Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 08, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, April 8, 1943
IONE NEWS NOTES Lexington News
Suffers Stroke While
Looking After Sheep
Ralph Akers suffered a stroke
Sunday afternoon about 2 p. m.
while tending to the sheep. He was
not found until 8 p. m. He is being
cared for at the Wilbur Akers home.
2nd Lt. Bertha Akers of Fort Stev
ens was expected to arrive Mon
day to be with her father.
Mrs. Job Crabtree has returned
to the Arch Munkers home from
Salem where she went for medical
treatment for a broken arm. She
received this injury when a pet
colt became frightened and ran
against her, knocking her do .vn.
Mrs. Roy Elliott and two smaU
sons moved Saturday to the Fisk
ranch where Mr. Elliott is employ
ed. They have been making their
home at Mrs. Lena Ray's rooming
Iv.njse the last two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. ETtest Christopher
son of Aurora, former lone people,
were week-end visitors. They were
accompanied by Mrs. Vernon Chris
topherson and daughter Gloria and
Miss June Jepson of Aurora.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark who have
een at the Fisk ranch have moved
to Hood River.
Rev. W. I. Morris and family are
moving to Weston. They will be
greatly missed in the church work.
Clifford McCabe suffered an in
jury to his back Monday. He was
taken to Heppner for medical
Miss Clara Ann Swales was a
week-end guest of Miss Virginia
Smith at the Howey Smith ranch.
Mrs. Sanford Nance and two sons
spent the week-end at McMinn
ville visiting Mr. Nance's mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ray of Hood
River were lone visitors Saturday
and Sunday. They were overnight
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bry
son Saturday night and spent Sun
day visiting friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. John . Bryson vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. John Prutter of
Hermiston Surtday afternoon.
Frank Youing received word of
the passing of his sister-in-law,
Mrs. Harriett Brians Young at Pa
sadena Calif. April 2. Mrs. Young
was a one-time resident of Mor
row county, living in the Gooseber
ry district.
Members of the lone school band
will entertain the high school and
faculty Friday evening, April 9 with
a basket supper followed by a
Mrs. Charles Carlson, chairman of
the Red Cross drive in the lone
'area reported the sum of $1104.30
had been turned in at Heppner. This
year the Gooseberry district was
included with lone. Credit for this
showing is due the members of the
committee who cooperated so splen
didly with Mrs. Carlson. They are:
Mrs. Fred Mankin, Mrs. Hugh
Smith. Miss Eva Swanson, Mrs.
Clyde Denney, Mrs. Delia Corson,
and Leonard Carlson.
Dinner guests at the Tehhell
Benge ranch home Sunday were
Mrs. Lana Padberg, Arley Padberg
and Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Padberg
and daughter Lee Ann.
lone Topic club study meeting
will be Friday, April 9, at the home
of Mrs. Henry Gorger and the so
cial meeting will be Saturday af
ternoon, April 17 at the Roy Lind
strom home. Mrs. Gorger, Mrs. El
mer Griffith and Mrs. Echo Palma
teer will be the hostesses.
Joseph Eskelson Was
Pioneer of County
Funeral services for Joseph Es
kelson, aged 87 years, two months
and 24 days, who passed away
March 26 at his home in Salem,
were held from the home. Interment
was in Bellcrest cemetery, Salem.
Mr. Eskelson was a native of the
state of Nebraska, where he was
born Jan. 2, 1856, the oldest son of
James and Catherine Eskelson. He
spent his boyhood days in Utah.
When a young man he went to
Butte, Mont., where on June 7,
1882, he married Mary Ann Phariss.
They came to Morrow county in
l?.Zi and Mr. Eskelson took up a
homestead on Social Ridge. He
mads his home on his Morrow
county farms until 1923, when he
moved to Salem, spending his de
clining years there.
Always a loving husband and
father, he leaves to mourn his pass
ing his wife, Mary Ann Eskelson,
and the following children: Earl
Eskelson, Portland; James Eskel
son, Salem; Ethel Wilcox, Hermis
ton; Nellie Palmer and Cleo Van
Winkle, Lexington; Josie Frederick
son and Kathryne Daniel, Salem;
32 grandchildren and 24 great
At Heppner
Many of the women of the Wom
en's Auxiliary Army Corps are al
ready overseas serving in various
capacities to help win the war. The
WAACS go through a strenuous
training to fit them for the arduous
duties they must perform.
During the 1942 prune harvest in
Payette county, Ida., all business
houses closed until 4 p. m. daily so
that employes could help get in
the crop.
slVlil mlI
Elmer Hunt, Miss Helen Neiger
and Clsre Hunt were Tuesday eve
ning dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
T. R. Burton.
Bud Furlong of Heppner visited
Kenneth Jackson Wednesday af
ternoon. ,
Mrs. Gerald Acklen and daughter
Ruth Ann of Grants Pass visited
Mrs. Acklen's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Dinges, for several days the
past week.
Joe Way, Albert Edwards and
Leonard Munkers spent the week
end at their homes from their stu
dies at the NYA school in Pendle
ton. Mrs. Gwen Walker is confined to
her home with the mumps.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Palmer and
Mr. and Mrs. W. C VanWinkle re
turned home from Salem last week.
Mrs. Bertha Hunt was a Heppner
visitor Monday.
Jack OTIara was a business vis
itor in Pendleton Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Cory and
family moved tto Umatilla last week.
Faith Cory will stay with her sis
ter, Mrs. Bill Ross, until the close
of school.
Mir. and Mrs. Willie Steagall are
spending some time in the valley
at the home of Mrs. Steagall's par
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Strick
ler, who live at Lebanon.
Louise Hunt was absent from
school for several days last week
due to a severe cold.
Cpl George Steagall of Camp
McCoy, Wis., is visiting friends and
relatives in Lexington and Spray
for several days.
Mrs. Oscar Breeding has been
quite ill with a cold for several
Those from Lexington attending
the funeral of little Tommy Stea
gall at Spray were Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Steagall, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whil
lock and Mr: and Mrs. Oscar Breed
ing and Freida and Wanda Breed
ing. Miss Melba Caldera was a Tues
day visitor of Mrs. Maxine Gray.
A recent survey showed 163 va
rieties of vegetables growing on
negro farms in Georgia.
Last year South Dakota State
college gave its 1,200 students a
two-week's recess to help in the
In Great Britain when the pre
sent six months' surplus stocks of
hats are exhausted, women will be
able to buy new hats only at the
rate of one every three years, and
only one hat every five years.
A checkup on the whereabouts
of 1,602 rural young men in an Ohio
county showed that about 40 per
cent were in the armed forces and
32 percent had moved to nearby
industrial enters.
About 8 pounds of dehydrated
Irish potatoes are the equivalent of
a bushel of raw potatoes weighing
CO pounds.
A uniform for a VVAAC, complete,
costs approximately $170.00. The
quartermaster's department must
provide thousands of them. Your
purchase of War Bonds helps pay
for these uniforms. Invest at least
tea percent of your income in War
Bonds every payday through a Pay
roll Savings plan at your office or
factory. . Sm Treasury Department
Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight
.Spfctpialist of. PendHebon will' (be
at the Heppner Hotel on Wednes
day, April 14.
Martin B. Clark, Minister
9:45 a. m. Bible school.
11 a. m. Communion" and preaching-
,6:30 p. m Christian Endeavor.
7:30 p. m. Pre-prayer service.
7:45 p. m. Evangelistic service.
7:30 p. m. Choir practice.
7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting.
7:30 p. m. Bible study.
Bennie Howe, Minister
Sunday: April 11:
Divine worship at 11 a. m. Ser
mon topic: 'The Man Judas.' Spec
ial music.
Church school at 9:45 a. m. Lucy
Rodger s, superintendent. A class
for every grade and age.
Youth Fellowship for juniors at
6:30 p. m.
Evening song and gospel service
at 7:45.
Wednesday Evenings:
Fellowship and prayer service at
7:45 o'clock.
Thursday Evenings:
Choir practice at parsonage at
7:45 o'clock.
The best compliment you can
pay the sermon is to bring a friend'
to hear the next one. Welcome.
Sterl D. Spiesz, pastor
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.
Worship, 11:00 a. m.
Young People's service 6:30 p. m.
Evangelistic service, 7:45 p. m.
Tuesday prayer service, 7:45 p. m,
Thursday Bible study, 7:45 p. ro.
Jesus is just the same today, able
to save from sin, empower to live
a victorious life, heal your sick
body and keep you faithful until
His coming. Have faith in God.
Church school, 9:45 a. m.
Morning Prayers at 11:00 a. m..
Rev. Francis McCormack. Pastor
Schedule of sendees:
Heppner: Mass at 9:00 a. m. every
Suriday except 3rd. Mass on 3rd
Sunday at 10:30.
lone: 10:30 a. m. on 1st Sunday;
9:00 a. m. on 3rd Sunday.
Lena: 10:30 a. m. on 2nd and 4th
Week-day mass at 8 a. m. First
Friday, 7:30 a. m.
Confessions: Saturdays, 7:30 to
8:00 p. m. Sundays, 8:15 to 8:55 a. m.
J. Fred Stilwell, Pastor
Sunday school, 10 a. m.
Preaching and sacrament of the
Lord's Supper at 11 a. m.
and all others with whom you cor
respond will gain a more favorable
impression of your business if you
use good stationery with your name
or firm name neatly printed thereon.
Business and Professional
Men, Farmers, Stockmen
find their correspondence more ef
fective when written on printed
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