Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 17, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, J une 1 7, 1 943
At Heppner
Rev. Francis McCormack, Pastor
Schedule of senices:
Heppner: Mass at 9:00 a. m, every
Sunday except 3rd. Mass on 3rd
Sunday at 10:30.
lone: 10:30 a. m, on 1st Sunday;
9:00 a. ra. on 3rd Sunday.
Lena: 10:30 a. m, on 2nd and 4th
Week-day mass at 8 a. m. First
Friday, 7:30 a. m.
Confessions: Saturdays, 7:30 to
8:00 p. m. Sundays, 8:15 to 8:55 a. m.
Bonnie Howe, Minister
No services this week- Pastor at
tending conference.
O. Wendell HerRson, Pastor
Preaching and Communion at 11
a. m.
Christian! Endeavor and evening
training at 6:30 p. m
THURSDAY 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting.
7:30 p. m. Bible study.
Sterl D. Spiesz, pastor
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.
.Worship, 11:00 a. m.
Young People's service 6:30 p. m.
Evangelistic service, 7:45 p. m.
Tuesday prayer service, 7:45 p. m.
Thursday Bible study, 7:45 p. m.
Archdeacon Neville Blunt
Holy Communion 8 a. m.
Church school 9:45 a. m.
Holy Communion 11 a. m.
J. Fred Stilwell, Pastor
Sunday school 10:00 a. m. Child
ren's day program.
Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. Ser
mon and Communnion.
Ralph C. DcBocr, Pastor
Sunday school, 10.00 a. m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a. m.
Evangelistic service 8:00 p. m.
Bible Study Friday 8:00 p. m.
You are welcome.
Evangelistic services each night
except Monday at 8 o'clock continu
ing with Evangelists Otto Olson
and Ralph DeBeoer.
By substituting paper-board box
es for those made of critical ma
terials the folding box industry
in 1942 saved 215 million pounds
of critical metals, 8 million board
feet of lumber, 750,000 pounds of
glass, 220,000 pounds of cellophane,
36,000 pounds of pliofilm, and 12,000
pounds of rubber.
Dr. J. P. Stewart, eye-sight spec
ialist of Pendleton will be at the
Heppner hotel Wednesday, June 23.
&'.v..a$i iiiimtimo m.
More if
I J 1
Try Our Ads
Train Wreck Slows
Up Wheat Haulms
In lone Section
Wheat hauling from the ranches
in the lone section was held up for
several days last week until dam
age to the track caused by the
wreck at Cecil June 7 could be re
paired. Farmers resumed hauling on
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young re
turned from Yakima Wednesday
after Mr. Young had undergone an
Mrs- Delia Nance, one of the
high school teachers, is reported
working at Montgomery Ward &
Co. in Portland. Mrs. Harvey Ring
is caring for Mrs- Nance's small
son George while his mother is
Mrs. H. E. Yamell entered The
Dalles hospital Tuesday for treat
ment. She was accompanied to The
Dalles by Mr. Yamell and son Al
ton, who returned Tuesday eve
ning. John Padberg was taken to The
Dalles last week where he un
derwent a major operation Tues
day. He is reported in a satisfactory
condition. Mrs. John Bryson, who
accompanied him to The Dalles,
returned Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ries and son
Bill of Toppenish, Wash., were re
cent visitors at the home of Mrs
Ries' mother, Mrs. Ella Davidson.
The Ries' sons, Art Jr. and Bill, are
active members of the 4-H club at
Toppenish. They won ' several
awards in the hog division at the
8th annual junior livestock show
at Spokane in May. Art won the
grand champion fat barrow with a
purebred Chester White which
brought 41c a pound at the auction
later. He also won the champion
pen of four at the show. Bill cap
tured the award of champion hog
fitter and showman, and had two
barrows that placed prime, also
a pen of four that placed prime. In
the nine first hog placings the Ries
boys had four- of them. This is the
third year the boys have partici
pated in the junior livestock show
and the second year they captured
the three big awards of grand
champion fat barrow, champion
pen of four and champion hog
showman. Mr. Ries, father of the
boys, is the leader of the club.
The social meeting of the Topic
club was held at the home of Mrs.
C W. Swanson Friday, June 11.
Five tables of bridge were in play.
Prizes were won by members: high,
Mrs. Mary Swanson; low, Mrs.
Henry Gorger, Guests: high, Mrs.
Werner Rietmann; low. Mrs. Nor
ton Lundell. Members present were
Mesdumes Mary Swanson, Carl
Fedman, Henry Gorger, Cleo Drake,
Clyde Denney, Martin Cotter, Vic
tor Rietmann. Lloyd Morgan, Mil
ton Morgan, Algott Lundell, Char
les Carlson, E. R. Lundell, Clel Rae,
C. W. Swanson. Guests present,
Mesdames Werner Rietmann. Fred
Mankin, Ella Davidson, Raymond
Lundell, David Rietmann, Norton
Lundell and Frank Lundell.
Mrs. H. p. McCurdy and Mrs
Laura Thomson of Heppner were
visitors at the home of Mrs. Ella
Fergt-son Motor Company
Motorcycle Auto
Collision Injures
Two at Irrigon
, Miss Echo Aldrich and a com
panion named Pearson were seri
ously injured in a motor cycle acci
dent in which a car ran into them
"breaking legs of both of the young
people, and inflicting other injuries
as well. They were first taken to
the Hermiston hopsital and then
on to Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Aldrich. Echo's parents, are with
Mrs. Stella Doll left for Lewis
ton, Ida Tuesday.
Mrs. J. E. McCoy and granddau
ghters, Delpha and Marlene Mark
ham left for Portland Tuesday
night and returned Wednesday.
Mr- and Mrs. Walt McCoy and
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCoy and baby
came up from California to visit
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M.
McCoy. They brought two horses
with them.
F. E. Cooley of Spokane arrived
.Wednesday to visit his daughter.
Mrs- Haney and grandchildren Grace
and Wesley. He plans to spend two
weeks in Irrigon.
John Voile and Tom Caldwell
were called to Heppner Monday to
be on he jury there.
Mr- and Mrs. George Iscit were
badly hurt and their three chil
dren less seriously injured in a
truck and two car accident out at
the Ordnance depot. It seemed
Davidson Sunday, June 6. They
were returning from Arlington
where they had taken Len Gilman
Mrs. Thomson's brother, to the
train. He was returning to his home
in Chula Vista, Calif., after a short
visit in Heppner.
May I Serve
Your Dinner?
Come in for a point
saving dinner of fine
food well cooked.
Save time and trouble.
to keep your
car running
See that your car gets the
care necessary to keep it
in top condition for the
duration! Have it , gone
over from headlights to
tail light by our expert
mechanics for efficient
I II Willi
that both cars were trying to pass
the truck from different directions
and Mr. Iscit, trying to miss the
other car, hit the truck so hard
that it rolled a 500 gallon water
tank off of it and his car doubled
under the truck. Mrs. Iscit is badly
hurt and Mr. Iscit is in a very ser
ious condition. Two elder boys room
at Frederick's place-
Frank Brace brought some new
renters to his place here Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. George Linn Jr.
entertained his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Linn Sr. of Umatilla
Friday evening-Mrs-
Ruth Umiker and two chil
dren of Castle Rock came Friday
to spend a few weeks with her
mother, Mrs Bertha Leight.
Ernest Bediwell is painting the
Pentecostal church, parsonage and
Jas. Arnberg is building a garage
on the railroad property.
Mrs. Alice Lorenzen and Paul
Haberlein were married at Prosser
Saturday. They are off on a short
wedding trip now.
Mjrs. Greeves sold her place . to
Lloyd Aldrich and had a sale of her
personal belongings and left for a
short trip to Washington, then on
to visit her daughter in California.
She taught in Hermiston last term.
Mrs. Joy Smith spent from Wed
nesday night until Sunday with
Mrs. Russell Moore of Pie City.
Jared White hived the bees that
settled in the Lorenzen gas pump
and took them home Saturday.
The Frank C. Fredericksons re
ceived 1000 baby chicks Friday
Mike Hinkley and son Toby have
gone to Ontario to work for the
same man that they worked for at
the Ordnance depot- They have a
30 day job.
lorrow County Formers
Our Records at a Gfar.ce Show You
Cost of raising wheat .... Cost of raising cattle
Cest of living and incidentals
A complete record of all other income
or expense items
Quarterly Rates -:- Yearly Rates
The Farmers Accounting Service
P. 0. Box 6
nimum. niiutimiiiHiii.itmiHii
witty ;
What has a Victory ship to do with the
market business? you ask. Well, more
Victory ships carry more food to more of
our soldiers and our Allies to hurl more
force against the Axis.
As more and more ships are built, more
food will have to be conserved at home.
Careful buying and avoiding waste will
aid in this program. You can do your
share by buying where the best stocks are
carried. Let's keep the Victory ships load
ed with food for our defenders and at the
same time keep well fed at home.
Central Market
Hardman News . .
By Mrs. Elsa Leathers
Mr. and Mrs. Darrol Ferrens, Ray
Walter and Harold Wright moved
their cattle to the reserve for the
summer, this week.
William French and Guy Huston
left Sunday for Ritter hot springs
where they plan to stay for two
and Mrs. J. J. McDonald pur
chased the property of Frank Mc.
Daniel this week-
Claude Huston and Frank Fra
ters both moved their sheep to the
mountains for the summer range,
this week. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McDonald
spent the week at Reed's mill. He
is piling limbs for wood.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Batty vis
ited at Rhea creek -Saturday eve
ning and Sunday morning with Mr.
and Mrs. L. H. Robinson.
Walter Wright is confined to his
bed with the flu
Mrs. Harry Davis and Mrs. Dan
Davis spent the week at Spokane.
Slim Underwood spent the week
end at Cheney, Wash.
Owen Leathers and Victor Lov
gren spent several days the past
week in Portland and at Hillsboro.
Owen Leathers visited his mother
who underwent a major operation
a couple of weeks ago and is in the
hospital yet.
Ray Robinson trucked a load of
cattle to Heppner to be shipped to
Leslie Faretle at Reno this week.
Lois Keyes of Heppner spent the
week visiting Mrs- Harold Wright
at the upper ranch.
Mrs. Marie Greener and Mrs. Ir
win Greener returned Sunday eve
ing from Ritter where they spent
the week visiting.
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