Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 08, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Heppner Gazette Times, April 8 1943
vVat 'the ; :
that he was 150 miles off his course.
To correct the lifeboat compass the
submarine was turned to the dif
ferent points of the compass. Next
the submarine sent an SOS giving
the location of the lifeboat and
disappeared. Early next morning a
British ship appeared and after
watching the lifeboat to see that it
was not a trap took the survivors
aboard. The survivors yet do not
know why the Nazi commander
was so humane.
Shipping board has rejected the
proposal of Walter Meacham, secre
tary of Oregon Trail association,
to name two liberty freighters
Champoeg and Oregon Trail. The
board explains that under existing
policy no Liberty ship is named for
persons or for living persons.
Housewives are being advised to
can vegetables and fruit in com-
By Mrs. Julia Kiene
Westinghouse Home Economist
WASHINGTON, D. C, April 7-
It would please the forest service if
someone would curb the bands of
roving elk which, are making them
selves a nuisance in the Blue moun
tains of eastern Oregon. The elk
ramble wherever they like, de
stroying pastures and doing dam
age on the range in national forests munity groups and board of home
and interfering with the grazing pro- economics will provide an expert
gram of the service. The range is to see that the work is done in the
needed for sheep "and cattle and most scientific manner. Canning
every mouthful of grass taken by will be the major industry of the
the elk is a dead loss to owners of average housewife this summer and
livestock. As the elk are protected the government is encouraging this
by Oregon state game laws there is method of processing food for next
nothing that the forest service can winter. The sugar coupon available
do, nor by citizens with a yearning the middle of March called for five
for elk meat. pounds, but additional sugar will be
The volume of timber from na- allowed for home canning. .
nonei?S inre2n in 1942 was IRRIGON NEWS
494,896,000 board feet, or 25 percent
more than in the five previosu years.
Sale of this timber amounted to
$1,354,811, according to the forest
service, and part of this money will
revert to Oregon counties in which
the timber was growing. The na
tional forests are contributing more
Long Time Resident
Passes at Eugene
Hidden Health
7HEN it comes to health,
v Mother Nature certainly does
play hard to get. Take liver and
carrots, for example! Almost no
body likes them,
yet as a source
of health and en
ergy they run
rings around
most other foods.
That in itself is no
of course, because
eating shouldn't
be a punishment.
But now that you
can't be too
choosy about
loods, will you
Mrs. Eiene give liver and
carrots another try provided you
can fool the family into liking
Judging by the friends they've
made, "liver birds" hide their
origin completely. Have the butcher
cut liver in slices -inch thick.
Place in shallow pan, cover with
boiling water, let stand about 30
seconds, then remove from water.
Spread with generous tablespoon
of bread dressing, press flat, roll
lengthwise and fasten with tooth
picks or string. Roll in seasoned
flour, brown quickly in hot shorten-
ing. Add cup water to drippings
in skillet, pour over birds and bake
for one hour in a preheated 350
Not even a magician could find a
trace of carrot in Carrot-Honey
Cookies. Below is the recipe to
speak for itself.
Spanish Beans with Ltar
Sour Cream Cabbag
Lima Gelatin with Cottage Chats aaj
Appla Salad
Whola Whaat Bread . BntUr
Carrot-Honey Cookies
Carrot-Hens Cookies Recipe
t rape lifted an- leaps quick. i
purpose nrlefiea
1 teaspoon baking
Vl teaspoon soda
Yf teaspoon aalt
teaipoon cinna
mon Vt teaipoon nutmeg
ins rolled oata
1 eap raiilna
1 eap chopped ml
Vt cup shortening
1 eup strained
t eggs, well beaten
1 eup grated raw
Sift flour, measure, add baking powder,
soda, salt and spices. Sift again. Add oat
meal, raisins and nut meats. Mix well.
Cream shortening, add honey, creaming;
thoroughly. Add eggs, beating again, then
add carrots and mix well. Add dry ingre
dients, and stir until everything is mixed
well. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto a greased
baking sheet. Flatten out with a floured
fork. Bake for 15 minutes in preheated
350 oven. Do not store until coldr Makes
about 5 dozen cookies.
Dress Up Your
The David Steagall
George Steagall and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Lovgren visited
and Mil. Loy McF:
Di:m c-i
Belle Caldwell an old time C-ollyhorn went to Spray Tuesday Rhef, C130I: Eunrky. Ce.il Ludkinc
to attend the funeral of William visited in ardman and at Al Lov-
4. ...- l i ii. . resident of Irrieon died at Eueene
private timber, which was easy of Wdnesday morning. She had been three-year old son that Simday evenin&
access, is being logged off and as
the private trees disappear opera
tions extend into sections of nation
al forest which were formerly con
sidered inaccessible. It is antici
pated that in 1943 the sales of na
tional forest timber will eaual. if
ill for some time and was taken naa downed in the mill pond at
to Eugene by her daughter, Mrs. Spray.
William Potts a few weeks ago. She The C. W. Whitneys are moving
was .well known having lived in to Red Bluff Calif, where he has
Irrion for the most of 30 years. Her employment in the orchards there,
grand daughter Agnes Caldwell, Lee Larsons are dearning off
whom she had kept since six their lots that are covered with lo-
not exceed, the amount disposed of months of age, went to Eugene cust brush.
in 1942 .inursaay wun. ner uncie Liyae
Because of the war the lookout l M the HardniOn NeWS . . .
stations of forest rangers have most- '
ly been turned over to observers The Willi Gollyhorns bought
watching for an enemy air raid the C- D- Whitney place for their Community Subscribes
scattering incendiary bombs such son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and
as were dropped by a Japanese Mrs- Lyle Mulkey. They have 25 qZ.ZI to Ked CrOSS
flyer near Brookings last year acres adjoining this place but no
With pride the service announced wel1 or dwelling. This place has By Mrs. Elsa Leathers
that the portable radio invented in 2 acres with a good well and an Harman community and schools
the laboratory at Portland is now electric pump. , donated $72.21. The chairman, Mrs.
being used by the army and is Mrs. Mary Allen is taking her Owen Leathers, wishes to thank all
better known to the general public little daughter Donna Marie to who donated so generously and
as the "walkie-talkie," a soldier go- Portland to see a physician. Mrs. Fred Reed who collected $4.50
ing in advance of troops and sig- George Steagall) a soidier from at Reed's Mill; Mrs. Neal Knighten
nailing back from his outpost or Wisconsin, visited his brother Da- with the $24.5 from the schools The
foxhole to the command. vid Steagall of Irrigon reiatives mmumtv in eneral contributed
and friends at Lexington until S43-21-
There were 53 incendiary fires Thursday. He will be in the air Both highland grade school girls
in national forests in Oregon last corps when he returns. presented a very cute Easter show
year and 481 caused by man There Lee Munden returned to Irrigon here Friday evenmg modeling hats,
was a total of 1,088 fires for the he did not pass the physical suits, blouses and dresses from the
year, which is considered quite exam for a soldier. He went on to J- C. Penney Co of Heppner. The
Idaho across the line irom rarm- community w uivncu. airaiu
ington Wash. and special refreshments of dainty
The' Irrigon seniors left Friday sandwiches, cookies, tea and punch
for Baker for their annual sneak were served, with Mrs. Jim ams
day trip. They got back Sunday and Mrs. Owen Leathers pouring,
evening. Welter and Ray Wright and Dar-
Andrew Shoun is at Fort Clay- rell Farrens attended the stock-
Uinui T.n TTo ia an armv clerk mn'o mwf at Snrav this week.
ii W'li P T PUM for the engineers. He spent over iMr and Mrs. gam McDaniel Jr.
lweiW r i Vf 1 a vear as clerk for moved to Reeds Mill Monday from
pand 10 other plants to their full in Hawaii when he was in army Mill .
fHraHflTV It 3Y ICS nOPrtTrMTKT CTw CfQWa -
. - M '-"-vi"-it5 w vt before
that the government desires all the The "members of the Pentecostal
production possible, andj the Wil- church are having a farewell meet.
lamette valley is regarded as the , w Mr vr Wodnesdav
These Two Things
This is
Oyster Season
The Elkorn
Restaurant .
Is the Place to get
Oysters Served to
your taste
Other Sea Foods
In Season
Follow the Crowd
Ed Chinn, Prop.
good as compared with some years.
There were 202 more fires on pri
vate owned land than in national
War production board has placed
its OK on a request for the build
Call 21 12-lone
For General Hauling
Two trucks and one trailer available to
go any place any time.
Livestock Transportation and Heavy
Machine Hauling our Specialty
You CallWe Haul
Holub Truck Line
lone, Oregon
HiMiiiMiimiiiiiiHiiiiiiniiniiivHviniMTiiiiimiiiiiiviMHimiiMMi'iiiMmiiTmnmn"''"""'""""""''.-."""'."'...-." ,,.n,...,. a
most suitable section in the United
Ray Coulter has resigned his po
tions for the season Tuesday a. m.
Mrs. em Dalzell from Dry Fork
visited here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Knighten re-
States for growing flax. To increase -4- ' j; ne v,o. ceived word that Mrs. Fred Knight-
as much as possible the available school He has en employed here en passed away at her home at Vale
amount of linen, ships returning for years Ore. April 5.
from England have been ordered Emer Rucker w. Grim William Greener returned home
within the past few days to bring visited Danes Hood River from Hillsboro where he spent sev-
&s much linen as possible and dis- Saturday in quest of asparagus eral days with friends and relatives,
continue loading sand for ballast. crates did not get any Mrg Rg and small
went to Pendleton Sunday. daughters from Spray visited Mrs.
An Oregon owned merchant ves- Master Sgt Wiley Benefiel of Ela Beakman at Reeds mill this
sel was torpedoed in the Atlantic Alaska has been promoted to war- week-end.
and the crew took to boats. After rant officer according to his sister Clarence Moore left Wednesday
18 days a submarine surfaced with- Mrs. Carol Haddock. He is to be for Echo where he will begin shear
in a few hundred feet and ordered transferred but did not know sheep.
the lifeboat to approach. The Ger- where. 3 Knighten and chil-
man officer took the officer in Mrs. Lilly Bosch left for Gibbons dren were Su vLUors Mr
command below and asked his Monday. She has been the school flnd Q shonenberger on Mc-
name, the name of his ship and cafeteria cook for several years but jrjnnev creek
Mr. and Mrs. Kinnard McDeniel
and daughter of Lonerock visited
where he thought he was going, all owing to illness resigned and Mrs,
of which was promptly answered. T. T. Slaughter is preparing the
The German inmiirwl if ho tippHpH cr.V. limoVinc
1 " 4..W1-V.. ,
anything and was asked for water. Frank Ryder was a Walla Walla nere uncwy'
The Nazi officer ordered a cask of visitor Saturday. Mrs. Frank Howell is visiting
fresh water, a bottle of rum and six James Shoun with the Seabees here from Top this week,
loaves of black bread given to the in the naval construction crew has Ivan Leathers went to Monu-
castaways. Then he showed the lea- left San Francisco for Island X ac- ment Saturday and will fall timber
der that his reckoning was wrong, cording to a telegram from him for Spray Mill.
It Isn't Harvest Time
Not for several months
But NOW is the time to
make a start to get ready
for harvest.
Things being what they are we
suggest that you get your
Drapers and
Cell Belts
repaired without delay.
Braden Bell Equipm't Co.