otto, Van
Lawn dairy herd. couver. Wash.. Owen of Hardman
Marvin Wightman and Claude and Vernon with the armed forces;
Graham, son and son-in-law re- and three sisters, Fannie Emery and
spectively, have taken over Mr. Joy Leathers of , Vancouver and
Wightman's interest in the dairy Juanita Carmichael of Lexington,
and he' and Mrs- Wtehtman ex-
pect to spend the summer months LOCOI Farm LODOr
at the mountain ranch, while re- frr. . .
taining their apartment at the UlTICC TO 1011 tlllllG
There are 45 buildings on the Recruitment and placement or
French ranch, headlined by a good farm laborers, both temporary and
residence, with modern equipment, year-round, will continue to be
electric lights, hct and eold water the responsibility ' of the Oregon
system ana numerous ouier con- state -college extension service
TfclSnch left Sunday to spend county agents in the
two weeks at a health resort after vno?9 jmties and applications
which he will return here to wind for farm laborers can be placed
up business affairs preparatory to with the Morrow county agent after
going to Texas to make his home. Sept. 15 when R. B. Rice's ap-
pointment as temporary farm em
Building More Road ployment agent terminates.
Kinzua Pine Mills company is . 3639011 Jor form labor
extending its paved highway into ln Morrow county has passed and
a new timber belt in southern Mor- while many crews were operating
row county with the building of an short handed throughout harvest
additional five or six miles of new and haying and there was a ra-
road. A large construction crew is ther large turn over of hired help,
busy grading from the eastern en- we gotten by better ex
trance of the present road leading ted c D-
from the Herner-Spray highway -
to Camp Wetmore eastward towards a5em-
A standard Ipaved highway is Ten members of Heppner Cham
contemplated, matching the 12-mile ber,of commerce, pledged at Mc-n-stretch
already in use. Such a rosd meeting to do something oth
permits aU-year heavy traffic and er n taU about civic improve
aids in maintaining regular opera- tued Tuesday evening
tion of the mill at Kinzua. and, clear ofi unsightly weed
and shrubbery growth on east Bal-
SISTER DIES IN CALIFORNIA tim,or? stre,et between Main street
Word was received by Heppner
relatives Saturday of the passing
l Mr4: h G- Atherton sister of
Mrs. Frank S. Parker and O. G.
Crawford. Death occurred at Los
Angeles, to which city Mrs. Ath-
erton was taken from Vale about a
month ago by her daughter. Mrs.
Tracy Moore Mrs Atherton was
uit; acwuiiu wiixu vx uiu ictutr xkv.
and Mrs. J. V. Crawford, long-time
xaeppner rtwnu.. one uvea m d evening until the iob is done.
Heppner one winter, occupying the : ,
side,n.navUowned bLM'iand HAND INJURED IN WRINGER
Mrs. William Bucknum, Mr. Ather- Mrs Lonme Ritchie sufferd se
ton passed away in March 1941 in vere iniurv to her left hand Tues.
Vale. Surviving are the daughter, ,day morning when she got that
Mrs. Moore and two sons. Tracy member cauaht m the wrmger
Moore. Jr. and Jerome Moore, both while turning out the family wash
members of the armed forces; two ing on 0f the
sisters, Mrs. C. A. Jones of Pasco 4 was tQm loosei requiring 12
and Mrs Parker of Heppner, and Pitches to draw it together. While
two brothers, Garfield Crawford of amfuj, the iniury wiU not cause
Arlington. Tex. and o. G. Craw- permanent damage, according to her
ford of Heppner. physician.
Coming as a delightful opening
to the school year was the faculty
party at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Corwin Sunday afternoon.
About 20 guests assembled to enjoy
the hospitality of the genial super
intendent and his wife. As some
of the faculty are married, the hus
bands and wivts also were present.
A buffet supper was served at 5
o'clock. Mrs. Corwin was ably as
sisted by her young daughter Joan.
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, September 1 6, 1 943
Funeral services for Ivan Leath
ers, 45, who met death in a car ac
ing. . Arrangements were in charge
of Phelps Funeral home. A large
gatering of sympathizing friends at
tended the final rites for one
who had known Morrow county all
his life.
assist others was a characteristic
wJLbe remembered by his
ana tne scnooi property, n was a
matter of about two hours work to
j i.iv e v, u
much remain to fae done m
of disposing of the piles of debris.
as well as ridding the school play
eround of a youiy, orest of weeds
'ihose turning out state they enjoyed
e exercise and feel that other
of the club wiU get great
joy out of helping to finish the job.
a tumout each Tues.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Ashbaugh
have purchased the residence pro
perty of Mrs. Emma Jones ad
joining the apartment house. The
Ashbaugh family has been living in
the Wells apartments on th eoppo
site side of the street. Mr. Ashbaugh
is in Portland at present receiving
medical treatment.
John W. Maidment, pioneer stock
man of the Lone Rock section, ac
companied by his son Charles, was
transacting business in Heppner today.
Grade School Up
In Count; High
School About Same
More Upper Class
men Expectd to
Register Shortly
Attendance figures at the Hepp
ner grade school attained a new
; .. j: l j i i-
up of first week registrations had
been completed. Sutt. George Cor
win announced Wednesday that 261
.ufiia iiau ciuyixTr-a in me wiutb
St y:?
215 last year. It is possible that
this figure may increase a little, al
though Corwin seems to think that
most families with children in the
grades had settled for the winter.
High school registration showed
a minor decrease compared to last
year. With five or six more stu
dents to come in the registration
was 91, as against 97 last year.
This may also be increased in com
ing weeks with
shifting of more
families from outlying districts to
axe f l . xl V VA KJ liaise nuatvi ' h.h ' .r " r' - v - . ...
Supt- Corwin, who has been ob- nylon hosiery which is not usable mounts and the army authorities of
liged to accept the role of athletic 0 their local clothing store before -Pendleton accounted for some 19
coach this year, expressed pleasure date according to C D Con- Pieces of modern war equipment
at the turnout of football prospects , ' , v,;J ' which in all made a parade worth
Tuesday afternoon. A corps of 25 rad; roty salXage rman- traveling miles to see. A oolor
youths ranging in weight from 175 above action is being taken squad made up of American Le
pounds down to 108 pounds showed because of the portion of silk and gionnaires and army men led the
an eagerness to learn the game. All nylon being returned is at a declin- procession. . -of
the varsity squad graduated last ing scale due largely to the fact Auctioneering opened with the
spiring and some of the second that no hosiery, either silk or ny- offering of a quilt made and dona
squad are not in school. He will ion, has been manufactured for the ted by Mrs- H. D. McCurdy which
have four or five reserves to build ipast several months. was bid in by Henry Peterson for
his squad around, the rest of the women Morrow county, as &m- That was a good mark to
group being green material. . . , shoot at so Runnion put on the
A schedule has been arranged weU as YT T Pressure on each succeeding sale. A
including games with Arlington, n wflent ob on this part of look at itemized list below will
Oct. 8, there; Condon,. Oct. 22, here, the salvage program and are being show how investors look "Upon the
Arlington, Oct. 27 here and Condon, asked to continue giving their co- value of government bonds and lack
Nov. 5 there. Other games are con- operation to this war effort so that of space forbids entrance into indi
templated but definite dates have this part of the program can be vidual discussion. There were many
not been set cleaned up by the end of the month, noteworthy examples and one at
Livestock Slaughter
Quotas Suspended
A two month suspension of live
stock . slaughter quotas by the war
food administration will permit all
licensed slaughterers in Morrow
uuuiiiy uiuiuuing larra siaugnverers,
to operate without quota limitations
until October 31 according to USDA health nurse. At the next meeting,
war board reports. Sept. 28 .the auxiliary iplans to
All other provisions of the licen-ew lor the veterans' hospital. De
sing program still remain in effect licious refreshments were served.
and it is still necessary to obtain
a license to slaughter livestock for
other than home consumption, col
lect ration points for all meat de
livered stamp each carcass or cut
with the license or permit number,
and pay lor hogs not less than war
food administration support prices
or more than OPA ceilings.
A dinner party at the Lucas Place
marked the opening of the faU
program of the Bookworms club
luesday evening. A business meet
ing followed the dinner. Mrs. Ture
We"?' J9 Pr-f W
Jones, vice president and Mrs. L. E-
jjick. jr., secretary-treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R Huston had craWlier l iracioi-s wm ue avau- Noel DobynSi 3 yr. subscription
as dinner eup-;t3 Snnrlaw Mr Qr,ri fble in Oregon in the last quarter Gazette Times, $1,000.00.
as ornner guests ounday Mr. and b M Btirney Doherty, 1 cream can, Gil
Mrs. Alex Green and Mr, and Mrs. ot G year- Ham & Bisbee, $1400.00; 2 hens. Mr.
Lee Serivner. These three families Oregon has been given a quota and Mrs. Denny, $900.00 ; 1 gal. Anti-'
dine at each other's homes period- cf crawler tractors for agricultural $ZyWTlg2
lcauy, a custom lollowed for several ournoses for that period, which will Jim. Valentine, $300.00.
nuiRn lvicijaugniui drove to Port-
and Monday on a short vacation
wLlZJ22 ,b:V Tad
Miller and Walter Skuzeski who
wanted to see the bright lights be
fore settling down to school work.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Nikander
were Portland visitors the first of
the week.
Mrs. L. E. Dick Sr. and Mrs. L.
E. Dick Jr. of Heppner and Mrs. B.
C. Forsythe of lone were Pendleton
visitors Tuesday.
Mrs. Ellis Hendrickson of San
JL,eandro. Ualii. arrived in Hennner
Mondav night tn v Uit lr Xr
Monday nignt to visit her mother,
uuiuM ouirca, ciiu ouier reia-
tlves- '
Mr. and Mrs- Frank Spittle of
Astoria are guests at the home of
nfS'iV?1 daUer' Mr-
and Mrs. T. E. Peterson. They are
on a two weeks vacation, most of
which will be spent here.
Rationing Board
Here Reorganized
Reorganization of all war price
and rationing boards in the district
is being completed by Harley Rich
ardson, board operations represen
tative of the district office at Port
land. Richardson was in Heppner
Wednesday evening and with the
assistance of P. A. Mollahan, local
board chairman and J. O. Turner,
CCD coordinator, revamped the
Morrow county unit. Mrs, George
Corwin has been selected as chief
of volunteer service and will work
with the ration office in enlisting
essential volunteer he p. to serve
w ""V" "-
ot. a .y vuii y vii wic HJ- mil,
Richardson states there will' be no
Tt,Ts u ,74w , ?
, , , ori ui ir,
and that unless the people of each
community cooperate with the ra-
tioning (program and their local m me Know to reel that way tor
boards, rationing will be slowed Auctioneer Bob Runnion was de
down and many will have to wait mandmg stratospheric prices for
much longer for their rations.
Women May Keep
Old Hosiery Now
The nation's hosiery collection
nroeram will come to a close on
Thursday. Sept. 30, and all women
i.rltoAtuvn eilb- onr!
Mrs. Chris Brown was hostess to
the American, Legion auxiliary at
her home Monday evening, when
11 members and one visitor were
i HT TJ..
r, . ..' . ' , y ,
ent was in cnuxKe oi uie mceuiiK-
Feature of the program was a talk
r Mro Rnr Thomas, emintv
by Mrs. Roger Ihomas, county
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Brown have
received a card from their son
Paul, prisoner of the Japs in the
Philippines. It is one of the formal
Prnee r'arrlsl Vint llPlirj Pnill S
nwrl denature. His health is cood
and he has never been under treat-
ment he stated- Pauls address is
Military Prison Camp No. 1.
New Tvoe Tractor
ltJW I ype lUWIUr
Farmers who will need new
' , . a,
crawler type tractors during the
last three months of 1943 are asked
t0 fUe aPPlicatiion With
county USDA war board before Oct,
in m,W
1 a a i. -ii 1. :l
i f u,, v, ,.,0
production board on recommenda-
ticn of state end ty war boards.
Requests for tractors will no doubt
bz greater than the quota allowed
and in order that applications may
receive equal consideration and
the new tractors placed on farms
where they will make a maximum
contribution to the food production
programs, the state war board has
set Oct. 15 as the last date for
, .... ,. ,.
submitting applications-
Mr ariA Mrt W ' O WoMomoi-
A fmm TV, naH00 cr
T j . Alle "cuies ouiiudy
after spending several weeks there,
during which time Mr. McJNamer
submitted to a major surgical op-
eration. He is quite improved in
health. Mrs. Lucy t?odgers. who
-at tCNlmeriTeJUf;
ing their absence, has returned to
her residence in the Jones apart-
Volume 60, Number 25
Bond Purchases
Soar at Auction Sale
Here Saturday
Buyers Pay Fancy
Prices for Articles
Donated for Cause
"A stranger walking into the
midst of the auction sale at the
county fair pavilion Satunihv after
noon and not knowing what was
back of Jt might have thought he
wis in a different wo- fyt
MOTTOW COUntV fo ks Dlace h ffh
Morrow county folks place, hiffh
values on articles they buy or selL
There was every raason for one not
evKi.yuuiiK (Jiu ud cfnu in must
cases he got them. Result of onei
afternoon's work more than $138,
000! The afternoon program opened
with a parade. Lacking a band or
some other type of music, it was a
tiptop showing of horse-age and
gas-age equipment. Horse lovers of
the pminfv bmiicrlit nut tfvMr finpeh
waai isms jor a mue space, ivir. ana1
?r9: Chris Brown donated two
Cocker Spaniel puppies. The mother
is the property of their
"V1 wh,2, 13 a Prisoner in the
jJipp'n9.- v.8 3 stVnent
bac ofth!s that had a special ap
peal aiia tiiK, sironR, ousy men wno
have no time to devote to net bid
,i . , . . , tl T V
Jf m d turned them back for
r.esa e- P"6 -L them finally fell into
the hands of Earl Blake Jr. who in-
vested in $2000 worth of bonds to
get it.
In listing the sale, the purchaser's
name is given firrt. donation second,
donor third and amount last.
Terrcl Benge, 2 cartons cigarettes,
Heppner hotel, $500.00.
Earl Blake, bull dogging, Lee Beck
ner. $1000.00 ; 2 steak dinners, Elkhorn
restaurant, $500.00.
Mrs. Earl Blake sandwich Dlate.
J- - Peterson, $1000.00
Earl Blake, Jr., 1 pup, Frank Young,
Dale Brown, $5 meal ticket, White's
restaurant, $500; tray, Gordon's $000.00.
K(jy (;!imp()(,i 3 fryerai Jir anij jyrSi
Newt 'Harra' moM-
0 w cutsforth, 1 sow, 5 pigs, Ralph
S3 100. 00 : X e-al oi 1 . Chas Vaughn,
$500; $jmeal ticket, Whites restaurant,
$1000 ; 1 cocker spaniel, Mrs. Chris
$1000; 1 heifer' Fred Ma"kin,
Clyde Denny, 1 cake, Heppner bak-
ery, 2.000.00 ; 1 pup, O. W. Cutsforth,
1200.00; 1 battery, Jackson Imp. Co.,
W. T. Doherty, 2 sks
wheat. Dee
Cox. Jr. $400.
Vimk rireMH m?
&. WOOm!"' M
, p,tttr'' 1 fat lamb- Art ste"
Mrs. Rose Francis, 1 bull calf. Earl
Blake. $6000; 1 hog, O. W. Cutsforth,
ffy French, 1 Hamp. buck, Ernest
Helikcr, $1100; l mnrkinaw. J C. jnn-
1. 1 heifer' ' W' Cuts"
Mrs. Cl-ira Gertson, 3 fryers, Mr.
and Mrs. O'Harra, $1200.00
Leo Gorger, 1 yr. steer, Hughes
Bros.. $5400.00; 1 ewe, Chas. McKluott,
Alex Lindsav 2 sks. wheat. Barnev
Doherty, $s.oo; 1 shampooo and ttn-
waV Myrtle's Beauty salon. $200;
case beer, o'Donneii. $3000.00 ; Xgal.
paint, Turn a Lum, $oou.
MuntoSSoOOO1 hr' welding' TresS
p. w. Mahoney, 1 treatment and
bottle Vitamins, Dr. Rockwell, $300.00.
$5CdMankin. 1 ase beer, McAtee.
Harvey Miller, carton light globes.
p. p, & L. Co. $1100.
Continued on faf Dlht