Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 08, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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Heppner Gazette Times, April 8, J 943 3
Lloyd Stoltnow to
Work in Alaska
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stoltnow re
turned Tuesday from Seattle where
diey spent a few days finding out
about defense work in Alaska. Mr.
"Stoltnow will leave immediately for
the nortth but Mrs. Stoltnow will
have to wait for boat reservations.
Mrs. C. T. Odenburg of St. Helens,
Mrs. Stoltnow's sister, and her mo
ther, Mrs. R. Sampson of Salem,
returned with them.
Supt Richard McCullough of the
Flight Strip work is staying in
Pendleton taking medical treat
ments. Otto Barta is the operator at
Messner, taking Dale Russell's
place. Mr. Barta is staying at the
William McDonald home.
The junior class is decorating the
gymnasium getting ready for the
senior frolic which will be April 10.
The high school are now prac
ticing for a play called 'Sis Per
kins" which it is planned to present
on April 16.
The ladies interested in home
nursing met with Mrs. Anne Thom
as at the high school Tuesday to
make plans- for the class to be held
here. The first meeting was held
Tuesday. About 10 ladies plan to
take the course.
A birthday party honoring Emma
Nell on her sixth birthday was
given at the Walpole home on
"Wednesday. About 20 children were
Irrigonl grade school played
Boardman grade school in a soft
ball game here Tuesday. Boardman
won with a score of 20 to 11.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barlow spent a
few days the first of the week in
Hep. ner.
Bob Harwood left Monday for
Baker to take a defense job. Cecil
Hamilton has taken over the janitor
and bus job.
The high school went to Irrigon
Thuisday where they played a
game of softball, winning with a
score of 29 to 17. They went on to
Hermiston where they took in a
The flight strip is to be enlarged
to double its size. It is expected to
double the number of men and
trucks working.
Mildred Miller and Maxine Ely
gave a farewell party for the
Graves children Thursday night at
the Ely home. About 60 children
attended the party. The Graves
family expect to leave for Sparta
in the near future to make their
The fifth and sixth grade room
at school gave a program Thursday
afternoon which several mothers
attended. They also gave it again
Friday for the high school. The
program consisted of a play, "The
King's Toothache." Characters were
King, Leo Skoubo; Soothsayer,
Walter VanMeter; Jester, Elvin
Jones; Maid, Shirley Peck; Foreign
Wizard, Kenneth Harwood; Cat,
Mary Ann Rands. The fifth and
sixth grade girls' glee club sang
two numbers. .
The fifth and. sixth grade girls
gave a farewell party for Barbara
and Margie Graves at school Fri
day afternoon. A gift was presented
to each of the girls.
The high school gave a party Fri
day night in he school auditorium.
The evening was spent playing
games and dancing.
Russell Miller went to Portland
Wednesday to bring home his new
truck. He drove his coupe down
which he traded in on the truck.
He returned home Saturday.
Mrs. Effie Miller arrived Friday
evening to spend several days at
the home of her son, Russell Miller.
Elizabeth and Buddy Kristensen
motored to Portland Wednesday
where Buddy will have a medical
A grange executive meeting was
held Friday night at Minnie Mc
Farand's to discuss renting the hall
to Hall & Compton, contractors.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Harter and
children went to Hermiston Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs. H, Templeton moved
to Pendleton Sunday where they
will work.
Paul Smith and Nathan Thorpe
went up on Butter creek Saturday
for a truckload of hay.
Mrs. Robert Buchanan received
word that her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Phillip Reno had arrived at Fort
Knox, Ky., where Phillip is sta
tioned. She will make her home
there while Phillip is in training.
Mrs. Charles Chapman left Mon
day on a business trip to Couer d'
Alene, Ida.
Butter Creekers
Go In for Poultry
Pine City folks won't be caught
without meat next fall if shipments
of baby chicks received here Satur
day are an indication of the gener
al trend. Mrs. Claud Gipson re
ceived 200 and enry Vogler 500.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marion
Finch Sunday were Bill Finch and
Mrs. Adams
Frances Finch, who is attending
school in eppner spent the week
end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Marion Finch.
Mrs. Charlie Mbrehead and fam
ily spent Sunday with the Dan
Lindsey family.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bartholo
mew made a business trip to Mon
gan Tuesday.
enry Vogler was attending to
business matters in Heppner Sat
urday. Pine City club will meet April 15.
Everybody is invited for an all-day
meeting and bring your scissors.
Mrs. Anna Q. Thomson, teacher
in the Pine City school, spent the
week-end in epper.
A group from Butter Creek went
to the dance at Lexington Saturday
George Miller, north Cecil farm
er, was transacting business in Hep
pner Monday.
Goverment purchase orders,
specifying that canners pack fruits,
vegetables and juices in large no.
10 size cans instead of smaller ones
may save as much as 57,000 tons
of tin, 43 tons of rubber and 5,500,
000 man- hours of cannery labor
in 1943.
Florida farm families grew about
twice as many gardens in 1942 as
they did in 1941.
Augusta Travers you know, the
one who runs the little hat shop
down on Main Street she's always
been dead set against gambling in
any form. Never will forget when I
was a kid and she found little Ham
my, her youngest nephew, playing
marbles for keeps out back of "the
shop. Took it on herself to give him
a whaling and point out the evils of
gambling. She's a strict woman,
Augusta, real strict. Good as gold,
of course. But mighty set against
the lighter things of life.
Well, so you could have knocked
us all over with
a feather when
Augusta started
her gambling
campaign for
War Bonds and
Z Stamps, right
"fZ. out in the win-
dow of her shop.
r First she got
hold of the pho
tographs of every boy here in town
who's joined up, and pasted them on
a big board in the window, with little
American flags at the corners. Half
the town was down there watching
her do it. She left the middle empty.
Then she brought out a placard she'd
had printed up and put it in the mid
dle, and this is what it said: "These
are the Local Boys who have enlist
ed in America's War They are bet
ting that you are buying War Bonds
and Stamps Hitler and the Japs are
betting you aren't Place your bets
My wife couldn't wait to get her
self down there and inside Augusta's
shop to see what in the wide world
had happened to her, turning right
around about gambling like that.
You know my wife." She kind of
likes to talk. She went right up to
Augusta and said, "Augusta Travers,
seems like something's come over
you. Why, I never, thought I'd see
you running a gambling campaign
in your own shop."
Mean to tell me it's a gamble
whether this country buys enough
bonds to win this war?" Augusta
I forgot to say. Wasn't just a hat
my wife brought home. Was a hat
and a $25 bond.
(Story from an actual report in
the files of the Treasury Depart
ment.) Remember: It takes both taxes
and War Bonds (and more War
Bonds) to run the War and combat
inflation! a. S. Treasury Department
A G-T want ad will do wonders
if you have anything to sell, tract
or exchange. Results every time.
What Foods are Rationed
in the Meats and Fats Rationing Program
Beginning March 29, shoppers will use
the red stamps in War Ration Book Two
to buy meats, edible fats, and oils (including
butter), cheese, and canned fish.
Here is the official OPA list of foods
showing what will and what will not be
included in this rationing program. Keep
it handy to look at before you shop. Use it
in planning nutritious meals for your family
and yourself.
These Foods Are Rationed
MEATS. Including all fresh, frozen,
smoked, and cured beef, veal, lamb, and
pork; all meats and meat products in
containers of tin or glass; all dried meats;
variety meats, including: Tongues, brains,
hearts, liver, tripe, sweetbreads, kidneys;
bouillion cubes, beef extracts, and similar
concentrates; all dry, semidry, and fresh,
smoked, and cooked sausage, including:
Salami, pork sausage, baked loaves, wein
ers, scrapple, souse, head cheese, and
others; suet, cod, and other fats.
These Foods Are
POULTRY and GAME. All poultry and
game, whether fresh, frozen, or in cans or
FISH. Fresh fish, frozen fish, smoked, salt,
pickled fish, fish in containers that are not
hermetically sealed. v
FATS and OILS. Olive oil when not
blended with other ingredients; salad
dressings and mayonnaise.
FISH. All fish, shellfish, and fish product!
in hermetically sealed containers.
FATS and OILS. Butter, margarine, lard,
shortening, cofkiog and salad oils.
CHEESE. Cheese of most kinds: Cheddai
(American), Swiss, brick, Munster, lim
burger, dehydrated grated, dub, Gouda,
Edam, smoked Italian and Greek (all hard
varieties), processed cheese, cheese foods;
all cheese products containing 30 percent
or more by weight of rationed cheeses.
Nor Rationed
CHEESE. Soft or perishable cheese such
as: Cream cheese, Neufchatel, cottage,
pot, baker's, camembert, liederkranz, Brie,
blue; cheese spreads made with a base of
cheese which is not rationed; cheese
spreads and cheese products containing
less than 30 percent by weight of rationed
Ue Your Red Stamps
Your red stares ue la the same ration During the first 5 weeks es
book as the H'jt tfamps you are already
using for processed foods.
The number on each stamp shows you
how many points it is worth. There are
8-, 5-, 2-, and 1-point stamps.
The letter shows you when to use the
t new stamp becomes good A
vrv wwlr MA'f stamtvi FX.
first, then "B," "C," "D,"
and "E." As stamps become
good they need not be used
within a single week, but
may be used until the end of
the month.
Mrs. America
Meets the War
'Ten to two' doesn't refer to the
hours your doctor keeps but to the
time period recommended by the
Office of Defense Transportation
for Mrs. America's shopping hours.
In this way the ODT said house
wives will leave room for essential
workers who must travel during
peak periods. Public transit facili
ties of course, are jammed with
millions of additional workers. So
when Mrs. America marches out
for Easter shopping, she is asked to
key her shopping hours to the four
hour period from 10 in the morn
ing to 2 in the afternoon.
Food rationing is inspiring more
housewives to thoughts of canning
fruits and vegetables than in many
years, and to those who are plan
ning to put up victory garden pro
ducts, here's a word of cheer from
the War Production board. The
WPB has been expecting a record
breaking home canning season and
so has taken action to see that there
are plenty of glass jars, rubber
rings and covers for sealing the
jars. Zinc lids are banned, however,
a recent WPB order released enough
metal to permit manufacture of al
most all types of closures. And
twice as many pressure cookers
will be made this year. The WPB
pointed out that, however, the in
crease will not be enough to take
care of the increased demand. But
producion is limited because of the
direct war need for the critical
steel going into manufacture.
Women war workers are particu
lar in their protection of the skin
you love to touch' for reports are
that lotions are in great demand for
hand care. Of course, glycerine
which formerly went into lotions
now is being replaced by less criti
cal skin softeners. Women working
in munitions plants are taking ex
tra caution in the care of their skin
by using special 'insulation' creams.
These products, which are similar
to powder bases, prevent the im
bedding of grime in the skin. An
other cosmetic item which women
doing hard physical work count as
important are deodorants. These
products, by the way are not suf
fering from any shortage of ingre
dients. Housewives who buy butter or
cheese from the milkman may pay
necessary ration points in advance.
So if you decide on Monday that
ycu wish a pound of butter deliv
ered the following Thursday just
turn over eight points to the milk
man for future delivery.
Can openers which Mrs America
will find on the market may be lim
ited in the amount of metal al
lowed, but at, least they shouldn't
be scarce. The WPB has allowed
the production quota for civilian
uses to be upped from 35 to 50 per
cent of the amount manufactured
in the year ending June 30, 1941.
But no more than 12 ounces of
metal may be used in each can
Red A stamps in war ration book
two will be valid for purchases un
der the meats and fats program un
til April 30. During the month of
April a new red point stamp be
comes valid each week to expire on
the same date, April 30. The red B
stamp matured April 4, the C's on
April 11, and the D red stamps on
April 18, and together with the red
A's, they all will be good until
April 30. That provides each hold
er of war ration book two with 16
basic points per week for the pur
chase of meats, cheese, canned fish
and edible fats and oils.
The sweater girl of 1943 may
find plainer sweaters if a recom
mendation of the knit goods indus
try advisory committee of the War
Production board goes through. The
committee has reoommiended that
all frills and unessential trimming
details on sweaters be eliminated
to save materials and labor. Furth
er, it was suggested that both ma
terials and colors of knit goods be
standardized to 20 basic styles and
six colors.
Mrs. America is being urged not
to pay over the maximum ceiling
price for ham or bacon which she
puts on the family table with eggs.
New uniform prices have been set
for all pork cuts sold at retail, and
that means the housewife will find
the price the same in every store,
depending upon its classification.
Every retailer must have posted
prominently a chart showing the of
ficial OPA prices on pork, and
housewives are urged to report to
local war price and rationing boards
or the OPA any instances of over
charging. The new regulation set
ting uniform dollars and cents ceil
ing prices for pork cuts, went into
effect April 1.
How to Shop for Meats and Fats
with Red Stamps
Shopping with your red point stamps will be easy if you remember t few
simple rules.
You already have War Ration Book Two; you need not register again or
declare how much of these foods you have on hand. But when rationing begins
remember that:
1. Red Stamps may be used for any of the foods rationed in the Meats and.
Fats Program. The same -stamps arc valid for meat, chew, butter,
canned fish, margarine, etc
2. The point value of each item is set on a pound basis. But the amount
of any food your points can buy will depend on whether the item you
choose has a high or low point value.
How to Shop
Here is the way your Red Stamps become good during the month of April:
Week Beginning Hii Stamps Bearing Unit Stamps Expirt
March 29 A (16 points) April 30
April 4 B (16 points April 30
April 11 C (16 points) April 30
April 18 D (16 points) April 30
April 2 E (16 points) To bt announced)
1. First study the "point values" of the
foods you buy most often. To help you,
you'll find a "Point Value Table" hung up
in your food store. Or, better yet, you can
clip a meats and fats "Point Table" from
your newspaper and keep it handy,
2. Take War Ration Book Two with you
when you shop for meats, cheese, or any of
the other items, just as you do now when
you buy canned, frozen or dried fruits, and
vegetables. Tear the Red Stamps out in the
presence of your storekeeper or his delivery
3. If you find you do not have the exact
amount of valid Red Stamps to give for a
purchase, your storekeeper can give you your
change in "1-point" stamps. For example,
if you must give him a 5-point stamp to pay
for a 4-point purchase, he can give you a
1-point stamp as change. But he cannot use
the 2-, J-, or 8-point stamps as change.
Make sure, however, that the "1-point"
(tamp has a letter on it which is valid at the
time you receive it.
4. Your storekeeper cannot always ca. '
meat or cheese to the exact pound weight
you wish. That means you must know how
many points you should pay for ounces, too.
A special table has been provided oa the
Official Table of Consumer Point Values for
just such cases. This table breaks the point
values per pound down into ounces. If 009
of your purchases has an ounce value of less
than half a point you do not have to pay an
additional point. But if it is one-half point
or more, your retailer can collect a full point.
J. Budget your points. SpenA Red
Stamps carefully. Make thera last for the
entire ration period. When you receive
"1-point" Red Stamps as change, use then)
the next time you shop, if possible, and be
sure that they don't expire unused.
6. Remember, you still use. the Blue
Stamps for processed foods and stamps from
War Ration Book One for sugar and coffee.
No change can be made in Blue Stamps.
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