Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 15, 1943, Image 1

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Our Men
In Service
Just when a teacher can find
time to carry on correspondence
with former pupils now in the arm
ed forces is not quite plain to many
o us, but Mrs. Lilian C. Turner
can find the time and is -do
ing a grand job of it. Many of her
"boys" are at the front or in train
ing and Mrs. Turner makes it a
point to keep in touch with them.
Her efforts are being rewarded as
the following letter will testify. It
is from Cpl. Asa H. Shaw and was
written somewhere out there in the
great Pacific ocean.
April 2, 1943
Dear Mrs. Turner:
Better late than never, I hope.
I received your Christmas card and
was very glad to get it. I am very
ner, as he was such a swell person,
sorry to hear about Kenneth War
I received a letter from Mr. George
Peck and he said that Kenneth is in
the navy and is over in this section
of the country, but I haven't had
a chance to see him yet. Elwynne is
an air cadet in California going to
pilot training school. I hope he
makes it. Mother has only one son
left at home now. Lee is in Ari
zona in the medical detachment,
Vester is taking gunnery school
training in Florida and Carl was
just drafted and is in North Caro
lina now. I don't know what he is
doing now. We have quite a few
miles between us do we not?
Do I remember the parties we
used to have when I was in your
grade? I say I do. They are my
most treasured memories now. I
.haven't run into any of . the .buy.
from Lexington, but sure would en
joy it if I did.
My company, headquarters and
service company, had a luau on
March 5th. Luau is the Hawaiian
word for feast. It was real Hawaii
an style. We had to eat with our
fingers. We also had Hawaiian
music during our meal which, was
very enjoyable. The luau was held
at an old Hawaiian home called
"The House in the Garden," which
' was a very beautiful place. In all
it was a very good day well spent.
I will close for this time and try
to answer sooner next time.
"Aloha" with love,
Your pupil,
Pvt. Henry Aiken Jr. has been
transferred to the medical detach
ment of the infantry and now is
stationed at Camp Leonard Wood
in Missouri, according to informa
tion received Wednesday by his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aiken.
Pvt. Raymond K. Ferguson, son
of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson of
Heppner has been transferred from
Fort Douglas to Camp Leonard
Wood, Mo., where he is receiving
training in the anti-tank division.
That's the bunch of Uncle Sam's
boys learning 4o man the big guns
that are playing havoc with Ad
olf s big tanks. When he was at Ft.
Douglas the weather was cold and
Kay was hoping they would send
him to Texas where he could, get
his bones thawed out. He doubt
less will get the same results in
Missouri when the summer weather
strikes that region. He will get the
doings at home through the Ga
zette Times.
I. Norman Nelson, son of Mr. and
and Mrs. A. H. Nelson of Lexington,
writes he would like to see some
snow. Word reached him recently
of the snow in Portland the past
winter and it made him homesick
to see a bit of the beautiful white
mantle. Norman is with the navy
somewhere out in the Pacific and
Continued on Page Eight
The Heppner of Old Is
Recalled by Gazette's
60th Anniversary
Editor's Note The Gazette Times this week received a communication
from Garfield Crawford, Dallas Texas, covering some of the history
cf Heppner from the time the Heppner Gazette was established up to
about the turn of the century. The article is too long for one issue and
will be broken down to two installments, the first of which is given
herewith. ("Doc" was the printshop name of ye ed for many years).
Dallas, Texas
April 5, 1943.
Dear Doc: I beat the old Gazette into this world by about 11 months.
Both of us were lusty kids and both did a lot of bawling around the lot.
Heppner, shortly after. the homing of the Gazette, began to go places.
Stage lines were developing rapidly. Merchants took on wholesaling
and jobbing and the little burg had more hotels than most burgs twice
its size. First of all was the City Hotel which covered most of a single
block. The P.ilace.built of nice new red brick, towered three floors into
the sky from the corner of Main and May and down on lower Main was
the Sargent House, a rambling sort of a building packed nightly with
freighters and sheepherders.
Otis Patterson, teaching school up at Waitsburg, Wash., was attracted
Cuntnnied on Page Eight
New Vicar Coming to Heppner Church
The congregation of All Saints
church in Heppner is eagerly
awaiting arrival of Rev. Neville
Blunt and Mrs. Blunt, who are
scheduled to leave their present
home in High River, Alberta,
Canada, immediately following
Easter to "come across the line"
:nd make their home here. Rev.
Slunt will be the first resident
minister the church has had in
several years, although activities
have been carried on by the
Sunday school, the guild, the
Young People's Fellowship and
limited church services provided
by the missionary offices of the
diocese combined with occasion
al visits from Bishop Remington-
The Hi.gh.R;ver,rTimes,,.wbich.
by the way, is published by
Charles Clark, brother of M. D.
Clark of Heppner, has the fol
lowing to say of Rev. and Mrs.
"There are many expressions
of regret from parishioners and
other townspeople at the loss of
these valued citizens. Mr. Blunt
has given fine spiritual leader
ship and under his ministration
St. Benedict's has had many fine
contributions to make it an at
tractive and vital center of wor-
ship. He and his wife have been untiring in service for the church and
general community good. During his residence in High River, Mr. Blunt
also gave a number of broadcasts on religious themes, which were a real
contribution to spiritual thought and aspiration."
Ring Lost in Mud
Turns Up in Lawn
A few weeks back when mud
was oozing down the hillside into
streets and yards on the west side
of town, little Steven Corwin, son
of Mr. and Mrs. George Corwin,
got mired down in the street in
front of the family residence. Mrs.
Corwin went to his rescue and after
somewhat of a struggle succeeded
in extracating both herself and
the boy. In the struggle she lost
her wedding ring. Now you gals
who have possessed the little gold
band commemorating the fatal
step can readily appreciate what
it means to lose it.
Time went on and eventually
Marshal Bill Morgan removed the
surplus soil from in front of the
Corwin residence, placing some of
it on the lawn at the rear of the
First National bank building. Early
this week Bill, who had raked and
washed that dirt, saw a small
shiny object a few feet away. The
object was retrieved, cleaned off
and behold! it was the missing ring.
His discovery caused tears to
flow, tears of joy, and peace and
and contentment dwelleth in the
House of Corwin once more.
Butter Creekers in town on bus
iness Wednesday included Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Instone and Walter
and Charles Luckman.
Oregon, Thursday, ApHI
The new vicar for All Saints
Episcopal church, scheduled to
arrive here about May 1, has serv
ed the congregations of St. Bene
dict's and St. Aidan's in High
River, Alberta, Caada, for six
and one-half years, e is a veteran
of World War I, as also is Mrs.
Blunt who served as a nursing
With the arrival this week . of
Mrs. Stephen Wehmeyer from Fort
Knox, Ky., Vlr. and Mrs. F. F.
Wehmeyer of Heppner got their
first glimpse of their granddaugh
ter, Stephanie Ann.
Mrs. Wehmeyer and baby made
the drive from Fort Knox to Hepp
ner alone, stopping off at Denver
to see Tech. Sgt. Stephen who re
cently transferred from Ft. Knox
to Lowery Field for further train
ing with the air corps.
After a week here. Mrs. Weh
meyer will drive to Puyallup Wash,
to visit her parents. They too are
awaiting the first glimpse of their
Much limb wood should be avail
able on Shaw creek if local resi
dents who have time to gather the
material and facilities for hauling
are interested in obtaining next
winter's fuel supply, local forest of
ficials state. Free use can be grant
ed where it will be used by the
party securing the permit.
There is one factor in the offer
which should be taken into account,
namely that material should be
gathered before hot weather sets in
for slash areas, due to fire hazards
will be closed to entry except un
der a strict permit system.
15, 1943
Horses of
Wall Creek Area
In Last Round Up
Straggling survivors of a once
proud herd of wild horses are being
rounded up in the Wall creek area
of the John Day watershed ac
cording to information reaching
Heppner this week. About 50 head
of the fuzztails have been account
ed for by William Elder and two
assistants, who report that the ani
mals are in a miserable condition
and that an estimated one-third of
the band already had died of star
vation the past winter.
This is the first big round up of
wild horses since 1927, when over
1,000 head were gathered and sold
for fox feed. Relph Reade of Spray
headed one round up and removed
approximately 700 head.
These horses have roamed the
broken rims of the John Day river
since pioneer days their living be
coming more and more precarious
with the passing years. The rem
nants are an inbred rabbity bunch
of horse flesh but when in good
condition they are as fleet and sure
wild and elusive to round up as
footed as mountain sheep and as
a bunch of mule deer. This spring
has been the most favorable chance
in the past 15 years for a round up
as there was almost six months of
winter in the area they inhabit,
leaving those remaining alive in an
emaciated condition.
Injured Youth Given
First Aid by Pal
When Kenneth Schunk acciden
tally injured Donald Gilliam on the
high school grounds Monday morn
ing he did not run for help. He
put. into practice first aid assistance
taught in Boy Scout lore and pre
vented what might have been a ser
ious loss of blood.
Schunk hurled a bamboo cross
bar in one general direction, but the
improvised javelin curved in young
Gilliam's direction, striking him on
the scalp and opening an artery.
Schunk placed his fingers on either
side of the wound, checking the
flow of blood until other aid came.
Girls, have you seen that hand
some guy in the natty blue uni
form of Uncle Sam's nahvee duck
ing in and out of business houses
the past day or two? You could
have fooled us but we thought
there was a strong resemblance be
tween him and the man who served
this county as sheriff for many
years. Yes, indeed, it is the same
fellow, but derned if he doesn't look
at least 10 years younger and sev
eral of us oldsters are contemplat
ing joining the navy. Well, anyway,
he's the same C. J. D. Bauman and
still rarin' to take a poke at the
Japs which he's likely to get a
chance at doing ere long. He's leav
ing Sunday for Seattle to take up
the second phase of training hav
ing wound up the first course at
Camp Farragut the past week.
Pvt. James McNamee arrived in
Heppner Sunday afternoon, coming
from Camp Hood Tex. in response
to a message that his father, Dennis
McNamee was seriously ill. James
is in a tank destroyer battalion. He
experienced some difficulty in get
ting transportation from Pendleton
to Heppner. Catching a ride from
Pendleton to Pilot Rock,, he walked
from there to Lena before picking
up another ride which brought
him to Heppner.
Life for the average storekeeper
is no bed of roses these days, ac
cording to Bert Mason, veteran lone
merchant, who was in Heppner
Tuesday. The merchant could en
dure all the red tape procedure bet
ter if he could get more goods to
sell, thinks Bert
Volume 60, Number 3; -1
Bond Drive to
Be Given Boost
Saturday P. M.
Street Program to
Be Featured by
War Bond Group
With one week of the second
war loan bond drive well under
way directors of the campaign in
Morrow county are laying plana for
an intensified effort during the re
mainder of the period. Sales up to
date have been quite satisfactory
and as yet there is no apprehension
regarding Morrow county's ability
to do its share, the main anxiety
being that response may be slow
and the campaign not completed
within the specified time.
To put a little pop into the drive
Directors P. W. Mahoney and B.
C. Pinckney are arranging a street
program to start at 7:15 p. m. Sat
urday. An effort is being made to
have the high school band play a
15-minute concert, followed with
talks by Supt. George Corwin and
Mayor J. O. Turner. Corwin has
been asked to discuss the bond
program and Turner will tell what
it means to Morrow county boys
"over there" to have the home folks
stand by them.
The local war loan committee is
a bit confused regarding the quota
for Morrow county. Just after the
Gazette Times had gone to press
last Thursday a telegram was re
ceived stating that the amount,
$494,100, contained in the publicity
forwarded to this newspaper from
state headquarters, was erroneous.
There was no explanation and none
has been received since leaving the
committee in the dark as to wheth
er the figure is more or less than
the quota. An effort is being made
to establish the county's status.
The First National bank will be
open until 9 p. m. for bond sales
only, according to Manager B. C.
With abject apology, the Gazette
Times is forced to omit complete
coverage of Boy Scout doings this
week. Lack of space forbids even a
reasonable coverage of the forth
coming Educational Finance cam
paign slated to get under way at
a "kick-off dinner at the Lucas
Place this evening, or the Court
of Honor held at the Christian
church Wednesday evening. Copy
of both events has been prepared
and as much of it as will be fitting
to use will appear in the issue
of April 22.
Supt. George Corwin returned
Wednesday evening from a trip to
Portland and Newberg in quest of an
English teacher. He announces that
Miss Ellenita Mardock, graduate of
Pacific college at Newberg has been
hired. It will be her first teaching
job and in addition to her English
work she will coach drama and take
care of the library.
Numerous Morrow county grow
ers are disposing of their 1943 wool
clips, according to W. L. Blakely,
local representative of J. B. Stan
field, Inc. of Portland. Better grades
are bringing around 40 cents a
pound, Blakely states.
Fishing season likely will not get
off to an auspicious start in this
section, due to high water in most
of the streams. However, fishermen
are preparing their equipment in
anticipation of doing a little cast
ing just to get the feel of it.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aiken drove
to The Dalles Wednesday where
Mrs. Aiken will submit to medical
examination and observation for a
few days.
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