A Heppner Gazette Times, August 19, 1943 Heppner Gazette Times THE HEPPNER GAZETTE Established March 30, 1883 THE HEPPNER TIMES Established November 18, 1897 CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15, 1912 Published Every Thursday by CRAWFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. O. G. CRAWFORD, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $2.50 Two Years 4.50 Three Yeare 6.00 Six Months 1-25 Three Months 05 Single Copies 05 maker" which we know will have to be delivered to put the Axis out of action. In a few weeks will start a fund campaign with out parallel in American history. The govern- CALLED TO THE DALLES Mrs". J. O. Turner, Mrs. Fereuson and Mrs. L R. B. B Schwarz: were called to The Dalles Friday due to the serious condition of their mother, Mrs. Cora Crawford. Crawford showed some improve ment, and by Monday evening all. returned home. Mrs. Turner re turned to The Dalles Wednesday tr hf with her mother for a few Costs Money to Fight a War This government is spending 240 million dollars a day to meet war expenses and regular govern mental operations. It is stated by no less an au thority than the secretary of the treasury that about 96 percent of that amount is being used to back the war effort and that as time goes on the war expense will increase. That is to be expect ed. Amassing of a greater fighting force and a constantly increasing supply of war materiel make it imperative that more money be spent. We have reached a point where we cannot turn back, or stop to talk economy if there were a ghost of a show to accomplish anything in that direction but must push ahead in preparation for that "hay- Corwin Elected Library President George Corwin, city school sup- ment is asking the neoDle the Deoole. mind vou, and not the banks to buy $15,000,000,000 worth sociation at the annual meeting of w- v- of bonds to help carry on the war. In round fig- the group. Mrs. E. O. Ferguson was from Portiand. A few hours r . olorio Tcint Mr Rioir,- after her children amveo, ivjxs.. ures this is only two billion dollars more than was R aeetary.tKesait asked in the second war lion, but in that campaign Mrs- Delia Davidson librarian, Mrs. the banks took a generous slice and a grand total Floyd Jones having turned in her of 17 billion plus was rung up on the treasury's resignation. cash register. That two billion looks insignificant A statistical report for the past days. in the 11 of the natica. deb,, ye, i, raises ft. ZT ' per capita quota approximately 15 percent. amendment to the . constitution of HERE FROM PORTLAND There is little possibility that the bond sale will .the library was read, making the Mr. and Mrs John Parker and fall Short of the mark. It is more likey to be over- fiscal year endinS J 30 of each children drove in from Portland late , , . iU , , , , . year instead of Dec. 31 as former- Monday evening. Leaving the chil- sold as in the past. The major problem is to sell ly officers terTOS last mm the of their gFSDd the people on the idea of investing in freedom third Saturday of July when the arents, jMr. and Mrs- Frank S.. and security and in this task the newspapers, radio annual meeting of the association parker, they drove to Pendleton and other publicity agencies will again play lead- is to held- Tuesday in quest of living quar- , , , Committee oppointments were as ters, since the state tax department ing roles. This fact has been pressed home by follows. M:embershil Mrs. H. A. is transferring Mr. Parker to that treasury officials, who fully appreciate the value Cohn, Mrs. Ed Parker, Josephine city to cover the northeastern part of proper publicity and who are placing their faith Mahoney. of the state as auditor. in this method of getting the word over to the public. In all of this effort the Gazette Times aims to do its part. On the opposite page, you will find a message from the treasury department which we think well worth your careful study. It is this newspaper's contribution to. the opening of the campaign. There will be numerous other adver tisements which we feel sure our business houses, co-operatives, group or individuals will wish to sponsor. Barlow-Walker Nuptials Scheduled For Friday Evening Friends of the contracting par ties are invited to attend the wed ding of Margaret Lucille Barlow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Barlow of Heppner and Pfo Robert C. Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walker of Goldendale, Wash. The ceremony will be performed at 8 o'clock p. m. Friday, Aug. 20 in the auditorium of the Church of Christ, the pastor, O. Wendell Her bison officiating. Mips Kathryn Parker will sing d'Hardelot's "Be cause." accompanied by Mrs. Tho- maa Wells A public reception will be held in lnS tW most folloW: ' the church parlors immediately fol- ,AuS- 24: New stove rationing lowing the ceremony. P'1;,n efftctive. Consumers must ob- The bride-to-be is a popular and taln certificates from War Price talented young lady and since her frd Rationing boards before buy- trradmt.inn from Hemr Weh mS stoves- Old certificates used in school has been employed in the frevi stove rationed areas no business office of the J. C. Penney no rationed stoves in utock but who normally handle stoves that are being rationed. Stove Rationing to Go Into Effect Tuesday, August 24 The plan for nation-wide ration ing of domestic heating and cook ing stoves designed to bum coal. wood, oil or gas will go into effect came Thursday and on Friday at 12.01 a. m. Aug. 24, the OPA drove to La Grande on a business announced today. Beginning that mission, returning that evening, date all consumer purchases of ra- Sunday, members of the Turner turned stoves must be made with a lamily residing in the county gath- GUESTS OF TURNERS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ladusire of Eugene were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Turner. You Can Eat Your Points and Have Them, Too! Just drop in occasionally and have one of our unexcelled Steak Dinners and use the points saved to buy need ed meats and fats for household use. Elkhorn Restaurant certificate obtainable at the War Price and Rationing board. Important dates, affecting primar ily trade operations under the nation-wide plan to assure distribu available new stoves to users need- ered at the Frank Turner home for an afternoon of visiting. Mrs. Rodger Thomas, county health nurse, and Mrs. Edna Turner drove to Portland Tuesday to spend a few days. Professional Directory J. O. Peterson Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches . Clocks - Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Mrs. O. B. Walker left Tuesday for her home in Seattle, stopping at lone to visit a couple of days with her father, Ed Adkins Blaine E. Isom All Kinds of INSURANCE Phone 723 Heppner, Ore. A. D. McMurdo, M.D. Trained Nurse Assistant PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Offifc In Mflaomc Building HEPPNER, ORE. company. Pfo Walker, prior to his induction in the army, was em ployed in the Coxen barber shop. Following a brief honeymoon positions. longer valid. Sept. 1 Beginning this date all Clarence H. Schoenberger has been employed to teach the Rood canvnn whoriil nrwirHincf in Mrs. orders accepted by manufacturers, Lucy Rodgers, county superinten difilnbultora or dealers must be ac- dent The elxted to on companied by Certificates except Ua nim ihia Mt. anhnau i,ora trip to Portland, the young people J onier9 bv or through exempt are but or chn will return to their respective federal agencies which must be scheduled to attend the school. oasea on wru priority evidence. Sept. 1, 2 and 3- Dealers and dis tributors must register with 0. M. YEAGER CONTRACTOR & BUILDER All kinds of carpenter work Country work especially Phone 1483 Dr. W. H. Rockwell Naturopathic Physicirci & Surgeop 227 North Main St. Office hours: 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. Exam free Ph. 522 Heppner, Or. CORWINS RETURN City Supt. George Corwin and family returned to Heppner Tues Mrs. C. H. Schoenberger is spon- the of a bridal shower being given War Pi-ice and Raioning boards. Mrs. Larry Stephens this afternoon This includes dealers and distribu- at the Schoenberger home. The day after spending most of the tors in areas previously rationed. marriage of Larry Stephens and La- summer vacation at Hood.River. Mr. Sept. 3. Last day that dealers vinia Sloan was an event of Aug. Corwin spent the first six weeks and distributors can sell rationed 1 in the bride's home at Tulare, attending summer school at Univer- stoves without having filed regis- Calif, sity of Oregon, joining his family tration statement with their ration at Hood River about the middle of board. July. He brought one of the chil- Sept. 15. Last day that rationed dren and a trailer load of sup- stoves may be transferred on cer- plies home Saturday evening and tificate credit by manufacturers and returned to Hood River Monday to distributors, o certificate credit may bring the rest of the family home, be given to consumers. All orders on the books of manufacturers and HELPING UNCLE HARVEST distributors received before Sept. Bobby Griffin, son of Francis i muat have been shipped, covered Griffin of The Dalles, is helping his by certificates, or cancelled. uncle Phil Griffin during the grain harvest- NEW AUTO POLICY Bod. Inj. Pr. Dam. Class A 6.25 5.05 Class B 6.00 5.25 Class C 7.75 5.25 F. W. TURNER & CO. J. 0. Turner ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 17? Hotel Heppner Building Heppner. Oregon UP FROM THE DALLES Mi, and Mrs. Marcellus Morgan were week-end visitors in Heppner, coming frcm Ths Dalles where Mr. Morgan engaged in fruit work. 'Sox" likes the work but fter a day or so in the old home town, both hsi'-ed to return to the city on the river. Sept. 30. Last day for distribu tors collecting certificates on ship ments made on certificate credit. Oct. 7. Last day for manufac turers collecting certificates due on shipments made on certificate credit. The next important step for the dealer, from the standpoint of his business, will be his registration on Sept. 1, 2 or 3 with the War Price m. . and Rationing board serving the Mrs. Pauline Boyer of Seattle area m which his place oft business who has been a guest of M-s. Del- k located. la Conon at lone the past week, OPA emphasizes all establishments accompanied Mrs- Ruby Kincaid whih deal in rationed stoves must and two sons to Heppner Tuesday register. Such establishments in evening to spend the night here, elude department, hardware, or Mrs. Boyer has mads hsr home in appliance stores that sell stoves. Seattle the past four years. They also include dealers who have DANCE Fair Pavilion Heppner Saturday August 21 Music by the Yarnell Orchestra Adm. 90c; tax 9c Total 99c Everybody welcome and a good time assured for all. CLEANING Wednesday-Thursday-Friday SERVICE HEPPNER CLEANERS Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TVTUB TITLE INSURANCE Office in New Peters Building Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore. Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC . Physician & Surgeon FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Rec. Phone 1162 Office Phone 492 HEPPNER.. OREGON Heppner City "Council Meets First Monday Each Month Citizens having matters for dis cussion, please bring before ' the Council. J. O. TURNER, Mayor Directors of Funerals M. L. CASE JG. E. NIKANDER 8fi2 Phones 262 Jos. J. Nys ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Bail ding, Willow Street Heppner, pregon P. W. Mahoney ATTORNEY AT LAW GENEEAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow St. Entrance