Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 15, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, July 15, 1943 3
Hard man News . . .
By Mrs. Elsa Leathers
Pood Canyon Home
Scene of Pleasant
Birthday Party
Word was received this week by
Mrs. Owen Leathers from her bro- . f IJ' Til
ther, Herbert McDaniel somewhere ImgOll bOtflier I ellS
in the Solomons. He'' reports that .
ha was luckier than some of jf A.S'IVCSI in SOllth
the boys- He was in a hospital for
a long time but no Jap shrapnel PCITIC DdttC ZdlC
put him there. Says he came through
without a scratch.. He was glad to
hear through a buddy from Mor-
Bert tMason, lone merchant, has
written us that he has k system
for getting the Gazette Times over
seas nich faster than the regular
service for second class mail. He
"I have a system whereby I can
deliver the Gazette overseas quite
tvt-o tt w uj ,j (, fast. I take the outer V?. of the na-
At the country home of Mr. and W c?un f A WTZ her son Raymond Allen that he Pr with a few clippings' and en-
At the country name Jf Mrs. Leathers informed him at J Australia She had close same with my letter and it
t bTrthdirt; at T - rltce e within the weight whereby
yon, a very pretty birtnaay pany necessities and not for human con- . . A .. it roes as air may for nc iaftp.
Mrs. Mary Allen had her tonsils Etr 3 f&. require that the
j x xu u- -x i. -x i edges of the mam part be trimmed
removed to the Hermiston hospital . , . . , T
r, , , , . , , otf to reduce weight. I receive.
.., j letters 12 to 15 days so should ex
pect similar delivery overseas."
- . .- It ft
Marshall Markham has moved son returned Monday from Hood
River after spending two weeks
there with relatives.
was given July 8 in honor of the ti,
ninth, oirtnaay or men uauBxx.
Ida Lee: The table was decorated LEXINGTON NEWS
...;u Urvontfjfnl cononnal flowers and
Willi ucauuiui fcjv-v--." t ,
tapers with the white birthday cake Pvt. and Mrs. Clarence Hayes are Monday.
with nine candles. The guests were vim wig m. " k-- -- Eleanor Evans of College Place is
Mrs. Lorena Marquardt and Mrs. j cum mis visiting the Lee Larson family. She RKTIIRNc OMF
Hnmlin and daughter Marlene of their daughter Janice. Pvt Hayes is Saturdav RETURNS HOME
Harnlm and daugmer came .batui day Mrs. Kenneth Vosburg and baby
rienpiiei, xviia." xuiiix-x x
. .t . t. n :j r.,J. n San TlipOTY
children, Mrs. Jim nun. " " ... home and is working on the rail
two granddaughters, Mrs Harold r. ana mra. d h
cV ,1 nr, Rnbbv Helen Re- Charles Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. 1X33(1 nere-
StB? Mt! Stevens I aVeHe HanL Carl Whillock, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jared White has arrived home
S5 Kenneth Batty artd Mrs. Owen Hunt, Mrs. A. M- Edwards and from Enterprise, His family is stay
Leathers Clyde were in Freewater and Walla ing up there for awhlle-
, , i Qv Walla Snday for fruit. Mrs- Lena Wilson of Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Mahon aie d g Jim Wren and Mr a
the parents of a son. born rday R yokum j Farre1
evening. The young man weighed Heppner were visiting here atives.
8V4 pounds and has been named
tr u . Tumiiom anrl will he called i'i0nclay- Mr. and Mrs. George Brown were
Hubert WJham and will Mf and Parinoau Wak
ciuy- were in Pendleton this week, tk- .
Ffc and Mrs. John DeMoss were ing Dae to a physician. , Ml" and Mrs- b!llllh arnvcd
visiting here several days with the Mr and Mrs. Dan Way and Asa J"f atter several days sPent fit
Harold Stevens. John fs in the Sea t sverai days iast WE5k in Wallowa .
Bees and has returned to Camp Nwberg. They' were accompanied . ihiirson Fnent vednrsday
ori rdif Tic liarl vorrtitlv been i i hit.. w.. - ln The Danes.
xaiin, vmi-i. x- --- - ii'ujne r.xi. way & iciuit'i, i;tj ino
in Alaska. sister, Merle Corneilson of Portland.
Pvt George Renot landed at Margaret Browning of Baker
Camp Farragut and also in the hos- spent last week with h-'r parents,
pital he writes his parents. He was Mr. and Mrs. R. M Browning,
suddenly stricken with appendicitis Juanita Carmichacl is having her
which was immediately taken care home painted this week Mr. D"an-
They're going to shear me twice
a year, now, since Uncle Sam needs
so much of my wool for blankets
and uniforms and to help make
tanks and planes and munitions. It
takes 26 of us to clothe a soldier
for 12 months, and all the wool
from 6 of us to make just 4 army
blankets. It's mighty important
for our wool to he heavy and long.
of. He was released on Saturday- non of Heppner is doing the worl
Yvonne Hastings spsnt several
days visiting her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs- Stn McDnnkl Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Attebeny of Port
land spent lh" wf?k-end vj.-Uing
their children who are divin-'
Kin.-.id McDaniel
Lone cock ihe Georgs Allyn honie.
was attending to business in-Jlard-man
Mr.-;. Fred Reed is' visiting in
Portlnid this wntk with her dau
ghter Lucille.
Ed we rd Bunas of Touch' t V
vi-:. in ITardman tho fiisl ' of
M; .;;!!(! Mr.-, Willi-
r. woi'o vL'Itin" relslh
le-ht week.
. and
Juanita Belli
her iaihci in Monument.
h.. Ci' Tin Thomp'xn i .-.fiii'nfc
he work in Scalile Sund.-y alU
Mr. anl Mrs- Wm. Wilson and
f.mall grrndson have moved into
tiie house formerly occupied by the
Sinice Moores. The Moores have
moved into their new heme recently
purchased from Tom Cldwell.
Ihe Moores have put a new ceil
ing in the Caldwell store.
-Ihe formers, a'-e s-u.i ely Luey vith
Uic second crop, t'teing j-lnii,-:.s
and irrignting.
Ihe giasrhoter? are getting pret
ty bad. They r.r? enie'l yt.
The E. II. Lr.ve.r fcniilv returned
from Brooks Tu .e-xh'.y wl
h:.'ve b.t-n att r:d:nj
t:il camp i)ie'ti:j::e
w n ere ili.:v
the Pi-iu .eu ,-
iV" H
She's ci Cjrand
Old Flag!
And she has been go
ing places in recent
Let's keep the Stars
and Stripes going pla
ces until the victory is
completely won ... It
can be done if vc buy
Loyo and Merc
ert f-ft re scsrwr
Keep oujrt fit
tor the duration I
only genuine
V, I'ltltJTS'- FUU-WICH)
(or ALL liglitert
Wff curry them !
wee it.
Pvt Tim Lovr-en o
e'-jrsi'o in -e'i "'fur'-Ay-h with
blether and I'a.nily. Tie' Lovs:
fjinii'i'-:: el! enioved a rctmifn
ScrifKn'cr mill on Sundry.
Mi, and Mrs- Ad Monte vieited
the C-wen Lc.iUieri Sunday eve
nine when they wove returning
from Antone where they were
);ekirer after cattle inteieats for
Mrs Grace Niekcrson.
Catherine Mclntire and d .i'e.h-
ter Rit;
r i r 1(-
Mi's. E:r.
i er
i Geoi'eir A. M. Edwards - tempi-: led ver
with his this week on the v;c:l vh'.i h hi. h-
;n b:cn e!i.:iu'!r! lor tee new
at plant near Keppner.
eh 1
Your Boy Gives v
100 psr cent;
How about your
bond buying?
ccNDJiito;; :.:-,inLY' beti'Ek
"Ihe condition of Mrs Cra Cir,
i'e -J, htspiialized at The Dalles ior
eeveial wre'e?, was repo'tul :-"i'T!ii-ly
irop-rored when vWle.1 by nn-ni-lee
i s f he)' feieily Mtnid.'-v. Th.'it
war, the report bdek te "A-.-fy-.v. :v
by Mee. J. O. Turner- n.:d e.Te;. II
li. Fc-iKiie-on who srsnl (lie d .y with
ft A. r?
A , A '
f.'- fyf
iu U V
I' w
I 1
A i i j
" v.. x ,r- e'-iu-T
Conti'ary to the old saying, light
ning usually strikes more than once
in the earae place. Engineers of the
Weotinghouse Electric & Manufac
turing company took a photograph
in North Carolina of a thunderbolt
that consisted of 31 consecutive sep
arate strokes, all occurring within
six-tenths of a second.
Dr. J. P. Stewart, eye-sight spec
ialist of Pendleton will be at the
Heppner hotel Wednesday, July 21.
V.b-'ii VrN 1 ASMU
rr: V rLrk as a civil
For W
O" ' v,vj- o .
""'im-r iii,ih.
Why fret and stew over pre- jj
paring dinner these hot days? 1
You can mvc yoitrsclfnll that j
bother by patronizing this
popular cafe. it
arm Weather
Be prepared for a quick , lunch one
that you will not have to fire up for. Our
LUNCH MEATS will form just the right
basis for a summer time meal.
A vegetable salad made from local pro
duce will add the right variety to your
menu and provide much needed vita
mins. And for dessert, some of those nice ber
ries and other fresh fruits.-
Trade where the crowd goes-
-there's a
eolrral Market