o rn o o lip a Qxm8 jiff Morrow County's March "E" Bond Quota Exceeded Half-month Pehiod Shows Purchases Up to 128 Percent Figures released early this week by the state "E" bond chairman's office revealed that Morrow county has topped all other counties in the state in the sale of "E" series bonds for the period of March' 1-15. This interesting news was given the Ga zette Times by P. W. Mahoney, county "E" bond chairman, who expressed keen pleasure in the re sult of purchases here which put the county out ahead with a count of 128 per cent. Morrow county's quota for the month of March was $22,000. Up to March 15 sales totaled $28,181. Wallowa , County with 96.7 per cent was next in line, followed by Hood. River county with 95.7 per cent. Multnomah county with a quota of $3,721,500 ,had attained $25,000, with the sales running to 86.7 per cent. Wallowa's quota was $24,187. Hood River, with a quota of $48,000 had sold $45,944 of the issue up to March 15. "While other counties doubtless will atttain their quotas, it remains to be seen whether they will reach the high figure of Morrow county," Mahoney , stated "Due to income tax payments ,it had not been ex pected that purchases of the bonds would run so heavy in the fore part of the month. It is gratifying not to have to make. a-. drive to attain the month's quota, although there may be necessity for such effort a little later, in the year," Mahoney concluded. Our Men In Service MAN ON PRODUCTION LINE DOING HIS PART Recently at North Canton. O.. the Hoover company was presented with the Army-Navy "E" for out standing work in war production. Presentation was made made by Col. H. M. Reed all and was c cepted by President H. W. Hoover for the company and A. O. Mus grave as representative of the em ployees. The significance of this presentation insofar zs Morrow county is concerned lies in the fact that O. A. Musgrave is a brother of J. E. Musgrave, lower Rhea creek farmer. Mr. Musgrave said in part: "Wear ing these buttons will remind us of a much-coveted attainment. A pa triotic goal has been achieved. We are keeping step with our comrades in arms. To us they are medals of honor medals for service on a job we know is vitally important .... Many of us have sons or brothers or buddies in the armed forces. We are ever mindful of the fact that as we are faithful in our perfor mance here, we are helping them. I know I am voicing the sentiments of all my fellow workers when I say we will not fail in our duty. We are not working simply to win a star. We are working to WIN A WAR, and return our boys safely home." STUDYING AVIATION MECHANICS From Amarillo Army Air Field, Texas, comes word . that Everett Crump, son of Delia F. Crump of Heppner, has begun an intensive course of study in aviation mech aics at that trmy air field, one of the newest schools in the army air force's technical training command. Continued on Page Eight Six Volunteers Accepted (or med Service Six young men who left Hepp ner Monday evening for Spokane for induction into the armed ser vice of their country were accepted. Four of them reported directly to their training centers for active service while the other two re turned home on a short furlough before reporting for service. Each of these lads has a "V" in front of his service number, indicating he volunteered before his number had been reached. Morrow county registrants report ing were V10336 Henry Aiken Jr.; Vi0337 William Malcolm Scrivner; V10349 Kenneth George Hoyt, and V10337 Raymond Kay Ferguson, Also reporting for induction were Ned Dale Sweek of the Grant county local board and Maurice Layton Hinshaw of Sanford, . Fla. "Bill" Scrivner was appointed leader of the group and Kay Fer guson was assistant leader. Scrivner was accepted for ser vice with the Marine Carps, Hoyt with the navy, and Aiekn with the army. They reported to their re spective training centers for active service, while Ferguson and Sweek, both accepted for the army .return ed home for a short furlough. Fer guson was appointed "acting cor poral" for that trip from the induc tion center to the reception center. "Morrow county local board is justly proud of this group of regis trants who reported for induction Monday evening," stated Mrs. Grace Turner, secretary of . the board, "and the boys were mighty proud of .that "V in front of their In duction number." . Lions Club Votes To Give Up Charter Inroads due to war conditions which have cut down membership and attendance at weekly luncheon meetings' have resulted in a decis ion by the Heppner Lions den to surrender its charter. Decision was reached at a meeting in Mayor J. O. Turner's office Wednesday eve ning, when affairs of the local club were wound up by the board of directors. At Monday's meeting members of the Heppner chamber of com merce were present and proposals for consolidation of the two groups in some type of luncheon club were submitted and discussed. A cham ber of commerce proposal that the groups merge on a 90-day trial ba sis was accepted by the Lions and some sort of rules of conduct will be formulated and adopted if found acceptable to all concerned. COUNTY CO-ORDINATORS TO MEET IN SALEM County Co-Ordinator J. O. Tur ner has received a, call from Gov ernor Earl Snell to be in Salem at 9:30 a. m. Tuesday to attend a con ference of co-ordinators and direc tors. Accompanied by Mrs. Turner he expects to leave Monday. No information was given by the governor relative to the nature of the meeting. MATTIE NEALE STINGLE Mrs. E. V. Stingle, whose death was erroneously reported a few weeks ago, died Sunday March 21, in Portland after a lingering illness. Funeral services were held there today with interment in the Lone Fir cemetery. Mattie Neale was born in Port land, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Neale. She is survived by her widower, B. V. Stingle, two sons, Nealo H. t Welch of Portland and Carl R. Welch U. S. army, and two sisters, Mrs. W. H. Elliott and Mrs. Fred Bock, both of Portland. MOTHER DIES Mrs. Bonnie Smith, teacher in the Heppner school, was called to Hillsboro Tuesday by the death of her mother. Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, March Farmer Controlled Ownership Aim of Grain Products Inc. Grain Growers of Area Invited to Invest in Stock Farmers will be raising the grain to be used in alcohol manufacture and should be given every oppor tunity to realize additional profits through , ownership of stock in the concern, lhat was the sentiment of stockholders of Grain Products, Inc., as expressed by Clyde Denney, vice president of the organization, speaking to a group of some GO in terested persons gathered at the Oddfellows hall Sunday afternoon to learn more about industrial al cohol production. Denney presided at the meeting in the absence of C. H. Hanscom of Athena, presi dent, who was unable to be present. Denney stated the company had two methods of financing to choose from. Onewas to borrow from the government, the other to sell re maining stock. Stating , that .the pre ference of the directors was for in teresting more farmers in the pro ject, he pointed to the fact that most of the stock sold up to the present is held by farmers or people engaged! in agricultural pur suits. He also stated that the or-' ganization is cooperative in spirit alhough operated under corpora tion regulations. ; JphasH. Boden .engineer for the company, was plied with questions which he answered to the. satisfac tion of his listeners. He revealed facts concerning construction costs, output, profits, by-products and other items broupght to his atten tion by questioners. One item which seemed to have special appeal to farmers and stock men was the matter of mash for stock feed Boden explained that the protein content of the grain is left in the mash and this, mixed with other grains makes an excel lent stock food. He repeated figures to the effect that this refuse is suf ficient to feed 1,000 cattle 'or 5,000 hogs. To handle this mash success fully, he stated, it will be necessary to put in a dryer in connection with the distillery. Otherwise it would be practically impossible to dispose of the by-product. Leslie E. Crouch, Grain Products, Ins. attorney, was present and ans wered questions on legal phases of the project. Frank Waller, one of the original promoters of the grain alcohol movement, also was in at tendance. Numerous farmers present sub scribed for stock after the meeting and it is expected that as much of the remaining stock as will be need ed to complete financing construc tion of the plant and carrying over for a reasonable time after it goes into operation will be subscribed by grain growers of the district. VISIT NACIIES Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith re turned Tuesday from Naches, Wash., their former home, where they enjoyed a short visit with re latives. They were accompanied by Mr. Smith's brother, Ensign Har old Smith, who was on leave from the navy. Ensign Smith is a mem ber of the "CB's" and stated that this is one of the most efficient branches of the entire service. BUYS RESIDENCE PROPERTY Through the office of Frank W. Turner, a deal was completed this week transferring ownership of the Melissa Huston property to Terrill Benge. The property has been va cant for some time and is being put into shape for occupancy, VISIT PENDLETON Mr. and Mrs, William Bucknum, Helen Healy and Kingsley Chapin were Pendleton visitors Monday. 25, 1943 Potential Food Supply Distributed Here Monday P.A1. Morrow county's food supply was given a boost Monday whrn two trucks from the Oak Springs hatchery at Maupin planted car goes of rainbow trout in Willow and Rhea creeks. The trout were from six to eight inches in length and will be ready to fight it out with anglers in the forth-coming season. Since- the "state fish and game commission does the rationing on fkh it is likely that existing limits will be in vogue at least until fomeone becomes convinced that fishermen are living too much on the "fat of the land." Under the direction of J. Logie Richardson and J. O. Rasmus, the fish were taken to headquarters of the two streams and turned out on their own, 2730 in Willow creek and 2500 in Rhea creek. GARDEN CLUB MEETING DEFERRED TO MONDAY Tom Wilson, instructor of the garden class which has been meet ing in the domestic science room at the school for several weeks, wishes to inform members of the class that "another meeting which he is scheduled to attend will make it necessary to omit the Friday evening class this week. The class is nearing the comple tion of the course and it was de cided to again hold Friday sessions to end it sooner than originally planned. "Students" are eager to put into practice the knowledge they have gained from the classes. Attend Final Rites For Mrs. Scrivner A number of Heppner and Mor row county people drove to Condon Wednesday to attend funeral ser vices for Mrs. Olive Scrivner who passed away Sunday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank E. Bennett Services were held from the Con don Congregational church. Among those going from Hepp ner were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Drake, Mrs, E. R. Huston, Mrs. Alex Green, Mr. and Mrs. H D. McCur dy, Mr. and Mrs. Tress McClintock and Mrs. Bertha Johnson. Mrs. Scrivner lived many years on Eight Mile where her children were raised. She is survived by a son Lee Scrivner, Eight Mile, and a daughter, Mrs. Frank E. Bennett, Condon, and a stepdaughter whose home is in Pendleton. JOY AND SORROW VISIT M. D. CLARK HOME Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Clark were overjoyed Monday upon receiving word that a son had been born to Lt. and Mrs. Gordon Ridings at Georgetown hospital in Washing ton, D. C. The baby was born Sun day and was named Gordon Jr. The grandparents' joy was turned message was received that Gordon to sorrow this morning when a Jr. had passed away. Details were lacking before press time. The Gazette Times joins their many friends in extending sympa thy to the bereaved parents and to Mr. and Mrs. Clark. BUYS GENTRY PROPERTY Mrs. Mattie Gentry announces the sale this week of her residence property to Sheriff John Fuiten. Mrs. Gentry will move soon to an other property she owns and the Fuitens will take possession of their newly acquired home. They have been managing the Case ho etl for several months. SPENDING SOME TIME HERE Mrs. Oscar Borg is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McCarty, coming from her home in Portland to be with Mrs. McCarty during the absence of Mrs. Ray Rice who went to Canada last week to visit her husband. Volume 59, Number 52 Meats-Fats Order Goes in Effect Monday Morning Point System to Govern Purchases Under New Order Mr. and Mrs. America will have to prepare to take their belts up another notch or two next Monday, for that is the date when food items coming under meats-fats classifi cation will go on the point ration ing system. This classification in cludes meats, cheeses, fats and oils, end canned fish in the newest and largest wartime food rationing pro gram yet instituted. Examination of the "official table of consumer point values," released by the office of price administra tion, which every seller of the new ly rationed foods will be required to display in his store, discloses that meats-fats rations are relatively more liberal than the ration of pro-' oessed foods. The weekly allotment of 16 points per person, represent ed by red stamps in war ration book two, compares with an average weekly allotment of 12 points per person under, the canned goods pro gram. On a "per pound" basis, the point values of individual item under the meat-fats program are sharply lower. Almost all popular meat cuts' have point. values of eight points pound and less. Butter is 'assagWed a 1 value . of eight points a. pound and a similar point value is glroa to all of the rationed cheeses. All canned fish Is valued at semi points a pound OPA officials emphasized that while the- first point values under the new program have been set with the most careful regard to supply and consmer preferences, it is not possible to gauge these and other factors in advance with ab solute accuracy. Adjustments will be made whenever they are indi cated to be necessary by actual -operations under the program. A list of the principal items on the official consumer point table in terms of points per pound follows: EIGHT POINTS PER POUND Porterhouse (T-bone) steak, sir loin steak, round steak and flank Standing rib roast, (7 -in. cut.) Veal loin chops, cutlets and calf liver. Loin lamb chap, boneless lamb shoulder. Center cut pork chops and roast, fresh or cured sliced ham, boneless picnics, and boneless butts. Roady-to-eat tongue and bone less picnics. Bacon, rind off, by the piece of sliced. Semi-dry sausage (such as soft salami, thuringer and mortadella.) Butter Cheese cheddar (American,) ed am, limburger, swiss, brick, etc SEVEN POINTS PER POUND Standing rib roasts and steaks 10-in cut,) boneless chuck or shoulder. Veal rib chops and veal sirloin. Lamb rib, leg and shoulder chops. Pork loin end and shoulder chops and steak, whole or half pork loins, whole or half hams, (fresh or smoked,) and Boston butts (bone in.) Bullion cubes, beef extract and all other meat extracts and con centrates. Bacon, rind on, by slab or piece. Pork sausage, weiners, bologna, and liver sausage. All fish in hermetically sealed containers, including sardines, tuna fish, crab meat, fish roe, caviar, mackeral eta Tins or glass jars of beef, lamb or veal tongue, and Vienna sausage. SIX POINTS PER POUND Standing blade rib roast 10-in 1-8 cut;) chuck or shoulder roast: Continued on Paga Eight CO H O 73 O 'Ji o a n -)