Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 02, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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    A Heppner Gazette Times, Sept. 2, 1943
Heppner Gazette Times
Established March 30, 1883
Established November 18, 1897
Published Every Thursday by
and entered at the Post Office at Heppner,
Oregon, as second-class matter.
O. G. CRAWFORD, Editor
One Year $2.50
Two Years 4.50
Three Year? 6.00
Six Months 125
Three Months t5
Single Copies 05
Just One Big Objective
War is the one big business in which this coun
try is engaged and everything else must be and
has been patterned to fit in with the plans for
bringing the conflict to a successfud conclusion-
As a people we have come to learn the grim
aspects of total warfare. It has not affected our
land as it has those countries overrun by the
Axis, for up to the present our closest contact has
been training operations, yet we are rapidly learn
ing the cost in manpower and money.
In the early days of our entrance in the war
we were stirred by patriotic motives to make lib
eral pledges for bond and stamp purchases. It was
the thing to do at that time and perhaps h,ad we
not been prompted by a spirit of patriotism the
effort might have lagged. That stage of the war
has passed and we now realize that patriotism,
while a grand thing, will not win the war alone.
Patriotism backed by plenty of dollars will win.
That is the lesson we have learned and the coun
try is buckling down to the task of financing our
fighting forces in a manner to make success
There is no 'necessity to dwell upon the rights
or wrongs, whys or wherefores. Our very future
is at stake and the money we possess will avail
us little if we fail to back up our war machine
There is little to indicate that the war will be over
in a few months, and we know that the demands
will increase in coming months. It becomes our
business to supply the funds and we will have no
opportunity to use our money as we may wish
until this whole mess is cleaned up.
Morrow county's share rn the forthcoming .15
billion dollar bond -campaign is $367,800. That is
putting it on a little heavy in comparison to de
mands made upon neighboring counties and it
will require a thorough canvass to go over the
top. It can and will be done. This county made its
quota in the previous war loan campaigns and
we will not fail in this one. This burden naturally
falls upon the investor class. The payroll group is
comparatively small and in most instances those
coming in that class are pledged to buy bonds by
the month. It is expected that farmers and stock-,
men will take up the bulk of the purchase, some
of them buying the bonds as straight investment
while others will be setting aside considerable
amounts in this manner against the day when
they will need new machinery, buildings, and
other replacements. Whatever use is made of the
bonds at some future date, the main thing is to
buy them.
A Distinct Loss
In the passing of Walter Erwin Bristow, lone
and Morrow county have suffered a distinct loss
Although a young man with but a few years be
hind him since high school days, Waited had earn
ed for himself a place of leadership in the commu
nity and had he been spared the usual span of
life would have become one of the most substan
tial citizens. He was that type vigorous, progres
sive, with a sense of justice that won him the con
fidence of those with whom he came in contact.
If he had a job to do, he did it uncomplainingly
and well. This was demonstrated in his handling
of the scrapiron drive in his dictrict. It was evi
dent in his advancement with the Morrow County
Grain Growers, Inc., which made him manager of
the concern's extensive lone .properties. It was a
quality which won him friends wherever he went
and which with his passing created a vacancy in
the community life of lone.
Look to Oregon for Future Home
It is too early to predict when the war will be
over but it is not too early for our fighting men to
lay plans for the future, dating from the cessation
of hostilities. We frequently read letters or hear
statements over the radio by boys who do not hes
itate to state their plans for the future when peace
Over in England two men now playing impor
tant roles in the Allied offensive have announced
their desires, if not their plans, for post war ac
tivity. One has a great yen to publish a country
newspaper, the other wants to catch up on his
fishing. "They have decided that Oregon is the
best spot for them good spot for a small paper,
wonderful fishing," states Time magazine, to
which we are indebted for this information.
Just as these generals, one American the other
British, have coordinated their operations in a
successful campaign to disintegrate the German
war machine from within, they are now laying
plans for their after-war life and are looking to
wards a region where nature has provided the
comforts of life with a lavish hand. Generals of
other wars have had the some idea and two of
them who served in World War 1 realized their
ambitions 4o become citizens of Oregon. One was
Brigadier General Ulysses McAlexander, the oth
er General Charles H. Martin.
We beg the privilege of extending an invitation
to General Ira Clarence Eaker, commander of
the Eighth. Air Force and Air Chief Marshal Sir
Arthur T. Harris of the R. A. F. Bomber Com
mand, to make this great state their home. We can
assure them that they will make no mistake
by locating here and that the people of the com
monwealth will be mighty proud to claim them as
J. O. Peterson
Latest Jewelry and Gift Good
Watches . Clocks - Diamond
Expert Watch and Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon
Blaine E. Isom ,
All Kinds of
Phone 723
Heppner, Ore.
A. D. McMurdo, M.D.
Trained Nnraa Anlitant
Office In Misonlc Building
All kinds of carpenter work
Country work especially
Phone 1483
Dr. W. H. Rockwell
Physiciwi & Surgeon
227 North Main St.
Office hours: 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m.
Exam free Ph. 522 Heppner, Or.
Bod. Inj. Pr. Dam.
Class A 6.25 5.05
Class B 6.00 5.25
Class C 7.75 5.25
J. 0. Turner
Phone 17S
Hotel Heppner Building
Heppner, Oregon
An Unsightly Spot
School will be opening in a few days. Teachers
and children will be trekking over the Willow
creek bridge and on up the hill to the school build
ing to resume class work. Would it not be a pro
per exhibition of civic pride to clean the vacant
property of weeds, grass and wild growth of wil
lows and vines? If property owners or city can
not accomplish the task, why not organize a civic
clean-up group to turn out some evening and do
a thorough job of it? After all, we are training
our children to be the civic leaders of the future
and they won't get a favorable impression of our
civic pride if they. have to traipse through a weed
patch every day to school.
Motor vehicle registrations in Oregon at the
end of July totaled 401,795, Bob Farrell, secre
tary of state, announced today. This compares to
a registration of 408,437 vehicles a year ago, a
decrease of a little over one percent.
There were 323,673 private passenger cars reg
istered in the state, 1,080 busses, 32,989 light
trucks and 41,038 heavy trucks.
Registration fees total $3,247,888.24, compared
to $3,209,044.54. The increase is due to increased
numbers of trucks and busses registered in thi
state. Truck registrations are up three percent
and bus registrations show an increase of 42 percent.
Morrow County
Abstract & Title Co.
Office in New Peters Building
Phelps Funeral Home
Licensed Funeral Directors
Phone 1332
Heppner, Ore.
Dr. L. D. Tibbies
Physician ft Surgeon
Rec. Phone 1182 Office Phone 492
Do Christmas Shopping Now!
It may seem a bit early to harp on Christmas
shopping, but if you plan to send a gift to your
soldier or sailor you must get it in the mail be
fore October 15. Beginning September 15 and
continuing through October 15, the post office de
partment will make a special effort to see that
your parcels get through so the service men will
receive them by Christmas. After October 15,
such parcels may not be mailed unless a written
request from the soldiers and sailors for the art
icle is presented with each parcel.
No fighting man should have to ask for a
Christmas gift. Mail that package at the right time.
If he does not receive it by Christmas you
will have done your part and the blame will rest on
other shoulders. Get in touch with your local post
master at once and learn parcel specifications
'and other particulars. Don't disappoint that boy
in the service!
Heppner City Council
Meets First Monday Each Month
Citizens having matters for dis
cussion, please bring before
the Council
J. O. TURNER, Mayor
Directors of
8G2 Phones 262
Jos. J. Nys
Feten Building, Willow Street
Heppner. Oregon
P. W. Mahoney
Heppner Hotel Building
Willow St. Entrance
You Can Eat Your Points and Have
Them, Too!
Just drop in occasionally and have
one of our unexcelled Steak Dinners
and use the points saved to buy need
ed meats and fats for household use.
Elkhorn Restaurant
mm r
'rom where I sit . . .
ly Joe Marsh
We were sittin' on Bill Web
ster's back porch Saturday com
plaining of the heat.
"Reckon this is the hottest day
on record," Homer Bentlcy ob
serves. "And the thirstiest," says
Bill, taking a long draught of
That got us on the subject oi
thirst-quenchers - and Bill al
lowed as how nothing was as
cooling as a tall, cold glass of
buttermilk. Thad Phibbs and I
both voted for a glass o' cool re
freshing beer. Dan Miles said
he'd take iced tea, "with a sprig
o' mint in it."
"Anyway," says Bill, "we all
got a right to our own tastes . . .
and that ought to leave every
body happy."
And from where I sit, Bill's
right. It's a small point of course ;
-but tolerance of what the other
fellow likes-and his right to en
joy it-whether it's buttermilk or '
beer-is the important thing in
any argument
No. 66 of a Series
Copyright, 1943, Brewing Industry Foundation .