Heppner Gazette Times, March 4, 1943 7 Classified : and Legal ?. Advertisin Want Ads TIKE RECAPPING WE ARE FIXED FOR RECAP ping and sectional work; all 7..... . . . rvr kinds ot tire repairing and use W firH- or-aA material- Prnmnt only nrst grade material. Prompt service. O. K. Fossil, Ore. T?hKHm- W1,Wc 48-Km DRY WOOD Blackburn Mill. See Dan Bishop. 42tfc FOR SALE 20 tons alfalfa hay; 30 tons 1941 crop corn. R. B. Rands, Board-man. 44c WANTED 6-ft or larger electric refrigerator. Inquire at Gazette Times office. 46tf I BUY, sell and repair all makes of telephones, new, or old. McCaleb. 46-50p f N:T710 a W COUNTY COURTJd Feb L. J. Burnside. Hardman. 48t2c 3 1943 ? authorized and WANTED Girl to assist with house work. Mrs. F. B. Nicker- son. 48t2c FOR SALE HEREFORD BULL 22 months old. Well bred, ex cellent condition. Alva W. Jones. 49-50p TO OUR PATRONS: On account of illness we are discontinuing hatching chicks for trade. Some incubators for sale cheap. Salter Hatchery, lone. 49-52p SPECIAL Listen to Gospel Light KWRC 10:15 a. m. every Sunday. FOR SALE 1930 Model A Ford coupe, V-8 wheels, 6-16 tires, 85 percent rubber. $100 cash or trade. A. Stefani, lone. Ph. 36F45. 4t2p Legal Notices NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN w nmdersiened. Robert Mc- 11U 1 w-u U I UUIiOUgn, aairuiiiticui tate of Wm. McCullough, deceased, pursuant to an order, of the Coun- tv Court of thj State of Oregon, ftvr fh( Countv of Morrow, for the sale of real property, authorizing and directing me to sell said real prop erty, will sell at private sale all of the estate's rights, titL-s and inter est in and to An undivided 1-lOth interest in and to the following described real property situated in Morrow Coun- ty, Orison, to-wit: The SWy4, W of SEy4 Sec 17; S, S of NV2 Sec. 18; of NWy4 Sec. 19; the SWy4, e, swy4, e of Nwy4, Nwy4 wyz of Nwy4, Nwy4 of NEy4 Sec. 20; Ny2, Nof S, S of SWy4 Sec. 29; E of Sec. 30; NEy4, NWy4 of SEy4 Sec 31; E of E, NV4 of NWy4 Sec. 32; SW of NWy4f.W of SWy4 Sec. 33; also com mencing at the Northwest corner of the NorthwL-st quar ter of the Northwest quartLr of said Sec. 33, running thence South 80 rods, thence East 80 rods, thence in a northwest erly direction to tk place of beginning, all in Township Three (3) South, Range Twenty-eight (28) East of Willam ette Meridiian; Also: W, Wy of SEy4 Sec. 4; also, commencing at the North west corner of thU Southwest quarter of the Northeast quar tr of said Sec. 4, running thence South 80 rods, thence East 80 rods, thence in a Northwesterly direction to the point of beginning; the N, NWy4 of SWy4 of Sec. 5; Eft of Sec. 8; W, WMs of E, sEy4 of NEy4, Ey2 of sEy4 of Sec. 9; NEy4, Ey2 of NWy4, NWy4 of NWy4 Sec. 17; all Sec. 16; in Township Four (4) South, Range Twenty-eight (28) East of Willamette Meridian. Said property will be sold at private salL- to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand. Said sale will be made subject to an order of confirmation of the County Cotxt of Morrow County, Oregon and up- on confirmation said property will transferred to the purchaser up- n rrrA oJ , " f a- trator s djtd. Notice is further triven that bids must be in wi-huns? and will be re- cUved by the administrator at Hep- pner, Oregon, or by his attorney, J. o. Turner. Heppner. OrLgon. up to the hour of 10:00 A. M. Saturday, the 6th day of March, 1943. Dated and first published this 4th day of February, 1943. , Robert McCullough, Administrator, J, O. Turner Attorney for Administrator NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VRTUE OF AN ORDER OF directed to advertise and sell at public auction the following de-: the minimum price herein set forth, scribed property at not less than All of Lots 2, 3, and 4 in Block 3 Ayers' 4th Addition to the City of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, lying South and West of Willow Creek for cash. the minimum price of $30.00 Lot 2 of Section 9, Township 4 North, Range 25 E. W. M. in Morrow County, Oregon for the minimum price of $25.00, cash. THEREFORE, I will, on the 6th day of March, 1943, at the hour of 10:00 A. M., at tho front door of the Court House, in rieppner, ure. gon, sell said property to the high est and best bidder. C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. W. A. McCLINTOCK, Plaintiff, va GILBERT D. BECKER, and JANE rOE BECKER, his wife, whose name ig unknown to plaintiff, if living or if deceas ed, their unknown heirs. All other persons or parties un known claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, Defendants, , T To Gilbert D. Becker and Jane Doe Becker, his wife, whose true name is unknown to plain tiff, if living or if deceased, their unknown heirs Also all other persons or parties un known claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, Defendants: KJI.EAjJVtt yvll oiiu awi vou are hereby required to appear and answer plaintiffs complaint filed against you in tne aoove en titled court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summons upon you, and if you fail toso appear or answer for want thereof, plain- tiff will apply to the above entitled Bl rr V - his complaint, to-wit: That you and each of you be re quired to assert and set forth the nature of the right, ' title, estate, Hen or interest in the following des cribed real property, situate in Morrow County,' Oregon, to-wit: The SEy4 of Section 28 in Township 3 South, Range 23, E. W. M., and that it be adjudged and de creed that the plaintiff is the own- Oregon for Morrow County, ad- the same to me at Umatilla, Ore er, in fee simply of the whole of ministratrix of. the estate of Louis gon, or at the office of W. J. War said real property and that you H. Frederickson, deceased, and all ner, my attorney, in Hermiston, and each of you and all persons or persons having claims against the Oregon, verified as the law directs, parties claiming by, through or estate of said deceased are hereby within six months from the date under any of you be forever barred required to present the same to the hereof. of and from all right, title, estate, lien undersigned administratrix with pro- Dated ths 4th day of March, 1943. or interest in or to said real pro- per vouchers as required by law at A. C. CALDWELL perty and every part thereof, and the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Administrator. for such other and further relief as the court may deem just and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for four successive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspa- per of general circulation, pursuant 1 f HT Rorf TnVincrvn Wu w - Judffe of the County Court of the b . , btate ot uregon, ior morrow uoun- state ot Uregor ty, which order is dated February tn, ana me QiMe U1 UKJ 1U3U publication of the summons is Feb- ruary 11th, 1943. juo. j. inio Attorney for Plaintiff Residence and Pbstoffice address,, Heppner, Oregon 46-50 . lUv N 051c JZSv , S5 STATE OF OREGON FOR THk COUNTY OF MORROW. W. A. McCLTNTOCK, Plaintiff vs FRANK FOX, and DORA FOX, his wife, if living, or if deceased, -their unknown heirs; also all this citation upon you to show in its suggestions to bank represen other persons or parties , un- cause, if any exists, why the prayer tatives. The following suggestions known daiming any right, title, of said petition should not be head the list and are indicative of estate, lien, or interest in the granted. the other suggestions "Continue real estate described in the com- WITNESS the Honorable Bert the all out policy of Oregon Bank plaint herein, . Johnson and the seal of the above ers to lend every assistance in fi Defendants entitled court affixed this 4th day nancing the war by continuing to To Frank Fox, and Dora Fox, his of February, 1943. make war bonds easily available to wife, if living, or if deceased, First published ' February, 11, the public, and by continued repre-. other persons or parties un- their unknown hsirs; also all known claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the com- plaint herein, Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE 0F OREGON, you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer piammis compiaim i eu against you in the above entitled court and cause within tour weeks trom tne date or tne nrst puonca- tion of this summons upon you and if you fail to so appear or ans- " aiy U1W HIJUve C"L1L1CV1 for the relief prayed for in his com- piar"' I"W11, , ' .'. , V" 01 .,u quired to assert and set forth the nature ntf th riffht tit! estate right tue estate . lien or interest in, the following des cribed real, property, situate in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit The SW4 of the SEft of Sec tion 17, the .W of the NEy4( the SEy4 of the NEV4 and the ,EMi of the SEV4 of Section 20, in Township 3 South, Range 23, E. W. M, and that it be adiudeed and decreed that the plaintiff is the owner in UJKtb UiX LHUlXiXLXXX 3 UK VW1KTI Alt f e Me rf d real propery and that you and each of you and all persons or partes claiming by, through or un- the 29th day of March, 1943 at der any of you be forever barred the hur of ten o'clock, A. M., as of and from all right, title, estate, time and the County Court lien or interest in or to said real Rooin in Courthouse at Hepp property and every part thereof, ner Morrow County, Oregon, as and for such other and further tne P1 for the hearing of objec- relief as the court may deem just This summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a '(jr w weeks npc fl newspaper of general circulation, rsuant to m order rf Hon John Jud Ae Count of ... . , .t, .' Feb' 1943) and the date of first publication of the summons is February 11th, 1943. JOS. J. NYS, tZZSJZ P Residence and Postoffice address, Heppner, Oregon i 46-50 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof, Dated and first published this 11th day of February. 1943. VERL E. FREDERICKSON, Administratrix 46-50 rT.TTmj V kJ.V jjj THE COUNTY COURT OF THE il,Li tulJI11 r statu nv nv ftnvr.nw for THE COUNTY FO MORROW m inc maucr m me uupuun and change of name of jacK snanKs iaiso Known as jacit Merrill) To Richard Dixon Shanks IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby no- tified that a petition has been filed. m me aDOVe enuueo court pray- ing for . the adoption of Jack Shanks' above named minor' by Mark MerTm and the change: 0f name of said minor to Jack Merrill. You are, therefore, required to appear before the above entitled court within four weeks from the date of the first publication of 1943. (SEAL) C. W. BARLOW County Clerk Ex-Officio clerk of the above en titled court. 46-50 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is herebv eiven that the undersigned was duly appointed by tJie County Court ot the State of Oregon for Morrow County the ex- ecutrix of the estate of William Wilson, deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby re- racin-uie wme w uik unaersignea executrix at tne law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, uregon, with proper vouchers n six. montns trom tiicdate hereof, Dated and first published this 28th day of January, 1943. ANNA WILSON, Executrix 46-50 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, as executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Justus A. Miller, deceased, has filed her final account and report in estate with the Clerk of the County Court of the State of Ore 8" for Morrow County; and that e Judge thereof has fixed Moh- tion3 to final account and the settlement hereof. JKJVLMA M. C. BRESHEARS, Executrix of the Last Will and lestament of Justus A. Miller, deceased. RALEY, KILKENNY & RALEY, Attorneys for Executrix, Pendleton. Oregon. 48-52 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1N J SSS13 F THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate Marion F. Caldwell Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been ap pointed administrator of the estate of Marion F. Caldwell, deceased, and has qualified as the law directs. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present Public Relations Officer Appointed Appointment of B. C. Pinckney, manager of the Heppner Branch First National Bank of Portland, as public relations representative of Oregrm Bankers association in . , this section of the state, has mst been announced. Mr. Pinckney u j tvt- t;i serve's with a similar representa- state - wide group of bankers who an especially selected committee. . ,, , , , .... In normal times, the committee centers much of its attention on m . . ' , mva md mealls broadening all lines g of the public and oaring out special programs out- Uned by the association to assist and cooperate in community bet- terment Much is done in coopera- h.k 4.TT inKc lTSitiiT Far- mera schfyoJa eranees.' chambers of commerce, and other civic orcani- This year ther central committee places all emphasis on war work sentation on the Victory fund com mittee. Discuss community or other war activities in staff meetings from the standpoint of adding and strengthening support to all war ef- forts. Allot time at each staff meet- ing for a review of your bank's war pfl'nrt. anrl nnnsidpratirm nf anv new1 e i ..n i of any suggestions adopted to the office of the 0regWl iatkm. for distribution to all banks m tlie state." The committee referred to the high praise of Oregon bankers by JWretarv Morcienthau. the Oreuon war uond stair ana tne victory Fund offices for the outstanding part Oregon bankers are taking in war financing and added its praise for the all out cooperation. Not everybody with a doh to spare can shoot a gun straight but everybody can shoot straight to the bank and buy War Bonds. Bay your 10 every pay day. REMEMBER" These Two Things This is OysterSeason and The Elkorn Restaurant Is the Place to get Oysters Served to your taste Other Sea Foods In Season Follow the Crowd ELKHORN RESTAURANT Ed Chinn, Prop. 4