Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 09, 1943, Image 1

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Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, September 9, 1943
Volume 60 Number 24
e-Set for Grand Openin
("Guest Editorial, By Donald J.
Sterling. Managing Editor, THE
We at home are asked to invest
$15 billions in war bonds in this
the third bond drive.
Fifteen billions is a lot of mon
ey. But it can be had; it must be
had and it will be had for three
Firstly To provide an armed
force of 9,300,000 men with the
tools of war.
- Secondly To siphon off unne
cessary expenditures and thus
tend to check the rising tide of
Thirdly To make sound invest
ment for the future.
"War bonds are government in
vestments at home, but at the
front they are ammunition." So
wrote Hugh Baillie, president of
the United Press, in a dispatch
upon his return from the fighting
fronts of Europe.
This is the one job that only
you and I and all of our fellow
workers can perform because sev
en eighths of our national income
is earned by men and women with
annual earnings of less than
There are no brass hats in this
It's up to all of us; to you and
to me.
No bonds, no bombs.
No bombs, no victory.
There is no sentiment involved;
just plain American horse sense.
This war is not yet won. And
it will not be won if we go stale
on the home front. Overconfi
dence in an early victory is the
surest route to social bankruptcy,
the vilest of all cancers.
For us the second front is not
over there it is right here. The
second front cannot be won over
there until we first are victorious
over here.
Let each of us say in the im
mortal words of John Paul Jones,
"I've just begun to fight"
From this point on out let each
of us be one of the Jones boys.
I 0 0 F-Rebekahs
To Buy Fortress
A move has been launched by the
Oddfellow and Rebekah assemblies
of Oregon to purchase a Flying
Tortress, which will bt named "Odd
fellows and Rebekahs of Oregon."
Mrs. Omar Rietmann of lone is
directing the campaign in the coun
ty and Mrs. F. W. Turner of Hepp
ner is chairman for the Sans Souci
Rebekah lodge of this city. The or
ders will need to buy $350,000 worth
of bonds to get credit for the airship-
H. D. McCurdy is definitely out
of the sheep business now- The last
of his flocks was shipped from Sen
eca Monday. He has other worries
right now, he states. There is a
crop of wheat to be harvested and
he expects to take a hand in the
work. '
Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Turner and
Mrs. R. B. Ferguson and daughter
MaryLou and Jean Turner were in
Portland several days last week
where Mr. Turner attended a ses
sion of the state bar association. It
was their privilege to attend a ship
launching and one of the first per
sons they met at the shipyard was
Jasper Crawford who was covering
the event for the Oregonian.. John
F. Kilkenny of Pendleton was
elected president of the association
for the ensuing year.
A meeting of the Union Mission
ary society will be held Friday,
Sept. 17. at the Assembly of God
church. Mrs. Ture Peterson, presi
dent of the group, will preside.
Vacation Drawing
To Close; Schools
Convene Monday
Teaching Staffs
Filled in Most of
Active Districts
Summer vacation, already over
for Boardman and Irrigon young
rest of the county Saturday eve
folk, will come to a close in the
ning. Monday morning, the other
seven districts will open for the
year's work. Heppner, Lexington, -lone.
Boardman, Rood Canyon,
Eight Mile and Blackburn Mill, a
total of nine schools,
At a meeting of lone school board
last evening the resignation of Eu
gene Inskeep as superintendent
was accepted and in his place, a
Mr- Stiles was elected. He is a man
of several years experience and
comes highly recommended from
former boards. The directors also
elected a Mr. Ryan to teach Eng
lish and history. These two with
Mrs- Delia Nance, commercial tea
cher, will form the high school fa
culty of the lone school this year.
Harold Foster Boner of Joseph
is the new lone grade principal and
his assistants are Gladys Ely, fifth
and sixth grades; Katherine Iind
strom, third and fourth, and Helen
Lindsey, first and second.
Boardman school which opened
last Monday, has Francis W. Har
ter, suerintendent; Ronald Black,
science and history; Mrs- Gladys
Bueoy, home economics, and Miss
Ellen Etbaure, commercial, in the
high school; Mrs. Zoe Billings! first
and second grades; Mrs- Floy Wash
bum, third and fourth; Miss Helen
Brown, fifth and sixth and Mrs- La
Verne Partlow, seventh and eighth.
Irrigonji George B. Lynn, super
intendent; Mrs. George Lynn and
Miss Virginia Taylor, high school;
grades, v Mrs. Allie Haberlein, first
and second; Mrs. Edith Mathews,
third and fourth;'Mrs. Bonnie Rada,
fifth and sixth, and Miss Dorothy
Larkin, seventh and eighth.
Hardman, Mrs. Cleo Robinson.
Rood Canyon. Clarene D. Schoen
berger. Eight Mile, Mrs. Anna Heiny.
Blackburn Mill, Miss Marguerite
Pine City, unable to acquire a
teacher, is sending the pupils to
Lexington, at long last, has an
entire staff for both grade and high.
E. B. Jensen, superintendent, Mrs.
Louise Moyer Woods and Mrs. Eula
Barnhouse will teach the high school
subjects and the grades will be
handled by Mrs Donald Romine.
Mrs. Verle Frederickson and Mrs.
F. W. Turner. Mrs. Romine is the
daughter of Rev. and Mrs- Bennie
Howe . and has recently come to
Oregon to make her home while her
husband is in the armed forces-
No change in personnel of the
Heppner. staff has been reported,
which affords Supt George Cor
win much pleasure. The grade mu
sic will be divided between Miss
Rose Hoosier, the upper grades, and
Miss Kathryn Parker, the lower.
Mass Parker will direct the high
school chorus also.
First regular meeting of Rhea
Creek grange will be held at the
hall this Friday evening, according
to announcement by Henry Peter
son, master.
The session will open with a pot
luck supper at 7 o'clock, followed
with the grange meeting at S
Car Loadings on
Branch Indicate
Production Trend
Fears of decreased production
prompted by the manpower short
age appear to be without founda
tion in Morrow county.. If there
has beeni a shortage it is not ap
parent in the record of car load
ings on the Heppner branch, as fi
gures released by Agent C. F. Tol
leson this week go to prove. In
stead of a decrease there has been
a decided increase.
A comparison with the first
eight months of 1943 with the same
months in 1942 shows that in Jan
uary 1943 a total of 83 cars left the
Heppner yards as against 59 in
January 1942. In February this year
92 cars went out. compared to 47
last year; March 95 and 68; April
172 and 128; July 160 and 116. and
87 and 63; May, 164 and 158; June,
August, 210 and 185.
In some instances the car load
ings would have been increased had
the railroad company been able to
provide more cars. Since the daily
service was discontinued the com
pany has occasionally sent in ex
tras to bring in grain and stock
cars and take out special stock
shipments. Daily service is in op
eration this week to take care of
a rush volume of grain and stock
During the week James Farley
shipped three cars of sheep to Salt
Lake. Saturday, several local stock
men, including Luke Bibby, Jus
tus Brothers. F. D. Cox and John
Glavey. wlill ship cafltle to the
Portland yards.
Church of Christ
Has Near Blaze
Heppner's volunteer ; fire depart
ment and a considerable portion of
the town's population rushed to
the corner of Gale and Center
streets Wednesday afternoon in re
sponse to a major fire alarm. Smoke
was seen pouring from the west
side of the Church of Christ build
ing and for a few minutes it looked
like a real blaze would develop.
Fire fighters, using the chemical
hose, soon located and stopped the
spread of the fire which apparently
started from a smouldering bird
nest under the eave and attached
to the furnace flue.
Extent of the damage was not
immediately estimated, although it
is thought to have been minor.
Heppner lodge No. 358, B. P. O. E.
sponsored a dance Tuesday evening
for a group of soldieirs from the
Pendleton base. A company was
camped in the vicinity of Reed's
mill and the commanding officer
asked the lodge to provide some en
tertainment. About 60 soldiers were in town
for the event but apparently many
of them wert not anxious enough
to dance to take to the floor in
their' heavy shoes, for they occu
pied one side of the hall while nu
merous Morrow county charmers
occupied the benches on the opposite
side. Some of the less self-conscious
fellows didn't allow their cum
bersome footgesr to prevent them
from having a good time, for which
the lassies were grateful.
Friends have received word of
the birth of a baby girl to Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Clark at Indianapolis.
Definite date was not reported,
further than the young lady ar
rived one day before her brother
Paul's fourth birthday. She has been
named Pauline.
Parade, Auction Sale and
Dance to Lend Stimulus
To 3rd War Loan Drive
Parade Chairman Harlan D. McCurdy requests those entering
horses in the street parade Saturday to bring their stock to the Rodeo
grounds by 2 o'clock p. m. For further particulars about the parade
and the auction sale, consult the advertisement on page 5 of this
issue of the Gazette Times.
Things are shaping up for an auspicious opening of the Third War Loan
campaign in Heppner Saturday. While there is no certainty about en
trance of army equipment in the parade, due to conflict with a film
showing of "This Is the Army" at Pendleton, it is stated, there still is,
Standard Oil Co.
Buys Bonds Here
Reversing a policy followed since
the introduction of war bonds, the
Standard Oil company is 'making
purchases locally to give the coun-
,. . 1 1 ,1 . . . ,
ties in which they operate credit
for the payroll allotments and oth
er bond acquisitions.
This change of policy was reveal-
ed here Wednesday morning when
. R. Harper, branch manager for
c. , j L... f ...
.the Standard Oil Company of Calif-
ornia for The Dalles district, bought
$8,000 worth of Series "C bonds to
I ,
fe r C0T
$367,800 quota. This purchase,
coupled with several sizeable lots
sold to local buyers will be entered
uie tnerrnometer on opening
Change to Chorus
Music Club's Plan
For Winter's Work
Adoption of chorus work as the bond3' Articles placed on sale are
project for the forthcoming winter kem donated by patriotic citizens
was the main order of business of simulate the purchase of bonds
Music Study club at its first meet- Entertainment Saturday evening
ing of the fall season Tuesday eve- wiU ,be in form a dance at
ning. Mrs. F. W. Turner was hos- fair Pavilion. Yarnell's orchestra
tess to the group at a 6:30 o'clock wiu Plav- The bond committee and
dinner at her home when the pro- charge of entertainment
posal to change the regular club deep!y indebted to Willows
schedule was presented and dis- S1"3" of IcTO for postponing a
cussed. schduled dance in favor of the bond
Intead of one meeting a month dance- As one committeeman ex
for the study of world music, the Press;ed "With that kind of coop
group will meet for an hour once er'lon the bondcompaign is bound
each week and do choral work, it to be a success."
is hoped to enlarge the member- At P83 time was no re-
ship to a group of 25 or 30 singers. port to indicate now heavy the
Mrs. O. G. Crawford, president of Purchases have been on the first
the club was selected director of the dav- Whether they are heavy or
Women's Chorus. n,ot have no bearing on the ul-
timate outcome, it is stated, as many
JOHN JAMES McDONALD purchasers have made up their
Funeral services for John James minds what they will buy and will
McDonald, retired stockman and take up their bonds at their con
farmer of the county who passed venience. Also it is too early to re
away at the family residence in ceive reports from field workers
Heppner Sunday, Sept. 5, were held Reports from other sections of
from the Phelps Funeral home the state show that quotas will be
Tuesday, Sept. 7. Rev. Bennie Howe largely subscribed on the opening
officiating. Interment was in the day. These ere mostly industrial
Hardman cemetery. Mr. McDon communities where estimates are
aid was born at Cornwell. Ontario, more easily made up than in an ag
Canada, March 19, 1871. He was ricultural district It is pointed out,
married to Sadie Rogers at Arling- however, that early purchase les
ton, in September 1899. He had seng the work of those selling the
made his home in the Hardman sec- bonds and buyers are urged to come
tion for many years prior to moving in early. As stated before, people
to Heppner. with uinharvested crops may make
. arrangements at the bank to care
HERE FROM PORTLAND for their bond purchases, if this
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dick came up type of financing is necessary,
from Portland Tuesday to spend Morrow county has not lagged
some time here. They are guests behind in a single war effort and
at the home of Mr -and Mrs. L. E. the bond committee looks for a
Dick, Jr. Ed says he'd like to have maintenance of the fine record in
a good ranch job where the work is the present campaign,
light and the pay heavy. .
Pharmacist Mate 3c C. C. Dun
ham arrived in Heppner this morn
ing from Camp Scott, Farragut. Ida..
to spend most of a 15-day leave
with Mrs. Dunham and her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Crawford. He
has completed boot camp and after
his vacation will return to Farra-
gut for further training.
nope tnat ine army will provide a
few pieces to augment the saddle
horse showing being listed by
Chairman II. Dt McCurdy. Bond
officials will get the last word from
the airbase commander Friday
lv.r. 111, UUdUilUbl J14U1UU1C LS17VCI1J
auctkn and
temporarily slowed up the pledging
of articles, but Auctioneer Bob
Runnion states there will be a good
, , . ,. . . .
. . .w u : -
est to develop when he swmgs m-
to aconu
r . u.,-..,. v . j
J??. " "0tlunf m
about the auction sale, its sponsors
Pint out M have decided to
fl md
art5lA QW, F: pU;u
Hke to haye
kep on bidding you reacn
your, limit. It is stated there will
be some good beef stock on the auc
tion block. If you crave to buy a
beef end are prepared to go as
strong as $10,000, you will likely get
the animal when you pay for your
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blake have
purchased the Blackburn property
and will move to town as soon n
the place is vacated. It is occupied
by the William Duran family,
Another deal was closed when
Hugh Berry purchased the Floyd
Jones property on Gail street