Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 02, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Heppner Gazette Times, Sept. 2, 1943
X' T .'-!V it-' '
Washington, D. C. Sept. 2., The
first vanguard of lawmakers have
arrived back at the national capital
for the reconvening of congress
Sept 14. These early birds are busy
comparing notes with each other on
the many subjects they discussed
with their home folks during the
vacation period. Every congressman
with but few exceptions, spent the
past two months in his district
sounding out opinion, getting reac
tions and building up his political
fences, which is always a necessary
part of a lawmaker's chore.- AU
agree that the No. 1 ailment of the
public is OPA not the principle,
but the way it's run. and the
squawks are loud and long against
those running it. However, the con
gressmen report the situation has
improved since Chief Byrnes ironed
out many of the wrinkles that ex
isted in OPA, and the improvement
is still going on.
The No. 2 pain plaguing the av
erage voter is organized labor,its
leadership and antics. From all re
ports, Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Pub
lic are fed up with any and all
kinds of labor disputes, especially
during war tiimes- John L. Lewis
is just about as popular with all
classes of people as is an advanced
case of small pox. The No. 3 pain
is the high cost of living, prices of
all foods and commodities are much
too high, complains Mr. Citizen,
and all agree something should be
done immediately to check and lo
wer prices. Opinions seem to be
about evenly divided as to the
best way to obtain the desired re
sults, some say subsidies, some
say No. The returning lawmakers
also say the public is getting more
and more conscious cincerning the
perils of inflation and will do al
most anything to ward it off. Most
everyone interviewed seemed al
together too busy making money to
bother about talking politics, ex
cept the home town political lead
ers. Those few who would discuss
such subjects thought President
Roosevelt would be re-elected with
out much trouble regardless of
who his opponent might be. Wen
dell Willkie was looked upon as
the best bet for the Republicans.
And last but not least, everyone
from th-ater usher on up now
knows the meaning of the word
taxes. The 20 percent withholding
tax has proved to be an excellent
educator to the rank and file on
the subject of taxes-
Reports have it that thousands of
soldiers who received their military
training in the several northwest
camps over a period of many
months like, the country so well
that they intend to make Washing
ton or Oregon their permanent
homes after the war- Practically all
of these men are from the deep
south or east and but few of them
had ever been away from their na
tive haunts before they joined the
armed forces. As one New York
soldier p utit. "It's sure God's coun
try;never saw such forests, streams
and good farming land, and the cli
mate's all O. K. too, even if it is
a little rainy at times. But you
don't freeze to death in the win
ter or smother in the summer, like
you do in the east. Me for this
country after the big show is all
Big Chief Jimmy Byrnes, who
was one of tha most popular men
in the senate when he wore the
toga, is said to be heading a move
to brisg the likewise popidar and
politially astute Jim Farley back
on the Roosevelt bandwagon. The
president and' his exmanager have
been at outs for several years and
the feeling between the ,two has
htcn getting no better fast. Flocks
of other potent Democrats who
have been off the reservation will
have the olive branch extended to
them by the very foxy Mr. Bymes.
Politics makes strange bedfellows
and it may be that the smooth Mr-Byme-
can accomplish the impossible-
Some poliieal seers say if
Jimmy can enginee a Roosevelt
Farley love feast he is indeed the
miracle man of the age, because
they feel it can't be done. However,
Jimmy is going to try, because mir
acles can happen once in a while.
How many wage earners who are
making more money than ever be
fore are holding on to the war
bonds they bought through pay
roll deduction plans? That's the
question an answer to which the
treasury department is anxiously
seeking in figures now being com
piled. All classes of wage earners
in the northwest have an excellent
record for war bond purchases, but
the record could be better as to the
number who held their bonds in
stead of selling them. This is one
of the arguments proponents of a
forced savings plan are using to
put. over their proposal. The group
who are campaigning for such a
plan point out that altogether too
many wage earners sell their bonds
and spend their entire weekly pay
check just as soon as they can get
it. Littie, if anything, is being saved
for the sure to come rainy day. If
fiome definite action is not taken
now, say this group, to make these
people save the government will be
up against another far-reaching re
lief program after the war.
Farm War
The War Food administration has
just announced loans on potatoes.
Leans will be made on field run
potatoes to growers or co-ops. The
rates will be 35c a hundred less
than the support prices announced
last spring with appropriate adjust
ments for the percentage of No. 1
potatoes. Support prices will be in
creased 20c a hundred in Decem
ber, and an additional 10c in Jan
uary. Loan rates will go up ac
cordingly. Local loan rates will be
announced as soon as they are
Steps were taken this week ' to
make available to farmers two
types of production eauipment that
have been in the hard-to-get-class.
First, county USDA war boards
have been authorized "to issue AA
2 preference ratings to farmers for
engines up to 20 horse-power. Sec
ond, the s.tata has been given a
definite quota, of crawler-type trac
tors which will be released to farm
ers' by the War Production board
on the recommendation of the
State USDA war board.
An AA-2 rating can still be is
sued to farmers by the countv US
DA war board for soft wood lum
ber to be used in essential construc
tion in connection with the food
proTam Morrow county still has
some 90,C00 board feet of lumber
wh:ch they can issue on AA-2 rat
ing on during the - month of Sep
tember. . -
About 5,000 pounds of conper
wire have been distributed to Ore
gon farmers through county USDA
war boards in the past months and
a similar amount is available for
September farm wiring needs- Spec
ial copper wire purchases certifi
cates can be issued to farmers
meeting production requirements.
Certificates for the purchase of
copper wir? can only be issued for
wire needed for other than the
wiring of dwellings.
Permission to power companies
to install power extensions to farms
can also be granted by county war
Lards to farmers with sufficient
livestock production. At least five
units of production are necessary
for a power extension and at least
one unit of production for each
ICO feet of extension. One dairy
l'jm equals one unit now, as do
three sows, 150 laying hens.
Children start
school soon
have their eyes
checked now.
Highly trained
eye specialist
with years of
experience is
waiting to
serve you.
Strom Optical Co.
225 South Main 403
Pendleton, .Oregon
WA.. ?
"A Tip from Mr. Squirrel"
Prepare For Winter NOW!
Autumn time is canning-time. You'll
find all your canning needs as well as a
large supply of fresh fruits and vegeta
bles, to supplement your garden .pro
duce, at our store.
Home-canning is the answer..!
Leave your orders for peaches
Central Market
Put a circle around the date Thurs
day, September 9th. For that's the1, day
the 3rd War Loan Drive starts.
On that day, you will be asked to go
the limit to back our valiant fighting
men. You will be asked to do your share
in the greatest invasion the world has ever
seen. Answer your country's roll call!
Ycur part is to back this invasion by
investing in at least one EXTRA $100
War Bond in September. That's in addi
tion to your regular War Bond purchases; ;
Invest more than $100 a lot more if
you possibly can.
The job is big. Everyone must do his
full share if we are to put this drive over
the top.
War Bonds are the safest investment
in the world. For your own sake, for j
your Country's sake, put every spare dima ;
and dollar in War Bonds during the 3rd j
War Loan Drive.
.... Peterson's ....