Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 29, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, July 29, 1943
IONE NEWS NOTES Frldav to secure special medical attention.
Church People Give
Pastor and Wife
Farewell Dinner
A farewel dinner for Rev. and
Mrs. Stilwell which was held at
the Congregational church rooms
was well attended. A lovely dinner
of fried chicken with all the trim
mings was enjoyed by all.
Charles (Bud) and Wallace Lun
dell are visiting at the home of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lun
dell. Bud, who is stationed at Camp
Worden is iccuTtfiting from a re
cent operation. Wally is home on a
10-day leave from O. S- C. and will
soon be transferred to Sacramento,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cason
Portland are visiting Mr. Cason's
grandmother, Mrs. Lana Padberg
and other relatives in this vicini
Bob expects to be called into' ser
vice immediately.
The Omeca club met at the home
of Mrs. Donald Heliker Wednesday,
July 21. Those present were Mes
dames John Parsegan, Robert Bu
chanan ,Alvin Bunch, Roy Lind
strom, Charles Carlson, Derrel Pad
berg, Lewis Halverson, Marion Pal
mer, and Clarence Harris. The next
meeting will be at the home of Mrs.
Harrison Aug. 18.
The Louis Ball home was slightly
damaged by fire Friday noon. The
fire was extinguished before the
"fire department" could arrive.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Hara of Kin
zua are visiting at the homo of
Mrs. O Hara's father, Robert Smith.
A fire started by a passing truck
caused the loss of 200 acres of 40
bushel wheat on the- Fr-'d Mnnkin
ranch northeast 5f lone last Satur
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lindstrom
made a ' business trip to Boardman
last Saturday.
Mrs. Wallace Mathews has ben
engaged to teach the 3rd and 4th
grades at Inigon this year.
Mr. and Mrs. D;rr Mason of
Portland were week-end visitors in
lone. Tey came up to see about
moving their furniture1 to Portland
where they have bught a house.
Elmer Griffith accompanied by
Dr. McMurdo left for Portland last
Enough to
Now, for the first time in years,
both farmers and manufacturer
can work for the biggest possible
yield without thinking about the
market. This year they can sell all
they can produce.
As things look now, this condi- j
don is due to keep up for some
time, but we can't count on its
tasting forerer. Certainly nobody
wants a prosperity built on war! So
it's high time that everybody con.
Ceroed and that is everybody-' j
gave some thought to keeping
things running after the war.
J You're busy we know. So are'
The Important thing right
cow is seeing that there's enough
of everything to go around. But
tare've been devoting little atten
Mr tb Grt Electric radio programs: The "Hour of Charm1')
V'Srasday 10 M BUTT, NBC "Tie World Today" news, weekdays j
r-.r -y &4Sp.m. EWT, CDS.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Stewart are
visiting at the home of Mrs. Stew- ,
art's daughter Mrs Franklin Lind
strom. Mr. Stewart is convalescing
from a recent illness.
Mrs. John Darst accompanied by
her small son and Mrs. Mary Swan
son returned Tuesday evening from
a two week's visit to Sumner, Wash.
They also visited in Portland and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Young left
last week for Roseburg where -their
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Leo Young
is ill in the hospital. Lt. Young
who is stationed in Alaska was
also expected there.
Ths car wreck in which Verne
Scoggins of Arlington was killed,
cccuired a mile east of Arlington
late last Saturday night. Dicky
Christofferson, a former lone boy,
who was also in the car, escaped with
out serious injury.
Nationwide ' Molly
Pitcher Tag Day
Washington, D. C On August 4th,
VIolly Pitcher is stepping out of the
-..ff.iTOW pages of Amerl-lVM-f)iNKttir&
can history to
fW Ms M cpll War RrinHs
u U- f ' "3 an" Stamps. The
Ik I'. jj water to xmrsty
Mty J'ip"'j soldiers during
"LXtPi - ,r iiie mistering
W3i$ vw A Revolutionary
Battle of Mon
W$&t& mouth and took
f ; 1 over her hus-
4V,Y1 band's cannon
when he was
wounded, has
long been a symbol of the heroism
if American women.
In her honor, brigades o modern
Molly Pitchers will take their stands
on nation-wide Molly Pitcher Day at
street corners, building entrances,
and in public places to sell the bonds
and .-.lamps thai back up our mod
ern righting men.
A red-v.'hiie-and-blue Molly Pitch
er Tag will be given to everyone
who purchases a bond or stamp on
that day. Members of the American
Legion Auxiliary, and of the Inde
pendent Food Distributors Council
unil of Molly Pitchers, will aid and
au;. merit local Women's War Sav
ings Staffs to make up the volun
teer sales force. Thoy will use water
pitchers to hold their supplies of tags
and War Stamps. The slogan on the
tags will read "Fill the Pitcher with
Bonds and Stamps on Molly Pitcher
Day," and the goal of the sales force
will be to "tag" the total population.
Go Around
tion to the problems of the future,
too. We feel that the people who
have the producing job to do can.
contribute a lot to the solution of
those problems.
And we hope that you, too, busy
as you are with growing more
food than this country's ever pro
duced, will be turning these
problems over in your mind. For if
America's farmers and manufac
turers, working together, can't
find a way to keep the richest
country on earth producing
.enough for everybody, and let the
producers make a living in the
process if they can't, why then,
who can? General Electric C,
Schenectady, N. Y.
At Heppner
O. Wendell Herhison, Pastor
Bible school 9:45 a- m. C- W. Bar
low, superintendent.
Preaching and Communion at 11
a. m. Sermon topic, " The King's
Forgotten Dream."
Christian Endeavor and evening
training at 6:30 p. m.
Evening service 7:30 p. m. Ser
mon: "What Shall the End Be?"
Thursday prayer meeting and
Bible study 7 p. m.
Come let us reason together.
Rev. Francis McCormack. Pastor
Schedule of services:
Heppnvr: Mass at 9:00 a. m. every
Sunday except 3rd. Mass on 3rd
Sunday at 10:30.
lone: 10:30 a. m, on 1st Sunday;
9:00 a. m. on 3rd Sunday.
Lena: 10:30 a. m. on 2nd and 4th
Week-day mass at 8 a. m. First
Friday, 7:30 a. m.
Confessions: Saturdays, 7:30 .to
8:00 p. m. Sundays, 8:15 to 8:55 a. m.
Bennie Howe, Minister '
SUNDAY Aug. 1.
Divine worship at 11 a. m.
Church school at 9:45 a. m.
Lucy Rodgers, superintendent. A
class for every grade and age.
Wednesday Evenings:
Fellowship and prayer service at
8 o'clock.
Thursday Evenings:
Choir practice at parsonage at
8 o'clock.
Every man has three characters
that which he exhibits, that which
he has and that which he thinks he
Sterl D. Spiesz, pastor
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.
Worship, 11:00 a. rr,
Young People's service 6:30 p. m.
Evangelistic service, 7:45 p. m.
Tuesday prayer service, 7:45 p. m,
Thursday Bible study, 7:45 p. m.
Archdeacon Neville Blunt
Church school 9:45 a. m.
No 11 o'clock service until August
8 th-
Ralph C. DeBoer, Pastor
Sunday school, 10.00 a. m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a. m.
Evangelistic service 8:00 p. m.
Bible Study Friday 8:00 p. m.
You are welcome.
Mrs. Daisy Pearl Shively and
James K. Charlton, both well-known
La Grande residents, were united
in marriage Tuesday morning, July
20, at a ceremony performed at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. ' Fred
Balmes near La Grande, according
to the Eastern Oregon Review.
The service was read by Rev.
Clarence A. Kopp, rector of St.
Peters Episcopal church, with Mr.
and Mrs. Balmes attending.
They will make their home in La
Grande, on North Fir street. Mr.
Charlton is a long-time employe of
the Union Pacific.
This news will be read with in
terest by the many friends of Mrs.
Shively in Heppner and vicinity,
where she made her home for many
R. E Forbes of Irrigon was a
Heppner business visitor Monday.
Rev. O. Wendell Harbison and
Mis. Blaine Elliott took a group of
young people to Silver Creek Falls
park, near Silverton, Monday where
a Christian young people's school is
being held this week. Rev. Herbi
son is one of ths in:tructci3.
Young people going from this dis
trict were Betty and Beverly El
liott. Lois Jones, Marlene Miller,
Betty Jepson, Glen McMurtry, Jr.
Hughes, and Bobby Bennett.
Rev. and Mrs. Sterl D. Spiesz
drove to Dayville Friday on dis
trict business in connection with
the Assembly of God church. They
went via Arlington where they were
joined by Rev. W. Freeman, of The
Dalles, returning the same route for
him to' catch a stage for home.
8,000 scrong .
of our state
to prevent the ravages
6re in our woods. Their nre
- spotting vigilance is the
pride of Oregon. Thank
them for millions of board
feet . . . they saved for
VICTORY j billions of feet
saved tot then PEACE!
Salem, Oregon
Come In for Complete
Buili With American
..the youth U Ml d
are organized Sf1, JiZj
of tW V
Z x
1 is HLsiOTmr
As a result of Firestone's leadership and experience in.
developing synthetic rubber, the Firestone DeLuxe
Champion Tire, for mileage, strength and safety,
upholds the Firestone tradition of "Best in Rubber,
Synthetic or Natural." Bee this great new tire today.
We'll help you make out a tire ration application.
Mrs. John DeMoss left Sundry-
morning for Camp Parks, Calif.,
to be with her husband who is
stationed there. She drove by way
of Spray where she was joined by
Mrs Winifred Olson and baby dau
ghter who will visit Mr. Olson at.
the same camp. They expect to
stay at Camp Parks until their sol
dier husbands are sent elsewhere.
Everett Hadley of Hardman who
has been working at Reed's mill I
dnce receiving his honorable dis
charge from the army, Feb. 10 of
this year because of his age, went
to the Veterans hospital in Port
land Tuesday for medical aid
Dr. J. P. Stewart, eye-sight spec
ialist of Pendleton will be at Hepp
ner hotel Wednesday. Aug. 4.
Fair Pavilion,
July 29
Music by the
Yarnell Orchestra
m. 90c; tax 9c
Total 99c
!; Everybody welcome and a
. good ima sauted for all.
Tire Rationing Information!
You May Be
Eligible To
The iVeic
- Made Synthetic Rubber