Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 06, 1943, Image 1

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Swim Tank May
Open During July
If Water Ample
. . . . .
Several Important
Matters Monday
Heppner's municipal swimming
uuuv will upeiaie lor a mucn siion-
; 11 i 1 1 j
er period, it at ail, according to
opinions expressed by members of
the city council Monday evening.
Two factors enter into opening of
the tank this season, one the matter
of ample water supply and the
other the importance of obtaining
a competent supervisor. One thing '
the council did decide on and that
was the tank will not open before
July this year.
Definite action was taken by the
town dads relative to the operation
of slot machines within the corp
orate limits of Heppner there will
J)e no such machines.
Purchase of $2,000 worth of bonds
in the second war loan campaign,
a deal in which Mayor Turner took
the initiative, was confirmed by the
council. Also a contract with the
highway commission to resurface
the west end of May street and the
length of Gale street was ratified,
as were several matters pertaining
to leasing and sale of certain par
cels of city-owned property.
A budget committee was appoint
ed including Lee Howell, M. L.
Case, C. W. McNamer, D. M. Ward,
W. C. Cox and P. W. Mahoney.
Our Men
In Service
Arthur Vance, son of Mrs. Izora
Vance, of Heppner, motor mechanic A feature of the program was was upped to more than 1 billion
in a truck regiment at Camp tne selection of the healthiest according to information given
Blanding, Fla., recently was pro- oy and girl, a function performed through press and radio announce
moted to the rank of corporal. CpJ by Mrs- Anne Thomas, county ments.
Vance is dnin? mrtstanHin worlr health nurse. Hubert McLaughlin
and enjoys the service, but he still wa chosen as the healthiest boy
thinks Oregon about the best state ani. Lorine Van Winkle was ac
for all his travels through other corded the honor for the girls,
states. M. L. Case of Heppner, repre-
senting the Spanish American War
DREAMS OF FRIED CHICKEN veterans, delivered a stirring ad-
Mrs. J. G. Cowins received a
lO ICVClVCVl, a.
letter from her son-in-law. Walter
MrNbill with Vio Mrth
forces in which he says he is feel-
ing fine and hopes to be home by
the time the chickens are ready to
m .
Sgt Don Turner writes his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Turner,
that Easter 1943 Was the most
eventful he had ever experienced.
The 20,000 mer stationed at Fort
Riley attended Easter services and
received a great surprise when at
tV close President Roosevelt stood
t it- iirntrnrJ ri ha thfrmrf n y- 4i-in1sr
up, waved at the throng and took
his departure. That was at 11:30 a.
m. At 4:30 p. m. it was Don's priv
ilege to represent his unit on the
color ' guard which presented the
flag at the President's train. Well,
the small town boys do get around
these days.
Pvt. Lester L. Cox, one of Mrs. Lil
ian Turner's "boys," writes that he
has difficulty understanding the
lingo of North African people. How-
pvpr hv learning a few French.
Spanish and Arabic words and the
use of his hands he has been able
to get along. He says picture ver-
sions of Arabic garb are exaggerat-
ions. The Arabs are crazy for white
cloth, cigarettes, candy and chew-
ing gum. His letter is full of inter-
esting facts about the region he has
Pomona Returns to
Pre-War Schedule
Quarterly Meetings
Members of Morrow county
granges in attendance at Pomona
Saturday at Rhea Creek grange hall
found the new hours, 10 a. m. to
5:30 p. m. to their liking, but the
delegate body voted to return to
the former meeting dates and four
meetings a year, with the next reg-
1 . T. . nn a 11
uiar meeiuig on juik; .u ai iimuws
grange in lone
& j of to
ricudture were presented during
the day, including filing of separate
income tax sheets- for husbands
pnJ wjvPq- the alcohol olant to be
, w-..
Purchasing or . leeos ana coai as
practiced by Greenfield grange;
settling of the grange contest by
offering a $25 bond on best subord-
inate records reported at Pomona.
FWnrPs of the lecturer's hour
, tr W C n Conrad. Dr.
r , rr nn1 Henrv Peter.
&Qn and regular business meet-
ing' of Mrs Q w Cutsforth's 4-H
Beef club
,. j
ine iirth degree was exempt
to seven candidates.
Mrs. George Corwin was elected
as delegate to the Oregon
grange meeting June 7 to 11 inclus
ive at Eugene, with Mrs. Vida Heli
ker chosen alternate.
Lex Health Club
Demonstrates Work
Mrs. Marie Clary's health club
comprising members of the thjrd,
fourth, fjlfth, (sixth, seventh, and
eighth grades of the Lexington
school recently completed its year's
work with a public demonstration,
The class had about 35 members
and was active throughout tne
school year.
dress. He wore medals won dur-
. . , , nrvo j.1 J
tne conmct OI A.030' ."e
iime iit? nctu wuui wli
. - tt j. 1
. ars- nefws P L ?
award Batt leTip
0reSon to 25 , crfdren ho nad
purchased bonds during the school
I(! rtxr cup rnp
m- I i Qt tt,,t-,'U
reys Drug company for the annual
Mother-Daughter banquet sponsor-
ed by the Business and Profession-
al Women's club which will be
d evenin in diri room
of the Church of Christ. Tickets are
i;v,iJ tr mn it io n ratf of first
lilUllCU ,J a-W U"U kt m
come, first served, states Miss Flor-
ence Bergstrom, outgoing president
of the club.
Officers for the ensuing year re-
cently elected include Hester Peavy,
president; Harriet Hager, vice pres-
ident; Lela Peterson, secretary, and
Lera Crawford, treasurer.
Miss Doris McMurdo arrived in
Heooner Thursday from Charlottes-
ville. Va., for an indefinite stay at
the home of her brother, Dr. A. D.
McMurdo, and family. Dr. McMur-
do drove to Pendleton to meet her,
also bringing Mrs. Anna Clowry
who has returned to Heppner to
make her home. Mrs. Clowry came
from Waldon, Colo.
Oregon, Thursday, May
County Goes Over
Top in Second War
Loan Bond Drive
Public Purchases
Exceed Quota By
More Than $9,000
Morrow county contributed its
oharA rr. rhn raxint ensinnH ..r. 1
ivinu ocnu. wai man
tdmpaigu aim as usual aoaeo
a little extra to the amount asked
tor. As a result, the final returns
showed that a total of $451,471 was
realized, whereas the announced
quota was $385,000.
Purchases other than those made
bY financial institutions amounted
to $189,631, figures compiled by
chairmen B. C. Pinckney and
p y. Mahoney reveal. This is in
excess of the quota of $189,300 set
for individual purchases.
A boost was given sales in the
countv when the First National
bank of Portland was Granted ter-
mission to buv a block of two ner-
cent bonds. The original grant was
$73,500 worth and at a late hour
this .was doubled, making the pur-
nhaea S!l47non
Broken down, the purchases in-
ciuaea xio,ow in seven-eigms per-
1 . i d-i r a An
cent bonds and $147,000 in the two
percent issue taken by the bank,
c .. 1
and $198,631 of series "E". ' F , and
"G" bonds taken by the public, or
a grand total of $451,471. This is
on average of $100 for each man
woman and child residing in Mor
row county.
Definite figures on sales in the
state have not been released, but
statement's have been made to the
eilect that tne quota was over suo-
scribed by a good margin. The or-
iginal quota was $100,000,000 and
this was advanced $10,000,000 after
the story of Japanese slaying of
American aviators was released, lne
national quota of 13 billion dollars
Runnion Cafe in
New Hands Today
Bob Runnion completed the
Wednesday of the Runnion's Cafe
which he has operated since the
. .
of December to Harvey White
or rcaw lines, wyo. ivit. wruie iook
. .
over this morning,
White has had many years exper-
ience m restaurant business and
.g fte fa
, . ,
In commenting on the sale, Run-
ssed that the
? of the community and coun.
a.- u aa wricirlrnfA rf th npw
proprietor as they have been of him
and feels sure the cate.will continue
as a popular eatery.
Sale ot the cate will give Kunnion,
more time to devote to other inter-
..... . .
ests which have been crowded into
the background the tast few months.
y a
Jackson Gilliam spent a few
days with the home folks, coming
back from the New Hebrides after
seven months with the armed for-
ces. Jackson has been transferred
to the signal corps and will receive
a course of training at the great
radio school at Monmouth. JN. J.
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Gilliam drove
to Pendleton this morning, taking
Jackson and Miss Kathryn Hindlay,
who was a guest in their home
several days, on their way to Spo-
kane, Miss Hindlay's home, where
Jackiwn will make a short visit be-
fore proceeding to New Jersey.
6, 1943
Compliance Rules
Easy If Promptly
Acted Upon
vjrasonne and luel oil coupons
should be endorsed by the owner
immediately upon receipt from
the War Price and Ration board.
Endorsement should be made to
avoid theft and to save time when
exchanged for gasoline or fuel oil.
Gasoline coupons should be en
dorsed in ink on the back of each
,,, All :-
ular car or truck should have that
license number and the state
copied on their backs. Bulk and
non-highway coupons should have
the owner's signature.
Kerosene stove oil and diesel
fuel coupons should be endorsed
. .... . . .
in ink on their lace in the snace
nrovided for this nn The
-ial number wbirh annear on
fan nf th rafm Bw hM
be eonied imon tho fare of each
Several business places have
tailed to tile menus tor the week
of April 4-10 . with the local War
Price and Ration board. Since May
1 was the deadline set by the
Office of Price Administration all
persons or business houses con-
cerned bv the rulina should take
to . "
sie,?5.,, -
wide puoiiciiy concerning tne
VW method of filing- and
1 1 J l U XT .
""u UTOU vc' ""w"
CVC1 vu
from the Price Panel or Ration
Any one who sells food or drink
for consumption on the premises
is included in this regulation.
Bv the end of this week all
mprchflnts who have received no-
fran i al pri Panel
concerning their filing of ceiling
priceg should have contacted the
Ration board A 15-day period is
anowei for action by the mer-
chant on mch notices. in cases
where tne merchant asks the Price
panel for additional time it is al-
ways granted. on two sies by wide concrete ap
The local board reports that rons to facilitate year round truck
over three-fourths of the mer- ing in and out. Plans also include
chants whose filings were not en- a large modern drying plant to take
tirely in order have already com- care of the mash, which will
plied with the regulations. amount to 10 tons or more daily.
Loan Association to Service Flag To
Meet Here Saturday
Shareholders of the Hardman
WatiA n I Trorrvi Tjqti Qperwn otirvri,
""rT" T-V- 3",
- , , . m
10:30 a. m. Saturday at the parish
house in Heppner, according to an
nouncement by R. H. Loveless,
secretary-treasurer of the group.
Saturday, May 1, and was changed
because of Pomona grange meet
ing at Rhea Creek.
At this meeting a complete an-
nual reoort of the 1942 activities
0f association will be made,
Two directors
are to be elected
for a three-year period and other
acSOciation business will be trans-
program provides for some
-j ,
i i-ta .
y.)JJL D J J X. C IVV-1 J C O VV i J. C J CI 1 1 r I.
tunity for the membership infor-
"J"1?" te ma1terS
of interest to the association as a
whole. Loveless stated,
The ladies of the Episcopal church
have been asked to serve dinner for
the group at noon.
yr and Mrs. Henry Baker are
rej0icing over the arrival of a
grandchild, their first, which was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Merle Baker
April 25 at Burbank, Calif. The
baby has been named Annetta Ma-
rie. The younger Bakers have
been residents of Burbank for
three years, where Merle is an
employe of the Lockheed airplane
Volume 60, Number & o
Work on Alcohol
Plant Slated to
Start Immediately
Engineer Coming
Monday to Stake
Out Plant Site
Work in the alcohol plant to be
established at Heppner by Grain
inducts, inc., stated today that the
of next week news was Siven
by officials of the company early
thls week with assurance that
stePs already are under way to
move &nt from to the
1nat Olfc 111 of umitU efi lUn TTnnnmnii
Lumber company mill.
C- D- Conrad, secretary of Grain
Products, Inc., stated toay that the
company's engineer, John Boden.
wiu arrive in Heppner Monday and
lay out the ground site of the plant,
Well drilling is scheduled to start
m eariy aate so mat tne water
supply will be ready when the
F&ant is set up. In the meantime,
arrangements for dismantling the
plant and building at Carver are
being completed and it is the ex-'3
pectation of the company that op
erations wfll start in d
r-: dj,. 1-
"""" 'wuta. ui,. nuw vwua
Ver loJ' stclc " d
harrel nwnnHinff tv fYmrnH wh
7"" " ?, '
Krntpn that until thic wn nmvm.
------ - -
pushed the local concern could not
B ahead with its plans.
Activity in Heppner's industrial
district, where the Heppner Lumber
company is installing machinery
for its new mill, was given added
zest the first of the week when a
construction crew started work
grading the "Y" which the railroad
company is building to accommo-
date the larger locomotives in use
on the branch. The "Y" will be just
south of the alcohol plant, on land
purchased from the Clark Estate
for the purpose.
The alcohol plant will be skirted
Be Dedicated Soon
Appropriate exercises for dedicat
ing a service flag to the boys from
the Eight Mile-Gooseberry section
will be held in the near future at
the Eight Mile Lutheran church;
announces Mrs. Ben Anderson, in
town the first of the week. An in
vitation has been extended the gen-
ral public to attend this special
service which will honor the fol
lowing boys now in the service
from that part of Morrow county.
Lt. Arthur Wendell Bergstrom,
Clifford Leon Carlson, Henry Theb-
Hnr Ppproon Pfc Charles A. Lun-
. ' . , ,
dell, Jrvt James wanace J-unaeii,
Cpl Robert Wakefield, Pvt Clarence
Dokes, T. Cpl Lawrence Forbes
. . , . . . .
Beckett, Fvt Kichard lundeil t-vt
Boyd Everett Redding, Sgt Wm.
Clayton Wright, Pvt Frank Martin
Lovgrtn, ac Rhea Norton King,
John Darst, Pvt Charier Nelson.
Pvt Guy Edward Hastings, Lt. Don
ald Elsworth Drake. Pvt Douglas
Elmo Drake, Pfc Robert Scrivner,
Pvt. William Scrivner, Earl Hogue
and Lawrence Williams.
Mrs. Adolphe Maieske of Lexing-
ton submitted to a major surgical
operation at Heppner hospital
Mrs. Robert Gammell is a patient
. at Heppner hospital, where she was
taken Wednesday suffering from a
severe attack of influenza.