Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 02, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Sept. 2, 1943 3
Twin Daughters
Born to Mr. and
Mrs. Dallas Ward
home from Hamilton where they
have been on summer range.
Mrs. Carl McDaniel and daugh
ter are visiting Mrs. Owen Leathers,
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reed made a
business trip to Portland this week.
Mr. and Mrs Darrel Farrens re
turned to their camp on Wilson
Hi-ways to
individual needs. But it does add cumber, Vi cuo diced green pepper,
them, and good nutrition is the re- 1 tablespoon chopped onion, 1 tea-
n t .j' j spoon salt, shredded lettuce,
sul of adding a little he eand a
little there until the sum total chopped Punpeale cucumber y2 fep.
makes enough lor all of the Basic ettuce
teven roods. , , 1 cup cottage cheese, V2 cup
Lunches do not have to be made reSpberry jam, shredded lettuce.
of just sandwiches- Put in raw ve- -
getables like carrot or turnip strips MARLENE GIVES KIPS
or celery and a hot or cold dnnic BLESSING, DAD SAYS
prairie after harvesting their hay FOR LUNCH BOX TOTERS
J - rrvr T t i i i .1 j u u -. 1 7T, V ,c u Kai4 1 j 1
tit j , 1 1 1 t r" , T TT t, , . in many nousenoias uiese uays, ui d urc-nuuo wiuc o,. newspaper stones 10 me contrary
u W?LhM, Mr. and Mrs. L. H- Robinson were choice foP the thermos it's eq- Marlene Dietrich did not oppose
f1 Atrn U? at Union seVral wee-k- w an extra hQme on & a marriage of her daughter to
and Mrs. DaUas Ward. Mr Ward,v Guy Chapin was secured as jan- lunches are bemg packed, due to . b y ih ffio& "S information
a former Lexington resident, is in itor for the grade school building changed .work schedules. This is or vegetableSi as is, or in tonk" Turner in a letter
the service and Mrs. Ward is in here for the term. School will be- wherethe home maker has an im- ala1 0010 and pack them tZn Dean Gotnhnan Sr., who stat-
Minneapohs. gin Sept 13th. portan m toe defense program m eo. Id that faTaThe could learn
Albert Edwards left Tuesday for Mrs- Allen Bdkngs and daughter Of all the meals in the day, lunch The victory garden's vegetables ft a of i0Ve and that
Palo Alto, Calif., to visit his sister. Marlene are spending several days is the homemaker's biggest prob- Dr flavorful jam can be blended the bride's mother gave the young
Jerrine. with her mother Mrs. C. H- -Mc lem. And right now it offers more with cottage cheese and salad dress- couple her consent and blessing.
Mr and Mrs. Vernon Warner and Daniel. worries than usual for lunchtime jng to make point-saving, budget- -
daughter of Portland were visitors Mrs- Harrold Stevens went to can be practically any time. Night sfcreithing fillings for sandwiches. FAMILY RETURNS HOME
at the Earl Warner home this Boardman Tuesday to get fruit and shifts are responsible for drastic Here are some suggestions: J. G. Thomson, Jr., drove to Pen-
week vegetables. meal-hour shifts in many house- 1 cottage cheee, V2 cup chop- dleton Sunday returning with, Mrs.
' , ,,. , , Kinard McDaniel moved his fam- holds.. Lunches, eaten at home with red tomato. V cuo chopped cu- Thomson and daughter Bernice.
S. G McMillan, Eula Barnhouse Uy here trom Lonerock this week part of the family absent, or pack- ; .
and Jean left Friday for Portland m& Neal Knten children ed to be eaten on the job. are eas-
for a short vacation. moved to Wallowa where they will ily slighted in kind and amount of ,
Mr. and Mrs- A. M. Edwards live. Mrs. Knighten will teach the food. If lunch is slighted, the total
were in Freewater and Walla Walla 2nd grade there. day's meals usually fail to meet
Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carrol V. Robe were the measurements of the daily meal
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling of Meach- in Hardman on Monday on their guide,
am were week-end guests at the way to Palo Alto, Calif, where Mr. Because sandwiches are easily
Truman Messenger home. Their Robe is employed to teach eng- paiCked. tey form th ebasis of the
daughter, who has been visiting lish in a boys' school. The Robes carried lunch. Sandwiches can do
Rena Messenger for the past week, were high school teachers here last an amazing lot toward getting sorno
returned home with them. year.
Mr. and Mrs. William Smethurst here FROM MEDFORD
ana Mr. and Mrs. urvuie uutsiortn
are spending a vacation in Port
land. Arnold Pieper is staying in Mil
ton while undergoing treatment on
his finger.
Mrs. Maude Pointer and Mr. and
Mrs- Fred Pointer of Corvallis
of those Basic Seven Foods int?
the diet. Bread adds at least two:
Mrs. O. H. Bengsten and children enrichllr0?lte ttfl" t
arrived in Heppner Friday for
some milk. Special breads with egg
or raisins, dates or prunes add at
i a. 4 e u :n:
and Mrs. R. L. Benge- They had T T a ,1 - if
. , T,t j. chopped carrots and cottage cheese
short visit with her parents,
accompanied Mr. Bengsten east on
a business trip and all visited his
people in St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Beng-
ton did not come to Heppner with
add two more. Obviously a sand
wich or two doesn't add all of these
were visitors at the Don Pointer v,; family inrt tur. v,
liome this week. jn Medford.
Mrs. Herman Wallace and infant
son, John Frederick, have ertumed GUESTS OF HOUSES
home from Heppner. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Brown and
Mrs. Atterberry of Portland ar- daughter Sally of White Bluffs,
rived Monday evening with her Wash were guests a few hours at
children, who will stay at the the K. A. House home Sunday. He is
George Allyn home. Mrs. Atte- the Pacific Power and Light com
berry returned to Portland Tues- any manager at White Bluffs, which
day. is in the center of a huge govern-
Mrs. C. C. Carmichael is visiting ment project and he stated that he
her husband who is in the army and his family wanted to get away
in California. from trailer houses for a few hours.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ledbetter
'and Estelle left Wednesday morning ATTEND ANDERSON FUNERAL
for Portland, where Mrs. Ledbetter Mrs- Lottle Kilkenny and daugh
will receive medical treatment . ters- Colleen Kilkenny and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duvall are Dene Laughlin, an,d Bobby Laugh-
enioying a short vacation in Port- 11JJ' UI"ve la naon ounaay xo ai-
Hardman News
Sgt. Creston O. Robinson' of Pen
dleton Airbase is visiting his par
tend the funeral of "Chuck" Ander
son, whose death was the result of
a car wreck on August 22. Chester
Schott, in the car with Anderson, is
exected to recover, it is stated.
Mark Merrill, former cafe oera-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson, tor here for a number of years and
He nas been in Orlando, Ja. the now a resident pfi Portland, is
last several weeks. He will return spending a few days in town look
to his base on Sept. 10. ' ing after business interests.
The Don Zornes spent the last
week at Spokane, attending to bus- GUEST OF MRS. CASON
iness. They moved back to Her- Mrs. Louis Cason has as her
miston where he will work. guest this week Mrs. Dorothy Wil-
John Stevens is moving his sheep son of Portland.
War Savings
See Us For a
First Federal
Savings and Loan
of Pendleton
148 Main St, Pendleton, Ore-
...Mattress and Box Spring ...
Extra Special
Buy N
Case Furniture Co.
Be "WaM Street'
1 1
Fully UiJ
Notice its smart cut and 1
easy, free-flowing lines. All-j
purpose top coat you'll wear j
and wear through many
seasons. Tan. s
Football Warm-Upt
50x72 f?) 6
Inch Sizo tl?l
Ilandsone plaid design
woven of 30 new wool,
50 reused wool, 15
rayon, 6 cotton.
Wp Your Bike Rollingl
p hm
( 5 mfmm
. r y ; Jim
Only The New
Tir ESias TiiK.Mi
1. Gear Grip Tread for sure
footed control on wet
2. Eafti-Lock, Gum-Dipped
Cord Body, so tough the
tire can be retreaded
time after time.
3. Safti-Sured Construction
Increases tire life,
nroiHrtinfit longer mileage.
26 Z 2.125
size. Deep
non skid
tread and
flexible cord
Get Off to a
Smooth Start With
1 '
Jn $eti of
4 or mora
Guaranteed to start your
car easily and make it run
smoother, or your money
back I Enjoy perfect per
formance with these famous
Rosewall Motor Co.