Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 15, 1943, Image 1

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Our M en
in Service
Hie following poem by an Ameri
can sergeant was found in his per
sonal effects and forwarded to the
Stars and Stripes by his command
ing officer. A waist gunner with a
Hying Fortress crew, the sergeant
was killed while participating in a
bombing raid, according to infor
mation sent this newspaper by Sgt
Joe E. Aiken.
We've laid aside our peaceful tasks,
"We've packed our kits and gone to
We loved those things we left(
But loved our country even more.
And though we lie in some strange
Forgotten, perhaps, by all but God,
We rest in peace because we know
Transgressors' heels shall never
Our country's flag into the dust
We know, because we made it so.
The lad whose hands have milked
the cow.
Whose hands have guided straight
the plow;
He did not shirk his country's call
But gladly gave his life, his all.
We loved the murmur of the brook
That flows between the mountain
The golden moon that -softly smiled
As if he shared our secret hopes.
We loved the whisper of the rain
Upon the roof tops overhead;
The gleam of sun upon the snow.
We sacrificed these things we loved
To keep our flag forever free.
We know, because we made it so.
The lad whose hands made tools
of steel,
Whose hands have held the big
truck's wheel;
He did not shirk his country's call,
But gladly gave his life, his alL
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duvall have
received word from their nephew,
Sgt Vivian N. Whit, stationed
with the veterinary station hospi
tal at Fort Ord, Calif., stating that
he has been promoted to the grade
of staff sargeant and has assumed
the duties of 1st sergeant of the
detachment SSgt. White, a grad
uate of Lexington High school, has
been in administration and person
nel work with his present organi
zation since April 1942.
Pfc Simpson Holley, who arrived
in Heppner Sunday from New Or
leans on a furlough visit with Mrs.
Hawley, got his first glimpse of his
six months-old son Bobby. The
Holleys are guests of Mr- and Mrs.
Marius Nash.
Pvt Clarence Hayes of the U.
5. Marine corps and Mrs. Hayes tie
visiting relatives in the county this
week. They came from San Diego,
Calif., where Private Hayes is in
training- They visited his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hayes, the
first of the week and are spending
part of the time with Mrs. Hayes'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warner
of Lexington.
Bill Barratt came home Monday
evening from Corvallis where he
has been in training since the close
of the college year. Overcrowded
conditions on the campus made it
necessary to grant temporary leave
to a number of service men. Bill
immediately changed to civvies and
went to work on the ranch, not
knowing whether he would be
home two days or two months.
County War Meat
Committee Given
Operation Rules
Three Calls Friday
Keep Fire Fighters
Busy at Heppner
Detailed instructions on the op
eration of the war meat program
gdvtn to the war meat committee
for Morrow county by Lewis Nich
los, area food distribution adminis
tration representative, and M. E.
Culmniings, farmer faeldman for the
AAA, at a meeting in the county
agent's office Tuesday evening.
The first work of the committee
will be to review, all the present
slaughter permits that have beet
issued in the county and determine
whether the quotas that have been
set are justified. All slaughter per
mits to date have been issued that
have been justified. All slaughter
permits to date have been issued
by the USDA war board but all
the future permits will be issued
by the new committee.
It was pointed out by Nichlos
that the main duty of the war meat
committee in each county included
working toward a better distribu
tion of our meat supply to insure
an adequate supply for our armed
forces, for lend-lease, and also
maintain an adequate amount for
civilian needs. The committee is
also responsible for bringing to the
attention of the food distribution
admmistration and the OPA dis
crepancies in meat supplied for
particular areas, regardless of wheth
er the supply is too high or too
low. . . .. .. :,. '..
Considerable time was devoted
at the meeting to discussing points
affecting farmers and butchers in
the slaughter of livestock for sale,
and the regulations which affect
the slaughter of meat for sale were
cleared up:
1. No person may slaughter beef,
veal, mutton, lamb or pork for sale
or transfer to another without first
obtaining a slaughter permit
2. Ration points must be collect
ed on such meat transfers.
3. Such ration points must be
turned over to the local OPA of
fice at the end of each month along
with a report on the slaughtering
during that month.
4. Slaughter permits are based on
the amount slaughtered during the
same quarter of 1941, except in
cases where the war meat commit -Continued
on Page Bight
Stamp Validates
New Ration Book
Some misunderstanding has been
encountered by the rationing office
relative to the validity of ration
books- The rationing board would
like to make it clear that all books
with the red stamp across the vali
dation corner are valid and do
not have to be brought to the ra
tion office. All books without the
red stamp thus placed must be
brought to the office on July 28 or
Misunderstanding relative to of
fice hours at the rationing office is
also causing the clerical force no
small amount of trouble and loss of
time. The office is open from 10 a.
m. to 3 p. m. every week day. It is
kept open from 6 until 9 p. m. on
Wednesday and Saturday evenings.
The clerks are busy getting out gas
books and ask cooperation of the
public by calling at the office dur
ing regular hours only.
A called meeting of the Past Ma
trons club was held at the home
of Mrs. Blanche Patterson Monday
evening, at which time one of the
projects was completed, an afghan,
It was decided to send the article
to the MoCaw General hospital in
Walla Walla.
Oregon, Thursday, July
Grain Products, Inc.
Gets 'Go Ahead on
Local Alcohol Plant
Permission to erect and operate
a grain alcohol plant near Heppner
was received the first of the week
by Grain Products. Inc., an organ
ization of grain growers in Gilliam,
Morrow and Umatilla counties. The
permit came from Washington, D.
C. the first of the week and the
company immediately set about to
carry out plans previously announc
ed to erect a plant for the manu
facture of industrial alcohol.
Work securing materials has been
carried on by Engineer John H.
Boden ever since a site for the
plant was decided upon. It will re
quire some time to assemble ev
erything, especially with freight
conditions what they are, and no
definite date for starting operations
has been set For one thing, the
plan to move the building from
Carver has been abandoned and
the company recently completed a
deal for a steel structure in Wyom
ing. When this material arrives it
is planned to bring the equipment
from Carver and install it here.
While other details have been in
the process of being worked out, A-
Imitation Warfare
Results in Casualty
Imitation warfare resulted in a
serious casualty for one small boy
in Heppner Monday. The two little
sons of Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Gardner
were engaged in a fierce encounter
with" the enemy, using sticks for
guns. Approaching a small puddle
of water, which in the general
scheme assumed the proportions of
a large stream, they decided to
spare their firearms the possibiliity
of getting wet by throwing them
across the "river." In some manner
the "gun" thrown by the older boy
struck the smaller boy, Dick, aged
four, the sharp edge penetrating
the eyelid and scoring the eyeball
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perkins took
Mrs. Gardner and Dick to a spec
ialist in Pendleton and it was found
that while the wound was serious
the boy's sight will be saved.
Death came to Mrs- Howard
Swick at 11 o'clock a. m. Wednes
day at the Prairie City hospital
after an illness of two weeks. She
suffered a stroke at Long Creek
while dining with friends and was
rushed to the hospital
Servivces will be held at 1 o'clock
p. m. Friday, July 16 at Monument
with O. W. Herbison, pastor of
the Church of Christ in Heppner
in charge Interment will be made
at Oregon City. '
Mrs- F. W. Turner, aunt of Mr.
Swick, and Mrs. Edna Turner will
attend from here.
Court Discontinues
Office of Engineer
Since the wartime emergency has
put an end to road construction in
the county and present maintenance
crews are deemed qualified to car
ry on such road work as necessary,
the county court went on record
discontinuing the office of county
engineer at the regular monthly
session held Wednesday, July 7.
This action automatically cancels
the services of Harry Tamblyn who
has filled the position for a long
According to the record the court
"ordered that position of county
engineer be discontinued and that
the present engineer be released
from duty on August 1, 1943, the
engineer to take his two weeks va
cation during the month of July,
1943" ,
15, 1943
M. Edwards drilled a well at the
site of the plant completing the
work this week. The drill reached
a depth of 319 feet and water is
plentiful, officials state. Water was
one of, the factors entering into
selection of the site and they are
gratified that the well has come
up to expectations.
Operation of the plant once it
gets going, will involve the use of
more than 800 bushels of grain
daily. Of interest to numerous
farmers and ranchers is the fact
that after removal of the alcohol
from the grain there remains a by
product rich in protein which
makes excellent stock food. Plans
of the company include a dryer of
sufficient size to take care of this
surplus material.
The Heppner plant will be the
firat of what is hoped will became
a general operation in the wheat
belts of the west, affording a means
of taking up some of the surplus
grain as well as providing indus
trial alcohol for the manufacture
of many articles used in our daily
Heppner Soldier
Killed in Accident
Elbert Cox received word Mon
day that his son, Marine Sgt Nalbro
B. Cox, had been killed in an ac
cident somewhere in the Pacific.
No details were given in the mes
sage and Mr. Cox is awaiting fur
ther news, hoping that another Ma
rine son, Sgt. LeMoin E. Cox, will
be able to learn the particulars
and communicate with him.
Nalbro was sent to Midway be
fore war began and was transferred
to Pearl Harbor just in time for the
Dec. 7. 1941, attack. He had recent
ly written his father that he ex
pected to be home on furlough in
the near future.
Oregon Man Named
Grand Exalted Ruler
Oregon and the northwest fared
well at the hands of Elks in grand
lodge convention at Boston. Frank
J. Lonergan of Portland was elected
grand exalted ruler when the an
nual election of officers came be
fore the group Tuesday. Lonergan
served as exalted ruler for Port
land lodge No 142 in 1927-28 and
1938-39; was deputy exalted ruler
in 1928-29-30 and 1939-40; a mem
ber of the grand forum in 1934.
and chief justice in 1935. He also
is a past president of the Oregon
State Elks association.
Other (officers ellecbed Tuesday
included': Grand esteemed lectur
ing knight, Arthur L. Barnes, Lew
iston, Ida., and grand trustee (for
five years), John A. Drummey,
former editor returns
Jasper V. Crawford, former edi
tor and publisher of the Gazette
Times, who went to Alaska last
September to work on the Alcan
highway, returned to the states last
'week-end, joining his family in
Portland. With Mrs Crawford and
Jim he visited his mother, Mrs.
Cora Crawford, at The Dalles on
In mentioning sale of Mrs. Gam
meli's house two weeks ago, this
paper stated it was the house oc
cupied by Mrs. Blanche Patterson.
That was erroneous. Mrs- Patter
son has not sold her home, the one
time T. W. Ayeas property. Mrs.
GammeU'a house is farther up the
Volume 60, Number 16g
Season of Field
Fires Opens Up
In Real Earnest
Instructions Laid
Down in Set of
13 Paragraphs
That time of year when fire is
apt to break out any moment has
arrived in Morrow county and the
past few days have witnessed sev
eral calls for fire fighters to con
tend with field fires. Up to the pre
sent no grain fires have been re
ported, but several grass fires have
claimed the attention of the "smoke
Friay, July 9, was a busy time
for firemen around Heppner. First
call came about 10:30 a. m. when
grass above the trash burner of the
Heppner Lumber company caught
fire and, fanned by a high wind
made rapid strides toward the
grain fields of the upper Black
horse section. All available men at
the mill -rushed up the Blackhorse
road to join units coming from town
and countryside and after an hour
or more of strenuous work brought
the fire under control. Shortly after
the crews returned to their jobs
or home a second alarm was sound
ed and it was found the fire had
taken a fresh start, this time on the
south side of the canyon and runn
ing over the Frank S. Parker pas
ture. A considerable force of fire
fighters responded and succeeded
in holding it to pasture land but
not without considerable damage.
In the meantime, a potential
blaze at the Heppner Steam Laun
dry was nipped in the bud by the
fire department before damage re
sulted. Later in the afternoon a
grass fire starting near the rear of
the Gertson residence in the south
part of town swept up the hillside
toward the Masonic cemetery and
once more the fire laddies had to
"do their stuff," Four calls in one
day was the score.
A plane in practice on the bomb
ing field north of lone Tuesday
dropped a bomb in inflammable
grass, starting a fire which soon
burned itself out on the field,
Wednesday afternoon a grass fire
started by the railroad company's
grass burner got out of control and
the section crew was called to the
scene a mile north of Lexington
to help put it under control. Paas
Contlnued on Page Bight
Hughes Home Scene
Of Outdoor Service
Church services of All Saints
Episcopal church were transferred
to the open air Sunday and a prox
imately 40 people gathered' at the
lovely country home of Mrs. Mabel
Hughes on Little Butter creek for
the service of morning prayer, con
ducted by Archdeacon Neville
Following the service, lunch bas
kets were opened and a bountiful
spread arranged cafeteria style.
There was much food to start with
but it disappeared rapidly. Country
members provided a large platter
of fried chicken which was pounc
ed upon with zest by town folks-
A pleasant afternoon was spent
in visiting and community singing.
Guests coming from a distance
were Mrs. Cora Phelps, Mrs Ida
Fell, Mrs. Elsie Lasiter and Mrs.
FJler Brock of Pendleton, all for
mer Heppner residents; Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Hynd and Mr. and Mrs.
G rover Curtis and children of Cecil.
A hay shed which stood for
many years near the highway on
the W. H. Instone ranch burned
Saturday night There was no hay
stored in the shed at that time and
the loss was considered minor.