-o o o w n o r a a o H O S iiittttttir Our Wen In Service BOOSTS HOME TOWN PAPER Several Morrow county men in the service have written their ap preciation of the home town paper and now comes Lee Pettyjohn with as neat a boost as we have had. Writing his sister, Mrs. Herald Sherer, Lee says in part: "Since receiving your last letter I've been trying to think of some thing to write other than the usual 'I'm fine, having a good time and hope you are the same,' but it seems like a futile task. However I will say this. With the exception of the few letters I receive from you and the rest of the folks my only connection with the life we all know and like so much, I never realized how much until now, is the Heppner Gazette- and even though my copies seem rather slow in getting here, I received the March 15th copy last week and the news, probably old and forgotten by all of you, was pipin' hot to me- I hang on, to every edition until I've read it at least twice and some times more provided some lone some bunky that hasn't heard from home for some time, doesn't dis cover where I hid it because news from the States is news from home, and even though the fellow might be from New' York, Chicago, or Texas, he'll hang on to it tooth and nail until he has completely devoured the contents. Then comes his buddy and so on until it is no longer possible to read the worn, tattered pages caused by so much handling, readers, mail, etc Since I've been here I haven't seen or heard of anyone of the boys from around home being in this vicinity now. Although there may be some and chance has kept us from contacting one another. I want you to tell the editor of the Gazette Times how much I appreciate the local news via the Gazette Times. The Gazette reminds me of a burro small but packs a lot of weight." USES GERMAN ENVELOPE Mrs. W. R. McNeil, (Ruth Cow ins) of Pendleton recently received a letter from Melvin Allyn, "Pinky" to relatives and friends, mailed to her in a German envelope. He picked it up on the way, he states, and evidently the Heinies were on the move and didn't have time to gather up all of their belongings. "Pinky" has been on the move since leaving home and doubtless like most of the men in the African campaign is anxious to see what Berlin looks like. "All is calm and peaceful here this bright Sunday morning. The sun is shining, the birds are sing ing, and if the "first sergeant" loses his whistle except to call us to go swimming, everyone will be very happy, I'm sure- But that would have been too much to ask "We can now write about the war and where we have been, and also what took place, but what do you want to know? Landed at Fedalla, got wet to my ears at 4 in the morn ing. It was quite a scrap but we were in reserve and have been all through the campaign. We missed action at Tunis and Bizerte by a few hours. We've now moved back a ways and are (censored). For what I don't know. We've trained for about everything already. "I never have heard from Mac. Don't even remember seeing his outfit as we moved up. If you will trace the route from Casablanca to Tunis you will see why my let ters have been so far and between. We stopped for a week, a month, or a day along the way. We never knew whether to put up a tent. In Casablanca, we worked six days getting the switchboard dug in. Dug through rock and sandstone, and the shack was only up for Continued on Page Eight Heppner, Game Commission Lets Down Bars On Does and Cows Bag Limits and Boundaries Set at Recent Conference Appications are now being ac cepted by the Oregon state game commission for the various special big game tags to be issued for the 1943 hunting season. Applications will be kept on file and if by Aug. 16, more applications are received than the- specified quota of tags, then a drawing will be held to de termine the issuance. If the quota for any particular allotment of tags is not reached by Aug 16, then all applications on hand will be filled and the rest of the tags issued in the order applications are received until all tags are sold.- A person may apply for a tag by sending in to the game commis sion office at 616 Oregon Buiding, Portland, the specified fee and in formation as to the type of tag de sired, number and kind of hunting license held, and name and address. This information may be mailed in a letter or on a special application form, that has been prepared for the purpose. There will be 2,500 doe tags is sued for Grant county but only for a certain area lying north of the highway between Canyon City and Dayville. The part south of the highwey where doe hunting has been previously allowed will not be open this fall. For the Lake Klamath area, 6,000 doe tags will be issued and for the Steens mo'urf tain area 1,000 tags- Persons wish ing to apply for doe deer tags may apply for only one of these three areas. Fees for the tags are: $3.50 for residents and $5 for non-residents. Open season for deer is from Oct. 1 to Nov. 3. The cow elk area has been changed somewhat, from last year and 2,000 tags at $5 for residents and $25 for nonresidents will be issued for the following areas: Starting at the junction of the Oregon-Washington state line and state highway No 11 between Pendleton and Walla Walla, proceed to Pen dletoncn highway 11; thence east on U. S- highway No. 30 to Kamela; turn south on forest road past Flat lake guard station to junction of Mt. Emily logging road; thence southeasterly to the Grande Ronde river road; proceed in southerly direction to Sheep ranch and Chicken creek road; thence easterly on forest service road over An thony lake summit to junction with highway No. 30 at North Powder; thence north on highway No. 30 to Hot Lake; thence east along town ship line between E3S and T4S to forest service road south of Shady camp on Lostine river; thence north on road to the town of Lostine on state highway No. 82; and from Lostine northwesterly on state highway No. 82 to Elgin; thence north along Grande Ronde river to Washington state line; thence west on state line to point of starting. The entire state will be open to bull elk hunting from Oct. 26 to t Nov. 30 while elk of either sex may be taken in area in southeast ern Oregon bounded on the north by highway 28 and on the west by highways 97, 62 and 99. For the antelope area in Lake, Hamey and Malheur counties, 2,500 tags have been authorized at $2-50 each for residents and $5 for nonresidents. Open season is from Sept. 18 to Oct 3. The federal government has deemed it advisable to reduce the deer herds in a certain portion of the Hart mountain national Ante lope refuge and for this purpose authorization has been granted to issue 250 buck deer and 400 doe Oregon, Thursday, July More Donations Received This Week By Mrs. R. I. Thompson The orchids this week go to Mrs. Fred Mankin and the people of lone and vicinity as their very gener ous contribution made it possible to send the check to cover cost of fur nishing the sun room for this coun ty In addition to this gift, one was received from the Past Noble Grand's club of lone and the en tire community should be grateful for this support. Last week we mentioned the gift from the Rhea creek grange and now we thank the missionary so ciety of that district for another donation. Let us not lean back and think we have done our part toward the McCaw General hospital in Walla Walla as our county is far behind in comparison with help from the other nine counties that comprise the council. There are many more things needed to furnish comfort and cheer for the sick and wounded men. Your donation goes directly into this help and does not go into the regular Red Cross funds No one has time or thinks it necessary to canvass each home and each place of business as money may be left at both drug stores, and the bank in Heppyner. Some furniture has been given for the recreation room at Camp Heppner and that includes a phonograph- We need more chairs and some records. If anyone has used furniture to sell please call Mrs. B. C. Pinckney. She will be allowed some money from the over-subscription of the USO drive toward furnishing this room and the one at the bombing base at Boardman. . m Maximum Price on May Set by OPA A new price regulation on alfalfa hay has been received by the price panel of the local rationing board. Maximum price of loose hay on the farm has been fixed at $20. Baled hay on the farm: shall not exceed $24, and if the hay is sold through a country shipper a $2 per ton maximum mark-up may be taken If the hay is sold through a coun try shipper to a retailer or feeder a $3 per ton maximum mark-up may be taken. Freight charges and loading and unloading charges may be added in the amount actually incurred. The dealer may add $1.50 per ton mark-up. The retailer may add mark-ups as follows: $5 per ton maximum mark-up if sold in quantities of two tons or less. $4 50 per ton maximum mark-up is sold in quantities of more than two tons and not over three tons. $3.50 per ton maximum mark ups if sold in quantities of more than three tons and not more than five tons. $3 per ton maximum mark-up if sold in quantities of more than five tons but not over seven tons. Where the retailer sells from off a railroad car, $3 per . ton maxi mum mark-up if sold in less than railroad carlots- This regulation covers only alfalfa hay. LEAVES FOR BOSTON Frank W. Turner left early Wed nesday morning for Pendleton to entrain for Boston as a delegate from Heppner lodge No. 358, B. P. O. E. to the grand lodge con vention. Oregon Elks had reserved a part of the Portland Rose for the trip to Chicago and from there the group is scheduled to travel New York Central. Turner expects to be gone two weeks. In his absence Mrs Turner and Kingsley Chapin are running the insusrance office. deer tags for the western part of the reserve, the open season to be Oct. 9 to 24 inclusive. These tags will be sold at $3.50 for residents and $5 for nonresidents and may be ap plied for in addition to the other doe tags mentioned before. 8, 1943 DEATH OF THE DALLES WOMAN RECALLS STORY OF ACTIVITY HERE Mrs. Mary X. Britten, 83, passed away Tuesday at The Dalles, ac cording to a dispatch in the Morn ing Oregonian of today. She had been a resident of the city on the Columbia for many years, coming there in girlhood. Since files of the Gazette and Times were lost in the fire of 1918 destroying much . of the recorded stoiy of the Heppner flood of 1903, the editor is relying upon memory in recalling that Mrs. Britten play ed an active part in the relief work here in the days following the ca tastrophe. She arrived in Heppner as soon as transportation was avail able to the stricken town, bringing a considerable amount of supplies. She quickly organized a relief sta tion and personally supervised it until her services were no longer needed. But for her organizing abil ity, relief work would not have been so effective. More Youths Leave For Induction Centers Morrow county's contribution to Uncle Sam's fighting forces was increased by six the past few days when four young men left for Fort Douglas, Utah and two others went to Camp Farragut, Idaho to start training in the army and navy, respectively. Leaving for Camp Farragut last week were Joseph D. Way, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Way of Lexing ton and George Renoe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Renoe of Hard man. Under the leadership of Acting Corporal Gene F. Empy of lone, Donald H. Peck, Bill A. Lindi and Freddie R. Papineau left early this week for Fort Douglas to be induct ed in the army. Empy has made his home with the Zinter family and Sidney Zinter is his guardian. Peck is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Burton K. Peck of Lexington; Lin di has been making his home at lone, and Papineau is the son of Mr. and Mis. Frank Papineau of Lexington. OPA OFFICE NOTES - A applications must be accom panied by Tire Inspection record up to date and back of old A book signed with owner's name. Book 111 will be validated at a date set some time the last of July. Watch paper for date and do not bring books in till date is an nounced. GROWING WEAKER Condition of Mrs. Howard Swick, who suffered a stroke two weeks ago, is gradualy growing wftrse, ac cording to word coming from Prai rie City where she is a patient in the hospital. Her mother-in-law, Mrs. Anna Bayliss of Heppner, is still with her. VISIT OLD HOMESTEAD Johnny Hiatt took advantage of the double holiday to visit scenes of his boyhood days- He drove to the old Hiatt homestead in the up per Buttercreek country and spent several hours trying to locate fa miliar childhood scenes. Few land marks remain that reminded him of conditions there 40 years ago. It was the first time he had been back in that period. HERE FOR FOURTH Mr. and Mrs. William Becket and children of Portland spent the Fourth holiday with Mrs. Becket's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Wehmeyer. The children, Bobby and Alma Lou, will stay here for a month. SPENT FOURTH ON KELLEY The Blaine Elliott family took a holiday outing on Kelley prairie, where they acquired some fish and their full share of mosquito bites. It was a fine outing, nevertheless, according to the genial Penney manager. Volume 60, Number l!g Forest Protection Crews Named by Ranger's Office Business Firms Sign Up to Assist in Case of Emergency Business houses of Heppner have . pledged assistance to the forest service in protecting the timbered areas of the district during the cur rent season. This support is in ad dition to that pledged by other concerns and organizations in the area and the cooperation thus ef fected has given heartening assur ance to the comparitivery small force of regular forest service em ployes, states F. F. Wehmeyer, ranger of the Heppner branch of the Umatilla forest. " The line-up arranged by Weh meyer's office embraces most of the business houses. Included with the names are the terms first call, sec ond call and position as follows: Ferguson Motor company, first call 1 man, second call 5 men, po sition: 1 pump operator, 4 laborers. Rosewall Motor company, 1, 5, 5 laborers. Heppner Garage, 1, 1, 1 truck driver. Gilliam & Bisbee, 1, 1, 1 laborer. Gamble Store, 1, 0, 1 truck driver. Red & White store, 1, 1, 1 straw hos, 1 laborer. Thomson Bros. staf:e, 1, 1, 2 laborers. . " Central Market, 1, 3, 4 laborers. Pacific Power & Light company, 1 1, 1 radioman, 1 laborer. Tum-A-Lum Lumber company, 1 2, 1 strawboss," 2 laborers. " Case Furniture company, 1, 1, 2 laborers- Braden-Be! company, 1, 2, 3 laborers. J. C. Penney company, 1, 0, 1 straw boss. Tress McClintock, 1, 1, 2 laborers- Gonty's 1, 0, 1 cook. McAtee's 1, 2, 3 laborers. , Aiken's 1, 0, 1 laborer. O'DonneU's, 1, 3, 1 cook, 2 laborers. Key's Barber shop, 1, 1, 2 laborers. Coxen's Barber shop, 1, 1, 1 cook 1 laborer. Heppner Cleaners, 0, 1, 1 laborer. Union Oil company, 1, 1, 1 laborer. Morrow County Grain Growers, 0, 3, 3 laborers. Heppner Gazette Times, 1, 1 crew organizer and labor rustler. Heppner Lumber company has pledged up to 40 men. Read's, Blackburn, Scritsmeier, Spray and Kinzua Pine Mills company have pledged to go "all out" in emer gencies The soil conservation dis tricts at Heppner and Monument have pledged men and equipment to the full extent of their organi zations, and the farmers of the John Day valley have pledged assistance not only for grain and grass fires but for forest fires if the need arises. Morrow and surrounding counties have organized for grass and grain fires and have their leaders appointed for each commu nity RETURNS TO WORK Miss Effie Andrews, manager of the local Pacific Telephone & Tele graph office returned to her work the first of the week after a pro longed siege of flu. Several weeks ago Miss Andrews went to The Dalles for a week's vacation, caught a flu germ, thought she had it overpowered and returned to work after three weeks. She stayed on the job a couple of days and had to start all over again. She reports really feeling much improved this time. A BABY GIRL An eight pound baby girl was born Wednesday, July 7 to Mr. and Mrs. Wren Harris- S G - O M H H O O JO 33 O c iZ r W O o m H