Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 13, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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2 Heppner Gazette Times, May 13, 1943
At Heppner
CM URCHES Ralph Skoubo Sent
r To Hendricks Field
Archdeacon Neville Blunt
Holy Communion 8 a. m.
Morning prayer. 11 o'clock.
Y. P. F." 6:30 p. m.
District Services: .
Cecil, 3 p. m.
Echo, 7:30 p. m.
Rev. Francis McCormack. Pastor
Schedule of services:
Heppiwr; Mass at 9:00 a. m. every
Sunday except 3rd. Mass on 3rd
Sunday at 10:30.
lone: 10:30 a. m. on 1st Sunday;
9:00 a. m. on 3rd Sunday.
Lena: 10:30 a. m. on 2nd and 4th
Week-day mass at 8 a, m. First
Friday, 7:30 am.
Confessions: Saturdays, 7:30 to
8:00 p. m. Sundays, 8:15 to 8:55 a. m.
Martin B. Clark, Minister
9:45 a. m. Bible school.
11 a. m. Communion and preach
ing service.
6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavpr.
7:30 p. m Pre-prayer service.
7:45 p. m. Evangelistic service.
7:30 p. m. Choir practice.
7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting.
7:30 p. m. Bible study.
Steil D. Spiesz, pastor
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.
Worship, 11:00 a. m.
Young People's service 6:30 p. m.
Evangelistic service, 7:45 p. ,m.
Tuesday prayer service, 7:45 p. m.
Thursday Bible study, 7:45 p. m
Jesus is just the same today, able
to save from sin, empower to live
a victorious life, heal your sick
body and keep you faithful until
His coming. Have faith in God.
Bcnnio Howe, Minister
SUNDAY, MAY lfith:
Divine worship at 11 a. m.
Church school at 9:45 a. m.
Lucy Rodgers, superintendent. A
class for every grade and age.
Youth Fellowship for juniors at
6:30 p. m.
Evening worship at 7:45 o'clock.
Wednesday Evenings:
Fellowship and prayer service at
7:45 o'clock.
Thursday Evenings:
Choir practice at parsonage at
7:45 o'clock.
Life has but two ends and one of
those has been used; better take
care of the other one.
J. Fred Stilwell, Pastor
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Sermon 11 o'clock. Special ser
vice in honor of senior class, par
ents and patrons of school. Topic,
"The Bible, an Up-to-Date Book."
Special music.
A note to the Gazette Times this
week from Mrs. George Currin of
Gresham bears greetings from her
self and Mr. Currin to their many
friends in Heppner. "Hope this
finds all our Heppner friends en
joying good health. We are both as
usual. My husband is still bedfast.
Having lots of rain," Mrs.' Currin
Miss Cecelia Healy has returned
to work at the First National Bank,
Heppner branch after a two weeks'
vacation which she divided be
tween Portland and the ranch home
on Butter Creek. Cecelia and elen
were in Portland together and Hel
en resumed her work at P. W.
Mahoney's office last week.
To" buy, sell or trade, use the G-T
advertising columns.
Ralph K. Skoubo graduated from
aviation training school at Seymour,
Indiana, and now holds the rank of
lieutenant. Ralph is one of the first
pilots to be sent for training at
Hendricks Field, Florida to take up
further training. Skoubos have also
heard from their son Edward who
is in Australia. Ed had received
word from Frank Kunze who is
still in New Guinea.
Ladies Aid met at the church
Wednesday with Mrs. Leol& Tanne
h:Il, Mrs. Merritt, Mrs. Doris Lilly
and Mrs. Blanche Shannon as the
Dr. Carl Thompson left for Pen
dleton Thursday after spending sev
eral days at the A. E. McFarland
Mr. and Mrs. Hood left Monday
for White Salmon where they will
make their home. They have re
cently sold their farm.
Thursday was Health Day at
school with Bill Harter as King of
Health and Chloe Barlow as queen.
The program consisted of several
numbers by the rhythm band, sev
eral dances by the third and fourth
grades, and a Maypole dance by
the grade school girls. The remain
der of the afternoon was spent
having track. The winners of the
diffirent features went to Echo Fri
day for a track meet there.
A shower honoring Mrs. Thelma
Asher was held at the home of Mrs.
A. A. Agee Friday afternoon with
30 ladies attending. Many lovely
and useful gifts were received y
Mrs. Archer.
The regular high school play "Sis
Perkins" was held at the school
auditorium Friday night with, a
large crowd attending. Those in the
play were: Erna Skoubo, Nick Tay
lor, Bob Smith, Elaine Fisher, Fran
ces Skoubo, Dale Ford, Marvin
Walpole, Doris Wilson and Helen
Lois Messenger of The Dalles ar
rived Friday night to spend the
week-end with her parents.
Francine and Stanley King of
Povtlad spent the week-end on the
project visiting friends. They stayed
at the Baker home.
A Yank in the R. A. F. starring
Tyrone Power and Betty Grable
was shown at the grange hall Sat
urday night.
A bridal shower honoring Miss
Geraldine Healy will be held May
20 at the home of Mrs. Jack Gor
ham. Joyce and Shirley McFarland he
turned to their home in Umatilla
after visiting their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. McFarland.
A. McFarland left Monday for
Portland to attend the Interstate
creamery meeting held there Tues
day. He rode down with the man
ager of the Umatilla Co-op
Miss Hazel Miller is staying at
the R. K. Miller home while work
ing at the Union Pacific depot at
Lnwrence and Hilma Lee Tyler
and Norma Rosiland went to The
Dalles on the stage Saturday night
to spend Mother's dy with Mrs.
Grace Forbes.
Russell DeMauro spent from Fri
day until Tuesday visiting on the
The city streets were graveled
and bladed this week, making a
great improvement.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown
spent the week-end in Portland.
A special Mother' Day service
was held at the church Sunday
night honoring the local war moth
ers. Appropriate musical numbers
were presented by the choir and a
trio number was given by Helen
Ekker, Marvin Walpole and Dag
mar Skoubo. The topic of the ser
mon was "Good Mothers." War mo
thers present were Mrs. Ingard
Skoubo, Mrs. Clyde Tannehill, Mrs.
Dsn Ransier, Mrs. John Fisher, Mrs.
Paul Smith, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs.
Ida Potts, Mrs. Charles Anderegg,
Mrs. J. K. Walpole and Mrs. Con
nell. Mrs. Eva Wamer was the
oldest mother present. Each war
mother was presented with a bou-
lone Fire Department
Gets Double Alarm
Two "cotton" fires in lone last
Saturday caused quite a bit of ex
citement and some damage. Walter
Bristow's woodshed and contents
and Judge Johnson's woodpile suf
fered in the first and brush and
trees along the creek near Gar
Swanson's home burned in the sec
ond fire. The quick action of the
fire department kept the fires from
spreading and soon put them out.
Rev. W. W. Head will deliver
the Baccalaureate sermon to the
senior class of lone high school on
Sunday, May 23. This will be the
18th year Rev. Head has performed
this service for Ione's graduating
classes. Graduates this year are
Jean Coleman, Doris Palmateer,
Eulenna Seehafer, Marjorie Peter
son, George Griffith, Ernest Mc
Cabe and Robert Haskins.
Ted Peterson and Clifford Carl
son who have been in training in
the navy at Corpus Christi arrived
Wednesday of last week to visit
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Carlson. This is their first visit in
nine months. They left Sunday to
start their return trip, to Texas.
Mrs. John Farris returned from
Mledford Saturday. She was called
there by the illness of her mother,
Mrs. Frank Clark. On her arrival
she found her mother recovered but
her sister, Mrs. Earl Owings, quite
ill. When she returned, Mrs. Farris
was accompanied by another sis
etr, Mrs. Robert Clancy, and small
son. of Seattle.
Clark Stevens of Hardman was
quet of flowers by soldiers from
the local camp.
A doctor was called Monday to
give medical aid to Mrs. Nelson's
mother at .Messner who is seriously
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barlow and
family of Hanford, Wash., spent.,
Sunday in Boardman.
Mrs. Taylor of Kinzua arrived
Sunday to visit her son Nick who
is staying at the Henry Phelps home.
Gordon Gross of the navy who is
stationed at Pasco stopped in
Boardman for a short visit with
friends. Gordon is an old time resi
dent of the project.
Bob Harwood is recuperating
from a recent tonsillectomy. He al
so had an abscess bumed off of his
Graduation exercises will be held
May 26. Baccalaureate will be May
visiting his son, Rev. Joseph Stevens
and family over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. James Warfield re
ceived word Monday from their son
Robert who is in North Africa.
This is the first letter they have
had from him for some time.
Mrs. Ralph Ledbetter left Monday
for medical treatment in Portland
Guests at the James Warfield
home for Mother's day were Mr.
and Mrs. S. R. Stone of Pasco, par
ents of Mrs. Warfield. They were
accompanied by Mrs. Warfield's.
borther and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
lard Stone, also of Pasco.
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