Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 29, 1943, Page 7, Image 7

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    Heppner Gazette Times, April 29, 1943 7
Classified ; and . Legal : Advertising
Want Ads
PRll'ZheXCurcd XZr&&
burn. Belching, Bloating. Nausea. Gas
rains, get iree sample, uaea. at
DRY WOOD-Blackbum Mill. See
uan msnop. imc
D. R. BARNES, Fuller Brushes,
436 S. E. First St. Pendleton
Ore l-9p
: v
IF YOU want to rent a house, see
Harold Hill. 3-tfc
WANTED A man and wife on
ZtrSfn 6 -i-H
MAN AND WIFE want iob on V
T- H'" 3-6-
FOR SALE-Milk cow and calf. -
FranW T.indsP'u- Mn.rwn Oro 3tf
SALE Milk cows, weaner
pigs and saddle horse. J. C. Ran-
sier, on Ekleberry place near
Morgan- iP
t autm nrvii7-- .1 i c--
tory style. N. D. Bailey 4-tf-c
IF THE party who borrowed my
cross cut saw will return same I
will be very grateful. N. D.
Bailey. 4c
FOR SALE Purebred 10-months
Hereford bull calf. M Bauern
feind, Morgan. 5t2p
Legal Notices
that on the second Monday in May
(Monday, May 10,' 1943) the board
of equalization of Morrow County.
Oregon, will convene at the Court
house in Heppner, Oregon, . and
publicly examine the assessment
rolls of said County for the year
1943-1944, and will correct errors in
valuation, description or quality of
land, lots or other property, assess
ed by the Assessor of Morrow
County, Oregon, as of January 1,
All persons interested or having
any complaints against their as
sessments for the year 1943-1944,
should appear at this time. Peti
tions for the reduction in assess
ment must be in writing, verified
by oath of applicant or his attor
ney and must be filed with the
board the first 15 days it is in ses
sion. Any petition or application
not so made, verified and filed shall
not be considered or abted upon by
the board.
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, April
20, 1943.
W. O. DIX, Assessor,
Morrow County, Oregon,
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned was duly appointed by
. . . .
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, execu-
trix of the last Will and Testa- 20, 1943.
ment of Frank N. Moyer, deceased,
and all persons having claims NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT
against the estate of said deceased, Notice is hereby given that Jo
are hereby required to present the sephine Buchanan, administratrix
same with proper vouchers, duly of the estate of W. E. Ahalt, de
verified as required by law to said ceased, has filed her final account
executrix, at the law office of Jos. with the County Court of the State
J. Nys, at Heppner. Oregon, with- of Oregon, for Morrow County, and
in six months from the date hereof, said Court has set as the time and
Dated and first published this Pce for hearing on and final set
15th day of April 1943. tlement of said final account, Mon-
LORA M MOYER, 'Executrix. day, the 10th day of May, 1943, at
37 the hour of 10:00 o'clock of. said
day, in the County Court Room of
NOTICE TO CREDITORS the Morrow County Court House in
Notice is hereby given that the Heppner, Oregon. All persons hav
undersigned has been duly appoint- ing objections to said final account
ed Executrix of the Last Will and must file the same on or before
Testament of Floyd N. Adams, de- said date.
ceased, by the County Court of D&ted and first published this 8th
the State of Oregon, for the Coun- ay April, 1943.
ty of Morrow, and has accepted JOSEPHINE BUCHANAN
such trust All persons having Administratrix
claims against the said estate are 2-6
required to present the same to
tr. nnriwHimfld or her attornev.
J O Turner, at his office in Hepp- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, day of May, 1943, at the hour of
ner' Oregon, within six months that the undersigned, as Adminis- 10;00 A- M., at the front door of
from the date of this Notice. Deceased s fite d hertinS the Co,urt 0Use in Heppner Ore
Dated and first published this SteJSrt taftToSS g? "? W EST '
22nd day of April, 1943 Court of Monw Countyi 0regon) est and best bidden
Ethel M. Adams, and Court has fixed May 29, J0iImF,iU,,r -.T
Executrix 1943, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., in the SHERIFF P. T., MORROW COUN-
4-8 Court Room of said Court, as the TY, OREGON. 3-7
miTKrrv nv mT.Tm-.TA
the matter of the guar-)
?JZh CT'l
rence B- Groom, a minor. )
INUliLJi la rLw,r X
that pursuant to an order and by
virtue of a license duly issued
and made m the above entitled
h?"1" . 00 21e3t daJ AP
19i3' .the above entltled
authonzmg, empowering and li-
censing the undersigned Guardian
to sell the real property herein
below described at Drivate sale.
the undersigned Thelma Davis, as
Guardian of the estate of Law-
rence B. Groom, a minor, will sell
a rao wf A
UMe f sh.. f-vm nd, nf
t- " J ot 1, I
1 continue said sale until said
pivpci iy iiiaa ueen soia, an 01 uie
right, titte and interest of Baid
Lawrence B. Groom, a minor, the
same being an undivided one-
twelfth interest in and to the fol-
lowing described real property, to-
ijommtencing at tne XNortneast
corner of the Franklin Cooper
Donation Land Claim on Scap-
oc Rav anH from ,A int
poose iay and rrom said pomt
of beginning North 62 West 45
chains 62 links; thence South 30
ir,T,ir,rt Mw-V. R9 Trt 45
West 11 chains; thence South 62
East to a stake on the meander
line of Scappoose Bay 45 chains
35 links; thence North 3011' East
to the point of beginning, all be
ing in Township 4 North of
Range 1 West of the Willam
ette Meridian, Columbia Coun
FROM all that portion of said
tract lying East of the Westerly
boundary line of the Columbia
River Highway as the same
now exists, and all being in Co
lumbia County, Oregon.
The Southeast Quarter of th.j
Southeast Quarter of Section 1,
Township 6 South of Range 28
East of the Willamette Meri
dian, Morrow County, Oregon;
the Northeast Quarter of the
Northeast Quarter of Section 12
Township 6 South of Range 28
East of the Willamette Meridi
an, Morrow County, Oregon;
and Lot 4 of Section 7 Town
ship 6 South of Range 29 East
of the Willamette .Meridian,
Morrow County, Oregon, and all
being within Morriw County,
said sale to be for cash, ten per
cent to be paid upon acceptance of
bid and balance upon ccxnfirma-
tion of sale by the Court. All bids
to be directed to the undersigned
at the office of John L. Foote, tt-
tomey, al St. Helens, Oregon.
As Guardian of the estate of Law-
rence B. Groom, a minor.
Dated and. first published April
22, 1943.
Date of
last publication May
time and place for the hearing of
objections thereto and the settle-
ment of said estate.
Attomey for Administratrix,
Residence and P. O. Address,
TTIllW nr--
cmcurr COURT 0F the
In Matter of the Guardianship
a Minor.
that under and by virtue of an or-
der and license dulv made and is-
sued out of the above entitled
'aboye nmed mino from,
qj -ft fh ooV, JMnfMjv 1Q43
or an(j at private
for cash, subject to confirma-
tion by the above entitled court, at
the law office of Clifford G. Holland,
Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon,"
all the undivided one-seventh in-
- - -
Patricia Yvonne Hughes, in and to
following described real prop-
ertv- atuate m Morrow ' County,
c. . . n.wit.
- """; .rP ' . , .,
The JNortheast quarter and tne Gene Engleman and daughter and Wallace, Marcella Jackson, Joe
Southeast quarter and the South- Mrs. Esper Hansen of Portland, Mr. Way, Bill' Marquardt, Carl Mar
west quarter of the Southeast an Mrs. John Turner of Baker, quardt, Elmer Piper, Clarence Bu
quarter of Section 7 and the ancl Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roberts chanan, Claude Way, Clyde Ed
Southeast quarter of the South- and Mrs. Victor Rietmann and fam- wards, Leonard Munkers, Albert '
west quarter of Section 7, and ily of Ione besides the parents, Mr. Edwards and Herman Wallace.
the Southeast and Southwest Mrs. Frank Engleman. Mr. and Mrs. Jade Van Winkle
quarters of Section 8, and the Mr Mra r Severson, the week-end at their home
Northwest and: Southwest quar- accompanied by Mrs. Charles O'- in Heppner.
S ffiThe5Crtheast oSrl Con?or' fV Pland T Lee Sparks, who has been ill for
tion 16, and the Northeast quar- Wekend. When they returned J recutjeratinB at Ritter
ter and the Northwest quarter thy were- accompanied by Mrs. sm? ,t T c i
of the ortheast quarter and the Seerson's mother nd sister who Springs. While Mr. Sparks is away
Northeast quarter of the South- are vigiting in lone. m 9umimngs 19 tencun8 1113 service
east quarter of Section 17, and marriage of Mrs. Lillian Bal- statlon-
the Northeast quarter of Section gjger 0f Newberg formerly of lone, Alfred Van Winkle is now a sec-
!8' aUin- T'J-n5011!!1' and Mr. Fred Balsiger of White nd lieutenant and is stationed in
Range 26 East of the Willamette Salmon WasL came as a surprise CaMornia.for further study.
Meridian, also that certain par- to q eip lone friends- The Mrs. Trina Parker is ill at her
eel of land described of follows, ceremony was performed at Steven- home.
to-wit: ,.. son, Wash, on Apdil 5. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whillock, Car
Beginning at the Northeast cor- Mrg Harry Armitage 0f Yakima, la Lee and Sandra Kay spent Eas
ier of the Northwest quarter of Wash Mrg Carrie -ason of teratSpray.
STafS FnsTTThe Wm Lone are of their sis" Mrs. Oscar Breeding is working
5E mfJtn, SLStatSSS; yr, Mr Ida Graybill. They came at Bamette's store now that Mr
West 23 chains, thence South 43 for Easter Sunday and plan to make Parker is ill.
7 East 10.30 chains, thence South a several days visit. Mrs. Everett Crump of Stanfield
45' East 7 chains, thence South Mr. and Mrs. Huston Bryson of spent Saturday at the Charles Bre
1912 East 667 chains, thence Portland were over night guestts of shears home. ,
South 34 East 17.30 chains to the Mr. Bryson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Those attending the OPA meet
East line of said Northwest John Bryson, who accompanied ing from Lexington were Mrs. C.
quarter of Section 17, thence them as far as The Dalles on their C. (aimichael, Miss Dona Barnett,
North 43.15 chains to the place return Thursday. Huston was to re- Alonzo Henderson, Ralph Jackson
of beginning, containing 42.50 port for induction into the army ani iygi parker.
acres, more or less. Saturday. Those gathered at the L. E. Ruhl
Dated and first published this Mrs. Darrel Padberg and Mrs. home on Easter were: Mr. and Mrs.
29th day of April, 1943.
TV 17T TT TT n AM rRTlFR rt
1943, I am authorized and directed
to advertise and sell at public auc-
tlo" e described pro-
nwtir r tr rr I - rr thin TrCk tVl 1 Tl 1 TY1 1 I TTI
1 ,y O. L IlUb i'OSO Wial wis. nuinniuni
price herein set forth:
Lots 3, 4, and 5 in Block 5,
Jones' First Addition to the
City of Heppner, Morrow
County, Oregon, for the mini
mum price of $75.00, cash.
Tract No. 57-B (Deed Record
41, page 381) of the City of
Heppner, Morrow County, Ore
gon for the minimum price of
$20.00, cash.
Lot 6 in Block 2, Ayers" 5th
Addition to the City of Hepp
ner, Morrow County. Oregon
for the minimum price of $5.00
The Southwest Quarter of Sec
tion 23, Township 2 South,
Range 24 E. W. M. in Morrow
County, Oregon for the mini
mum price of $1.50 per acre,
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in Block
21, Penland'a Addition to the
Town of Lexington, Morrow
County, Oregon for the mini
mum price of $30.00, cash.
THEREFORE, I will on the 15th
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Woods of
Portland were guests of Mrs. Lana
Padberg last week ,
The high school 'held its annual
wiener roast Wednesday evening on
Rhea creek at the Burroughs
r Afterwar the young pple
Eileen," at Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Salter had the
misfortune of losing one of their
brooder houses Friday morning
when the brooder exploded. Al-
though there were more than 300
young chicks in the house, less
uian co were iosu in uie ure. me
li nr 1 i a 1 n-rt
quick action of the school children
aid e volunteer firemen kept tiie
trom spreading to tne otner
of high school students at a moth-
ers lea rnaay aixernoon. adoui
mothers, teachers and guests en-
Joyed an interesting program m the
gJ which was beatifully decor-
ated with purple lilacs.
The Rebekah tea and sale at the
TOOF hall Saturday afternoon was
wen uuku. ""
taken in.
The Frank Engleman home was
the scene of a family reunion Eas-
tor nn r.iv.nt. wr Mr. and Mrs.
- V . . :
Terrell Benge were Pendleton visit-
ors last week. They were accomp-
anied by Henry and Will Clark
who visited their brother John, a
patient in the St. Anthony hospital.
Miss Gladys Brashears of Port-
!rj TTo,r Unr.
, '
Morrow County Farmers
Let Us Keep Your Books and Records.
We do all types of Accounting.
All work strictly confidential.
Address your inquiries to
The Farmers
Accounting Service
P. O. Box 6
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray,
and friends. She returned to Port-
land Thursday. Miss Brashears is
- 1 3 1 it. ITT l i r
V"y v " wesumore uvic
u t - - u- i.
Guests at the I. R. Robinson home
fer Sunday were Mrs. Bonner of
Lorigview, Wash, and Mrs. Bertha
Geiger of Kelso.
efearente. Mr and
Mrs. Charles Botts, on Easter.
Mrs. Dorr Mason is visiting in
lone this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Goodrich and
son of Lyle, Wash, and Mrs. Good-
rich's mother, Mrs. Ted Odegard of
Portland and Mr. and Mrs. William
. .
tsrashears ot J-.yle were lone visitors
Sunday. They visited at the home
t Mr and Mrs. Dale Ray and Mrs.
Alice WUes.
Misg mih Edwards is visiting
her Jerrme at Santa Cruz,
Lexington high school held
the junior-senior banquet at the
Lucas Place in Hpmrmer Saturdav
evening, mose attending were, Mr.
and Mrs. T. R. Burton, Miss Helen
Neigei. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Llnd-
strom Barbara Ledbetter, Jean
-..t. T..:i nui. -n
uu", oocuuia ueiraimra,
Gene Gray, Bobby and Florence of
Stanfield, Mrs. Nettie 'Davis, Jimmy
Davis, Norman Ruhl, Mr. and Mrs.
Merritt Gray and son Michael,
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gibson of
Hermiston spent Sunday at the
tjr:ll.. Ot V,m