Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 18, 1943, Image 1

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Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, February 18, 1943
Volume 59, Number 47 n -
New Set-Up in Fy Cooperation of
Bond Program rVowc UraoAirs Fill
Out Declaration Data
Food Program
To Be Carried
To the People
One Group to Serve
2 Committee Jobs
Under New Plan
District Leader
System Invoked to
Deliver Message
Behind the
Scene at ,
Machinery for operating the forth
coming United States Treasury Vic
tory Fund campaign in Morrow
county was set in motion Wednes
day evening when members of the chairman
War bonds sales committee met .
By Rep. Giles French
The big bills are going to come
out of the committees before long.
The facts behind the current na- probably this week. The reason
Pounds of coffee on hand Nov. tion wide campm & ft do not out more quiciuy
t ! F-.vH ci irv . ... .11 i
28 1942, minus one pound for each tcry gardens, piau u., k- ig they are blg DlUs Because
family member over 14 years old. PJV, ana proauce auu vC have interest many 01
Full cooperation in filling out the family on one form,
consumer's declaration forms re- 2. Serial numbers of War Books
quired to obtain war ration book N 1 b members of the
t 1 1 - t t 1 ti on I
INO. ., starting monaay, reo. is. fgy
urgea upon citizens 01 uie txjm
munity by members of the local
war price and rationing board.
According to P. A. Mollahan, wil be carried to every family in members and each one insists
of the local board, the umuer j v- Marn)W oounty ag job No. 3 for the , t amendment be made to
, u v7 " inconvenience of waiting in line s " w"u", neighborhood leader system, says th m The commit-
the First National bank to outline Clally packed fruits, vegetables, M1Tltv r -SV j - i .
a program.
Recently B. C. Pmckney was
asked to act as county chairman
for the Victory fund campaign and A fe fonn found in declaration.
aitci a xu)ui5oxv,iii . ... f, :,. -jf f3, 'nmac me touowinff rooas will not nave f mm.intu poHot he ci in 1 ... .11 x e
, j 1 !,;,.- " '-" iunv-c, o 111 ,viimiiu,.uvl7 now 11 Will lurn oui. ouiutrtiiiica
honey, war bonds sales airman- and those who fail to get a news- to be declared: any home-canned Ione Feb. 15. Assisting the county they fail usually not
it was decided to place both cam reproduction may obtain one commodities, olives, canned meat atJent in this meeting was J. R. Rif, hiu mrnirir m between now
at the registration site. The filled and fish, pickles, relish, jellies, jams fen the central extension and end o geion are the
out local declaration form must be preserves spaghetti and macaroni. staff jn Corvallis. truck bill which is due for its ad
presented at tthe time of registra- Housewives will not be need to Rural familieis are in much bet- vent mto e legislative limelight
tion on or before Feb. 27, along turn back excess supplies it is ter position than others both to p..iv tbis Wpek. It will be settled
o o- 1 . . j i.i. 1 wv., ieeii t i Ll uu UI uvr nut jiimxivc
if housewives will make ' certain 3ultes dxlu h"s' lm. Details of the present situation ampnHmPnt. thus makinff an enemy
senting them to the registration catsuP on et- !A A; Z in these three phases of the na- or ' friend for bill ggf they
the forms are filled out before pre- nus nye w uui pexun uiuiuueu . j food were broUght ,m(1 f. t, .floo the adherents of
out at the first training meeting the biU usuaUy knoW just about
with the war ration book No. 1 held ctatpd Tnst.pat. eonnons will be re- sironlv their own rooa neeas ana if... Viio 5 m-intoH Th mil
pted, although they , , , , f , , . , , ffrvt w rwiWlnr- , . , .. , , r.xj
the Size OI Uie , Hpolaratirm fern whifVi io ,Vaw a. iW'a eiiTMnlv fin nnnfi incf na miifh extra 03 possible, de- 1 1.. tU, Ann'
" - 1 . . tiJ'i v ia ittiiu-xj t i r -' 'iu . , LllCV IVIiVW , 11K1 Y kn; wxtv vxvvi i v.
paigns in the hands of the commit
tee already functioning and to re
tain the chairmen of each to
direct the separate drives. This was
presented to the committee mem
bers and acce
bore in mind
C il
oonironxing uie n, - mostl 1 requires:
To accomplish the contacting of names rf members
citizens in all parts of the county
with the minimum of driving, as
signments were made by district.
Judge Bert Johnson has a sizeable
job in contacting prospective buy
ers in the lone section; George
Peck and Ralph Jackson have a si
milar task in covering the, Lexing
ton district. At Cecil, John Krebs
is confronted with quite a bit of
territory but not so many people.
Heppner members of the commit
tee have been allotted the south
ern half of the county, or that part about actMties of Grain pro.
not oinerwise uoveieu. wuuinwji
Construction cf
nt Seen Near
Company Will Hold Meeting
Feb. 22 to Hear Plans, Select
Site for New Enterprise
is greater than the allowed five- dared Conrad. BecJc added, that en eve the yji service
can-per-person. unless rural people produce, con- now merit rating, so
serve, and preserve many of the to give it a name different ,
A KNIFE WITH A HISTORY food items essential to good fam- from dvil service which is in bad
More trouble for the Japs came nutrition this year, the family an over the Unted States
in this week in the form of hunt- is very apt to go without such because the national law. The
ing knives, a motley collection of foods. merit rating law is due to come be-
which adorns the cabinet top in In addtion to assuring adequate fire the house sometime this week,
the Gazette Times window. Per- nutrition for their own families It may make g,. for it has
haps several of these knives could those who produce their own food been wdl represented before the
unravel an interesting story if they will release labor and transporta- committee. However, the prejudice
could sperk and since they cannot tion needed for supplying food and against dvil sel-vice and the ex-
and their history was not revealed materials .to our armies and allies. entailed m its operation may
well planned victory garaens mitigate against it and defeat it. It
donor told about. larBe enougn to give an extra bui- seldom that radical departure
In 1884 the late B. F. Swaggart PV vegetables beyond tresn use fTOm immsl proCedure about
Aiii. i. vur u t. i j we can give the story of one whose
Although little has been heard , ,
employees can be carried in one
' - , f . . . . , r. i- .i . f rr tor oannint? ana arvine rfurooEes is
. . ff . .it i ftnro irtr in pononr Tni-irnc naurc mmt a i :j r rii 1 1 . r i r i.. iimn fvi i . r " ' ' '
Pinckney stated an ettort win De - ' - , - " , pnhai7JpA thii vear and each ru- ' , i
made to nlace someone at Board- coming from reUable sources indi- well m Lane county to trail a band emphasized una year and . eaca ru g;ssion Thfire kve b,, no ex.
man or Irrigon on the committee cates that directors and other offi- T!f,?p m r.1 t,.rn ,rd bv their neighborhood
rnT. " VI 1 Tl IV I I If HIlWiII l J-T - -r
aTSJS ? at TSrLetiat Wed- Cials rf ""P" have toged to Bill Matlock and were feter. r"" f hllpf? some
amiples of gross favoritism in Ore-
gon state employment aitnougn
have been hinted about.
Then there are the tax bills.
Farmers generally do not want any
t.illa fnnntv from which
Victory runu committee win oe to 0..- t j checkine and returning the card to " " ,b L 11 V " 1
look up idle money and put it to has been made in the establishment UI"y 7""" rvi t "tv agent gre3t reuuction in w u.
work for the government through j i i v. i i 1, Swaggart's protection, Matlock gave me county agent. ft against higher
niSa?iSST. J fn alCh01 m a hunt one . . HT I: P-Perty taxes after the boom days
I 'n iirviKm -v- r-1 -l o WIAAT1 l -f hlf tQAn 1 . 1 1 1 1 fC ! I NT IIM ini I 1 I.I 1 CTI1I.IITT VtML OH I
n Konlc Tav Snvino Nnte! w" ""6 iong-oiaaea aiiairs commomy as- - - - , 7 - - -
are over. If the income tax is cut
Certificates of Indebtedness and scheduled for 10 a. m. Monday, Feb. sociated with bear' hunting. Tues- e ast amount possioie wu nQW thfiy win have to
other issues attractive to the heavy 22 at the city hall in Arlington. day of this week the knife was - - X aim of 3 property taxes at some
investor. The War Bond.sales com- John Boden, chemical engineer turned m for use of our armed later time. Those of them who tinnk
mittee's task is to keep the sale of for the corporation, is surveying forces. The blade was broken once X tHervI the matter to not favor
V bond nomine aW stead- the Columbia basin this week and but a good welding job has made distributed to each tamily to serve an AmfMe tax reduction in the
Uy.-This means contacting wage will make a report on locaton and it as good as new-good enough ZnTSbdttooZ
J ., i WPR roniiirmfnf0 rhar, n h for one Jan. at least and Mrs. . canning, drying ana rreezmg or looas
mrnprs. tne reeuiar ourcnases dy - - -
Tvpvroll crmuns. and the small in- by-laws of the organization,
j: j J - '
anA SwaffPart savs it would not have'lhis summer.
her possession for warmers na.ve no restrictions on
uominuea on iage f our
.. . .. .1 1 .. A 1
ntv,. -url finI that r. delimte decision on the location or passea out or
ies more suitable for their finances. th plant wll be discussed and ev- any other purpose.
It is estimated that during the ry stockholder is being urged to Among other contributors to G
fisoal year ending June 30 1943. participate. Any farmers interested T collection boxes this week were
the government will need some 85 in the progress of the project Miss Dona Bamett and Mrs Trina
billion dollars to finance the war which has as its objective a new Parker of Lexington who brought
and to carry on the normal govern- market outlet for wheat grown in in four dozen wire coat hangers.
mental operations. Most of this lnls Parc e s ar mvitea to
. . . jtJ c VATTOTMAI. r.RAlMr.F! RAmn
sum represents war costs, which F'HdUvo m uicn.
v.iiricK.W at amim,! 7R hillinn Products, Inc. announced Wednes- PROGRAM ON SATURDAY
jnliar day. Radio listeners, both rural and Familiar songs were sung with fer
income and excise taxes.
What reduction is made will go
to the federal government in the
case of those in the higher brack
ets anyway. As a matter of fact it
is impossible for the state to give
much aid to income tax payers.
The federal government takes so
Members of the Heppner Music much from income taxpayers that
Study club and a goodly number the little dab left for the state is
of townspeople gathered at the of little consequence to the bigger
parish house Monday evening and taxpayers. The state is in the po
enjoyed an hous or so of singing, sition of being teamed .with the fed
eral government and put in the
Community Sing
Well Attended
All material for the plant has urban, are asked to tune in on a vor under the efficient direction of same class as a demander of taxes,
been located and construction is Blue Network Saturday and listen Mrs. L. E. Dick, with accompani- when it really is not.
expected to start soon, it is stated, to the National Grange radio pro- Plans of the club include more The unemployment and work-
Numerous Morrow couny farmers gram. The hour is 12:30 p. m. E. W. ment by Mrs. J. O. Turner. men's compensation questions are
Snow Depth Above
Normal This Season
Snow depth in areas adjacent to business men have subscribed T., which would make it 9:30 a. m. of these get-together events which of minor importance as neither
Pendleton is somewhat above nor- stock: and the county is represented Faciiic war time. ongmatea as a vesper service and employer or employees are anxious
mal this season, the January fed- on the board of directors. C. D. Albert S. Goss, master of the later were scheduled as community to make a major effort for them,
eral and state ' cooperative snow Conrad, . Morrow county agricul- National Grange, will speak on the sings. The Music Study club has Labor would like to have occupa-
o,, for th. ditrir. lwentlv tural agent, is secretary. subject. "Essential Requisites of extended an invitiation to every tional diseases included in the
rood Production. A small adver- wim usea to sing to attend things that compensation snouia De
tisement sponsored by the Rhea these gatherings and participate. Continued on Page Eight
Creek grange giving time and net- TOWN TODAY
completed by the Umatilla county
watermaster and a representative THERE IS SUNSHINE
of the U. S. Forest service reveal. pw t,ia Min
rvf A . 7.. . . - - t-. r i t ri A XT-TAT" A CITT "fim
Tho survevs were made between TV J T, r T . . work will be found in another col- resxon jtx. maoaocK ot rortianxi
"SfwT. anlTe 7. of this issue of the Gazette nt a few hour, in Heppner to-
following results:
In the Tollgate snow course. av
erage snow depth 85 inches, aver
think "Old Sol" has taken a nose
dive into oblivion. It has reached
... . " . .1 . . 1 . it-- ..!-
Times. day looking after insurance matters 19 me cantata cnosen Dy tne iviuc
"Cres" is alwavs oA for a visit Study club for the Easter presenta-
a point where one is inclined to UNDJERGOES AMPUTATION to the old home town and says the tion the club and the combined
. , oa t-.-i . a v jr-f - -v ksw-vv-., vaatu viEuts are less rreotierit than ha vuivna w- "iw-ivi"'
age water "uul ain-t rain no mo', no mo'" to to The Dalles early last week for would like ed in singing is urged to be at the
Strike, at thehead of the Yellow It goima ine n0 co,) no mo observation and treatment at The first rehearsal next Sunday night at
I , f a u Now comes Lee Howell with evi- Dalles hospital, underwent an oper ATTEND PENDLETON MEET the parish house immediately fol-
buckle Mountain, near the head ot dence to prove we're all wet. Lee ation Friday for the removal of his County Supt. Lucy Rodgers and low the close of the various church
Willow creek, 38 ana 10; Mea- to pnneviUe Wednesday, left leg. The amputation was made City Supt George Corwin attended services. Miss Rose Hoosier will di-
cham, 37 and 10, and -migrant making the trip via Mitchell and below the hip. Mr. Schwarz, past a physical fitness conference in rect the production and Mrs. J. O.
Springs, 30 and 10. over the Ochoco pass. He said he 73, withstood the operation re- Pendleon Monday. Tehy were ac- Turner will be accompanist
ON BUSINESS TRIP struck sunshine just beyond Hard- markably well and hopes are held companied by Rev. Bennie Howe,
Mr and Mrs. W. C. Cox are in aver arid back until corning into for his recovery. His sons, Leonard Morrow county Red Cross chair- Methodist Ladies Aid will hold
Portland on business for a few days. enjoyel it all the way of Heppner and Billy of The Dalles, man who had some business in con- the Case Furniture store Saturday
They left for the city Wednesday Hardrnan, then blooey! It was dim- and Mrs. Schwarz were with him. nection with that organization to their regular cooked food' sale at
afternoon. out once more. Leonard returned home Tuesday. lok after. morning